How To Use Doctrinaire In A Sentence

  • He had been a Marxist since his early 20s, but his was by no means a rigid, doctrinaire approach.
  • They are not concerned with complicated doctrinaire considerations, but with a sure instinct are demanding fundamental solutions.
  • But while the critics and doctrinaires were contending thus variously about the merits of Schiller, his name endeared itself more and more to the many who were chafing under the régime of princely absolutism and were longing for a freer Germany. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • It proves exactly what every non-doctrinaire informed commentator has told politicians: throwing money at unreformed public services solves little.
  • There are times when such enclaves are small-minded, doctrinaire, judgmental, and prejudiced to the extreme.
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  • It seems when push comes to shove, the doctrinaire retreat.
  • But I think it saddened him to see people obdurate, unwilling to let go of doctrinaire positions instead of facing issues on their merits.
  • Hers was a brave demonstration against those whose doctrinaire divisions have caused so much confrontation, pain and death through the ages.
  • I think it saddened him to see people obdurate, unwilling to let go of doctrinaire positions instead of facing issues on their merits.
  • The party followed an increasingly doctrinaire course.
  • He didn't get on at graduate school at Harvard, finding it pretentious and doctrinaire.
  • The English norm was to simplify to a single consonant, which is what we find with commissionaire and concessionaire, presumably following the pattern of the much earlier borrowing debonair, and also doctrinaire, which are recorded for the most part with a single n. On one n or two
  • Behind the facade of ‘society,’ there is always a group of power-hungry doctrinaires and exploiters, ready to take your money and to order your actions and your life.
  • The remedies suggested by the unorthodox doctrinaires are futile.
  • Skepticism, rather than doctrinaire conviction, provides the only appropriate safeguard against human frailty and desire.
  • Not apparent in the film is how Jane develops her own nondoctrinaire version of faith, largely in reaction to the false or misguided piety of Mr. Brocklehurst, the head of her severe school; St. John Rivers, the rural clergyman who takes a curdled fancy to her; and Rochester himself, whose previous relationships with women leave a great deal to be desired from a moral standpoint. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It may be that it represents the colonisation of Washington power by a group of quasi-revolutionary doctrinaires.
  • There were few doctrinaires in Parliament, and the reforming zeal of the Whigs rapidly waned.
  • Hers was a brave demonstration against those whose doctrinaire divisions have caused so much confrontation, pain and death through the ages.
  • But while the critics and doctrinaires were contending thus variously about the merits of Schiller, his name endeared itself more and more to the many who were chafing under the regime of princely absolutism and were longing for a freer Germany. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • Mr. Bruni is right that secular modes of thought and life, not just religious ones, are often characterized by simplistic, doctrinaire and magical thinking. NYT > Home Page
  • Their decision to marry in a low-key civil ceremony means that they will offend no one save the doctrinaires.
  • ‘I was a social reformer and doctrinaire first, last, and all the time,’ he wrote.
  • Such laws are scarcely ever opposed on grounds of principle, even by the most doctrinaire individualists.
  • If it is true that the Jew just because of his intellectuality is a natural-born idealist, internationalist, doctrinaire, and revolutionist, while the Negro, because of his natural attachment to known familiar objects, places, and persons, is pre-adapted to conservatism and to local and personal loyalties -- if these things are true, we shall eventually have to take account of them practically. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • I know there are pockets of resistance out there where we're still typecast as ideologically doctrinaire, but it isn't supported by the evidence.
  • It might sound drily 'doctrinaire', but a core set of principles exist to help you to make sense of turmoil. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • There are times when such enclaves are small-minded, doctrinaire, judgmental, and prejudiced to the extreme.
  • The admission that past Americans harbored ambivalent and confusing attitudes about nature seems too untidy for the doctrinaire.
  • Yet these are the choices offered by our influential doctrinaires.
  • This was a monumental mistake, the kind only a doctrinaire can make.
  • It is only a literary fop or doctrinaire who will attempt to remint all the small defaced coinage that passes through his hands, only a lisping young fantastico who will refuse all conventional garments and all conventional speech. Style
  • The "reputedly pleasure-loving" French president, as a Foreign Office profile explained, was "not a doctrinaire socialist" but "has few personal friends and is not much inclined to share confidences". Gems from National Archives unearthed after the 30-year rule
  • Any nondoctrinaire Indian can see that a serious schism between its 900 million Hindus and about 150 million Muslims would tear the country apart. Partying While Gujarat Burned
  • Rather than lay out some sweeping vision, he studies specific issues - like tomatoes - and can come up with surprisingly nondoctrinaire positions. Top Stories
  • They are also two of the body's most doctrinaire conservatives.
  • Perception requires only that one exercise the will to perceive, and it's a tool as available to the doctrinaire, the ignorant, and the gullible as it is to the skeptical and concerned.
  • First I stopped believing my teachers, then - all manner of ideologists and doctrinaires.
  • The schedule seemed doctrinaire on paper, as Communist theories do, but its key in practice was flexibility.
  • However, he is neither doctrinaire nor derisive toward his opponents.
  • It's the opponents of Emmanuel College and other faith schools who are the real doctrinaires.
  • Some commentaries are doctrinaire; others are struggling to make sense of what happened and how the case informs theorizing about family therapy.
  • His biographer has rightly called him a ‘southern nationalist’ and the ‘last of the doctrinaires of the Old South.’
  • It may have been written by a wildly doctrinaire author, whose ideas would be revealed as utterly left-field if placed in a context.
  • None of them can fairly be described as doctrinaire: by that time an artist with a pronounced taste for abstractions betook himself to Cubism almost as a matter of course. Since Cézanne
  • Ms. Dehnert's nondoctrinaire approach to high-concept theater is exemplified by the way in which she uses Ms. Silva. The Glorious Tragedy of Julia Caesar
  • I would agree that pretty much the only places you can find doctrinaire believers in Marxism these days in the First World are on campuses. MRV update, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • What impressed me most was his refusal to be doctrinaire, his openness to sharp ideas no matter where on the political spectrum they came from.
  • He was very much a free thinker, who railed against any sort of doctrinaire approach to politics and problem solving.
  • The word doctrinaire -- word full of terror to the British mind -- reappeared from time to time between his explosions. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • It is a bitter opposition to that class of doctrinaires who are inimical to the welfare of the commonwealth; who sneer at it holiest memories, defy its laws, and assault its courts; who wave the red flag of destruction at the whole social, industrial and political organism; and who see naught that is good, save in such policies and measures as may be of disintegrative and revolutionary aspect . The Principles of the Republican Party: A Rare Unpublished Jack London Essay
  • Prophets is a book-length poem with an ambitiously epic scope, a sensibility and language that is rooted in Jamaica and a work with a markedly religious overtone — not doctrinaire or even ideological, but openly exploring the day-to-day implications of Pentecostalism in Jamaica through a language that is sensual, that invokes myth and reggae and that is best described as risky and experimental. Poetry Terrors : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
  • He lamented that since the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, "Pacifica has also become more partisan and far more doctrinaire, which is a real shame, as the original mission of the network was firmly in line with the intent of the Fairness Doctrine, in that, Pacifica wanted to present all viewpoints on the network. American Thinker
  • Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.
  • In any case they did not inherit the doctrinaire restrictions of their elders.
  • We routinely portray them as grim, doctrinaire, religious killjoys who lived in a didactic world of the Saved and the Unregenerate.
  • I use it here to mean a doctrinaire Marxist whose main motive is hostility to the Stalin regime. Notes on Nationalism
  • The report is practical, subdued, nondoctrinaire and full of science, as well as lots of Foster's photos. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • In those days of doctrinaire communism, vanity was regarded as a form of capitalist decadence.
  • He complains that the phrase is ‘too doctrinaire.’
  • He was attending the annual summer school of the party, a force compounded of anti-Stalinist Marxists and small, sandalled groups of alternative doctrinaires.
  • One new tendency -- that which insists more passionately than ever on order and organization -- merely continues the impetus given by Cézanne and received by all his followers; but another, more vague, towards something which I had rather call humanism than humanity, does imply, I think, a definite breach with Cubism and the tenets of the austerer doctrinaires. Since Cézanne
  • In the 1950's and 1960's, Lincoln became increasingly rigid and doctrinaire, hostile to innovation and change, though no less influential.
  • I don't think he is doctrinaire or ideological in any sense.
  • Next time you hear a Monroe doctrinaire utter that the brand belongs to the consumer, just take the aphorism for what it is - just another delusion of branders.
  • He is articulate, economically literate and quick-minded; and he would consider himself a free-thinker: in no way doctrinaire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jones was often mistaken for a socialist, although the doctrinaire socialists derided him for his belief in Christian brotherhood and opposition to class warfare.
  • Yet doctrinaire democrats don't seem to give a tinker's toss about placing limits on what a legislature (local or global) can divvy or decide.
  • What I believe Clinton meant by the "conventional wisdom" is the kind of doctrinaire "purist liberalism" that allows for no pragmatic compromise or recognition that liberal reform must come incrementally. Lanny Davis: Liberals At War Again ... With Each Other
  • Doctrinaire denial of a generational injustice does no justice either to the truth or to the victims.
  • Jung chose harsh words to describe people caught in this negative process: hypochondriacs, niggards, doctrinaires, applauders of the past, and eternal adolescents, to name a few.
  • The markets don't believe it is credible for countries to immolate their economies simply to meet the pact's doctrinaire terms.
  • Doctrinaire revisionism whereby artists review the human rights record of the colonial and pre-colonial period, has become so routine in South Africa, that it is almost our official agenda.
  • At this point we must consider a doctrinaire objection.
  • It is time for a diet of sanity in New Zealand politics, and we will force-feed it to the doctrinaire weirdos over there on the Government benches as soon as they fly the white flag.
  • Yet, the argument does not come across as ideologically motivated or doctrinaire.

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