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How To Use Doctorate In A Sentence

  • The other honour that gave him particular pleasure was his honorary doctorate from Melbourne University.
  • A number of U.S. colleges and universities now provide courses in futurism, several of them award degrees and one Australian university even plans to offer a doctorate. What do Futurists Really Know? | Impact Lab
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
  • He has a doctorate in veterinary medicine and used to have his own practice in Sacramento, California, but has now sold it to focus solely on writing. James Rollins biography
  • After a PhD from the University of Michigan, and a post doctorate from MIT, he decided to train in mass spectrometry, which uses sophisticated instrumentation for proteomics.
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  • Even though my Reading Comprehension Level has been clocked at the post-doctorate level, my Reading Retention Level is somewhere in the pre-natal region.
  • He received a doctorate in aerospace and mechanical sciences from Princeton University in 1967.
  • Others concur that a doctorate is a prerequisite to advancement to many of the positions with the most power in academe.
  • Morgan, who is pursing a doctorate degree in botany at City University of New York, has long been fascinated by Jergon Sacha. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Kitted out in a gown and mortar board in University College Cork in May 2002, Keane said he felt ‘slightly embarrassed in front of the other people getting doctorates‘.
  • She retired from politics in 1989 with 28 honorary doctorates and two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • My department offers bachelor's and master's degrees but not a doctorate.
  • Graz was the first ever university to give a doctorate in technical sciences.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • Our first trip to Paris was because a former roommate got a post-doctorate in Paris.
  • After returning to the U.S., she received the first doctorates in neurobiology from Harvard. Carla Schatz to Head the Stanford Bio-X Program
  • Aucker, who had obtained his job with a doctorate from a nonaccredited California company, packed up and left town in the middle of the night in Post Gazette - Fake SEALs are barking up the wrong tree
  • Under the headship of the neo-behaviorist Kenneth W. Spence, it led America in the production of psychology doctorates for many years.
  • He has a post-doctorate degree from Harvard.
  • He gained a doctorate in Chemical Engineering.
  • In 1914 Krylov was awarded a doctorate in applied mathematics from Moscow University.
  • She had a doctorate in medicine from the University of London and was a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. CONFESSIONAL
  • Professor Mans, who holds a doctorate in ethnomusicology and music education, has for many years focused her research on the music and dance of all Namibian people.
  • He received a master's degree in agricultural economics and a doctorate in economics and marketing from Cornell University.
  • In 1959 she formally retired from Wheaton College and the following year the College honoured her with the award of an honorary Doctorate of Science.
  • There are plans to increase the number of its full-time scientific staff from six to fifteen, including four senior post-doctorate scientists and eight graduate scientists.
  • in what discipline is his doctorate?
  • Sellers, 55, who has a doctorate in biometeorology, became an astronaut in 1996. Newton's apple tree bound for gravity-free space
  • Chu received his doctorate in physics in 1976 from UC-Berkeley.
  • His aim was to finish his doctorate and obtain a university chair.
  • Full-time post-doctorate research overseas funded by the council fell from 12 in 2001 to 10 last year, according to the council's most recent figures.
  • Council president Maluleke Mooketsi says Zuma does not deserve the doctorate because of what he calls her undemocratic policy decision on vocational training for doctors. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For his doctorate he was using contour integration to study different problems concerning functions which are univalent in a domain of finite connectivity.
  • That picture almost makes me want to turn in or burn my own earned doctorate sash, unless there is a dishonorary Doctorate of Inhumanities that I was not aware of. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 17, 2007
  • He was awarded doctorates from universities all around the world and received honoraria for numerous public speeches.
  • He obtained a law doctorate with distinction.
  • He completed a post-doctorate at Dallas and then joined Kellogg in 1985, switching to business and marketing.
  • Enroute, he quenched his thirst for academics by acquiring a doctorate degree in Industrial Management from IIT-M.
  • She had a postdoctorate in anthropology.
  • Captain Virgil Aspaugh has a doctorate in radiobiology from MIT and is in charge of our nuclear-weapons safety program. Pressure Point
  • Opponents counter that studying law in colleges is not necessary because interdisciplinary approaches to law have already found a home in law schools, which are increasingly hiring scholars who hold doctorates in other fields. Law Majors for Undergraduates?
  • She completed her doctorate on the reintegration of demobilized soldiers in Mozambique.
  • After the war, he earned a doctorate in jurisprudence from the Brooklyn Law School.
  • Some principals and central office administrators have a doctorate or specialized degree in education administration.
  • To this he added a clinical medical degree and a doctorate in neuroscience.
  • Both hold doctorates from English universities.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • I did my doctorate in zoology, in very basic science - development and evolution.
  • His Oxford doctorate in Classics, earned studying Latin ghost stories and adultery tales, is of little relevance to this.
  • Toledo was the country's first president of self-identified indigenous descent, a one-time shoeshine boy who had gone on to earn a doctorate in education at Stanford.
  • Most of them possessed master's degrees, and a few had earned their doctorates.
  • Officially, this means a doctorate in philosophy, specifically in aesthetics.
  • In 1918 Piaget also completed his doctorate in biology, and he turned to psychology.
  • The difference is between having your Juris Doctorate, which makes you an attorney, and being admitted to practice before a particular bar, which is why you see many lawyers use "attorney-at-law. More on Chapman
  • We in the communities, in the labour movement, in the schools, are saying it is not enough to write highfaluting theories about us, get doctorates in the process, and become so-called experts on this or that organisation or field, to develop your scathing critiques from the safe walls and desks of your professions, and thereby hope to gain acceptance or recognition in our daily struggles. Children of Resistence
  • He later received a doctorate for his philosophical publications.
  • Nelson Mandela must occasionally wonder if his real birthplace is not actually somewhere in west central Scotland as the postman brings the puzzled old freedom fighter yet another sackful of certificates, baubles and doctorates from right honourable and worshipful baillies, provosts and presiding officers. All hail the Robert Burns of our day | Kevin McKenna
  • In 1993, the University of Natal conferred an honorary doctorate on him for his services to environmental conservation.
  • Additional work as a postdoctorate teaching fellow acted as a booster shot. The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • He was awarded five honorary doctorates by universities, two in the US and three in Britain.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record,(Sentencedict) that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • This week he collected his Doctorate of Philosophy from Salford University, where he is a lecturer in prosthetics and orthotics.
  • An alumna and former employee of the university, she earned her doctorate at Nova Southeastern University.
  • He was a giant among his peers in the world of science, obtaining three earned doctorates.
  • a residential requirement for the doctorate
  • Mysore University had conferred an honorary doctorate on him.
  • He is now a post-doctorate research fellow at Edinburgh University but his potential for this subsequent academic achievement was not apparent at primary school.
  • While he was undertaking research for his doctorate political events intervened to interrupt his studies.
  • As a student reading for a doctorate at the celebrated University of Paris-Sorbonne, he is well versed in the academic language that pertains in France and on the European Continent.
  • Kagin, the first to receive both a Bachelor of Arts and Doctorate degree in numismatics has managed the company since 1988. Kagin’s Marks Platinum Year with Free Platinum Coin : Coin Collecting News
  • The French-born Ms. Paravel has a doctorate and connected with her filmmaking partne r through Harvard's Sensory Ethnography Lab, which fosters the use of film in rendering the experience of others. Mashup of the American Dream
  • He received a master's degree in agricultural economics and a doctorate in economics and marketing from Cornell University.
  • After several years toiling in economic and monetary research at the University of Siegen, Germany, where he earned his doctorate, Mr. Weber caught his first big break when he joined the economics faculty at the University of Bonn, one of Germany's top schools, in 1994. Ex-German Central Banker's Unconventional Career Path
  • I'm further humbled to realise that I received my MA in 1964, and so it has taken me 38 years to complete my doctorate - a slow learner by any reckoning.
  • Graduate study typically refers to programs that award master's or doctorate degrees.
  • Nor would I claim to be an "ornithologist", a title which implies scientific knowledge, a capacity for protracted study, an understanding of graphs, figures and statistics, and possibly a doctorate. The Guardian World News
  • It does not require a doctorate in economics to assess the relative merits of the Yes and No positions in the referendum campaign.
  • Higher education is defined as involving programs that award bachelor's, master's or doctorate degrees.
  • The partnership provides newly appointed junior faculty, postdoctorates, and predoctoral candidates with an 11-month mentored clinical research training program.
  • Some schools have resorted to filling chairs with professors who hold doctorates in other fields.
  • Maybe it's the proper term for being awarded a posthumous honorary doctorate.
  • He will be joined by eight other people, ranging from academics to charity fundraisers, who will receive honorary doctorates from the university.
  • The thesis was published at Jena in the same year that he was awarded his doctorate.
  • A Cleveland native, Eisenmann holds a bachelor of arts in English, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from Connecticut College in New London, Conn.; a master's degree in American literature from Georgetown University; and a second master's degree and a doctorate in the history of education from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. News from
  • After completing his degree in Mechanical Engineering, he took a masters degree and doctorate in engineering in Canada.
  • "Too much of the discussion on de-extinction has been focusing too much on the challenge of cloning individuals and not enough on a species' ecological context," says a paleoecology postdoctorate at Brown University.
  • No, the bishop has taken to wearing the robes of his honorary divinity doctorate (from London University) on public occasions and fellow bishops are beginning to snigger uncharitably.
  • The board approved doctorate degrees in communications and experimental psychology at North Dakota State University.
  • It was at Göttingen that he obtained his doctorate in 1912, working with Landau on analytic number theory and binary quadratic forms.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • After the award of his doctorate, Wittgenstein was appointed a lecturer at Cambridge and he was made a fellow of Trinity College.
  • Local papers carried ads announcing the appearance of “Dr. David Duke” the title thanks to a Ukrainian honorary doctorate. Inmate David Duke
  • Since I obtained my doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College, England my career has spanned two climate cycles. Sound Politics: Global Warming Update
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
  • She was awarded a fellowship to study for her doctorate at Cornell University.
  • He obtained his doctorate in Social Psychology.
  • The number of women earning doctorates in engineering and science has risen significantly since 1966.
  • This week he collected his Doctorate of Philosophy from Salford University, where he is a lecturer in prosthetics and orthotics.
  • McClintock, 57, has a bachelor's degree in biology from James Madison University and a master's degree in entomology and a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Maryland. Calvert professor simulates crime scene with pig cadavers
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • With her doctorate in medieval history, and a quick and ready mind, Pam would be no slouch herself under questioning.
  • This book is aimed at readers across the academic spectrum, from advanced undergraduate students to post-doctorates entering the field.
  • Experience: Received doctorate in biometeorology from Leeds University in 1981. Top headlines
  • Members of the research team include a postdoctorate at the University of Chicago, and the associate professor of anthropology at Indiana University.
  • After close to fourteen years, he is doing his post-doctorate in stem cell research.
  • The other is, of course, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who like Jones is a graduate of Georgetown University, with a doctorate degree in Sovietology and Russian studies. Global Energy War: Washington's New Kissinger
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • I have a doctorate in religious philosophy as well as the occult arts so I know a lot about different religions.
  • The grants may also allow Canada to hold on to the talent grown and developed here, with some of the money going to graduate and post-doctorate research fellows.
  • I truly hope that his doctorate in garbology works out for him. Think Progress » New poll finds more Americans in favor of eliminating the filibuster.
  • A post-doctorate from the team developed an innovative strategy to genetically screen the whole fly genome for "co-operating" cancer genes.
  • For his doctorate he studied how chemoreception mediates gregarious settlement of barnacles. Contributor: Marion McClary
  • He holds two degrees in history from Oxford, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, a doctorate in Ludology from the Waldzell School of the Order of Castalia, and certain advanced but curiously non-specific qualifications in modern American poetry from the National University of Zembla. Campbell Nominee Interview: Felix Gilman
  • In contrast, Till was tall, lean and immaculately tailored, a whip-smart prairie boy from Saskatchewan who earned scholarships that brought him a Yale doctorate in biophysics. Ernest McCulloch dies: Scientist who first identified stem cells was 84
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • If you have a masters or doctorate in software, what do you retrain for?
  • He is also the first astronaut to hold a doctorate in astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • Of course, it did not escape him, that the number of doctorates, habilitations, and docents slowly but surely fell off, although the number of students increased considerably.
  • Thorburn, a medical doctor who is in a postdoctorate program at Stanford, began her full-fledged international career in 2002 — around when Armstrong's hips made her abandon triathlon. - Armstrong wins women's Olympic road cycling berth
  • A native of Fredericton and a graduate in engineering from the University of New Brunswick (which recently conferred an honorary doctorate in science on him) he has spent all his working life with the Canadian General Electric Company. Putting The Atom To Work
  • His degree, a doctorate in audiology from a Florida university, followed two years of part time study.
  • At the request of the archdiocese, he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology Gregorian University.
  • The complete bastardization of this artifact's transcription combined with agrammatical flights of interpretative whimsy are not becoming of someone flaunting a doctorate. Religion in Ancient Etruria: A comedy of errors that keeps on giving
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • He received his doctorate for a thesis entitled 'Contributions to the theory of integral functions of finite order' in 1929.
  • After the award of her doctorate she earned some money by tutoring but also continued to work hard on her mathematics, continuing to develop the ideas from her thesis.
  • Mr Prodi will be conferred with an honorary doctorate at a special ceremony in the University of Limerick in the afternoon.
  • Fairweather advertised herself as a consulting therapist and claimed to have a doctorate, but she was not licensed by any state agency. THE ASSOCIATE
  • As a younger woman, Fisher got her Ph.D. in zoology from Rutgers University and did postdoctorate work there at the medical school. The Wrong Woman To Pass Over
  • Her accomplishments have led twenty-three universities to confer on her honorary doctorate degrees.
  • After submitting a thesis on abelian functions, he received his doctorate in 1895 from the University of Strasbourg.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • He left the field when he moved to British Columbia, Canada, as a postdoctorate in 1966.
  • The latest from Dougal Campbell, one of the people whose posts appear in the WP dashboard tells of one MIT graduate student’s postdoctorate project, which includes a general survey of weblog authors. I’m a statistic
  • O'Connell holds a licentiate and doctorate in canon law from Catholic. CUA president appointed bishop of Trenton
  • So he'll leave it to readers to decide if the Philosopher might not have had his mortar board screwed down a little too tight while collecting his doctorate.
  • She's doing a doctorate in ancient history.
  • After finishing a doctorate in electronic engineering, he worked an average of 80 hours a week for seven years.
  • Similarly astronauts, today's counterpart of the pioneer ocean-crossers of yesteryear, seem by no means youthful and tend to have doctorates in the most abstruse subjects.
  • What will the institution of a practice doctorate do to that trend?
  • His academic credentials are impressive and include a doctorate in economics and teaching stints at several universities.
  • His post-doctorate research has been performed under the supervision of the leading nutritionist in the nation.
  • These were public employees who were expected to hold degrees or doctorates in administration or jurisprudence.
  • I happen to have a doctorate and I do not regard it as a statment of faith or a credal confession. All those liars for Jesus
  • He obtained his doctorate in microbial biochemistry at Bristol University and his Doctor of Science degree from the University of London. Global Economic Pressures and the Quest for New Medicines
  • That you would need a doctorate in nuclear physics to understand fully the rules governing ewe premiums and headage payments and special density premiums.
  • Higher education institutions in the United Kingdom are the sole awarders of degrees at Bachelor, Postgraduate, Masters and Doctorate levels.
  • Akin got his undergraduate degree and doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in aeronautics and astronautics. Gear-head nirvana: U-Md. space center is voted one of nation's 'most awesome college labs'
  • Being museum types, it was a plastic file with photocopies, but as a memorial to achievement, it meant more than the Garter or a peerage or a letterhead of doctorates.
  • Having secured his doctorate, he returned to the Jagiellonian University in Kraków where he was appointed a docent in 1927.
  • "To gain a science position, it helps to have a track record from a post doctorate overseas, especially because graduates can gain experience in specialist areas which may not be available in a small economy," she said in an e-mail.
  • The board approved doctorate degrees in communications and experimental psychology at North Dakota State University.
  • Fleischmann graduated in 1948 and began to study for his doctorate in chemistry which he obtained in 1951.
  • During his visit to Ireland, Peck was conferred with an honorary doctorate in literature by the National University of Ireland in April 2000.
  • He received six honorary doctorates and was the honorand of five festschrift volumes celebrating his work. Times, Sunday Times
  • His probable lack of postdoctorate may explain that - he returned home immediately afterwards. Fun with Hominin Cranial Capacity Datasets (and Excel) - The Panda's Thumb
  • She's doing a doctorate in ancient history.
  • Rudin has received many honours for her work, including at least four honorary doctorates, and will continue to receive further awards.
  • Now I am about to start a clinical doctorate I am thinking of doing an art course.
  • Another item in his official biography often overlooked in commentaries is that Ed Broadbent has earned his doctorate in political science and taught that discipline for three years at York University during its early days. The Choice for Canada
  • ROGER HIGHFIELD, DPhil, studied for his doctorate at Oxford University and the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. SuperCooperators
  • He earned his doctorate in Roman history at the Sorbonne, and has professed that subject for many years at the University of Paris.
  • Furthermore, he received an honorary doctorate from the Royal College of Art in London in 1989.
  • Both of them were educated at Georgetown; my housemate has a BA but is employed and respected in the field of computational linguistics, and my senior colleague has her doctorate in sociolinguistics. Oh, the irony, part 2
  • He also obtained a doctorate in anatomy and completed a residency and a research fellowship in anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
  • The admission brochure of a fly-by-night school will often emphasize that the president received this or that doctorate insgroupsto persuade readers that it is a good school.
  • If it was an honorary title given to him by some institution in recognition of his contribution to cultural genocide, then it would be a doctorate honorus causa, which is meaningless in academic circles; it's like being an honorary Mousketeer. December 2005
  • His degree, a doctorate in audiology from a Florida university, followed two years of part time study.
  • He was awarded an honorary doctorate by Maynooth University in 1995 for his outstanding contribution to the Catholic Church in Ireland.
  • He worked with near-field optics and microscopy at the University of Ulm (Ulm, Germany) during a post-doctorate.
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
  • He also obtained a doctorate in anatomy and completed a residency and a research fellowship in anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
  • International studbook keepers were historically zoo administrators with doctorates, working at bigger, more celebrated institutions -- not rubber-booted zookeepers tasked with feeding and cleaning up after animals. rss feed
  • Doctor Jones was nearing forty, and had gotten his doctorate through the help of the military.
  • He pushed her to finish her doctorate
  • All sorts of people receive Honorary Doctorates for their respective contributions to the region's development but so far, I have not heard your name.
  • I'm not only a lawyer, I have a post-doctorate degree in federal tax law.
  • Being robed for my doctorate alternately terrified and exhilarated me.
  • She went on to do her post-doctorate in philosophy studying at both Princeton University and the University of St Andrew's in Scotland.
  • He returned to his alma mater to write a doctorate in moral philosophy.
  • In case you are wondering, postdoc is short for “post-doctoral researcher”, which means that you have a doctorate, but are still working under a more senior scientist or academic, usually a professor at a research institution. Postdocing in NC - The Panda's Thumb
  • In November, as I reviewed the PowerPoint slides before I presented, I remember going back to the title slide, and removing the references to my doctorates. Archive 2006-06-01
  • He gained a doctorate in Chemical Engineering.
  • He later earned his master's and doctorate degrees from Harvard University.
  • Only in very special cases do academics receive honorary doctorates from their own universities.
  • She later earned a doctorate in psychology from Fordham University, and was the vicar for religious in the Trenton Diocese.
  • Unfortunately, someone with a doctorate in philosophy is often nothing more than a idiot undeserving of respect. The Academic Job Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A novel of big ideas, the book's whirlwind plot is set between Berlin, Boston, Los Alamos and Auschwitz, and takes in neo-Nazis, a physics professor who returns to Potsdam to atone for his sins, an Italian postdoctorate who designs an experiment that will determine the fate of the universe, and a Holocaust survivor who tells his tale to the willing ear of a young psychologist. Omega minor and war protest
  • Among many other honours, we should mention that he received honorary doctorates from the universities of Athens and Tel Aviv.
  • He earned his doctorate magna cum laude with a dissertation on the politics of Hindu Revivalism.
  • To qualify for this extension, the post-doctorate must also present the Coordinator of Apartment Services proper notification from their department head or major advisor stipulating why the student is required to remain after graduation.
  • By 1963, having finished his doctorate in biochemistry and post-doctorate at the Lister Institute, he was invited to join the prestigious Protein Chemistry Department at the Rowett Research Institute.
  • He's completed his doctorate on Victorian sexuality.
  • Council convenor Helene Marsh, dean of graduate research at James Cook University, said the universities 'plans to badge professional masters qualifications as doctorates would "demean" the PhD. | Top Stories
  • He said he never dreamed that someone who had been a herdboy, labourer, freedom fighter, prisoner and exile would one day stand in such august company and receive an honorary doctorate.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • For many years now, more than half the engineering doctorates awarded in the United States have gone to foreign nationals.
  • She has a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Chicago and works as a researcher for a large drug company outside Princeton, but much like her mother before her, it's a rare day when she speaks in anything but platitudesall those exhausted phrases and hand-me-down ideas that cram the dump sites of contemporary wisdom. Excerpt: The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster
  • Having been an ordained pastor with a doctorate in divinity and a masters degree in biblical studies, he knew what had taken place.

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