How To Use Docent In A Sentence
Las ceremonias de honores a la bandera siempre son buen pretexto para el relajo de los escuincles y el enojo de los docentes, pero todo ello puede incrementarse si entre los presentes está el inspector de zona.
��Verde? ��Blanco? ��Rojo?
He went on to become an electronics technician, but after retiring, he began volunteering as a docent at Angel Island in hopes of drawing more attention to that moment in history.
‘Our volunteers serve as docents at the exhibits, perform living history programs, do maintenance work on the ships and assist in special events,’ Schmidt says.
It's a remarkable deal - his curatorial taste is sharp and his personal commentary more informed than that of any museum docent.
The "quantum computer" was very poorly explained by a volunteer docent but it had an oscilloscope readout with a squiggle.
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( "docent") (Tenure Track system) in the Department of Bioanalysis, charged with academic teaching (in Dutch), scientific research and carrying out scientific duties in the fields of pharmacokinetics and pharmaceutical care.
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Having secured his doctorate, he returned to the Jagiellonian University in Kraków where he was appointed a docent in 1927.
In 1920 he returned to St Petersburg to two posts, one as professor at the Polytechnic Institute, and the other as docent at the university.
A docent is a trained volunteer who serves as a tour guide and adds a special touch to the Waco Mammoth Site.
* Qui docent, 'Perseverantiam vere fidelium non esse effectum electionis, aut donum Dei morte Christi partum, sed esse conditionem novi foederis, ab homine ante sui electionem ac justificationem' (ut ipsi loquuntur) 'peremtoriam, libera voluntate praestandam.'
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Free docent guided tours : daily ( except Sunday ) at 2 pm.
Qui docent, 'Perseverantiam vere fidelium non esse effectum electionis, aut donum Dei morte Christi partum, sed esse conditionem novi foederis, ab homine ante sui electionem ac justificationem' (ut ipsi loquuntur) 'peremtoriam, libera voluntate praestandam.'
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Establish "docent group system outside school" and establish "curriculum councilor system".
Docent enim Physici, commune esse validioribus flammis omnibus vt siccis extinguantur, alantur ver� humidis: Vnde etiam fabri, aqua inspersa, ignem excitare solent.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Of course, it did not escape him, that the number of doctorates, habilitations, and docents slowly but surely fell off, although the number of students increased considerably.
She's a volunteer docent at the Smithsonian Institution.
Several museum docents come from pioneer families and will happily share gossip about Danville's past.
For several years He volunteered as a docent at the Cowboy Artists of America Museum.
He went on to become an electronics technician, but after retiring, he began volunteering as a docent at Angel Island in hopes of drawing more attention to that moment in history.
Today we were the lucky recipients of a private tour, a gift from our friend G. who volunteers at the museum as a docent.
With his qualification to teach in universities, Guenther became a docent at Munich Polytechnicum in 1874.
Docent enim Physici, commune esse validioribus flammis omnibus vt siccis extinguantur, alantur verò humidis: Vnde etiam fabri, aqua inspersa, ignem excitare solent.
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
Museum docents, who will be musicians, will guide school groups through the museum, bringing history alive through performances, storytelling and interactive exhibits.
Being a docent is a great way to join the mammoth site team and interact with the community.
There were no such art works, but the agents questioned a museum docent about the artists, who funded the museum, and who had visited the exhibit.
So my advice on your next trip to the museum is to kick back, have a couple of stiff ones, lock the docent in the broom closet and treat yourself to a few guffaws.
Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
The docent was a lovely lady with a butterfly on her head (it was alive and just sat there), who enthusiastically gave me all kinds of facts on these incredible lepidopteras (latin for butterfly).
The president signed draft legislation granting the professors a 9.45 percent raise; the docents had demanded 18 percent.
Sometimes we get tour groups and we've even rented the place out for cruise ship dinner parties, " said Benjawan Kayee, 39, the museum's docent.
I've been an art museum docent for nearly 20 years.
It was an awesome opportunity to hear how an artist intreprets the work of another....without the canned "docent" speech of the artist's art history and accomplishments.
What I Learned from Renee Stout's Artist Talk on Louise Bourgeois
All talks and tours are led by specially-trained docents - volunteers who give their time to share their vast knowledge of the history of the RA with the public.
Every few years the museum would offer a course to be a docent.
Mellin was appointed as a docent at the University of Stockholm from 1884-91 but never actually gave any lectures.
The docent is the usual: a well-groomed woman in her fifties with impossibly blond hair and taut face.
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This is the hair endocentric the emotion from him expressed, you had already engraved in his in the mind under a branding, regardless later how, have you forever in his life of a memory fragment.
After leaving Italy in 1922, Cech wrote his habilitation thesis, becoming a docent at the Charles University of Prague.
Keep in mind that everyone wants to be a docent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but plenty of smaller museums can use help.
When we arrived, we followed her around the central room of the temple as if she were a museum docent, listening intently to her stories.
She works as a docent at the Art Car Museum, an avant-garde gallery in Houston.
A few weeks ago I posted about some data that I gathered on a linguistic field trip: a nice clear case of an endocentric noun-noun compound with regularly inflected plural non-head.
* Damnant Pelagianos et alios, qui docent, quod sine Spiritu Sancto, solis naturae viribus possimus Deum super omnia diligere; item praecepta Dei facere, quoad substantiam actuum.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Ista tua Carmina Chamouniana satis grandia esse mihi constat; sed hoc mihi nonnihil displicet, quòd in iis illae montium Grisosonum inter se responsiones totidem reboant anglice, _God, God_, haud aliter atque temet audivi tuas monies Cumbrianas resonare docentes, _Tod, Tod_, nempe
The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
An animateur is a hybrid of docent, tour guide, art historian, and artist.
We were told by one of the docents that the artists had drawn the figures beforehand, and then filled them in like a paint-by-numbers picture; color by color; all the orange first, and then the blue, and so on, until all were complete.
when `three blind mice' serves as a noun it is an endocentric construction
Analysis was complicated by perfect hemihedral twinning, which was masked in intensity statistics by pseudocentering.
On 10 June 1890 Bendixson was appointed as a docent at Stockholm University.
While not quite docents in a museum, they nonetheless will provide you with an overview that is several steps above pidgin history.
Tour guides/docents will help us explore the emotional, aesthetic and spiritual impact of art in the largest urban sculpture garden in the U.S.
You have to spark it up with Tabasco, otherwise it just tastes like lawn," my docent instructed me.
Damnant Pelagianos et alios, qui docent, quod sine Spiritu Sancto, solis naturae viribus possimus Deum super omnia diligere; item praecepta Dei facere, quoad substantiam actuum.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
He then taught there as a docent, visiting Göttingen in 1901.
She's a volunteer docent at the Smithsonian Institution.
Non laudo eos qui in desipientia docent secandam esse venam frontis, quia spiritus debilitatur inde, et ego longa experientia observavi in proprio Xenodochio, quod desipientes ex phlebotomia magis laeduntur, et magis disipiunt, et melancholici saepe fiunt inde pejores.
Anatomy of Melancholy
In addition to finally recovering from hepatitis and becoming docent at Lund, it was in this same year that he made his next great theoretical breakthrough.
For these matters are taught with the ordinary teaching authority Magisterio enim ordinario haec docentur, of which it is true to say: "He who heareth you, heareth me"...
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On 8 February 1917 he became a docent of mathematics at Uppsala University.
He spent time in both Warsaw and Krakow and on 26 June obtained his habilitation and began lecturing as a docent.
Almost all our professors of mathematics lectured at these clandestine universities, and quite a few of the students then are now professors or docents themselves.
Come docente di Matematica e Fisica sono molto lieto di esprimere un parere, consentitemi in Italiano, sulla eccezzionalità delle Demonstrations da simulare con Mathematica Player.
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Believed to be the 2nd oldest person to graduate from college, she plans to use her education to work as a docent at a museum.
Museum interns have researched the families, and docents show us photographs of descendants.
Conducting all of these projects puts tremendous demands on our small staff of 110 employees, even with the help of several hundred docents and volunteers.
Dodona Manor: Docents are needed for museum tours.
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Diachronic versus synchronic approaches vied with endocentric versus exocentric to confound the neophyte.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 2
* Haec prorsus nova est haeresis, quae antehac Ecclesiis Christi ignota fuit, eorum videlicet, qui opinantur, docent et profitentur, non esse unicam tantum divinam et aeternam Patris, Filii, et
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
In July 1913 Bohr was appointed as a docent in Copenhagen.
A 45-minute guided tour of the ship led by costumed docents highlights the challenges and hardships faced by Columbus and his crew.
Our docent was a wonderfully tiny silver-haired lady aged perfectly with a librarian's wisdom who told us great antic dotes of the building. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
The torculus is seen on the first syllable of adimplens, first syllable of docente (fourth line), etc. On the first syllable of celsa we have the torculus liquescens, the last gravis being shortened.
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The elongate lepidocentrids typically are preserved on their sides with the small spines pointing radially, with nearly as many aborally compressed.
As I recall the docent saying, there is no interior support or something like that.
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One of the trip participants, a docent at our museum, remains a close friend and supporter.
Local historian Ann Boutwell, a docent at the Margaret Mitchell House for 12 years, gives an entertaining and lively tour through "the dump.
When we visited his house, a national monument from the nineteenth century, the docent who let us in seemed to have been roused from a nap.