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How To Use Do work In A Sentence

  • When I do workshops or plenaries I prefer to go the route of providing really useful lesson ideas. N is for Native-speakerism « An A-Z of ELT
  • They are workers who do work for the alleged discriminator, but they are not employed by him.
  • They do work hard-but rarely at jobs that directly produce domestic pleasures like food, furniture, or handicrafts.
  • I'd never really thought about floristry, until I got the opportunity to do work experience when I was at school. Are you getting the best careers advice?
  • You must 'ave' ot tea, an 'wegetables, an' a bit o 'meat, now an' again, if you're goin 'to do work as is work. THE SPIKE
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  • Cristiano Ronaldo works his magic to skin Yevseyen down the left wing and cross for Nuno Gomes.
  • We do workshops so that people know their way around the music. Times, Sunday Times
  • Targeted pharmaceuticals and biologics do work for the betterment of healthcare by reducing the cost and time of development and time to market.
  • Although unable to hold land a thrall could have possessions, money and time to do work for himself.
  • Motivate clubs and Rotarians instead to do work of service.
  • As someone who's been struggling with NOT getting things done for over forty years, I can say without equivocation that Allen's methods really do work.
  • I am going to be creating and posting English lessons on a Hidalgo elem. school website for students as they are having to do work at home still. Have the economy and swine flu affected you?
  • I work nights in a hospital and my partner does a ton of shiftwork - so often the 2 days a week I do work The Dictator spends at one of two of the Grandparents houses. Gone
  • The copies that do work are of inferior quality, and many of them don't work in any case.
  • He'd apparently spent all day at home tidying his property and had even had flower-arrangers in to do work.
  • At the end of the day, there are feminists who concentrate on men's issues, some who do work on both genders, and some who concentrate solely on improving the world for women.
  • They do work successfully in that wide array of national cultures.
  • The problem with standardized tests is that they do not measure a student's willingness to do work and to succeed, and this makes a timed test a poor analogy to life.
  • But they really do work and 5 minutes of discomfort is better than limping around for 3 days or being so sore that you wake yourself up when you roll over in your sleep Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger Lite 12 March
  • Ella is about to do work experience with a clothing manufacturer.
  • I give the homilies in our church, and we do workshops with other priests and deacons and Protestant ministers on this subject.
  • What I do work with is satire and for that you need a lot more knowledge, the right temperament, and a grasp of the socio-political realities.
  • The magnetic domains will remain aligned until randomized by thermal agitation or by some other external force which can do work in rotating the domains within the material.
  • We regularly do workshops for the local education authority in Schools.
  • I do work in partnerships and it often works - mainly around diverting young people away from the dead-end lives their bringing-up destined them for. Get In Line « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The hotel's business centre has all a corporate guest needs to do work, with such facilities as secretarial assistance, computer rentals, fax machines, translators, photocopiers, internet and more.
  • Those the contracts that govern what a servicer can do working for the investors to service these loans.
  • She whomps the male agents in the gym in karate and judo workouts and packs a mean punch.
  • Adding to the complication is the fact that I do work for a Christian non-profit and replacing me would be tricky for them (not because I am so uniquely talented but because they have invested time in training me and have limited resources to pay staff). Cottage Card Template
  • I had tradies come to the house and do work - at the end they give me a bill and I whip my phone out and do a transfer to their bank account right in front of them.
  • Granted, some bookstores have had success with authorless events, and certain panel events do work well with people involved with a book who are not the author, but the vast majority of author events depend on, well, the author. 2009 February 25 « The Book Publicity Blog
  • More non-Inuit will be sent up north from the south to do work and be housed in a newly furnished home by their employers.
  • I do bldg. maintence for a living (main. supervisior) so I can do work at the "house" or on the farm, what ever needs done. Good hunting in Ohio
  • Different materials behave differently; acrylic plastic is soft and easy to do work with but can melt quickly if you overdo things.
  • I happen to be very good at what I do and I do work unpaid overtime or weekends, both when it's needed or when I just need to pretend that I'm a hard worker.
  • (I say charwoman, meaning a woman who is paid to do work that other servants are hired to do, but will not.) [Illustration] The Pirate's Pocket Book
  • Volunteers do work for which they're not paid, and that makes them unsung heroes, and I think we should celebrate them.
  • The copies that do work are of inferior quality, and many of them don't work in any case.
  • Ella is about to do work experience with a clothing manufacturer.
  • Um, If the reporter is a resident of South Carolina, then you do work for him. single mom Sanford lashes out at the media
  • Joint doctrine and literature were reviewed to assess how they should work together versus how they do work together.
  • “I have worked, I do work,” I cried impetuously, as though he were my judge and I required vindication, and at the same time very much aware of my arrant idiocy in discussing the subject at all. Chapter 3
  • So I go into schools and do workshops and they really love it. The Sun
  • We do work with outstanding, prize-winning authors, and we do propose projects to them.
  • Thankfully, these rotary engines show no protest whatsoever when you do work them hard.
  • But I do talk to my IR brethren in terms that we both understand, and I even do work at the intersection of IR and theory (Christine Lee and I are currently coauthoring a paper on normativity in realist theory). Theory Theory
  • People do work without the institutional system of capitalism and they are assured of a reasonable livelihood.
  • However, as indicated above, if, in fact, you do work full time for more than a year in CPT you may not be allowed to do the additional one year of OPT after you graduate.
  • We have oleoresin pepper sprays that generally do work.
  • The most important thing for me is to do work that I am satisfied with.
  • To accustom inmates to life outside prison they are allowed out on a ‘temporary release’ basis, to do work in the community.
  • Most of the directorial flourishes that do work here are unfortunately cribbed from more successful movies.
  • We're not always successful in answering all their wishes and desires, but we do work very closely with them.
  • She whomps the male agents in the gym in karate and judo workouts and packs a mean punch.
  • We do work with an intersectional analysis and are committed to allied struggles for liberation throughout various movements. Coya White Hat-Artichoker: Indigenous, Queer, and Organizing
  • Yes | No | Report from whitetail1 wrote 1 year 2 weeks ago peter is right. they do work because if a doe hasn't been serviced she will come back in around 30 days later, then a third time if needed. Do mock scrapes still work after the rut?
  • Like intrapersonal thinkers, Leonardo worked hard to improve all aspects of himself.
  • Sweating, starvation wages, armies of unemployed, and great numbers of the homeless and shelterless are inevitable when there are more men to do work than there is work for men to do. INEFFICIENCY
  • Due to its intensity, you shouldn't do Workout 1 more than twice a week, on nonconsecutive days.
  • Baptized a Roman Catholic, Macedo worked for the national lottery before founding his church in 1976, inspired by the teachings of Canadian Pentacostal Bishop Bob Macelester. Eric Ehrmann: Billionaire Bishop Charged With Bilking Brazil's Pentacostals, Sending Money to US

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