do up

  1. wrap for decorative purposes
    The gift was done up in pretty red paper
  2. use special care in dressing, making-up, etc.
    She dolled herself up for the night out with her friends
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How To Use do up In A Sentence

  • Guys, from all the exp. and readings I've ever come up with, the .308 Win, By saying this I mean the Cart. not the bullet, can do any thig the 06 can do up to and including the 150 gr. Our Most Underrated Cartridge?
  • What exactly do upper class people do? Times, Sunday Times
  • She's a good cook, and can do up a shirt _el commee faw_, and you know what that is, better'n I do. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 20, August 13, 1870
  • I think you forgot to do up a button on your shirt. The Sun
  • What are you gunna do up at the stud farm, other than look at the horses? MURDER SONG
  • To do up the house and live comfortably. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you help me to do up my dress?
  • We also used to dout (do out, ie, put out) candles, and dup (do up, ie, lift) door latches. Times, Sunday Times
  • As crescendo after crescendo uplifts the piece, the group becomes more and more abrasive and unforgiving.
  • Do up these papers and send them to Head Office.
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