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Djibouti franc

  1. the basic unit of money in Djibouti

How To Use Djibouti franc In A Sentence

  • Threatened species include four strict endemics, including Djibouti francolin (Francolinus ochropectus, CR), Harwood's francolin (Francolinus harwoodi, VU), Prince Ruspoli's turaco (Tauraco ruspoli, VU), and yellow-throated seedeater (Serinus flavigula, VU), all of which are primarily threatened by habitat loss. Ethiopian montane forests
  • Another important flagship species is the Djibouti francolin (Francolinus ochropectus, CR), which is found only in two sites in Djibouti, Forêt de Day, which is thought to be the only viable site for this imperiled species, and the nearby Mabla Mountains. Biological diversity in the Horn of Africa
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