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divorce lawyer

  1. a lawyer specializing in actions for divorce or annulment

How To Use divorce lawyer In A Sentence

  • There's comedic and romantic potential in the concept of beautiful leads playing divorce lawyers who accidentally get married.
  • But Kerstin Beyer, a German-British divorce lawyer at the International Family Law Chambers in London, says the tables are often stacked against the poorer (and usually less knowledgable) spouse.
  • Divorce lawyer Vanessa Lloyd Platt said Mrs Rooney's income may in the long-term outstrip that of her husband, who earns an estimated £7 million a year from Evening Standard - Home
  • One leading divorce lawyer called him'a poacher turned gamekeeper '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divorce lawyers would doubtless still be secure in their jobs.
  • I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers.
  • I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers.
  • I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers.
  • The vast majority of those who consult divorce lawyers do so with great reluctance and much trepidation and sadness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divorce lawyers told him he had to hand over the sum he got for the film rights. The Sun
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