How To Use Divisional In A Sentence
The Marines need a divisional push to seize Fallujah and they don't have the men.
Accordingly the Divisional Court allowed the appeal, remitted the matter to the arbitrator and stayed the oppression remedy proceeding.
Suppose a divisional manager in a multidivisional firm decides to sue a customer to resolve a disputed debt.
Managing Strategic Relationships
A tourniquet is a common thing enough -- no more than a band with screw fittings, and there was nothing to show that the tourniquet used was any different from a thousand others; and I can see no particular reason why a doctor should commit a murder like this any more than any other man; in which the divisional surgeon agreed with me.
The Red Triangle Being Some Further Chronicles of Martin Hewitt, Investigator
It's always nice to win the first one, especially against an interdivisional team that's trying to catch up to us," said Verlander.
Verlander gets 21st win for Tigers

He docked his boat at a sub-divisional town at dawn.
The Army's traditional brigade, divisional, corps, and ASCC structure also is being reviewed.
The Super Bowl runner-up Pittsburgh Steelers were crushed by divisional rivals the Baltimore Ravens in their opening game with quarterback Ben Roethlisberger having a shaky start with three interceptions and two fumbles.
Pressure already on teams off to surprisingly slow starts
He later joined full-time and has risen through the ranks and became a senior divisional officer.
The Divisional Court directed the coroner to resume the inquest.
Patrick Sweeney, 42, has been appointed divisional commander at Harrogate.
Snor Vermeulen and Lionel Snyman of Vlakplaas, Nieuwoudt and a third man who "appeared to be a senior officer" and who Nieuwoudt later identified as divisional commander Brigadier Fanie Gilbert.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Bird flu and Newcastle disease are notifiable diseases and must be reported to your local Divisional Veterinary Manager.
The first job of the Fitch Benoy team, led by divisional director Charles Dunnett, was to assess the existing fabric.
In December 1942 non-divisional regiments of anti-aircraft artillery and field artillery were converted into separate battalions.
The vast majority of the interdivisional games is being scheduled by bottom-rung Division I teams, a species that has proliferated in recent years, but some bigger names do it, too.
The Jets are facing what is known as a divisional-sandwich game, hosting an NFC West team after beating AFC East rival Buffalo and before visiting New England four days after this game.
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Long before case research was a popular method of academic effort, he spent time studying how the then archetypal multi-divisional corporation, General Motors of the US worked.
Now divisional commanders have been told to crack down on any rudeness - and send discourteous staff to be retrained.
She bears the grand title "Divisional President of the Finances Committee".
Appeals of interlocutory orders of Superior Court judges are heard by the Divisional Court.
They are a mediocre team in a mediocre division contending for a divisional championship.
Even infected farms may be able to carry out some crop operations, however, with the permission of the divisional veterinary manager.
During a divisional vice operation in the Listerhills area, four men were arrested for kerb-crawling and three women were detained for soliciting.
Divisional, brigade, battlegroup and company commanders with recent experience in Afghanistan and Iraq (and Kosovo, Bosnia and Northern Ireland) are posted into the MoD every week.
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
The second question raised in the case stated was answered in the negative by the Divisional Court, and this aspect of its decision was not challenged in the appeal.
It was the divisional commander's intention to force the Nationalist front back from the road.
Outside of manufacturing, Sears, Roebuck was one of the earliest users of the multidivisional structure.
Fit, Failure, and the Hall of Fame
In 1988, he was appointed to the role of divisional director for the group's specialist cars division and in 1992 he was promoted to managing director.
Sheila gave us a presentation of her speech for the upcoming divisional final of the International Speech Competition.
Even infected farms may be able to carry out some crop operations, however, with the permission of the divisional veterinary manager.
The reward is that minimal energy is spent in blame, second-guessing, and interdivisional politics, leaving more energy to devote to the business itself.
The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working
During the nearly four years it has taken to complete the guide, divisional walls have become windows.
According to the SOE files, Major Court was a civil engineer before World War One, and enlisted into the Divisional Engineers as a sapper.
Only one photograph of a newly installed chairman has been sent to me since January's Divisional AGMs.
A cricket fan all his life, he once took four wickets - all bowled - in one over during an interdivisional match.
Times, Sunday Times
He suffered a broken collarbone playing in the North divisional SHC final last Sunday against Toomevara.
The winners go forward to the divisional finals in Arbroath on March 24, 25 and 26.
The Hurricanes fell to 4-5 in divisional play and 7-1-3 against everybody else. - Hockey - Atlanta vs. Carolina
“Captain Fox leads a trio of platoons in the interdivisional team I spoke of.”
Bring On the Night
Divisional: The bang that gives you decides an attrib border line, lest disturb, secure the hair of the others with hairpin.
Comparing obvious, “bottom line” interests with “others”—reputation, precedent, relationships, and the like—a very detailed study of corporate resource allocation in a multidivisional chemical company noted:
The Manager as Negotiator Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain
Mintzberg distinguishes what he calls the simple functional organization from the bureaucracy, the professional bureaucracy and two other types, the multidivisional organization and the adhocracy.
Increased finance, additional staff and the integration of public and educational library services on a divisional basis contributed to these developments.
The first development in the Wehrmacht was the growing deployment of independent Abteilungen based on powerful new weapons that in general were not being parceled out at the divisional level.
The model is based on a collection of a divisional terrain data defined as simplicial complexes arranged into a partially ordered set by time and space.
If only his team could find a way to do the same, and pick a season to be on top of the divisional standings.
Increased finance, additional staff and the integration of public and educational library services on a divisional basis contributed to these developments.
An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.
She bears the grand title "Divisional President of the Finances Committee".
Divisional winners meet in the final to decide the pennant.
He was vice-president of GM when Durant was ousted; he gained the presidency on the basis of a memo he wrote in 1919 on how to run a multidivisional company.
The Machine That Changed the World
Andrew was a member of the Rotary, a knight of St John Ambulance, divisional surgeon at the local ironworks, and a member of Leicester and Nottingham medical associations.
Before that she was a divisional director in Berkshire and assistant director in Reading County Borough.
If sufficient entries are not forthcoming, divisional finals will not be held.
An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.
They're 1-0 in divisional play, leaving them in sole possession of first place in the NFC East.
Giants Take a Major Step
Sun Belt: In transcontinental play, Florida International and Denver were chosen to win divisional conference titles in 2003. - Around the South: SEC, ACC return riding upswings
PITTSBURGH (AP) - Alexander Ovechkin let his play do the talking in what is becoming one of the fiercest interdivisional rivalries in the NHL.
The cuts are equivalent to 9% of the divisional workforce.
Another board of officers then scrutinises them and the divisional commander sends it up.
Here's the abstract: The early development of large multidivisional corporations in Latin America required much more than capable managers, new technologies, and large markets.
Archive 2008-01-01
According green tabs to military police leaders commanding such units as divisional MP platoons or squads in combat support companies in itself does not make military police a combat arm.
He has also served as deputy sub-divisional commander in Newton Aycliffe, and deputy divisional commander in Bishop Auckland.
When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
The winner will proceed to the North West divisional final.
The Divisional Court found that section 15 of the Building Code Act was intended to be dispositive of the issue of standing.
He has also served as deputy sub-divisional commander in Newton Aycliffe, and deputy divisional commander in Bishop Auckland.
Behind the desk was a large-scale map of the county, with the divisional boundaries marked in red.
Chief Superintendent Garry Shewan, head of Bury police, presented David with a Divisional Commander's Award.
He's also taken up the mantle of team leadership, going back to his vocal disgruntlement over the Yanks’ surprising loss in the AL Divisional Series last season to his recent spat with the Devil Rays over beanballs.
The 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry, the divisional cavalry squadron of the 3ID, was equipped with two troops of these aircraft.
Farmers who want to employ someone to shear their sheep will have to seek permission from the Government's divisional veterinary manager.
The whole team's work rate and tackling were exceptional and made what was potentially a tricky divisional quarter-final tie into a showcase of junior colts rugby at its best.
I additionally excluded patents that made other priority claims such as continuations, divisionals, and continuations-in-part.
Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)
The final divisional race, in Las Vegas, was a shootout between Kyle and me for the championship.
Divisional structures tolerate only limited amounts of interunit coordination.
Fit, Failure, and the Hall of Fame
And although this year’s team is 2-0 so far in divisional play, it is true that in recent years the Skins have lost far more divisional games than they have won.
If the NFL had realigned differently...
The Control keeps a small interdivisional team to handle the rare cases.
Bring On the Night
Hovingham's chances of lifting the divisional trophy took a knock when they suffered a shock defeat at Clifton Alliance.
In 1981, he set divisional managers the harsh target of being first or second in their business sector, or facing sale or closure.
The divisional manager has indicated that work on this stretch of road will commence within the next three weeks.
The question arises as to what extent such arrangements can provide a model for the democratisation of the multidivisional capitalist enterprise. 2.
That win puts them into the divisional final for the first time in more than a decade and a half and has given this whole championship one massive lift.
Incidentally, the station building has been re-erected at the same place with the same track alignment, according to the Divisional Railway Manager, J.N. Jagannath.
The Divisional Court concluded that nothing in that statement of facts constituted a threat, and the conviction was quashed.
For both, it was the first divisional final round, and for Smith, the first win.
The winner of the Bournemouth Open was the most successful Dorset player in last year's South West divisional finals at Burnham and Berrow.
Before that she was a divisional director in Berkshire and assistant director in Reading County Borough.
When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
Nine multi-divisional companies are studied in depth with interviews conducted at corporate, division and operating unit level.
The second weekend of the NFL playoffs, known as the divisional round, is the weekend that true, hotblooded football fans fantasize about all year.
Breaking Down the NFL's Best Weekend
All four teams have fresh legs, thanks to first-round byes followed by the pleasure of playing divisional playoff games at home.
An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.
Taking a step back for a moment, a vertically integrated business sees itself quite differently to a functional or divisionalized organization.
He felt like a deserter to be away from his own Divisional family, his own Staff comrades, his own commander at such a time.
When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
While Abbeyside advance safely via the direct route towards the divisional final, all isn't lost for Dungarvan.
We have no information on the release of hostages," Munger divisional commissioner Lallan - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
It was held by the Divisional Court that his appeal against conviction of the obstruction offence must be allowed.
Both Sabre teams finished third in their respective pools after round robin play and advanced to their respective divisional play-off rounds.
Now the 50 divisional heads are being mentored by junior managers.
Similarly, the multiproduct, multinational matrix organizations of the 1970s used combinations of the functional and divisional forms to create economic machines of enormous strength and complexity.
Fit, Failure, and the Hall of Fame
From there he was posted as an assistant divisional manager in a divisional office - his first posting in an operational office.
The Divisional Court felt that the copy documents which the solicitor had prepared for counsel were necessarily franked by professional privilege.
For example, on the third floor, they have just blown the remainder of the Divisional budget on a new shagpile.
Put Those Bloody Spears Down! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The Neale team included the majority of the under 14 team that were narrowly defeated in this years divisional A final.
There were five divisional deans, one for each of the academic subdivisions: Humanities, Science and Math, Fine Arts Social Science and one for Interdisciplinary majors.
Only one photograph of a newly installed chairman has been sent to me since January's Divisional AGMs.
Subdivisional fences and fences around buildings and sheds are referred to, and that appears to be the extent of it.
The 7th went to the support trenches they had recently vacated, but the 41st divisional R. E's. had been busy upon them during our absence, and a few habitable bivvies had been made.
The Seventh Manchesters July 1916 to March 1919
The area is patrolled regularly by both the divisional traffic unit and the district detective branch.
TIRUPATI: A large number of people led by the TDP functionaries have on Wednesday staged a dharna in front of the Office of the Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) here to express what they called their disgust over the 'complete failure' of the State Government in meeting even the basic needs of the poor and middle-class.
The Hindu - Front Page
The West Sligo junior championship divisional final will be decided on Bank Holiday Monday.
Both questions - how best to run a large multidivisional corporation? and what is the proper role of business in society?
Jeffrey Feldman: Rust-Covered Car Execs? Kick 'Em To The Curb
If the justices appear in the Divisional Court they make themselves parties to the lis.
Use characteristic furniture to come area of area branch guest uses ark of sofa, seeing and hearing, food division uses mensal chair, hallway uses shoe ark, pier glass to wait divisional.
During a divisional vice operation in the Listerhills area, four men were arrested for kerb-crawling and three women were detained for soliciting.
Some players were selected after trials while one province named its team after conducting an inter-divisional tournament.
divisional artillery
More than 1,000 weapons, including 450 guns, have been handed in during the amnesty, with more weapons still coming in to divisional police stations.
Who said the divisional cup finals at Milebush were dreary affairs?
The BCT, like the divisional brigade, is built around its maneuver battalions and direct support by sappers and artillery.
Increased finance, additional staff and the integration of public and educational library services on a divisional basis contributed to these developments.
Do your divisional managers know how much capital they tie up and what it costs?
Last season: 10-6, won NFC South, beat Eagles in divisional playoffs and lost to Bears in NFC Championship Game
Saints enter '07 in strange position as contenders
American divisional (fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel
The Divisional Court compared housing co-operatives to other democratic bodies where a court will interfere only where a decision is patently unreasonable.
The applicant sought judicial review of that decision, and the Divisional Court granted him relief in the form of a declaration.
He has also served as deputy sub-divisional commander in Newton Aycliffe, and deputy divisional commander in Bishop Auckland.
The separation of club and divisional teams in the County Championship was done and extra games were provided.
Increased finance, additional staff and the integration of public and educational library services on a divisional basis contributed to these developments.
Against the Colts in the divisional round, they relied heavily on a ball-control offense and kept the ball for more than 37 minutes.
A couple of scouts and coaches offered their expertise in breaking down the divisional playoff matchups of the upcoming weekend.
The draw for the first game (North Divisional quarter-finals) will take place on Sunday, when the colts are due to travel to Leigh on Sunday to complete the league season.
Last season: 13-3, won AFC North, lost to Indianapolis in divisional round
Bitter end to 2006 leaves Ravens wanting more
The local divisional commander called me direct.
The first job of the Fitch Benoy team, led by divisional director Charles Dunnett, was to assess the existing fabric.
the divisional line between two states
The next available Divisional Court sittings in Brampton is May 31.
Passing from this main wall at right angles, were the divisional partitions of the rooms, 3 feet 0 inches in width.
The programme is being co-ordinated through local community teams, led by a divisional highways manager and two highway engineers.
Farmers who want to employ someone to shear their sheep will have to seek permission from the Government's divisional veterinary manager.
My son called his divisional head for IT, who said we would be paid on August 10.
IOL: News
With Dudley cementing their place to join Bedford in the divisional leagues, one relegation place remains to be determined.
Maigret had no idea; the wife of a divisional superintendent usually had to make do with rabbit fur or, at best, musquash and racoon.
Maigret and Monsieur Charles