How To Use Divisible In A Sentence
Far from being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole.
In his famous "antinomies", he proved four propositions: first, that the universe is limitless in time and space; second, that matter is composed of simple, indivisible elements; third, that free will is impossible; and fourth, that there must be an absolute or first cause.
The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition
Republic One and Indivisible. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death!
According to the Gregorian rule of intercalation, therefore, every year of which the number is divisible by four without a remainder is a leap year, excepting the centurial years, which are only leap years when divisible by four after omitting the two ciphers.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Those who are at the summit level grasp them as constituting an indivisible unity.

It therefore seems natural to conclude that I know myself to be substantial, indivisible, enduring, perhaps even immortal, on the basis of self-awareness alone.
How you can tell whether a binary number of arbitrary size is divisible by 10 without looking at the whole number?
There are to be found generic, that is specifically subdivisible, differentiae;
On the Parts of Animals
But it suits Nationalists and unionists alike to maintain the fiction of an indivisible UK health service.
Since Leibniz 'time the term monad has been used by various philosophers to designate indivisible centres of force, but as a general rule these units are not understood to possess the power of representation or perception, which is the distinguishing characteristic of the Leibnizian monad.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
Even hundredfold grief is divisible by love. Terri Guillemets
Even Chinese democracy activists and dissidents take the borders of China as an indivisible given.
These days, Agnes and Father Damien became one indivisible person in prayer.
To these James assigns, as times: for the first, six minutes; for the second, four; for the third, five; this last being again subdivisible into a space of two minutes, during which the "Chesapeake" was being lashed to her opponent, and the actual fighting on her decks, which Broke states did not exceed three.
Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 Volume 2
Zen schools are more or less divisible into those that emphasize a curriculum of verbal meditation objects - like koans - and those that do not.
The question boils down to how many states are needed to test whether a certain number is divisible by another, given number.
The nervous system is divisible into three parts.
It is one and indivisible, unlimited in understanding and creative power.
Nevertheless, Bichat rendered a solid service to physiological progress by insisting upon the fact that what we call life, in one of the higher animals, is not an indivisible unitary archaeus dominating, from its central seat, the parts of the organism, but a compound result of the synthesis of the separate lives of those parts.
Science & Education
For him, music and lyrics are virtually indivisible.
Here we may say that the predicate used to describe to collective is 'divisible'; that is, it is applicable to the members of the collective taken singly.
Libertarian Blog Place
As she approached the airport she thought of two things, indivisible.
The issue with real estate is that a desk is not as divisible as, say, a dollar.
Josh Sawislak: Show Me the (Telework) Money
According to the Gregorian calendar, which is the civil calendar in use today, years evenly divisible by 4 are leap years, with the exception of centurial years that are not evenly divisible by 400.
“Jazmine, I will give you a number and you tell me if it is divisible by three, six, seven, or some of those, or none.”
Times Squared
the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible
Twenty-eight is divisible by seven.
Twentieth century crinoid studies are divisible into four periods.
Happily for men like this, their view of the constitution is indivisible from their view of their own self-interest.
These clans are then divisible into subclans, smaller family groups called lineages, and diyah groups.
Each of the short stories in Dubliners concludes with a showing that manifests the integrity and indivisible nature of some momentary ‘triviality,’ as Joyce calls it.
The material entities that interact in Descartes 'physics come in distinct units or corpuscles (see Section 7), which explains the “corpuscularian” title often attributed to his mechanical system, but these corpuscles are not indivisible.
Descartes' Physics
one nation indivisible
Cauchy had already proved that a group whose order is divisible by a prime p has an element of order p.
His answer to the Eleatic problem was that continuous magnitudes are potentially divisible to infinity, in the sense that they may be divided anywhere, though they cannot be divided everywhere at the same time.
Continuity and Infinitesimals
But the benefit accruing to each individual user would not justify the purchase of such a large and indivisible product.
an indivisible union of states
The Chechens are divisible into several tribes, and intertribal tensions are a part of Chechnya history.
These scruples of mine are divisible into three points, which I shall, for your convenience, set out in a list.
Coined in ancient Greece, the term atom means “indivisible unit,” and through the nineteenth century, scientists believed that our entire physical universe was composed of these elementary particles.
The Answer
In either case, each is considered indivisible as an artistic creation.
In other words, the tenant's estate was somehow divisible into two portions, only one of which was extinguished by the squatter's adverse possession.
For a definition is a sort of number; for (1) it is divisible, and into indivisible parts (for definitory formulae are not infinite), and number also is of this nature.
How can you tell whether a number is divisible by another number (leaving no remainder) without actually doing the division?
A cornice is the uppermost division of the entablature, the representative of the roof, of an order, consisting of projecting mouldings and blocks, usually divisible into bed-moulding, corona, and gutter.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
They are divisible into two great classes, which have received the names of diorite and dolerite, the former a mixture of albite and hornblende, the latter of augite and labradorite, sometimes with considerable quantities of a sort of oligoclase containing both soda and lime, and of different kinds of zeolitic minerals.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
The conception "almost perfect arrays" is proposed and it is shown that the existence of an almost perfect binary array is equivalent to the existence of a certain divisible difference set.
Both 13 and 17 are prime numbers, divisible only by themselves and 1.
The whole gamut of man's activities today constitutes an indivisible whole.
It applied the methods of Kent campus to imaginary grievances in a divided, or divisible, community in Northern Ireland.
The back row set the tone of the class because it acted throughout as one, indivisible, incredibly noisy unit.
Most of the other groups in each grade are also subdivisible, though some of them contain far fewer sub-classes than others.
Logic Deductive and Inductive
The task acre was commonly not a square of 210 feet, but a rectangle 300 feet long and 150 feet broad, divided into square halves and rectangular quarters, and further divisible into "compasses" five feet wide and 150 feet long, making one sixtieth of an acre.
American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
Both the Cartesian plenum theorists, who held that the world was full of infinitely divisible matter and that there was no void space, and the atomists such as Gassendi, who held that there were indivisible atoms and void space in which the atoms move, made the distinction between these two classes of properties.
John Locke
It's the notion that one's public and private lives are divisible sort of like separation of church and state, and that one's privacy ought to be inviolable.
Theories, Holes Included
It is natural for a metal, which is also endowed with a number of other qualities, like being divisible, portable, cognizable, etc., to be the general medium of exchange.
Our life is of a microscopical nature; it is an indivisible point which, drawn out by the powerful lenses of Time and Space, becomes considerably magnified.
Essays of Schopenhauer
Should this hoopla be considered as a whole, as an indivisible monad?
He read Wallis's method for finding a square of equal area to a parabola and a hyperbola which used indivisibles.
The perinaeum, Fig. 3, Plate 50, is, for surgical purposes, described as divisible into two spaces (anterior and posterior) by a transverse line drawn from one tuber ischii, D, to the other, D, and crossing in front of the anus.
Surgical Anatomy
Illusions and allusions to concepts of truth and impartiality, far from indivisible concepts, have always figured prominently in British political propaganda.
Some money would still have to go to the central government to pay for national defense, government salaries, and other indivisible functions, but this will cost a lot less if decentralization is pursued.
The Right Way
Every fourth number is divisible by 4, so there won't be more than three in a row in this bin.
It becomes clear then that the relationships between plants and humans is such that plants as a whole are not obviously divisible into either wild or cultivated.
Now a partless, or indivisible entity does not necessarily have to be infinitesimal: souls, individual consciousnesses, and Leibnizian monads all supposedly lack parts but are surely not infinitesimal.
They are divisible into two great classes, which have received the names of diorite and dolerite, the former a mixture of albite and hornblende, the latter of augite and labradorite, sometimes with considerable quantities of a sort of oligoclase containing both soda and lime, and of different kinds of zeolitic minerals.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
I picked up this habit from an old, South Jersey bayman, who, like many country folks, believed odd numbers were lucky, and that indivisible numbers in particular had almost magical powers.
Sporting Superstitions
It is divisible into three sections with soundproof partitions.
Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me. Nelson Mandela
Familiar accounts of epistemic terms seem to be divisible into those that employ only clearly naturalistic terms and those that do not.
Mandela, who spoke in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans, said the history of what was now the Western Cape - like that of the whole country - taught South Africans that freedom was indivisible.
ANC Daily News Briefing
He swam 27 laps in a pool most mornings, because he liked to do things that were divisible by three.
I think the term for payment being divisible into small particles is ‘frangibility’.
It's exactly this kind of divisible flag-waving, quote-on-quote "patriotic" rhetoric that has gotten us in the mess we're in the first place, isn't it?
The Fraternization of John McCain
‘This is women's work ’, he announces before explaining that responsibility for such chores is indivisible within a functional household.
Divisibility Test An aid in determining whether a natural number is divisible by another natural number is called a divisibility test.
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The body itself is not divisible into neatly - organized tagmata or regions as it is in most other arthropods.
Where there are "divisible" predicates, it seems to me as though we could follow the individualists in saying that to do so would bring about more precision.
Libertarian Blog Place
Atoms were originally thought to be indivisible.
Surrounding the atrium is a structured grid that is divisible into a series of 100-square-foot rooms.
What a cause for rejoicing would it be then, if the proper degree of 'impressibility' were general with those who have failing and recreant teeth, that the dentist and his magnetiser might be one and indivisible?
The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, May 1844 Volume 23, Number 5
The next statement in the loop body is a second if statement that tests whether the variable i is evenly divisible by 125, but this expression is preceded by the not operator.
Indeed we have it on his own testimony that his philosophical system ” monadism ” grew from his struggle with the problem of just how, or whether, a continuum can be built from indivisible elements.
Continuity and Infinitesimals
Correct Orthodox belief says that Christ has one indivisible nature, human and divine, godhead and humanity fused and inseparable, that the incarnate Christ was fully human and fully divine at one and the same time.
The vessel is usually described as divisible into parts, according to the regions which it traverses.
Surgical Anatomy
Furthermore[sentence dictionary], the unknowable God must be conceived to be an indivisible unity.
To this effect, consider a hypernatural K in * N that is divisible by every natural number.
Luxembourg, 8th Pluviose, Second Year of the French Republic, one and indivisible.
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For example, to test whether a number written in decimal digits is divisible by 2, you need check only whether the last digit is even.
The books of the confraternities are divisible into two classes -- necrologies and _libri vitae_.
The Customs of Old England
Even though hysteria as a disease may be described as one and indivisible, there are yet to be found, among the ordinary and fairly healthy population, vague and diffused hysteroid symptoms which are dissipated in
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
In particular, if the remainder is 0, the original number is divisible by 9.
First, although it contains two distinct and separate rules, it is treated as a single indivisible influence.
In this theory," according to an early commentator, "the whole mass of which the bodies of the universe are composed is supposed to consist of an exceedingly great yet finite number of simple, indivisible, inextended atoms.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
You’re assuming Gaza is divisible from the West Bank, so that it can be treated separately from the West Bank.
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When the exponent is a prime number, I say that its radical cannot be divisible by any other prime except those that are greater by one than a multiple of double the exponent.
Their forebrains are fused into a single indivisible whole, and they always die at birth.
The whipped cream on the sundae is the news that 60 is the smallest number divisible by the numbers 1 to 6.
Michael Sigman: A Number for the Ages
Yet a generic differentia must be subdivisible; for otherwise what is there that makes it generic rather than specific?
On the Parts of Animals
In his view those are not two separate things but one and indivisible.
even numbers are divisible by two
He presented a corpuscularian basis for his physics, which denied the atoms-and-void theory of ancient atomism and affirmed that all bodies are composed from one type of matter, which is infinitely divisible
René Descartes
He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.
The leading antonym to “continuous” is “discrete”; other ones are: saltatory, sudden, intermittent, indivisible, atomic, particulate, and even monadic.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
According to Leibniz, the world is made up of indivisible, but nevertheless complex, self-sufficient units that he called monads.
It came in a confusion of telephone calls, faxes, e-mails and personal visits, but it was divisible into four clear categories.
Single forms are formally complete and tonally self-contained and are not divisible into smaller units.
The restoration of the inalienable, indivisible allod and of the federal rights of the peasant, as in olden times, would have been far more to the purpose.
Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4
He argued that all matter was infinitely divisible.
Whether or not one agrees with the political position of the party is not the point, but freedom of speech is indivisible: you have it or you do not.
But the benefit accruing to each individual user would not justify the purchase of such a large and indivisible product.
“living on land” is divisible into walking and flying, and walking is further divisible into quadruped, biped, and polypod.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Twelve is divisible by four.
The appendage is divisible into three parts - a broad proximal section where it joins the theca then a median section tapering to narrower distal section.
Lirabuccinum is divisible into two morphologic groups.
We have arrived by degrees at a conception of space as a singular three-dimensional entity which is, ontologically speaking, a simple and indivisible whole.
We remain indivisible despite their attempts to divide Americans through their relentless warfare against class, ethnic and religious unity.
In contrast to the classification by overstory, the seven forests were not divisible into groups using the understory taxa.
All apoapsis maneuver numbers up to this point have been divisible by three.
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We must suppose it to be so, but it does not follow that we can know anything about it if it is divided into pieces smaller than a certain size; and, if we can know nothing about it when so divided, then, qua us, it has no existence and therefore matter, qua us, is not infinitely subdivisible.
The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
He saw how cinema, music and street style were indivisible.
In the end, for all we have learned about his art, Caravaggio the artist and Caravaggio the man remain indivisible.
This clearly undermines the Democritean mereological concept of elementarity, in which a composite entity has a unique decomposition into a set of indivisible entities.
Archive 2009-02-01
He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.
It was the ancient Greeks who gave us the idea of atoms, fundamental and invisibly small particles of matter, and also the word atom, which means “uncuttable,” “indivisible.”
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The sovereign power is indivisible; it cannot for instance be divided between king and parliament.
Free speech is a universal freedom, and it is indivisible.
For the author, politics and the personal are indivisible.
The atomists held that there are smallest indivisible bodies from which everything else is composed, and that these move about in an infinite void space.
Descartes rejects any form of atomism, which is the view that there exists a smallest indivisible particle of matter.
Descartes' Physics
According to the Geological Survey Team of Tibet, who surveyed the area and measured the studied section, the Juripu Formation is divisible into 12 units.
If the amount of these matches is divisible by a certain number, such as 7 (which is said to be God's number), there is an incontestable argument that the Spirit of God is ever present in the text.
He brooked no rivals, anointed no successors and developed a cult of personality that was indivisible from his people's hopes.
Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me. Nelson Mandela
The triangle joining points 3, 6 and 9 links all the numbers on the circle divisible by 3.
He saw how cinema, music and street style were indivisible.
When the exponent is a prime number, I say that its radical less one is divisible by twice the exponent.
There was a time when honesty was thought of as indivisible: you were either honest or you were not.
These days, Agnes and Father Damien became one indivisible person in prayer.
'Living Body;' and so on till 'Man' is reached; which, being _infima species_, is only subdivisible into individuals.
Logic Deductive and Inductive
Yankees called each other _citizen_, invented the feminine _citess_, and proposed changing our old calendar for the Ventose and Fructidor arrangement of the one and indivisible republic.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
These “contradictory tensions,” as poet Christian Bök points out, also shed light on the chasm between the “romantic tradition that depicts nature as a pantheistic avatar of a benevolent deity” and “the scientific tradition that depicts nature as a subdivisible continuum of objective phenomena.”
Christopher Dewdney
First: According to magnitude I divide the whales into three primary BOOKS (subdivisible into CHAPTERS), and these shall comprehend them all, both small and large.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
Psychiatrists didn't seem able to agree whether the self was a single unity or divisible into separate personalities.
These ancient atomists theorized that the two fundamental and oppositely characterized constituents of the natural world are indivisible bodies - atoms - and void.
Although at one time it was correct to describe the Crown as one and indivisible, with the development of the Commonwealth this is no longer so.
Their forebrains are fused into a single indivisible whole, and they always die at birth.
A country's language is indivisible from its culture.
Herrnstein's and Murray's argument depends on thinking of the 15-point IQ difference as divisible into a genetic chunk and an environmental chunk.
I like the fact that in the metric system everything is divisible and multipliable by ten; but, darn I hate it that the kilometer is so much smaller than the mile.
All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time.
But the benefit accruing to each individual user would not justify the purchase of such a large and indivisible product.
In either case, each is considered indivisible as an artistic creation.
The disciples of Thales and Pythagoras grant that all bodies are passible and divisible into infinity.
Essays and Miscellanies
As she approached the airport she thought of two things, indivisible.
It will not dampen our resolve, for our resolve is indivisible and unyielding, which is a weapon infinitely stronger than the plots and the plans of those who wish to do us harm. al Qaeda wants to intimidate us and prevent us from enjoying our lives and exercising our freedoms.
CNN Transcript Aug 1, 2004
Now a line is extended and Leibniz held that extension is a form of repetition, so, a line, being divisible into parts, cannot be a unity.
It applied the methods of Kent campus to imaginary grievances in a divided, or divisible, community in Northern Ireland.
All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century.
The Atomic Theory explains both propositions if it is assumed that atoms are indivisible and form complexes in fixed ratios.
As it was recited in one school, “Honro a la bandera te Tejas, te juro lealtad a ti, Tejas, un estado bajo Dios, uno e indivisible.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Wisdom
He brooked no rivals, anointed no successors and developed a cult of personality that was indivisible from his people's hopes.
Beam contributor means an indivisible optical assembly including a lens.
Each superfamily is clearly divisible into two to four distinct families on the basis of conserved elements in the precursor sequences.
· Fixed gamma () and derivative functions such as binomial () returning wrong results at integer inputs being divisible by a large power of 2.
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Some there are of great note who, not content with holding that finite lines may be divided into an infinite number of parts, do yet farther maintain that each of those infinitesimals is itself subdivisible into an infinity of other parts or infinitesimals of a second order, and so on ad infinitum.
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley
But the benefit accruing to each individual user would not justify the purchase of such a large and indivisible product.
The Chechens are divisible into several tribes, and intertribal tensions are a part of Chechnya history.
Although the dominions became equal partners in the British Commonwealth, the Crown remained indivisible.
In his view those are not two separate things but one and indivisible.
Undergirding these laws is the ontological premise that space is divisible into state-owned sovereign units.
The building blocks of matter are the atoms which were originally thought to be indivisible.
Today art is indivisible from culture, culture from heritage, heritage from tourism.
It's exactly this kind of divisible flag-waving, "patriotic" rhetoric that has gotten us in the mess we're in the first place, isn't it?
Val Strange: The Fraternity of John McCain
The word in English derives from Latin, in - meaning not and dividuus meaning divisible.
For him, music and lyrics are virtually indivisible.
Do we therefore conclude that the beer consists of solid indivisible lumps of matter of that volume?
If, having fixed our Species, we find them subdivisible, it is usual to call the
Logic Deductive and Inductive