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  1. by divine means
    the divinely appointed means of rescue from temporal existence

How To Use divinely In A Sentence

  • His eyes were a stunning, mesmerizing, absolutely divinely hue of sapphire blue.
  • Third Fairy had been divinely gifted for a full thirty years.
  • For, it is impossible to turn our eyes on any point of the starlit vista of human history, without being overwhelmed with a heart-breaking sense of the immense treasure of radiant human lives that has gone to its making, the innumerable dramatic careers now shrunk to a mere mention, the divinely passionate destinies, once all wild dream and dancing blood, now nought but a name huddled with a thousand such in some dusty index, seldom turned to even by the scholar, and as unknown to the world at large as the moss-grown name on some sunken headstone in a country churchyard. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • However Charles saw Exclusion of the rightful heir as changing the monarchy from a hereditary, divinely appointed institution into an elective, limited office that could soon give way to a new commonwealth.
  • We are told no more in the title of this book (which we have, v. 1) than that the penman was a prophet, a man divinely inspired and commissioned, which is enough (if that be so, we need not ask concerning his tribe or family, or the place of his birth), and that the book itself is the burden which he saw; he was as sure of the truth of it as if he had seen it with his bodily eyes already accomplished. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • the divinely appointed means of rescue from temporal existence
  • Either the apparitions were divinely inspired or else they were normal earthly phenomena, but in neither event were they paranormal. GRACE
  • It seems to me that they were a state, but they had a legal system which, according to their lights, was divinely ordained.
  • I had lost sight of the idea that the appearance of Jesus, or any great avatar, is a singular event in history, inextricable from the fabric of that time and place, and is carried forward in people's minds in ways that transcend the flesh and blood of any one person, no matter how divinely inspired they may have been," said Strickland. Steven and Michael Meloan: Can the Commingling of Science and Spirituality be Transformative?
  • “laws of reason” in the list of divinely revealed commandments and prohibitions, God, in effect, allows His subjects to do what they would be doing anyway (viz. acting in accordance with basic, reason-based moral ideals), but enables them to get the additional bonus of being rewarded for ˜doing God's bidding™. Saadya [Saadiah]
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