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How To Use Divine In A Sentence

  • Solomon himself impersonated the phallic god Baal-Rimmon, "Lord of the Pomegranate," when he was united with his divine bride, the mysterious Shulamite, and drank the juice of her pomegranate Song of Solomon 8:2. Archive 2008-03-01
  • It's as if an angel made a divine appointment to show me what a kete of kindness can do for a flock of lost little lambs.
  • That being impossible here, let us return to the topic of theism and the relation of evil to divine purpose.
  • Excepting his quaint epithets which he affects to render literally from the Greek, a language above all others blest in the happy marriage of sweet words, and which in our language are mere printer's compound epithets -- such as quaffed divine Literary Remains, Volume 1
  • To protect man's rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law.
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  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • He did not flinch as the verdict was read to a hushed court - and his hopes of divine intervention were vanquished.
  • The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation. Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
  • After all, the Divine is an all-encompassing entity.
  • To erode that bedrock is to subscribe, to a “divine right of kings” theory of governance, in which those who govern are absolved from adhering to the basic moral standards to which the governed are accountable. Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • He spoke of something wholly divine and uncreated in the human soul.
  • In its seeming ambiguity yet divine reality it remains free of the influence of humankind and our lusts.
  • He thereby provides both a theology of the resurrection and a theology of the liturgy: one encounters the risen Christ in the word and in the sacrament; divine service is the fashion in which he becomes touchable to us and recognizable as the living Christ. The book by Joseph Ratzinger that "changed history"
  • Or the first man awakened to a sense of the divine. Christianity Today
  • Thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend. The Sun
  • However ecstatic expression is performed, its most enthusiastic performance spontaneously tunes and readies us to experience the divine and encounter the mysterium tremendum. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • The San Francisco quake was mild compared to the roar of divine judgment soon to come.
  • But the poem appears to commend long-suffering endurance and to suggest that mourners may be silently visited by Divine Grace.
  • That divine spirit whose course is marked with black and white stains, who is the supporter of fire, and who, though free from sin, is the accomplisher of desired karma, whom the wise regard as a great Rishi, is the fire Kapila, the propounder of the Yoga system called The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
  • He later (2003 and 2005, 21-5) adduced a specific instance of such a change in emphasis, showing that Ammonius glosses over the doctrine of ˜divine names™, their natural origin and theurgic efficacy. The Garbage House
  • There is what Maximus and others called a 'theandric', a divine-human reality going on there, and the icon, the image of Jesus Christ represents that theandric reality - the interweaving (not fusion or confusion) of the endless, divine resourcefulness of agency and love with the particularities of a human life. Royal Academy of Arts Byzantium Lecture 'Icons and the Practice of Prayer'
  • We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland.
  • So, Sue asked the DUP councillor, could Katrina have been a divine judgement on born-again Christians?
  • Every window into the divine has its own angle and there is an infinite number of angles.
  • Have we not frequent apologies of our divines for the confutation of such false, malicious, and putid criminations? The Sermons of John Owen
  • Of his style and manner, if we think first of the romance-poetry and then of Chaucer’s divine liquidness of diction, his divine fluidity of movement, it is difficult to speak temperately. The Study of Poetry
  • The church commences her solemn service of each of these days with that part of the divine office called matins and lauds, and at this time Tenebrae from the _darkness_ with which it concludes. The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • Thus, through a process must like Transubstantiation, it'll become simply divine.
  • The highest expression of nineteenth century neoclassicism is seen in the wonderful mural, based on Dante's Divine Comedy, by Jacobo Gálvez and Gerardo Suárez on the dome of the Degollado Theater. Murals come to life in the Florence of Mexico: Guadalajara
  • But though this darkness were wholly removed, there is another darkness, that ariseth not from the want of light, but from the excessive superabundance of light — _caligo lucis nimiæ_, (240) that is, a divine darkness, a darkness of glory, such an infinite excess and superplus of light and glory, above all created capacities, that it dazzles and confounds all mortal or created understandings. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • The pycnostyle is a temple in an intercolumniation of which the thickness of a column and a half can be inserted: for example, the temple of the Divine Caesar, that of Venus in Caesar's forum, and others constructed like them. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Nothing was divine any more; everything was profane.
  • The earlier one is a form of adoptionism, in which Jesus was born human of natural parents, but later elevated by God to a subordinate divine status. Philocrites: Isaac Newton's anti-Trinitarianism in the news.
  • Every step which led him to the summit of power was prefaced by what he called seeking the Lord; that is, attending sermons and prayers, by which the suborned performers of those profane and solemn farces prepared their congregations to desire what their employers had previously determined to do; thus giving an air of divine inspiration to the projects of fraud, murder, and ambition. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • Deep down, he divined, were the integrities and the stabilities. Chapter I
  • [339] Actual grace is an illapse of divine influence and assistance, working in and by the soul any spiritual act or duty whatsoever, without any pre-existence unto that act or continuance after it, “God working in us, both to will and to do.” Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • First, it subjects the process of earning to certain divine injunctions, which clearly define the limits of halal and haram.
  • [A] divine fire coming down visibly, with a terrible noise, from heaven upon the holy community of sisters while they were praising God in their psalmody. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • It was more akin to ritual performance than film narrative, with the actors, costumes, lines, sets, and special effects chosen and designed to create a sense of a divine world rather than a human one.
  • She is bound to the rules and the choir, but not to the private recitation of the Divine Office; she can take part in chapters, except in those in which others are admitted to vows; she cannot be elected superior, mother-vicaress, mistress of novices, assistant, counsellor, or treasurer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Use it on skin and in hair and you will look and smell divine. Times, Sunday Times
  • the doctrine of the divine right of kings was enunciated by the Stuarts in Britain in the 16th century
  • It would be sounded high that he debased human nature, which has a "cognation," so the reverend and learned Doctor Cudworth calls it, with the divine; that the soul of man, immaterial and immortal by its nature, was made to contemplate higher and nobler objects than this sensible world, and even than itself, since it was made to contemplate God and to be united to Him. Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
  • Not just another way of stating that divine sovereignty and human doing cohere or belong together but more specifically this verse expresses a soteriological truth.
  • He didn't know he'd won when he sat down to dinner on Tuesday, but he spent the evening cannily trying to divine the result from the way the cameras were positioning themselves.
  • He is using your partner as divine sandpaper to take off the rough edges.
  • In the absence of divine intervention, virgin birth for mammals is not an option.
  • The whole of divine revelation comes to full fruition in him.
  • The former are called Sakrodia or those who ate the leavings of others, and the latter _Deotaon ki sansar_, or the divine Dangis. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • Pastor Rick Warren's best-selling "The Purpose Driven Life" is suffused with predestinarian themes, repackaged as a gentler divine providence. Highway To Heaven
  • They scouted the venerable old dogma of the divine right of kings and titled aristocracies to rule the submissive multitude. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
  • The name Israel had been drummed into our heads as a linch pin of “God's divine plan” for centuries before the country even existed. Freedom of speech is alive...but very sick
  • It was the '_victrix_ causa;' and, _as_ such, simply because it was 'victrix,' it had a right in his eyes to postulate the divine favor as mere matter of necessary interference: whilst, on the other hand, the _victa causa_, though it seemed to Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 2
  • City special mention should be made of the sanctuary of the Madonna del Divino Amore (of the Divine Love) on the Via Ardeatina, near an old castle of the Orsini, which is visited by a great concourse of people ou Whit-Monday. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The frittata roll is also divine: a squidgy herby omelette sitting between two slabs of bread or in a roll is the stuff of dreams.
  • That would entail the existence of causal relations between such persons, in all their physical complexity, and the divine being.
  • According to this interpretation, the phrase “the nature of the divine and the good” refers simply to a characteristic that is attributed to Pyrrho, and labeled by poetic hyperbole as ˜divine™, in another fragment of Timon, namely his extraordinary tranquillity; the couplet as a whole, then, is saying that tranquillity is the source of an even-tempered life. Picnic
  • Here, seeing was surely believing, but truly spiritual seeing was itself a miracle, uniquely manifested by divine grace to this holiest of prayerful petitioners.
  • Aside from the linguistic challenges they pose, these ancient artificial, noncewords, with their sonorous, cantillating, rhyming, and rhythmical variations on phonetic themes, have intrigued and fascinated scholars who try to divine the rules governing their formation. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • It tries to gain advantages before God and obtain righteousness through a supposedly better life with more divine occupations and more heavenly thoughts.
  • It was also the ancient world equivalent of name-dropping designed to differentiate him from the rest of the philosopher herd affected by divine radiation.
  • Parson, laying his pipe on his hand, “fourteenthly, it is calumniously asserted by the opposers of divine truth that on this hypothesis God made men to damn them; but we say Margaret
  • And yet, the idea of a Goddess, a wholly divine being, actually being born struck them as bizarre.
  • She prayed for divine guidance.
  • Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom. Libertas Praestantissimum
  • Now obedience to a superior is due in accordance with the divinely established order of things, as shown above A. 1, and therefore it is a good, since good consists in mode, species, and order, as Augustine states.6 Again, this act has a special aspect of praiseworthiness by reason of its object. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • One of the big joys of this production, after the divine euphony of Kremer's sound, is the return to the eleven-instrument orchestration of Piazzolla's original score.
  • Both the Mayans and Aztecs believed the cacao bean had magical, or even divine, properties18), suitable for use in the most sacred19) rituals of birth, marriage and death.
  • Diva is the term derived from the Latin word “divus”, “a divine one”, and in its original use described a woman of exceptional talent, more specifically a great female opera singer. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The chaotic state of the world as evidence of divine absenteeism is a topic for another day. The gods must be crazy | Her Bad Mother
  • For him it was a means of revealing the divine principle and concretizing a personal vision of the Supreme Being that had been vouchsafed to him.
  • This quaint ceremonial, still annually observed in the secluded capital of Buddhism-the Rome of Asia-is interesting because it exhibits, in a clearly marked religious stratification, a series of divine redeemers themselves redeemed, of vicarious sacrifices vicariously atoned for, of gods undergoing a process of fossilisation, who, while they retain the privileges, have disburdened themselves of the pains and penalties of divinity. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • They fluttered down, the petals cascading around the guests and the royal family, causing a gorgeous and divine sight.
  • Carson played many recurring characters, including Carnac the Magnificent, a mystic from the East who could "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions, which were hidden in a sealed envelope which Carnac held to his head. Our Favorite Johnny Carson Moments
  • Any appeal to divine intervention to bridge what seem to be otherwise unbridgeable gaps in naturalistic explanations is viewed with great suspicion. Combinatorial Dependencies
  • She clasped her hands, and glancing upward, seemed to implore divine assistance.
  • The food was not divine but it was manna for a lonely man.
  • Supposing, just for a second, that we take these metaphors literally; what we would basically be saying is that God -- that Supreme Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient -- is the real evil, while Lucifer and Christ were both good guys, both trying but failing to wake humanity up to its daimonic -- which is to say divine -- potential. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART ONE
  • Later in that same article, Coffman notes that the use of fish in a spiritual fast was cause for great culinary creativity in the Medieval kitchen, and a French abbess is credited for the creation of the divine dish which I hesitate to categorize as “fish soup” called bouillabaisse. Tigers & Strawberries » Fish: Feast or Fast?
  • The deterministic aspect of divine rule in Daniel is of one piece with divine determinism that permeates the Bible - and that appears to be a theological datum.
  • Tennyson, in a "far off divine event, toward which the whole creation moves," or with Shakespeare when he said "There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will. Church Cooperation in Community Life
  • Pieces like this may have been composed as a sort of trope on that versicle to be sung in the Divine Office.
  • The manna that succored the Israelites in the wilderness was gathered in baskets, which thus formed part of a divine act of national salvation.
  • We have no divine right to win these races. The Sun
  • Si vis ditari, contemne divitias; that's true plenty, not to have, but not to want riches, non habere, sed non indigere, vera abundantia: 'tis more glory to contemn, than to possess; et nihil agere, est deorum, and to want nothing is divine. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In fact, the name dianthus, coined by Greek botanist Theophrastus, is derived from the Greek words dios (divine) and anthos (flower). What in Carnation?
  • The reason why by polygamical marriages among Christians the marriage of the Lord and the church is profaned, is, because there is a correspondence between that divine marriage and the marriages of Christians; concerning which, see above, n. 83-102; which correspondence entirely perishes, if one wife is joined to another; and when it perishes, the married man is no longer a The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • No harder than your heart, nor colder is the hard, cold ersite of this thrice happy bench which supports your divine and fadeless form! Thuvia, Maid of Mars
  • It gives them the illusion of divine aura.
  • When a bird trying to fly upwards is made to fall upon the earth snare, it is a plain proof that the snare is there; so, Israel, now that thou art falling, infer thence, that it is in the snare of the divine judgment that thou art entangled [Ludovicus De Dieu]. shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing -- The bird-catcher does not remove his snare off the ground till he has caught some prey; so God will not withdraw the Assyrians, &c., the instruments of punishment, until they have had the success against you which God gives them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The Divine said, I will preprogram my downloads in the book. Tao II
  • The cardinals on Tuesday filed into the chapel, chanting a Latin hymn to ask for divine guidance and swearing a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of their deliberations on pain of excommunication.
  • It is no less rendered necessary by the nature of the divine strength imparted, which is ever communicating itself, and like the ocean cannot but pour so much of its fulness as can be received into every creek and crack on its shore. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • We deem it another radical defect in Mr. Combe's theory of "natural laws," that he represents the _distinct existence and independent action of these laws_ as "the key to the Divine government," as the one principle which explains all apparent irregularities, and accounts satisfactorily for the casualties and calamities of human life. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • O Thou whose divine tenderness doth ever outsoar the narrow loves and charities of earth, grant me to-day a kind and gentle heart towards all things that live. A Diary Of Private Prayer
  • They are endowed rather with the magic arts than with the power of the divine name. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • His birth chart indicates much tension in his love life and suggests a divine discontent that would never let him rest on his laurels.
  • He can move from place to place through the air at crucial moments, supposedly by inspiration of divine spirit.
  • Some bicyclists apparently think they have a divine right to ride wherever they want.
  • They had betrayed his trust by falling into sin but had been redeemed by the divine mission of Jesus.
  • Jesus is believed by Christians to have been divine.
  • The saving knowledge that gives present-day Gnostics their sense of superiority derives not from experiences of divine revelation but from initiation into the historical consciousness provided by higher education.
  • This, by which the gods are divine, must be the oldest God of them all: and our own soul is of that same Ideal nature, so that to consider it, purified, freed from all accruement, is to recognise in ourselves that same value which we have found soul to be, honourable above all that is bodily. The Six Enneads.
  • The elder maid-servant wore a good stuff gown — the younger snooded up her hair, and now went about the house a damsel so trig and neat, that some said she was too handsome for the service of a bachelor divine; and others, that they saw no business so old Saint Ronan's Well
  • Whether mourning the miseries of war, praying for divine help or preparing herself for death, it seemed as if her life as a writer was at its end.
  • Briefly, in this man of culture and refinement, in whose own mysterious life one might perhaps have found various crimes but not a single act of base improbity, one could divine an implacable, obstinate theoretician, who was resolved to set the world ablaze for the triumph of his ideas. The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete
  • Ideas of Divine Right were, it is true, becoming increasingly difficult to justify in intellectual terms.
  • The Temple itself (and before that the Tabernacle) was a medium of Divine revelation.
  • In Indian legend, every rishi, or yogi, who possesses divine power has a retreat in the mountain vastness of the Himalayas.
  • Sin has much more weakened man's will than darkened his intellect, and the rebellion of the sensual appetite, which we call concupiscence, does indeed disturb the understanding, but still it is against the will that it principally stirs up sedition and revolt: so that the poor will, already quite infirm, being shaken with the continual assaults which concupiscence directs against it, cannot make so great progress in divine love as reason and natural inclination suggest to it that it should do. Treatise on the Love of God
  • I had the divinest evening; Oxford meant so much to me .... Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • For today I think Eliade's focus on what he called hierophany, the eruption of the divine into the mundane is the most important thing. UUpdates - All updates
  • But the point of ego dissolution required to exist in a state of selfless divine love is also one of death and rebirth.
  • We believe that human beings have a divine origin and an eternal destiny.
  • They bemoaned their domestic trials and, like young bachelors in love, sought to divine the whims of the women in their lives. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • Wherefore, such opinions and persuasions are gradually insinuated into the mind, and are admitted insensibly without opposition or reluctancy, being never accompanied at their first admission with any secular disadvantage; -- but these divine convictions by the word befall men, some when they think of nothing less and desire nothing less; some when they design other things, as the pleasing of their ears or the entertainment of their company; and some that go on purpose to deride and scoff at what should be spoken unto them from it. Pneumatologia
  • But, remember, you will have passed the Rubicon, when once you have been shaven: if you repent, and let your beard grow, your mouth will by-and-by show no longer what Messer Angelo calls the divine prerogative of lips, but will appear like a dark cavern fringed with horrent brambles.
  • There's something divine in her. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other essential part of the marriage service is the invocation of divine blessing.
  • As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
  • Church is self-subsisting and not necessarily connected with what they call despotism, begin to regard it as a Divine institution and return to her fold. ' Life of Father Hecker
  • Rabelaisianism of his more private conversation, for his frank interest in, his eternal preoccupation with, aspects of life and human activity which, though essential to the divine purpose, are not openly recognized as such -- even by Daniel Poveys. The Old Wives' Tale
  • For the Vedas, at least, were considered to be of divine authority, and their words, metres, and grammar were regarded with a superstitious awe, such as reminds us of what has been called the "bibliolatry" of the Jewish Pantheism, Its Story and Significance Religions Ancient and Modern
  • And yet, our currency invokes our trust in God, our leaders pray for divine guidance and, apparently, the Pentagon annotates briefing memos with Bible verses. RELIGION Blog |
  • Since human free will, on the Arminian understanding, is independent of God's plan, it cannot be a divine revelation, the image of God.
  • These references to Niagara Falls as a manifestation of the Divine would become even more frequent as the century advanced.
  • As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
  • Besides which he had a difficulty of breathing upon him, and had a convulsion of all his members, insomuch that the diviners said those diseases were a punishment upon him for what he had done.
  • These two conjunct objects of the Divine Covenant are to be carefully considered, in order to obtain a clear and accurate view of miraculous inspiration by the Holy Ghost.
  • When A. came to take in her liquor, she found her tub empty, and from the cow's staggering and staring, so as to betray her intemperance, she easily divined the mode in which her 'browst' had disappeared. Waverley — Volume 1
  • To his mind, a semiotician is essentially a sleuth on a mission to divine the truth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food is the most elemental form of collaboration between humans and the divine Creator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some fans seem to regard footballers as divine beings.
  • Satan's rebellion arises in no small measure from an over-estimation of the importance of existents and a rejection of those aspects of his relationship with God to be affirmed through belief: the unobservable act of his own creation; and the benevolence of the Son's vicegerent rule, which he takes to be an expression of divine authoritarianism. Feisal G. Mohamed: Evaluating the Post-Secular Return to Belief
  • The organizational structure of parishes and dioceses is not a divine formula.
  • So how about a little divine intervention?
  • And this is the evening prayer of that, what we call the breviary, or the divine office. CNN Transcript Apr 16, 2008
  • His copy of The Diviners was meticulously tabbed and flagged and he had a thick file of all of the emails that the two men had exchanged with each other before this evening.
  • Martin chatted with us about his upcoming ventures as we his tasted his divine wasabi gazpacho and sushi rolls. EXTRA Celebrates TV’s Finest With the 2006 Emmy Awards Lounge
  • Cantico espiritual; IDEM, Llama de amor viva; SCARAMELLI, Direttorio mistico (Venice, 1754); RIBET, La mystique divine (Paris, 1895); The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • As we broke the bonds of relationship and interdependency with one another and disrupted our ecological matrix, our link to the divine mysteries became all but lost. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • In one, we are objects of and vehicles for the divine love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Measurable by him who hath time, weighable by a good weigher, attainable by strong pinions, divinable by divine nut-crackers: thus did my dream find the world: -- Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none
  • I only knew love, the divine and irrefragable fact, that is all. THE END OF THE STORY
  • Peace grows when the graces of God and the blessings of Earth are not considered possessions to be protected but divine gifts intended for all.
  • He would clearly have marched with the Diggers and the Levellers, almost as much the enemies of Cromwell's authoritarianism as of Charles' belief in the divine right of kings.
  • The second Sunday after Easter is now dedicated to the Divine Mercy - a new feast day instituted by John Paul himself based on the visions of his sainted compatriot, Faustina Kowalska.
  • Even with the assistance of divine treasures, we must practice dedicatedly. Divine Transformation
  • He tells the world that his art has raised him to the level of divine Michelangelo, and the world places his name alongside Michelangelo, and Da Vinci, and anyone else he cares to suggest. Cellini's Salt Cellar
  • Soglia (Institut, Canon, II, 12) says "The law of tithes can never be abrogated by prescription or custom, if the ministers of the Church have no suitable and sufficient provision from other sources; because then the natural and divine law, which can neither be abrogated not antiquate, commands that the tithe be paid. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • + But they were without God in the world; having cast off his fear, and the apprehension of his presence, and their accountableness, which often follow the dereliction of the divine institutions. Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • The final surprise is that in the Old Testament the Spirit does not appear as a divine being.
  • In ancient Rome, emperors would divine truth by reading the entrails of animals or vanquished foes.
  • They commemorate the currency of cowrie shells and beads, while suggesting the practice of a geomancy divined in the patterning of objects.
  • Tantra is a union of lovers, and union with the divine, with God. Shameless self-promotion
  • To deny causality is to deny divine wisdom, for causality is a necessary relation.
  • At first, when I was unaware of this interest of his in my affairs, he had to divine my intentions, as, for instance, at Papeete, when I contemplated going partners with a knavish fellow-countryman on a guano venture. THE HEATHEN
  • Within the divine plan, they see their role as making this gift available to others, rather than congratulating themselves on possessing it.
  • He can move from place to place through the air at crucial moments, supposedly by inspiration of divine spirit.
  • For my own part, however, I cannot but wonder, since he had divined and predicted that heterogeneous matter could be discharged by the course he indicates, why he could not or would not perceive, and inform us that, in the natural state of things, the blood might be commodiously transferred from the lungs to the left ventricle of the heart by the very same route. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
  • The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.
  • Sometimes we discover we have ‘made’ an interpretation without realising it, on other occasions we struggle to articulate what it is we have divined.
  • May your family be full of divine blessings on this Thanksgiving!
  • Aux petits des oiseaux Dieu donne la pature, Mais sa bonte s'arrkete a la litterature, we must believe, with Ibsen's enemies, that his fortunes were not under the divine protection. Henrik Ibsen
  • Encountering him there, Dinah calmly tells him that she can not do without him-it is the divine will that they marry.
  • The traditional quadrivium is essentially the study of pattern, harmony, symmetry and order in nature and mathematics viewed as a reflection of the Divine Order. David Clayton on the Way of Beauty at Thomas More College, New Hampshire
  • Revelation is intuitive knowledge and wisdom about some aspect of nature through divine inspiration.
  • Her husband, the Rev. George Butler, understood it as a true reflection of divine love.
  • A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.
  • A religious art must dedicate itself to a propagation of the divine message.
  • You here see that unfortunate divine, who has so long, and it would ill become me to say, successfully fought against the deuterogamy of the age. The Vicar of Wakefield
  • The mythology of a religion tends to reflect the covenant between the followers of a religion and the Divine.
  • Now, I'm very soft-hearted and happen to know that my meat appears by special act of creation divinely shrink-wrapped on Tesco shelves.
  • The girl felt it in every nerve; it was as though some soft-footed, noiseless, shapeless creature, whose presence she only dimly divined, was approaching nearer -- _nearer_. Stories by English Authors: The Orient (Selected by Scribners)
  • When this happens, the help of a diviner or herbalist is sought.
  • It is not because of any limit in Divine resource and ability, for God has none.
  • There I spent some comfortable days, sleeping much, having myself read to, mostly from the private letters of the Emperors, and from the Anticatones of the Divine Julius; and, from the balcony of the ante-room enjoying the splendid view southwestwards, over the Circus Maximus, the lower reaches of the Tiber and the Campagna, for my apartment was on that side of the Palace and high up. Andivius Hedulio Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire
  • He was the first to realize that you can abandon divine creation of species without abandoning the argument from design.
  • As for the judgment of our own divines, _Calviniani_, saith Balduine, (440) _morem illum quo eucharastia ad aegrotos tanquam viaticum defertur improbant, eamque non nisi in coetibus publicis usurpendam censent_. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • To deny the reality of the divine love is to enter the dark territory where it can not be found.
  • But as the term taught nothing to him who knew, said nothing to him who did not know, understand, and feel, Chopin afterwards ceased to add this explanation to his music, being persuaded that if one understood it, it was impossible not to divine this rule of irregularity. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • As a griffin/centaur, the hippogriff, too, suggests Christ's divine conquest of the passions, as evidenced by his donkey ride into Jerusalem.
  • People with traditional religious beliefs may view psychic phenomena as miracles or divine interventions by God.
  • He believed that natural selection - or as in his own case, divine dispensation - would provide, and it seldom did.
  • One need not be a Nobel Prize economist to divine the logical extension of that trend.
  • Waterloo bears divine right on its crupper.
  • But alas! my dear Mr.B. was never yet thought so entirely fit to fill up the character of a casuistical divine, as that one may absolutely rely upon his decisions in these serious points: and you know we must stand or fall by our own judgments. Pamela
  • The loss of the temple was a divine judgment on account of the unfaithfulness of the priests, scribes and Sanhedrin elders.
  • The divine judgment is unexpected, kenotic, eschatological, and apophatically affirmed and denied.
  • We now live in, and scientists study, a creation damaged by human sin and divine judgment.
  • Sex and religion are a constant theme in her lyrics, while her highly charged live performances straddle the divide between divine possession and lustful abandonment.
  • You try something on and the designer says you look divine. Times, Sunday Times
  • James sought to reassert the divine right of kings, and Parliament combined against him.
  • When the infant Heracles caught Hera"s two serpents in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child"s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy .
  • More of this will be addressed in the section on divine causation, but for now suffice it to say that God's causal role in the actions of finite substances at the very minimum is to pre-establish the concomitance or conjunction between “causes” and “effects,” without which God's aim of producing universal and maximum harmony Leibniz on Causation
  • And as for those who were not themselves divinely inspired, or wherein those that were so did not act by immediate inspiration, they proved the truth of what they delivered by its consonancy unto the Scriptures already written, referring the minds and consciences of men unto them for their ultimate satisfaction, Acts xviii. 28, xxviii. Pneumatologia
  • I have watched you and your crew, how you preach up selfish ambition for divine charity and call prurient longings celestial love, while you blaspheme that very marriage from whose mysteries you borrow all your cant. The Saint's Tragedy
  • In one instance, a diviner patiently made 70 individual oracle-bone cracks in order to determine which ancestor was responsible for a living king's toothache.

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