How To Use Divest In A Sentence

  • Prayer, and receive the Sacrament every day; because they do not subject and submit themselves wholly and entirely to him that hath Light, nor deny and conquer themselves, nor give up themselves totally to God, with a perfect divesting and disinteresting of themselves: In a word, till the Soul be purified in the Fire of Inward Pain, it will never get to a State of The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • What a charming possession of himself, that he could be in such a brangle, as I may call it, and which might have had fatal consequences; yet be so wholly, and so soon, divested of the subject; and so infinitely agreeable upon half a score others, as they offered from one or other as we sat at tea! Sir Charles Grandison
  • When a government takes control of a failing firm and injects capital but with the plan to divest as soon as practicable, that is a receivership/conservatorship, not socialism. abb1 says: Matthew Yglesias » Americans Don’t Like “Socialism” But Many Democrats Do
  • A lead trader in a bank, he is complicit as his company tries to divest itself of toxic holdings before they destroy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pasgen allowed himself to be divested of three of the amulets he had marked because to fail to chaffer would also mark him as unusual; however, he was growing impatient and finally made as if to throw down the amulets he was holding and walk away. Ill Met By Moonlight
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  • Prescription (a slight modification of the older usucaption) is the dispensing with evidence of title, and is acquisitive when it is the means of acquiring Ownership and extinctive (divestitive) when it bars a right of action. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • And the companies that fail to find them quickly will be subject to a new round of divestitures and consolidations.
  • The manager divested himself of all reponsibility for the decision.
  • Dondo managed to complete his divestiture of the pearl tiara. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • Accordingly, corporate executives frequently explain proposed or actual divestitures and spin-offs by citing such difficulties.
  • McGann said at the conference that the options were a merger or a divestiture.
  • A second was to order the IOUs to divest themselves of most of their thermal generating assets.
  • At the campaign's peak, leaders of forty-five different student groups had signed on in support of Senior Gift Plus and divestment.
  • This question, divested of the phraseology calculated to represent me as struggling for an arbitrary personal prerogative, is either simply a question who shall decide, or an affirmation that nobody shall decide, what the public safety does require, in cases of Rebellion of Invasion. Balkinization
  • The decision to divest the business has not been an easy one to make but it is the only solution to a difficult and unsustainable situation.
  • Seagram was just going through a series of acquisitions and divestitures when I was brought in.
  • It does Mr. Chernow no disservice to regard his biography as a culmination of a long biographical tradition that has divested Washington of his marmoreal armor. The Life of the Lives
  • A haircut later this month will divest you of more than just your lionly mane. Your Horoscope for the Summer of 2008 « XUP
  • the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly
  • Yet a similar confusion of thought is involved in this indiscriminate application of the term piracy, unless we emphasize the fact that in this connexion it must be divested of its ordinary moral connotation. England under the Tudors
  • Disencumbered of its books, the feudal turret had become warlike again and that Guer-mantes was more himself in death — he was more of his breed, a Guermantes and nothing more and this was symbolised at his funeral in the church of Saint-Hilaire-de-Combray hung with black draperies where the “G” under the closed coronet divested of initials and titles betokened the race of Guermantes which he personified in death. Time Regained
  • All six companies undertake financial analysis of those companies in which they have an interest for competitive, acquisition or divestment purposes.
  • the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property
  • Neither wealth nor divestment of wealth saves us.
  • His shape , now divested of cloak, I perceived harmonized in squareness with his physiognomy.
  • His choice of "divest" leaves open the possibility that male-male friendships are inherently sensual; after all, one cannot divest what one does not already have. The Uses and Abuses of Historicism: Halperin and Shelley on the Otherness of Ancient Greek Sexuality
  • Every year, when the scorching sun divests them of water for months on end, the men turn to pimping rather than toil in the wooden fields.
  • The corporation divested itself of its subsidiaries.
  • The first divestment is scheduled for June, when the government will release a 15 percent stake through the stock market.
  • Others, however, see weightier reasons for Temasek divestment.
  • divested" himself of his clothing, Mr. Box -- or was it Cox? Change in the Village
  • He said the board was making progress towards a decision on the future of the bank's UK operation, reiterating that retention rather than divestment was on the agenda.
  • The strategy, said Johnson, includes few, if any, divestitures and a hiring freeze that will continue until key acquisitions are completed.
  • This divestiture created an affiliated-unaffiliated oligopoly market structure for recorded music.
  • She sat them at a table and then neatly divested them of their cloaks.
  • But we can't give government the unilateral right to divest us of all our rights.
  • She divested herself of her coat and sat down.
  • It is, sir," said the waiter, in reply to the "gusty" observation, stirring the fire while the traveller divested himself of his hat and greatcoat. The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands
  • Other divestitures have reached beyond physical assets to involve intellectual property, technology, licenses, and contracts.
  • We are tackling our problem areas and are divesting those assets which no longer have a strategic fit.
  • Following market consultation, the ACCC will decide whether to accept or reject the proposed undertakings, including IOOF as a proposed purchaser of the divestiture business," the ACCC said. Regulators To Decide On NAB-AXA Deal Next Month
  • We divested ourselves of the fetters of daily workwear and suitably wrapped in kimono style robes approached the tub.
  • Decisions on what will be required in terms of investment and divestment will be necessary for programming guidance.
  • Mr. Fisxwas for rtrikingouL He thought the term forfeiture implied that the importer had a. right till divested by statute. The debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States : with an appendix containing important state papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature; with a copious index; compiled from authentic materials
  • Having started this trend, we've gone through a lot of acquisitions and divestitures over a two-year period.
  • Textron's restructuring program includes corporate and segment direct and indirect workforce reductions, consolidation of facilities primarily in the United States and Europe, ration - alization of certain product lines, outsourcing of non-core production activity, the divestiture of non-core businesses, and streamlining of sales and administrative overhead. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • All six companies undertake financial analysis of those companies in which they have an interest for competitive, acquisition or divestment purposes.
  • SEOUL — Korea Exchange Bank said Friday Chairman Richard Wacker will step down from his post due to personal reasons amid efforts by majority stakeholder Lone Star Funds to divest from the bank. KEB Chairman Resigning Amid Potential Change in Owner
  • It divests him of a capacity for grandeur we want our leaders to possess.
  • Had the Fall not occurred, says Augustine, “[Adam] would not have been divested of his body, but would have been clothed upon with immortality and incorruption, that ‘mortality might have been swallowed up of life;’ that is, that he might have passed from the natural body into the spiritual body.” Augustine vs. Pelagius - Part One: Man, the Fall, and Original Sin | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • A major feature of the privatization process has been the accompanying divestment of regulation.
  • The Fort Lupton plant and midstream facilities divestiture, which is subject to certain regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions, is expected to close in the first quarter of 2011. Encana agrees to sell Fort Lupton natural gas plant and gathering systems in Colorado for US$303 million - Yahoo! Finance
  • She was divested of her gold medal minutes after winning the 800 m in the Seoul Asiad for crossing the lane.
  • Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable.
  • Pleasantly in-the-face, the play divests mythological heroes of their aura and presents them in a lacklustre light.
  • Though in early manhood he felt no embarrassment among men, he said 'that he never yet was able to divest himself of an anti-Chesterfieldian awkwardness in mixed companies.' Albert Gallatin American Statesmen Series, Vol. XIII
  • Possible antitrust concerns could be allayed if Access were to divest Warner's publishing business or if it were only to acquire EMI's recorded-music arm. Hoping EMI Will Strike A Better Note for Citi
  • While the company spelled out plans "to transfer fully the U.S. operation of P&O Operations North America to a United States entity," it failed to mention the words "divest" or "sell. Dubai's Olive Branch
  • He stomps in without stopping to divest himself of his sombrero, spurs or pistols.
  • The green bean was generally referred to as the haricot; the mature bean, dried and divested of its pod, was called the fêverole.59 The latter seems to have been less used in polite society, perhaps because of its windy nature, but its resemblance to the fava bean was close enough to guide cooks in preparing it. Savoring The Past
  • The company decided to divest
  • As to reform, the Parliament was naturally slow (did any political assembly in the world ever divest itself of its own privileges without pressure from without?); but as to the abolition of the Penal Laws there was a cordiality which is remarkable, and which is seldom referred to by the Nationalist writers of the present day when they discourse about the Penal Laws. Is Ulster Right?
  • Croft got up and went out into the hall where Jeffries divested him of his lounging jacket and helped him into a black frock coat.
  • She divested herself of her outdoor clothes
  • Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable.
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • His right to possession may be suspended or temporarily divested if the goods are seized by the police under lawful authority.
  • In many countries there is no power to seek divestiture to split up established business enterprises.
  • We rested that night on the south side of a hill, which the wind had partly denuded of snow, leaving here and there spots quite divested of it; but found neither grass nor water, both of which were greatly needed, and but scant supply of sage (wormwood) which we were obliged from the absence of every other, to use as a substitute for fuel. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Its packaging business has been closed, while the divestment of its glass container business is still being pursued, he said.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Sam Brownback, among others at the state and local level, have identified a powerful tool — a grass-roots and bipartisan campaign to "divest" from Iran, just as the international community divested from South Africa's apartheid regime in the 1970s and '80s. Before We Bomb Iran …
  • This agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture began court proceedings and forced meatpackers to divest themselves of stockyards, railroads, cattle-loan companies, and similar businesses.
  • It was time to retire, so he began to divest himself of his businesses.
  • Fine, but why limit this policy of divestment to electricity?
  • Funds fret that lawmakers are dictating divestment without specifying which companies they should sell.
  • At 5.5 miles, as we lapped my car for the 2nd time, we had stopped, divested ourselves of some more clothes and had a good glug of water.
  • The manager divested himself of all reponsibility for the decision.
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Department of Justice (DOJ) to divest its Edge refinery desalter business and will license, on a non-exclusive basis, NATCO's Dual Frequency electrostatic technology for refinery desalter products. Undefined
  • The Anglican Consultative Council has issued a statement on the divestment controversy which achieves a truly egregious conflation of sanctimoniousness, disingenuousness and sheer moral humbug.
  • The government will be divesting 5% stake via the FPO, which is expected to rake in over after the 5% stake dilution. News [email protected] India's Most Comprehensive Financial Destination
  • He estimates that at most two to five percent of tobacco shares have been sold through divestment.
  • Dearest brothers in Christ sweet Jesus: I Catherine, servant and slave of the servants of Jesus Christ, write to you in His precious Blood: with desire to see you divested of the old man and clothed with the new -- divested, that is, of the world and the fleshly self-love which is the old sin of Adam, and clothed with the new Christ sweet Jesus, and His tender charity. Letters of Catherine Benincasa
  • Reymond said that the agency would still pin its hopes primarily on proceeds from banks' divestment programs to meet the target.
  • Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable.
  • But since it was divested of most of its assets, it now concentrates on mining rare metals such as platinum, palladium and rhodium in Africa and other regions.
  • Guess my brilliant incisive lawyer didn't know what would happen to me when she divested me of my material wealth.
  • To this day, I cannot divest the word damson or the word plum of a slightly saucy overtone. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • An interesting case in point was the forced divestiture of Clorox by Procter and Gamble.
  • What pure Christianity is, divested of all its ornaments, appendages, and corruption, I pretend not to say; but what it is not, I will venture to affirm, which is, that it is not the offspring of fraud or fiction: such, on A View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion.
  • The disgraced official was divested of all authority.
  • This can provide a rationale for acquisition and divestment.
  • Retail investors, large holders of cash, dissave (thus reversing one of the key drivers of asset deflation) and divest deposits into equity assets. Japan's Debt Conundrum
  • As he scaled the side he noticed a marked increase in the freeboard - testament to the weight they had just divested.
  • There will be more mergers and acquisitions, divestments, rightsizing, outsourcing, buy outs and buy ins which incidentally make like for like performance comparisons very difficult.
  • Once the city has divested itself of all these cumbersome services and possessions, our city aldermen will have just one more task to complete.
  • In this way, using the device of acquiring and divesting subsidiary companies, the policy of large companies has alternated between diversification and focusing.
  • A lead trader in a bank, he is complicit as his company tries to divest itself of toxic holdings before they destroy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • An hour or two, and we will be divested of light again, going under a quilt of tulle fog and the cold dense black of yet another long winter's night.
  • The final language of the resolution still must be fine-tuned, but a draft circulated Tuesday by Hispanic activists calls on both the city government and the employee pension fund to "divest" from "any companies that originate out of Arizona or that do business with Arizona. D.C. Council to consider boycotting Arizona to protest immigration law
  • Various synonyms refer specifically - often as a negative - to the absence or rather removal of clothing, such as denuded, divested, peeled, stripped, unclad, unclothed, uncovered, un - dressed and dis - or un-robed. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Separately, Unilever reached an agreement with the U.S Department of Justice Friday regarding its $3.7 billion deal for haircare firm Alberto Culver Co. Alberto Culver will divest the VO5 brand in the U.S., and Unilever will divest the Rave brand in the U.S. China Fines Unilever for Price Comments
  • The company divested itself of its oil interests.
  • She's helped us evaluate some divestitures and also some new lines of business.
  • However, even after Independence in 1947, British expatriate firms did not suddenly divest from India.
  • Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
  • The solution is complete boycott, sanction and divestment from the state of Israel. Matthew Yglesias » Bibi Time?
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently, the company has been divesting itself of those businesses to concentrate on its core TV technologies.
  • Meantime, networks and superstations divest and diversify.
  • Kalla said the divestiture, which is expected to close during the third quarter, signals CBS' new strategic focus on advertising-supported media. CBS' Parks Divestiture Signals New Focus
  • She divested herself of her coat and sat down.
  • The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.
  • The grant of a licence to occupy, however, will not divest the owner of control.
  • After a string of acquisitions, for example, U.K. behemoth Vodafone Group now is in divestment mode. HEARD ON THE STREET: VimpelCom Bets Bigger Is Still Better
  • But the appropriate remedies might be divestment, regulation, or removal of entry barriers rather than fines.
  • He swiftly divested himself of his clothes.
  • At the point when his power to command death and to sustain his own life has been arrested, Richard is divested of the spectacular carapace that encases the body of the monarch, his deposition is a fall into subjectivity.
  • In any case, I don't think there is anything wrong with taking away cash from companies which are probably going to be listed, can easily raise capital on a going basis, particularly if they kind of divested in 25%. Moneycontrol Top Headlines
  • Christi, a Catholic nongovernmental organization that describes itself as a human rights and peace movement -- issued a joint statement Friday calling their divestiture campaign "a major success. JTA - Recent News
  • He could not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife was being unfaithful.
  • Brisbane eventually sold his field hands as an act of divestiture for the sake of conscience, which only exacerbated animosity as it pricked the consciences of other slaveholders.
  • The slave status divested the kullars of any personality outside the service of the master.
  • As editing is the reading moment: the multimplication of material in Divestiture — A yields a thresholding surplus, a hyper-trophy of enjoyments: its post-personalizing thrill bursting from an energizing strangeness of interferences, interruptions, and diastrophic collisions. /ubu Editions, Third Series: 12 New Titles : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • But the appropriate remedies might be divestment, regulation, or removal of entry barriers rather than fines.
  • The fungible funds bridge the budget deficit - the proceeds of divestment subsidise the profligacy of the Union government.
  • In fact, he says he might take some proceeds from divestitures and make acquisitions.
  • The methods of corporationcontraction include divestiture offequity carve - out , stock repurchase, targeted stock, voluntary liquidations, etc.
  • The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.
  • But perhaps her most important legacy was in divesting the public culture of political language and political idealism.
  • Alarmingly, QE has brought forth a new brinkmanship gambling upon the proclivity of foreign investors to not divest their investment in our Treasury securities. Patrick Yam: Epiphinal Economic Times
  • He fears the Goshree bridges would divest the islands of their charm of being aloof and convert them into a thoroughfare.
  • The pain makes his head throb and divests his brain of any sort of thinking power.
  • Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
  • He divested himself of his jacket.
  • The company wanted the breakup to be referred to as "divestiture" only a few days earlier, but let it be dismemberment if it wishes.
  • The IMF was so impoverished by Latin American divestment-which went from 80 percent of its loans to about one percent-that it's been reduced to selling off its gold reserves. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • In most divestiture cases (including AT&T) the divestiture is decision which is made by the company in order to avoid living under the terms of the consent decree (i.e. previous settlement). The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable.
  • Asked by an activist to give reassurance that the Government would ''put defence first'' he suggested that some capabilities ''orientated towards the Cold War'' could be ''divested'' but stressed: ''I have been asked to produce a programme which is adaptive, which will maintain capability across land, sea and air to be able to deal with whatever the future may will be a few more weeks until we finish the (Strategic Defence and Security) review and then we will set out the best possible and most strategically coherent shape of our Armed Forces that we can do, given the economic train wreck that we inherited from the Labour Party.'' - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Every day is spent divesting myself of yet more assets to cover the interest on debt repayment.
  • In some cases, local officials and members of indigenous cabildos colluded to divest the Indian communities of their land.
  • During the Depression,the family was divested of its home.
  • I am pleased that we have been able to conclude his recruitment and address his concerns regarding the interim rules on stock divestitures.
  • He stomps in without stopping to divest himself of his sombrero, spurs or pistols.
  • Sen. Blanche Lincoln's derivatives proposal, usually referred to as the divestiture or “push down” requirement, is the only worthwhile proposal in the Senate financial regulation bill. Praising Blanche Lincoln's Derivatives Proposal
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • This did not mean that they were divested of all religious significance.
  • And McAlister just about told me himself that they were trying to kind of divest themselves of this company-town image and trying to cut their ties with the community. Oral History Interview with Carlee Drye, April 2, 1980. Interview H-0005. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Igoe said a further divestment of assets was likely in order to consolidate the business and reduce debt.
  • rule that statutes which in general terms divest preexisting rights or privileges will not be applied to the sovereign without express words to that effect. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • Motives for merger, acquisition and divestiture activity in the water treatment chemical industry are varied.
  • On these occasions the offending clerks were brought across to the church, where the Archbishop in full pontificals would hear their avowal of guilt in the nave, and then solemnly divest them of their robes and of their office at the west door. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • The answer is that unsubstantiality does not depend on being manifest or unmanifest, but on the capacity to vanish when divested of existence.
  • In 1998 the Peoples Liberation Army was ordered to divest itself of its considerable and highly regionalised business activities.
  • The group was, in any case, seeking to divest itself of operations which are not its core business.
  • Some of the required divestitures, however, never took place.
  • Beginning in the fall of 2002, university administrators began a verbal assault on students and faculty supporting divestment.
  • He asserted that the government had no scruples about divesting a majority of its shares in the telecoms companies, as long as it would increase their benefit to the country.
  • JPMorgan, in an analyst note, said the long-speculated divestment is positive for Renault as the gain in terms of cash from reduced interest payments on its debt should more than compensate for the fall in dividends that it will receive from Volvo. Renault Sells Stake in Volvo for
  • Compaine notes that Bagdikian obsesses over big media acquisitions but ignores divestures.
  • The literary ethos in this quasi-spatial sense, as marking out its own accustomed place of imaginative outlay and divestment, is perhaps the complement — but certainly the opposite — of anything taken up from the sociological work of Michel de Certeau and advanced as the route to critique and reappropriation within cultural studies. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Paese also said it didn't make sense to divest holdings of stocks because of a company's activities.
  • She managed to divest herself of the unwanted property.
  • However, the government plans to divest or dilute its shareholdings in a controlled way in government-linked companies that are no longer relevant to its objectives.
  • I remember the time when I thought that word cabalistical; when, in the gay moments of youth, it seemed to me a mysterious term for every thing that is delightful; and such is the force of early associations, that even now I cannot divest myself of them. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 289, December 22, 1827
  • It will be there waiting for a chance to attack and divest you of your inner purification.
  • Translated into prosaic English by the CHIEF SECRETARY it resolved itself into the case of a farmer who had deliberately divested himself of his property in the hope of "wangling" five shillings a week out of the Treasury. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, October 31, 1917
  • The company divested itself of its oil interests.
  • After her illness she was divested of much of her responsibility.
  • The company is divesting its less profitable business operations.
  • And Americans are divested of yet another of their hard-won personal liberties.
  • Divested of their high-sounding platitudes, these programs were intended to train the nation's future leaders.
  • Profit fell 18%, to $2.1 billion, as GE set aside $1.1 billion to cover liabilities still lingering from a now-divested consumer finance business in Japan. GE Revenue Takes a Hit; Energy Drops
  • The company divested itself of its oil interests.
  • _Unchanged: _ chaunted [chanted] cotemporary/ies [contemporary/ies] descendent [descendant] devest [divest] monkies [monkeys] mystries [mysteries] pedler [pedlar] surprize [surprise] wo [woe] wonderous [wondrous] then "hear him, hear him," loudly rings, [final comma is unclear] assuage their wrath or heal the wound, [comma is unclear] _Corrected: _ The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Vol I, No. 2, February 1810
  • Analysts give him about a year and a half to show results before further divestitures or even a breakup becomes inevitable.
  • And while the Fujian government has divested itself of its stake in Lianhe the relationship remains close.
  • The King of the Belgians is a scion of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, as is HM The Queen (Leopold I, first King of the Belgians, fixed it for Queen Victoria to marry his nephew Prince Albert), so swapping Monarchs would not involve too many mental gymnastics and we could then take the opportunity to divest ourselves of the slightly contentious requirement that our Monarchs not marry Catholics. Archive 2007-09-23
  • And in ‘The Ascension of Sheep,’ the possibility is raised of the sheep divesting the farmer of his profit.
  • A decade ago South Africa demonstrated the power of divestment.
  • There is a growing movement to divest the monarchy of its remaining constitutional power.
  • *** Conglomerates General Electric 's profit fell 18%, to $2.1 billion, as the Connecticut-based conglomerate set aside $1.1 billion to cover liabilities still lingering from a now-divested consumer finance business in Japan. Business Watch
  • Undeserved appellations and humiliating epithets divest him of his self-esteem.
  • Katana was simply trying to divest himself of any assets he saw as exigible under a Judgment.
  • I say, moreover, that, in this naked conception of things, divested of words, there will not be found any notion of what you call the actuality of absolute existence. The Third Dialogue
  • Still, after years of fruitless diplomatic engagement with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear ambitions, targeted financial sanctions and divestment offer a road not yet traveled.
  • Lake was officially asked to divest the stocks in October 1993.
  • Divested of their humanity, these nameless men, women and children were recorded in their master's ledgers as mere property, and accorded a dollar value on a par with inanimate objects such as plows and hammers. Corpses in the Garden
  • I believe that it might be useful in reviving the term, perhaps as you suggest as a stalking horse in divesting the Federal Government of its enormous power. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Post-War Devastation
  • he was divested of his rights and his title
  • Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
  • Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
  • Social Darwinism should be made to work in reverse - those that have too much should be forced to hold a potlatch and divest themselves of their loot with those who have nothing.
  • The right of action for wrongful death given by statute for the benefit of a widow for the death of her husband has been held not to be divested by her subsequent marriage.
  • He divested himself of his clothing.
  • But we visited the place at an unseasonable time, and found it divested of its dignity and terror.
  • The artist prepares for her ordeal by systematically shaving off all the hair from her head and body, in a gesture of total divestment.
  • There is a growing movement to divest the monarchy of its remaining constitutional power.
  • But since it was divested of most of its assets, it now concentrates on mining rare metals such as platinum, palladium and rhodium in Africa and other regions.

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