How To Use Diversionary In A Sentence
On March 14, 1968, Jim and his aircraft commander were sent on a close-air support mission to assist in diversionary fire for a helicopter evacuation about 18 miles southwest of the city of Hue where the 304th North Vietnamese regiment was active.
Hamm, James E.
Other reasons may include the lack of adequate diversionary options where we can divert people with minor charges out of the criminal justice system into psychiatric care.
The developers seemed to be conscious this would be primarily a diversionary game.
American pop culture is filled with remnants of television series whose impact was little more than diversionary and trivial.
But the coyness is a diversionary tactic: it masks the deep normative commitments that in fact saturate Smart's work.
Nor can we rely on escalatory steps such as economic sanctions to pressure it as it employs dilatory and diversionary tactics to complete its final solution.
There was supposed to be a diversionary covering air strike.
The closures have meant gridlock in places, but pre-planned highways contingencies have been put into operation and diversionary routes publicised where possible.
Most children are skilled in diversionary tactics .
In earlier days of Diversionary, Peterson said, actors feared being typed if they took roles in a gay theater.
Accordingly, you resort to false premises, lies and diversionary tactics.
Diversionary tunnels were dug from the cavities to aqueducts filling the reservoirs, which were lined with lime.
He was put in what's called a diversionary program, which is one of these things where if you stay out of trouble for a year your record is clear.
CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2006
Frequently, those solutions have been diversionary, steering the electorate away from confrontations of their own ambivalence about social change.
The archness doesn't really get in the way of the crime fighting, but it does lift this book from potentially boring to perfectly diversionary summer reading.
This turned a diversionary skirmish into the main theatre of war.
I'm hesitant to assign this film a purely diversionary purpose, but is it designed to teach the virtue of self-reliance, or the simple pleasures of constructive play?
The height of the diversionary structure will allow water exceeding a two-year flood stage to flow onto an adjacent flood plain.
Fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic.
Remember, Gilligan made possible Alastair Campbell's diversionary tactic that distracted attention from the argument about the need for war.
The archness doesn't really get in the way of the crime fighting, but it does lift this book from potentially boring to perfectly diversionary summer reading.
The Duke's army, circumvented by the rebels in a diversionary movement on the march south, remained intact, waiting outside Northampton for events to unfold.
It's all a smokescreen, a diversionary tactic to take the focus off of certain questions those who failed this country that day don't want aired.
What may look like a simple journey across town can become a nightmare diversionary trek via rail replacement bus services.
Where occasional water flowing onto or across a site cannot be avoided, it can often be made harmless by diversionary banks, directing the flow into drains.
After a series of diversionary manoeuvres, he crossed the river under cover of a thunderstorm and defeated Porus.
I do not propose to get involved in what is clearly a diversionary tack.
The proposal was dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended to distract attention from the real problems.
This recognises its importance for current passenger traffic and as a diversionary route when engineering takes place on the west coast main line.
Government must allocate extra funding to provide even more of these diversionary programs to give some hope to the juveniles responsible for much of the in-town disturbances.
The diversionary tactic of arguing that anyone arguing the anti-Islamist case is tarring 'All 1.5 Billion Muslims with The Same Brush!!' must now be sent to the rhetorical dustbin, along with the 'We Didn't Call IRA Terrorists' Catholic 'Terrorists!!' and the 'Muslims are the New Jews!!' devices, beloved of the Guardian crowd in their Anglophobia and naivity.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
He went straight in to see Wolters with this diversionary piece of information and was astonished to find him cheerful and expansive.
It's not the kind of record I'd want to listen to at home - it's diversionary and fun, sometimes even great, but not very deep.
The bombing was apparently a diversionary tactic, while the Navy landed its troops ashore.
This persuasive, manipulative emphasis has been seen in political tactics: withholding information, bluffing, making alliances, publicly supporting but privately opposing particular views, compromising, and using delaying and diversionary tactics.2 Participation is likely to be seen with general, rather than close, supervision; with the equalization of power; and with nondirective leadership.
The Bass Handbook of Leadership
Any implication that I am engaged in diversionary activity will be hotly denied.
At any time today, there are a dozen Hope Vale people either in prison, or who would be in prison without diversionary measures.
Diversionary feeding involves leaving dead rats and other carrion on the moor for the harriers to eat.
She smoked as a diversionary tactic and cast about to compensate.
Youth clubs have also been given money to pay for diversionary activities such as discos and barbecues to get young people off the streets.
This turned a diversionary skirmish into the main theatre of war.
Here, for your approval, is just a sampling of some of the most appealing diversionary choices currently offered on your TV.
Mini-games such as Crush the Carrier are fresh, but prove nothing more than minor diversionary undertakings.
Hitler remained convinced that the main Allied invasion of France would take place near Calais and that operations against Normandy were diversionary.
In strict military terms, it's called a diversionary tactic.
We get letters...
At Sadiapani village, land was acquired for a diversionary railway line, as the existing one will be submerged.
A diversionary channel is still being used to flow the river around the work site.
He deployed his divisions with the aid of smoke, mirrors and diversionary activities.
The newer is the hottest soft porn glossy, featuring curvy breasts, teasing hard nipples, slappable ass, as well as some diversionary violence, chromy car stuff, and pictures of food that other people can sell you if you are hungry.
Archive 2007-10-01
The bombing was apparently a diversionary tactic, while the Navy landed its troops ashore.
We have heard all these diversionary arguments before, but rarely do these arguments have any merit.
We therefore encourage elaborate, ambitious syntax, diversionary subordinate clauses, and other enriching linguistic techniques.
One opposition member has already said he suspects the premier will simply come up with some diversionary tactic - a "thingamajig" - aimed at pacifying the public. - Home Page
The proposal was dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended to distract attention from the real problems.
The term diversionary measures refers to direct actions of groups or individuals operating in the enemy's rear area.
FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
With all due respect, I think that your perspective here is horribly simplistic, uncomfortably mis-targeted (to the point of near endorsement), and quite diversionary from the essential core issue.
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He didn't offer platitudes or pollute the night with diversionary talk.
it is important to establish a network of diversionary rail lines not only across the region but also across the country.
Is there arguably a Parliamentary scheme that you get the diversionary system in the Magistrate's Court and you do not get it if you are committed to the District Court?
The BBC was in fact concerned that those facts were not given too much prominence compared to diversionary criticism of me for not being a teetotal monogamist, which is of course much worse than being a warmongering torturing murderous bastard.
British Blogs
Secondly, it's not comprised of mini-games or other diversionary elements.
Determined to rescue the two, Holmes starts a diversionary fire and, in the confusion, scarpers.
To partially rectify this system new diversionary cables were laid to circumvent the target conurbations.
Ills a diversionary tactic-she will do anything rather than finish her tale.
The Golden Valley Line serves as a diversionary line for several other lines in the area as well as serving its normal traffic.
Detailed discussions should follow in order to consider any modifications to the scheme which may assist in reducing the costs of diversionary works.
In the south the French division mounted a diversionary amphibious raid at Kum Kale on the Asian side of the Dardanelles.
Since John Kerry's 2004 campaign, hawkish Democratic security and political consultants have asserted that Afghanistan is a good and necessary war in comparison with Iraq which they label a diversionary one.
Tom Hayden: Obama's Wars
The death of a child, mown down by a speeding sponsor in 2000, led the organisers to push as much traffic as they can on to diversionary routes.
His leadership in directing a diversionary force at Maastricht allowed the king's main army to take the town.
A further amount is being spent on a temporary diversionary bridge.
For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
On September 14 the unit was reconnoitred as a diversionary raid; two mines were found and detonated and the beach and defense positions charted.
Diversionary loops also create extra track capacity for freight trains, enabling many more lorries to be taken off the roads.
This really is a title better suited for Spider Man fans looking for some diversionary gameplay.