
How To Use Diversified In A Sentence

  • It commands a view of mingled woodland and rolling plain, diversified by river and lake, extending to a horizon so faint and far away as to suggest the idea of illimitable space. Charlie to the Rescue
  • Squire Western, who, surrounded by piqueurs, and girt with the conventional cor de chasse of the Gallic sportsman, sings the following ariette, diversified with true Fielding
  • Most diversified companies get that way through acquisitions.
  • LONDON—Commodities prices face increased volatility due to near-term macroeconomic concerns, but the long-term demand outlook remains bright, several of the U.K.'s largest globally diversified miners said Monday. Global Miners See Price Volatility but Brisk Demand
  • She's also helped one client go from being an employee to the owner of a fully diversified enterprise, and is now helping him franchise his new operation.
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  • The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
  • In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
  • The album works on all levels thanks to its diversified genres, such as jazz, blues, gospel, bluegrass and zydeco.
  • Out of a starting point in a constant featureless environment, life spontaneously diversified.
  • For Maasai to remain ‘people of the cattle,’ livestock husbandry must continue as the core feature of a diversified livelihood.
  • The popularity of diversified operations promotes the origination and development of segment report.
  • On the industrial side, the highest-performing companies are the diversified industrials.
  • Just over half of all farming businesses diversified to make more money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rice remained the main crop, but many farmers diversified.
  • Masan Consumer is one of Vietnam's leading diversified consumer companies. KKR to Buy 10% of Vietnamese Sauce Maker
  • Also hard-hit are supposedly diversified mutual funds that are stuffed with technology and other highflying small stocks.
  • Whilst they are still good companies in their own right, they are nevertheless no longer diversified industrials, which might be a welcome blessing!
  • But times have changed and the chatelaine, Lucinda Shaw Stewart, has diversified into other businesses, like so many other members of the landed gentry.
  • We diversified the reading curriculum to make it more great-booksy - specifically, the great works of Cossack literature. Undefined
  • Ruddy-faced men, bronze-faced men, pale-faced men; young women, girls, matrons and "flappers"; caddies burdened with bags of golf clubs and pockets bulging with cunningly found balls; skillful waiters hurrying here and there with trays on which glasses of various shapes, sizes, and of diversified contents tinkled musically-such was the scene at the The Golf Course Mystery
  • Nino said more diversified businesses will survive better during tough times.
  • Having a diversified investment portfolio makes it much less likely that wealth will suddenly disappear.
  • The company has consistently diversified the products it offers and is likely to continue to move into new services and countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • T. galatea itself occupied New Guinea proper, having diversified there into only three subspecies, despite the great heterogeneity of available habitats. The Song of The Dodo
  • Strengthening weak, undiversified economies is a far wiser policy for promoting both political and economic stability. The Global Community
  • We screened the company's database looking for funds with diversified holdings that spread their assets to many nations in the region.
  • That factory has diversified its products.
  • The Miami Herald doubled down today on its failure to address the shortcomings of undercapitalized, undiversified newly minted under-regulated Florida home insurance companies. Herald Editorial Page Compounds Errors on Home Insurance
  • Maintaining family control while building publicly traded, widely diversified media corporations is not easy.
  • From lemon grass research, the centre has diversified into new areas.
  • Soon Mr Doig had diversified his business interest.
  • The interdependence of diversified firms as buyers and sellers may also distort competition. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Instead of a single boss at the top, diversified multiproduct, multimarket, multinational companies count scores of “bosses” at strategic vantage points throughout the organization. Managing with Dual Strategies
  • The superlatively discreet foreign - exchange banker diversified from the very beginning, selling antiques and procuring loans.
  • The crew continued to trawl for whitefish long after many others abandoned the traditional catch and diversified into shellfish.
  • a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern
  • Who wins may matter less now that the company is more diversified, Lord argues.
  • The American Depression worsened when banking panics swept undiversified and overextended rural banks and the Federal Reserve failed to intervene.
  • It is well diversified and has long-established businesses in Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem of America's food deserts is complex and demands diversified, local solutions. Eric Holt Gimenez: King of the Food Deserts
  • The company has consistently diversified the products it offers and is likely to continue to move into new services and countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interdependence of diversified firms as buyers and sellers may also distort competition. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • ‘We expect to be a more diversified company; we expect to be a larger company,’ Foster says.
  • The university diversified the educational program by introducing new subjects.
  • Or if one does not need to accept based on these data, that all rotary engines have diversified from an ancestor through evolution, because all show sequence similarity flagellin indicative of common ancestry homology. Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Having a diversified investment portfolio makes it much less likely that wealth will suddenly disappear.
  • But many of the best financial companies have diversified into other businesses that won't be hit by rising rates.
  • That means unexpected setbacks may be more dangerous than for a diversified business. Times, Sunday Times
  • This diversified, far flung structure didn't have the management sinews in place to enable it to run normally.
  • The turning point came when the company diversified into other commercial services.
  • The company diversified into trailer-making after WWII, using many of the same methods and materials.
  • During his tenure, the company has diversified into nondrug areas while also ramping up investment in in-house medical R&D. Glaxo Has Been Repatriating Euro-Zone Cash Daily to U.K.
  • Taxable investors might consider a geographically diversified, high quality municipal bond laddered portfolio. The Way To Get Back Into The Market When You're Gun Shy
  • Thus, the producers who adopted weekly farrowing were the larger, less diversified producers with greater farm asset value.
  • Then the way went by long lines of dark windows diversified by turreted towers and porches of eccentric shapes, where old stone lions and grotesque monsters bristled outside dens of shadow and snarled at the evening gloom over the escutcheons they held in their grip. Bleak House
  • That risk could be diversified by spreading it across a wide investor base. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the slump in the general UK retail trend, the home shopping division, which has diversified into electricals, furniture and clothing, showed an upturn in sales.
  • Most of the decline is attributed to diversified and farm supply cooperatives.
  • He also advises individual investors to abandon over-priced, under-performing mutual funds and "take control of their financial destines, educate themselves, and invest in a well-diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds. Jon Stein: The Investment Cost Of Being Human
  • A number of people refused to hunt with me when I showed up with that gun, bit it took game as diversified as caribou, nilgai, whitetails, mule deer, and I believe, a serpent or two. Better Shooting with Oxygen and Water
  • His ancestors were cobblers but diversified into making vividly embroidered leather bags, wallets and chair backs.
  • While water turbine manufacturing was the core business, it was a cyclical operation that experienced peaks and troughs and the firm diversified into other areas, from selling cars to producing can-making machinery.
  • Because an asset with a higher beta has more systematic risk, this asset is less desirable because the systematic risk cannot be diversified away. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • They diversified by opening a shop in York called Bazilia, specialising in South American and African knick-knacks.
  • diversified farming
  • Wherever financial markets are absent or repressed, savings go unused, productive economic opportunities go unrealised and risks go undiversified.
  • Paganini's 24th caprice for solo violin, itself a variation on an original theme, was creatively diversified by Brahms, Liszt, Szymanowski and, most lyrically, Rachmaninov.
  • It is what we call morphology, which consists in tracing out the unity in variety of the infinitely diversified structures of animals and plants. Autobiography and Selected Essays
  • Since then, the company has diversified its interests, which include shipping and property.
  • Age structures and family patterns are becoming more diversified in the religious mainline. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • At other times the open space before us was diversified by the arrival and the departure of pilgrims, but it was a mere rechauffe of the feast, and had lost all power to please. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Analysts predict the development of a diversified energy system, including wind and solar power, hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels, and the earth's own heat.
  • However, an organic dairy farmer who rents land from us has diversified by selling vegetables at farmers' markets.
  • More generally, it seems that diversified businesses grow faster and growth tends to be greatest if the diversification is unrelated.
  • The outskirts of this level water-meadow were diversified by rounded and hollow pastures, where just now every flower that was not a buttercup was a daisy. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • The portfolio is quite well diversified, both across sectors and geographical regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Brugmansia especially has been diversified into different varieties largely, it is believed, through human intervention.
  • Its many and diversified laboratories are fitted with the latest in equipment.
  • But despite this dependency, our industrial base is well diversified.
  • The second essay empirically investigates the relationship among the corporate governance, investment efficiency, and the excess value of diversified firms.
  • Although the reverse sides of these coin still have only the simple incuses, the frontal sides have diversified designs which symbolize the city the coin was issued.
  • This is (partly) the case for diversification - adding a stock adds less risk, as a general proposition, to a diversified portfolio than to an undiversified one. Safe Investing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The plants on this island diversified
  • A diversified diet with a lot of vegetables, and avoiding unclean food as roundworms may also cause gallbladder disease, will help prevent stones.
  • diversified investments
  • In our case we were able to do it because some years previously we had diversified into plant growing and seed production.
  • During the 1930s, as anti-Semitism became an organized mass-movement, the league diversified.
  • As a proprietor, Chan diversified the business to include metal products for interior decoration.
  • In the diversified throng were shawled crones, young fathers with niños perched atop their shoulders, and beautiful brown women beamingly holding the hands of other children, each dressed in his best. Las Posadas, 2001
  • Diversified international-stock mutual funds rose 13.3% on average in the year through Dec. 30, propell ed by a 7.4% fourth-quarter advance, according to data from investment researcher Morningstar Inc. Those returns paled against gains for U.S. stock funds of 18.9% and 12.4% for the year and final quarter, respectively, but nonetheless brought relief from a bumpy and sometimes treacherous ride. Bloom Comes off International Stock Funds
  • Viyella is best-known as a womenswear business, although it has diversified into menswear and homewares. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • We have also diversified our business model and now provide a lot of consulting and support to our clients in addition to software.
  • Has the company diversified into new areas? Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • Now, if you have that diversified, broad portfolio, only after that do you start to nibble at individual stocks and try to play these opportunities that we see in the market.
  • From the open ground in the front of the building, their eye could pursue a considerable part of the course of the river Douglas, which approached the town from the south-west, bordered by a line of hills fantastically diversified in their appearance, and in many places covered with copsewood, which descended towards the valley, and formed a part of the tangled and intricate woodland by which the town was surrounded. Castle Dangerous
  • The large herd of camels, the Afghans, of whom there are 68, in their diversified and picturesque costumes, the camp-fires, and Oriental camp equipage made up a novel scene.
  • Conversely, diversified, grain and poultry & livestock cooperatives replenished their unallocated equity accounts while revolving member equity.
  • He said that, in recent years, co-operation has greatly expanded and diversified, with bilateral trade surging and a noteworthy increase in reciprocal investment.
  • The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants.
  • Fund managers with a diversified product range may also offer fewer white knuckles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some way must be found to ensure that their investments will be balanced and diversified.
  • Avena was originally set up by a North Yorkshire farmer who diversified into homeopathic products.
  • Because so many farms have diversified in recent years there are often jobs for partners in bakeries, dairies and farm shops.
  • diversified scenery
  • I believe we have a diversified government, a coalition or transition at this moment.
  • When the company was in a low-growth industry, was undiversified, or faced intense competition from rivals, it actually benefited from having a CEO on an outside board. Study Points to Benefits of Outside Board Seats
  • Companies downsized, diversified, and increased their exposure to export markets.
  • Courage, courage of conviction and faith in the notion that ´truth is courage´ are all practical ideas for problem solving and resolution of diversified conflicts in the world. American Chronicle
  • They have diversified into everything from Christmas trees, balsam wreaths and maple syrup to cabin rentals, fishing and hunting excursions, birdseye and curly maple lumber products, and veneer for Popsicle sticks.
  • Most investors spread their risks by investing through bond funds run by managers constructing diversified portfolios. Times, Sunday Times
  • And for critical materials, a diversified supplier strategy may offer the flexibility needed to mitigate risk.
  • User requirements have diversified over the years.
  • Whether to hold a diversified portfolio is one of those thorny questions that never fails to get a group of investors arguing.
  • The first orchids were large terrestrial plants, but like bromeliads, orchids took to the trees, where they have diversified to become the largest family of flowering plants.
  • This phase sees the active development of ideas and a movement towards a more balanced life and diversified set of interests, relationships, and routines.
  • The company has recently diversified into sports management and ticket sales.
  • Such arrangements might have worked quite well in a larger, economically more diversified nation.
  • They encourage heavy, leveraged investments in undiversified assets that perform unexceptionally over time. Matthew Yglesias » Command and Control
  • It embraces a widely diversified population, and the fundamental principle, the prime factor, in upbuilding the British Empire has been the Anglo-Saxon character and the race qualities which belong to the Anglo-Saxon. Canadian Patriotism
  • In Liangshan area, the climate is various; ecological types are diversified, especially the Jinsha River is the special ecological section with rich crop idioplasm.
  • Then the problem of diversified goal can be translated into the hierarchical goal programming equivalently.
  • This normalization can carry us toward a diversified and peaceful world.
  • The overall tone is considerably lighter than in Chaucer's poem, the play being diversified with songs and lyrical passages.
  • Small-scale, short-run production processes depending on multi-skilled labour were now supposedly supplanting the era of mass production, driven by new structures of diversified consumer demand and volatile economic conditions.
  • Such funds are really a way of securing diversified funds when the importance of oil declines in the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • By which she did not mean a sequacious helpmeet to the Man of the House, picking up his dirty underwear and serving him Budweisers during commercials, but rather a partner in the management of a "small, diversified family firm," who is skilled in everything "from bread-making to beekeeping. The Way Of Love/1
  • The shopkeepers are a tribe of more varied interests and more diversified lives. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • All winter their play and recreation, their sayings and adventures and habits, diversified the Berkshire days; they thrived on “the blue nectared air,” and had rosy cheeks and abounding spirits, and their heads were stuffed with fairy tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • With the Seagram fortune at his disposal, Bronfman embarked on a foray into the entertainment business that many described as undistinguished, culminating in the sale of Seagram and its entertainment holdings (Universal Studios and Universal Music Group) to Vivendi, a diversified French concern. More Woes for Warner
  • As the stock market extended its dramatic rebound from the 2007-09 bear market, the $169 million Aegis Value fund, managed by Scott Barbee, was No. 1 among actively managed funds in our quarterly contest, which ranks the 12-month returns of diversified U. S.-stock funds. Value Managers Top the Charts
  • It's a broadly diversified company that is AAA-rated.
  • They successfully diversified their economies through structural reform and sound macroeconomic management.
  • The establishment of a diversified investment mechanism and improve community infrastructure.
  • By combining oil and gas, risk has been diversified in terms of its commodity exposure.
  • King, powerful in all the craft of Troubadours and Jongleurs, is held in peculiar esteem for conducting mysteries, and other of those gamesome and delightful sports and processions with which our holy Church permits her graver ceremonies to be relieved and diversified, to the cheering of the hearts of all true children of religion. Anne of Geierstein
  • Diversification can be a prickly topic, though, because there are no hard and fast rules about how many your should own to have a truly diversified portfolio.
  • The offerings are becoming more diversified among the metallic, geometric, woodgrain and organic patterns.
  • The college had already diversified greatly by hiring people with wider interests.
  • The isle of Rotte has not so lofty and mountainous an appearance as Timor, though it is agreeably diversified by hill and valley: On the north side, there are many sandy beaches, near which grew some trees of the fan-palm, but the far greater part was covered with a kind of brushy wood, that was without leaves. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
  • More and more skippers swallowed their prides, converted their trawlers and diversified into shellfish.
  • When one starts looking at the implications of a diversified portfolio of services, as is the case for most transport operators, we talk of economies of scope.
  • The coefficient of diversification measures the extent to which the portfolio has been diversified.
  • Since the buyout, the company has diversified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Actual retail holdings exceed that amount, since diversified REITs and other categories include some retail investments.
  • The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
  • The main target of IE is transforming the free text into structural or semi-structural information for diversified applications such as question answering and so on.
  • The farm is mostly arable, though he recently diversified with some cattle, which has been very successful. Times, Sunday Times
  • He diversified into manufacturing, setting up a brewery and a rope factory in St Petersburg in the 1790s.
  • Four years ago, the company diversified into manufacturing by buying Lee Cooper.
  • She's diversified into pop, country, rhythm, jazz, and rock and fusion styles.
  • Your longer-term strategy should be to build a portfolio that is well diversified and that reduces your weighting in the technological sector.
  • Pre-Lehman, the focus was on asset allocation" and a diversified approach to active management, says London Business School professor Elroy Dimson , who is also head of the Strategy Council for the Norway fund. Here's What's Really Driving Your Returns
  • When bivalves diversified in the Middle to Upper Ordovician, both classes occupied a full range of environments, from nearshore to basinal.
  • The weather is now fine, and their labor diversified, when there is no wind, by pole, the oars, or cordelle, which is little more than a promenade along the sand bars. Brackenridge's Journal of a Voyage up The Missouri River, in 1811
  • Recently, he diversified his operations by launching an asset management firm.
  • As Haines notes, other non-dairy companies have diversified into milk-based products.
  • Civilization, with its diversified industries, its multiplied products, and its monogamian family, affords a breakfast and supper in addition to a dinner. Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
  • But inevitably, if you hold a diversified portfolio, some of your investments will badly lag behind the market averages each year. Find that disturbing?
  • In the present stage of electric science, the conviction has become very general among experimenters that galvanism, magnetism, faradism, frictional electricity and the electricity of the storm-cloud are, in their essential nature, one and the same; being diversified in appearance and effects by the different modes and circumstances of their development. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • The juggler, a keen little Frenchman, plied his arts nimbly, and what with his ventriloquial doll, his empty bag full of eggs, his stones that were candies, and his candies that were stones, and his stuffed birds that sang, astonished and delighted his unsophisticated patrons, whose applauding murmurs were diversified by familiarly silly shrieks ” the true Siamese Did-you-ever! ” from behind the kincob curtains. The English Governess at the Siamese Court
  • We have the chance to remain one of the great diversified companies of the world. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • He later diversified into the toy market and the company supplies major retailers with over 800 lines of toys.
  • The university diversified the educational program by introducing new subjects.
  • Even he could not deny that Rentokil's ‘highly diversified portfolio’ was in fact a thinly disguised ragbag of corporate clutter.
  • Before then, farmers ran diversified farms because they wanted a sufficiency, wanted to produce enough to feed their families and to swap with neighbors and storekeepers for what they could not grow or make.
  • He talks about the struggles he had not only with overcoming his ligament injury but the conflicts amongst the pioneering traceurs as parkour diversified.
  • Because it has diversified from gaming and tourism, Las Vegas is no longer immune to U.S. recessional trends, he said.
  • My four picks should therefore be considered as part of a broader, more diversified investment portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the rapid development of economy, fashion illustration due to its diversified forms and profound connotation of culture has taken on a board prospect for developing in rag trade.
  • That risk could be diversified by spreading it across a wide investor base. Times, Sunday Times
  • New Zealand , a linear island stretching over about 700 miles of latitude, with forests, marshes, plains and mountains reaching to the limits of eternal snow, has far more diversified habitats than an equal area at the Cape of Good Hope; and yet, I believe, at the Cape of Good Hope there are, of phanerogamic plants, from five to ten times the number of species as in all New The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844
  • Such funds are really a way of securing diversified funds when the importance of oil declines in the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1364 a more diversified cargo of wheat, barley, beans, peas and ale was sent to Holland.
  • The business eventually diversified into much more lucrative catalogues of ‘Mathematical Apparatus’, which included everything from finely-crafted orreries and tellurians to the latest in elegant ‘Pointing Rods’.
  • Diversified technology companies are microchip technology with biology to begin applying genomics data to drug discovery.
  • As programs were regionalized after the war, their content was also diversified.
  • The company diversified into human health and performance through its innovative use of yeast fermentation, enzyme technology, algae and nutrigenomics. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
  • Instead, the PBGC is moving from an "undiversified" portfolio to a much more diversified one that would mitigate risks, he added, noting that the agency was projecting that the new investment policy would have a lower standard deviation than the old. Today in Finance
  • The portfolio is quite well diversified, both across sectors and geographical regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1997, my father sold down his interests in Noel Leeming Ltd, and become semi-retired, having diversified into property and some silent business partnerships.
  • The company diversified
  • From the standpoint of a diversified portfolio, the individual component instruments subsume into the overall performance.
  • A thousand years or more ago, a relatively undiversified East Slavonic dialect was spoken in and around the approximate area of present-day Western European Russia, the Ukraine, and Byelorussia.
  • That the indusium is a _special_ organ, i.e. not an eruption of the cuticle, I am sure; hence it is essential to examine extensively both indusiate and other forms, the precise extension of their veins, etc. at an early period to ascertain if their most diversified situations cannot be reduced to some one type. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Because an asset with a higher beta has more systematic risk, this asset is less desirable because the systematic risk cannot be diversified away. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Sharp's initially specialised in providing timber to the mining industry, then diversified into pallet making and retailing, claiming to be the largest stockist of timber products in the area.
  • Eaton is likely to grow its workforce by a few percentage points this year as markets such as autos, aerospace and nonresidential construction recover from recession, the diversified industrial company's CEO said. U.S. Manufacturing Profits Suggest Stronger Economy
  • At each meeting, it has struck me clearly that the party attracts not only smaller and smaller crowds, but the make-up of the crowd has become more homogeneous and less diversified.
  • These 10 issues are as diversified as the units in this joint medical task force operating in the KTO.
  • Now it's really diversified into all kinds of different styles.
  • The proliferation of chemical weapon and abuse of chemical poisons make chemical terrorism flourish and diversified in occurrence.
  • Indeed, it used to be a principle of asset management that portfolios were diversified across different national jurisdictions as part of a prudential spreading of risk.
  • However, none is as geographically diversified as Vodafone or as large as Vodafone.
  • This observation is not surprising given the far greater and more diversified area over which Harappan sites have been located.
  • He diversified into norteño, which soon outsold Tejano.
  • Areas such as these tend to be very highly diversified in terms of the industrial activities which are represented locally.
  • By the early 1990s, he had diversified into the paging and mobile-radio industries.
  • Many farmers across Ryedale have diversified into tourism as an alternative income to traditional farming.
  • Overall, more diversified sources were used by newspapers than by the networks.

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