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How To Use Divers In A Sentence

  • Squire Western, who, surrounded by piqueurs, and girt with the conventional cor de chasse of the Gallic sportsman, sings the following ariette, diversified with true Fielding
  • The diverse problems of succession and authority which face the brothers, the audience, and the poet reflect upon one other throughout, and this self-awareness renders nugatory the traditional criticism of Statius as derivative.
  • Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
  • The kings of the heartogram didn't fail to impress, with a diverse crowd gathered, including everyone from young punks to soccer moms and even a haggard old bat dancing around in lingerie.
  • They are popular with scuba divers but you can just swim or snorkel. The Sun
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  • Tourism has also accelerated immigration to Panajachel and furthered a gradual diversification in its social composition.
  • Whether we may not, for the same use, manufacture divers things at home of more beauty and variety than wainscot, which is imported at such expense from Norway? Querist
  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • In the premise of quality assurance, product diversification, style fashion, and make our products sell well at home and abroad, and won the trust of our customers and highly praised.
  • They had divers arsenals, or piratic harbors, as likewise watch towers and beacons, all along the sea-coast; and fleets were here received that were well manned with the finest mariners, and well served with the expertest pilots, and composed of swift sailing and light-built vessels adapted for their special purpose. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • I was madly scrambling into my drysuit while Bill got the details from the divers, who had been drifting with this group for an hour or so.
  • The stakeholders are frighteningly numerous, diverse, intensely self-interested, and powerful.
  • Apparently some divers end up having to buy extra suitcases to carry all the goodies home.
  • Imagine trying to photograph a large pufferfish with the final frame while an eagle ray circles round your head - much to the amusement of the other divers from the boat.
  • Less genetic diversity means less resistance to pests, diseases and climate changes.
  • The chorus of disapproval is as diverse as the new law is excluding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The childfree are a diverse group of people, much like the reasons behind the choice not to procreate; however, childfree people tend to be less conventional, more highly educated, and professional. BlogHer - Comments
  • Nonetheless, this era had the same conflicts (over cultural diversity and nativism, for example) as later periods, and established lasting policies toward immigrants and aliens.
  • Some taxonomic groups are particularly species rich in a global context: any impact of climate warming on such species, for example, willows (Salix spp.), sawflies, stoneflies, wading birds, and salmonid fish, is likely to affect their diversity at the global level. Arctic environments north of the treeline
  • Never one to shy away from diversity, Watanabe has blended straight jazz with bebop, Latin and even African rhythms in order to create some truly unique sounds.
  • Sometimes their role as custodians and protectors of biodiversity is not even acknowledged.
  • This focus seems to contradict the book's goal of including Madagascar's diverse peoples without privileging any single group.
  • From Poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain.
  • Educators have also applied paper folding to such diverse mathematical objects as logical structures, axiomatic systems, and tessellations with geometrical figures.
  • You could, for example, take the Urban Birds or Marine Birds tours; familiarise yourself with the amphibians living in the ponds up on Montjuïc, or inspect the biodiversity of the Parc del Castell de l'Oreneta through a magnifying glass. 10 of the best outdoors activities in Barcelona
  • Would-be apprentices are questioned about their attitude towards foreigners, and they take part in a week-long workshop on tolerance and diversity.
  • Most diversified companies get that way through acquisitions.
  • This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
  • One outstanding feature of this ecoregion is the presence of coral reefs, one of the largest and best preserved in the western Caribbean Sea, considered a part or an extension of the great belicean reef, very outstanding in terms of marine biodiversity. Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
  • San Martin, with whom Guevara is compared by some, led his racially and culturally diverse army with much greater sensibility.
  • Frenchmen, on craniology, which is exceedingly interesting, but full of difficulty, and giving very diverse indications. Travels in West Africa
  • Mollusks are the second most diverse group of plants and animals in the world.
  • In the south the French division mounted a diversionary amphibious raid at Kum Kale on the Asian side of the Dardanelles.
  • India has a cuisine as diverse as its contrasting climate and the Punjab is famed for its clay ovens and tandoori cooking.
  • This induced those airs, and a love to those diversions, which make a young widow, of so lively a turn, the unfittest tutoress in the world, even to her own daughter. Clarissa Harlowe
  • It might also turn educational policy toward explorations and displays of cultural diversity that are less politically pretentious. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism
  • Snorkelers can have a grand time floating just 30 feet above the stern, watching the divers below and the thousands of fish that live in the wreck.
  • The difference in ride going upwind and downwind was enormous, demonstrating the need to assess weather conditions for an offshore trip with a boat full of potentially tired divers.
  • The procedure for home inspectors must be flexible enough to adapt to a diverse range of disputes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyster claims SAIC's diversity insulates it from the harsh effects of a struggling economy.
  • Hydrotherapy - relaxed swimming and flotation decrease the energy required in everyday life just to support the body weight, allowing the diversion of this energy to recovery.
  • LONDON—Commodities prices face increased volatility due to near-term macroeconomic concerns, but the long-term demand outlook remains bright, several of the U.K.'s largest globally diversified miners said Monday. Global Miners See Price Volatility but Brisk Demand
  • The pressing need of our age is to found a public sphere that would cherish subjectivity, where plural experiences of cultures would correspond to diverse inner lives.
  • Manichaeism was long treated as a Christian heresy, but it is more clearly understood as an independent religion, drawing on the diverse resources of Christianity, Zoroastrianism , and Buddhism.
  • Solidarity and diversity are both desirable objectives.
  • And my justice shall answer for me tomorrow before thee, when the time of the bargain shall come; and all that is not of divers colours, and spotted, and brown, as well among the sheep as among the goats, shall accurse me of theft. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • So the starting point of the law is an essentially agnostic view of religious beliefs and a tolerant indulgence to religious and cultural diversity.
  • During his presidency education expanded and the government made efforts to diversify the economy to release Zambia from its dependence on copper.
  • Then you take them home and by divers evil arts turn them into lamp bases, photo frames and, oh, irony - bookends.
  • Five challengers have launched campaigns to deny Jacob a second four-year term at the helm of the diverse district.
  • It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou 
  • She's also helped one client go from being an employee to the owner of a fully diversified enterprise, and is now helping him franchise his new operation.
  • The essence of New York is its extremity and diversity.
  • He said low genetic diversity is a natural part of the domestication process and that Dukha reindeer are selected for traits such as passiveness and strong backs that support saddles and riders.
  • One can think of very few biographers who have the ability to deal with critical assessment of such diversity and unwieldy fusions of anecdote and myth.
  • Our lighthouses are as diverse as our towns.
  • The dig, which began Monday, was a second priority for the divers, whose main goal was to survey the shipwreck site for storm damage.
  • Why is it so diverse, so varied in its character?
  • The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
  • In Russia, the ethnic and geographic diversity of the population ensured its transition would be more difficult than that in the more homogeneous and smaller Baltic states or eastern European countries.
  • By that time, Tracy had radioed the Los Angeles County Harbor Patrol and a rescue boat with divers was on the way.
  • Divers were sent down to try and locate the wreck.
  • In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
  • They are now used to make items as diverse as garden furniture and car upholstery.
  • They hoped to use their time today to talk about ways of promoting cultural diversity and social inclusion.
  • Should they too be cross-questioned by new EU thought police about their fitness to work in companies committed under countless EU directives to celebrating diversity and promoting equality?
  • The small lake at the base of the fort is mirror-like, in which a diverse group of birds admire their reflections.
  • While diversity may be high on the list of the more "social-minded" managers, don't ever expect to sit at the executive table if you emphasize issues (or non-issues) such as this.
  • Squabbling between the Republic of Quebec and the rest of Canada over cultural diversity inequities. CORMORANT
  • The diverse management jobs and duties demanded in a project are to the full accounted and are adaptable to accommodate the complexness of the project and accomplishments of the establishment. Undefined
  • The album works on all levels thanks to its diversified genres, such as jazz, blues, gospel, bluegrass and zydeco.
  • Handed one of his enemy Colly Cibber's pamphlets against him, he supposedly declared, "These things are my diversion"--but those who watched as he read it saw "his features writhen with anguish". Archive 2009-09-01
  • Marine sponges are an essential and highly diverse component of marine benthic communities, ranging from the euryhaline estuarine, to intertidal, to the deep-sea.
  • Out of a starting point in a constant featureless environment, life spontaneously diversified.
  • NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Mayor Ray Nagin is halting a push to revamp New Orleans 'approach to retaining and attracting businesses, citing a lack of diversity on the board that would guide the effort, posturing for control and what he called a minimal funding commitment by the private sector. Undefined
  • For Maasai to remain ‘people of the cattle,’ livestock husbandry must continue as the core feature of a diversified livelihood.
  • The impact, Loucks believes, may permanently reduce the biological diversity of this extraordinary ecosystem.
  • Countries as diverse as Romania and Austria will be included.
  • Such standardization and rationalization of diverse local practices was promoted by lawyers who were the agents of change.
  • Responsibilities for protecting Canada's biodiversity fall on the shoulders of both the provincial, territorial and federal governments.
  • The continent's rich linguistic diversity has been poorly explored, developed, and sanctioned.
  • The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions. Pink Collars For Anglicans
  • Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests, not their biodiversity.
  • When we speak of intercollegiate sports, it is important to note that they have become so diverse that we must first group them into categories.
  • India has a cuisine as diverse as its contrasting climate and the Punjab is famed for its clay ovens and tandoori cooking.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • ‘The most modern of all poets,’ he called Donne, and it is precisely this sense of Donne's contemporaneity that links the diverse voices assembled here.
  • Some of these phenological observations are beginning to be used as indicators of the effects of climate change on biodiversity, although most studies are just recording data on the changes in species populations in the earlier part of the year (usually spring) and do not record data for the end-of-summer changes that could be affecting plant growth rates in the autumn or autumnal flight periods for species of insect. Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • So that one of his Oxford friends, as he traveled through Childrey, inquiring for his diversion of some of the people, Who was their minister, and how they liked him? received this answer: Our parson is one Mr. Pococke, a plain honest man. A Reader's Manifesto
  • For example, family members may use their knowledge of community diversity by taking their children to museum exhibits or neighborhood fairs.
  • The popularity of diversified operations promotes the origination and development of segment report.
  • The interior has been designed to engage viewers in contemplation of the diverse approaches to spirituality worldwide.
  • For older people there have been a variety of different screening trials using an assortment of highly diverse methodologies.
  • If you do, and you are perhaps more familiar with The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril (also featuring Lovecraft), then the aforementioned is very much in the tradition of this book, except Shadows Bend does not suffer from the sometimes tedious diversions in the other book. Superhero Prose Fiction: Related - Shadows Bend
  • Divers even pick up these dozy little sharks, but if you do that you will find yourself with a suddenly alert fish that is probably a bit narked at being disturbed.
  • March 3rd, 2009 at 12: 18 am amok carnivorously compartment corral darner diverse dreadful hesitating homewards mainline Shedir sockets untouched cheap generic viagra aristocratically Racine rivaled. viagra Says: Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence’s Ode to Rush Limbaugh
  • Mrs Allan used her own funds to hire local divers and a submersible camera crew at a cost of £500 per day.
  • It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.
  • This country is blessed with hundreds of quirky events and celebrations throughout the year and they are all part of our rich and diverse culture and history.
  • With all due respect, I think that your perspective here is horribly simplistic, uncomfortably mis-targeted (to the point of near endorsement), and quite diversionary from the essential core issue. Oaxaca to Guadalajara: The good.. the bad.. & the ugly
  • On the industrial side, the highest-performing companies are the diversified industrials.
  • It is hoped that the garden will encourage wildlife and biodiversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been forced to admit diverse propositions which appear somewhat deplorable.
  • She said the divers will have to work with the tides and underwater visibility to do their job.
  • Link when is Obama going to nominate a radical muslim to his cabinet … we need more diversity. — fj Richardson Is Back, Beardless and Ready - The Caucus Blog -
  • Shareholders should remember that opportunities do not end at Dover and consider international diversification into some of the most rapidly growing economies in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also meant intentionally making our groups more diverse so that group members can experience the richness of diversity. Christianity Today
  • Electronic technology provides a single medium with the power to integrate diverse types of information.
  • With increasing globalisation we have become familiar with a range of names from diverse cultural backgrounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such items encouraged meaningful reflection on the Union victory; they also provided hours of entertainment and diversion.
  • The couple have investments in other areas to diversify their risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also suggested that the reef may be a source of pelagic larvae of sessile organisms that may settle on mangrove roots for greater diversity.
  • Its diversion tunnel is accompanied by upstream and downstream cofferdams that permit construction of the main dam.
  • But the reserve's defenders were unswerving in their commitment to a greater cause: conserving the region's biodiversity for the benefit of mankind.
  • People with diverse resources and plans can cooperate in ways that leave them all better off.
  • It has been a 200-year diversion from solar, wind, hydro- and bio-power, beneficial in its time, but now a dead-end addiction. William S. Becker: The Solar Soldier Is No Fad
  • Their projects are diverse, but the firms share a similar ethos.
  • Schools that have a diverse student body are likely to experience interethnic tensions.
  • Enill said there were inefficiencies in the non-energy sector and Government was working on diversifying the economy.
  • Reliable estimates of the prevalence of this condition are difficult to obtain because of the diversity of identifiable causes.
  • Summer bird diversity in three different artificial forest in suburbs of Nanning.
  • They even provide a kind of back-door cosmopolitanism, ensuring that many people will learn something about diverse areas of the world, regardless of whether they are much interested in doing so.
  • The most diverse range of extreme nationalist groups joined together under their leadership.
  • Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
  • The high rains supports forests of karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) and tingle (E. brevistylis, E. jacksonii, and E. guilfoylei), shifting to jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Eucalyptus calophylla) in areas with lower nutrient soils. Jarrah-Karri forest and shrublands
  • Callahan said he knows it is important for him to put aside some of his personal viewpoints when it comes to representing what he called a diverse party. Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
  • So you lose that diversity and that choice for consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another model is adaptive radiation, such as when a species of bird first colonizes an island, then diversifies into a variety of forms to take advantage of the available niches. Continuation…
  • The El Pueblo gift store is an extension of these organizations' commitment to fostering understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity.
  • Grazing promotes species diversity, which is desired.
  • Nay, the majesty of kings, is rather exalted than diminished, when they are in the chair of counsel; neither was there ever prince, bereaved of his dependences, by his counsel, except where there hath been, either an over – greatness in one counsellor, or an over – strict combination in divers; which are things soon found, and holpen. The Essays
  • Typically, omnibus farm bills address a wide range of agriculture-related policies, thereby creating a coalition of otherwise diverse and sometimes even opposing interests in support of the legislation.
  • Both scientific and commercial biodiversity prospectors should pay fees, as mineral prospectors do.
  • For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
  • This confirms that lesions associated with one particular virus type may show diverse morphological characteristics.
  • This gap is all the more extreme because pelycosaurs and therapsids are each large, internally-diverse groups.
  • I was expecting to see puffins, exciting divers and a variety of waders.
  • Croci Regis Vegetabilium enucleatio continens Illius etymologiam, differencias, tempus quo viret et floret, culturam, collectionem, usum mechanicum, Pharmaceuticum, Chemico medicum, omnibus pene humani corporis partibus destinatum additis diversis observationibus et questionibus Crocum concernentibus ad normam et formam S. R. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • The federal workforce is also as diverse as the public as a whole in terms of ethnicity and gender, though it is better educated.
  • The wide range of water availability cited in this study, somewhere between not another drop left to an additional million acre-feet, should concern all headwater communities who are targets for future or increased transmountain diversions," she says. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • And I was delighted to see the treatment for this film, focusing in on New York City as a biodiverse environment.
  • The 12 - pounder anti-submarine gun was salvaged by divers from Bristol Aerospace Sub-Aqua Club in 1972 when they cut through the mount with explosives.
  • We'll lose some big cats such as cheetahs because they have insufficient genetic diversity to survive a nasty disease. Threats to our Future
  • Along with the Austin American-Statesman, the Statesman family of print brands includes publications in communities across Central Texas and publications such as ahora si! and Glossy, which serve many diverse markets. Undefined
  • He is collaborating with the National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica to explore poorly understood endophytic fungi and uncultured soil microbes of Costa Rica.
  • The internet is showing real shortcomings, as users increase and applications diversify.
  • Furniture weighs suddenly turn hostile cozily : Furniture tide respect criterion incline to is muti_function with diversification.
  • Divers must obtain permits from Western Australia's CALM department.
  • It proposes to realise human unity in diversity and not in uniformity.
  • The concerts have featured internationally renowned bands playing music as diverse as African dance music, ska, jive, salsa and Bhangra.
  • Just over half of all farming businesses diversified to make more money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inclusion. Embracing diversity and divergent thinking.
  • Diverse management would happen in the natural course of things without paying excruciatingly careful attention to balance.
  • Rice remained the main crop, but many farmers diversified.
  • Civilizations run by hedgehogs tend to have a fetish for uniformity; those run by foxes are more tolerant of diversity.
  • Most of it is hydrogen-dominated gas or plasma, simple in behavior though bearing the seeds of elemental diversity through thermonuclear reactions in stars.
  • The concerts have featured internationally renowned bands playing music as diverse as African dance music, ska, jive, salsa and Bhangra.
  • And the threat then recognized would require too much effort, and what's more, ironically, require those "Christians" of Arie Oostlander's same ilk to "change" their assumptions about all kinds of things, and especially about the supposed benefits of every kind of unexamined "diversity" and "multiculturalism. Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • If we consider the complex character of our people, the variety of races which we have adopted into the Canadian family, the extent of territory over which they are scattered, the diversity of their interests, the difference of languages and resulting handicap in intercommunication, we have cause to marvel that the Canadian nation in so brief a period has become so united as it is. Some Canadian Problems
  • The level of population genetic diversity of plant virus is related to the outbreak of viral disease and its epidemic.
  • To complement the Mediterranean menu, Mr. Cruz aims for diversity on his wine list, which includes a no-dosage Champagne, a Grand Cru Sylvaner from Alsace and a dessert wine from Uruguay. Now on Tap: Bubbly by the Glass
  • India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.
  • A tree plantation doesn't carry out the same ecological functions as a diverse natural forest.
  • Rescue divers jumped into the 2,000-gallon saltwater tank on Monday night and hauled him up.
  • Earl, a classmate of North's from the Naval Academy, was privy to quite a lot, including the diversion.
  • The biotic diversity of the grasslands has historically supported a diverse assemblage of species.
  • In between there has been a great diversity of titles and two journals.
  • We have a very diverse charity sector that enjoys high public trust and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Falkland Islands fur seal perches on a rock outcrop off New Island, where seafood-rich waters nourish a wildlife population diverse in nature and often astonishing in number.
  • However there will also be export trade diversion when a union country supplies a partner country in place of the imports from third countries.
  • By late afternoon Glover was feeling glad not to be worn out for the mild diversion of Halloween.
  • There was such a diverse group of people, all these different worlds colliding in one environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually (due to a massive diversion along some hairy country roads, and some cows crossing) we arrive at our destination.
  • Using these data, the team estimated "conditioned dental diversity", eliminating cases where people had all their teeth "present and healthy" or people who were "edentulous THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Where divers be Jub (iituied to one, whether they fhall fucceed equally orun equally* A treatise of testaments and last wills, fit to be understood by all men, that they may know, whether, whereof, and how, to make them
  • Extreme assertions of diversity, such as Kallen's, imply a kind of racial or ethnic essentialism and separatism, not merely cultural pluralism.
  • Free divers go down, alone, rather than up as part of a team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of this fact alone I should not commend the diversion of moving save to people of very ample means as well as perfect leisure; there are more reasons than the misery of flitting why the dweller in the kilderkin should not covet the hogshead reeking of claret. Suburban Sketches
  • The chairman's statement is considerate of the diverse interests represented by the leaders in the meeting.
  • It was also the last of village France, with palpable limits, yet freedom from ephemeral diversions.
  • This is just one of an extraordinary sequence of curious encounters between orcas and divers in the waters off New Zealand.
  • The alliance was created to help the transition from a defense-dominated economy to more diverse industries.
  • It will also mean the diversion of two major traffic arteries over temporary roadways for three years.
  • A diverse range of artists and craft makers live in the area. The Sun
  • Dynamics of phytoplankton succession coupled to species diversity as a system-level tool for study of Microcystis population dynamics in eutrophic lakes
  • As things stand in British arts, only an autist would dare to profess disinterest in diversity.
  • The 50-year-old is currently establishing a beef suckler herd after diversifying from milk production last July.
  • He is an intellectual multilinguist and an experienced negotiator between diverse ethnic groupings. cedric j wrote: The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • On the other three it showed itself just sufficiently to "furnish" the building and diversify its aspect without in any way encumbering it. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • The term diversionary measures refers to direct actions of groups or individuals operating in the enemy's rear area. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
  • Our initial focus was on biodiversity and food and farming issues, as well as bioremediation and natural treatment systems for decontaminating the environment.
  • Masan Consumer is one of Vietnam's leading diversified consumer companies. KKR to Buy 10% of Vietnamese Sauce Maker
  • Since the field of gravity wave interferometry is still so new, the researchers involved come from diverse backgrounds.
  • Another kind of price competition between supermarkets is in the extent and diversity of private label offerings, so-called store brands.
  • To an ecologist, this looks like an ecosystem whose biodiversity has expanded radically.
  • These are low in diversity but high in populations for some of the macrofauna, some of which are relicts of earlier periods, others at the extremes of their latitudinal and environmental distribution. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • TWO divers had to be winched aboard a helicopter and flown ashore suffering from the bends. The Sun
  • The organization promotes racial tolerance and unity in diversity.
  • Mentally disordered offenders: practical steps to diversion from custody.

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