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How To Use Diverge In A Sentence

  • He argues that the two main parties are no longer capable of holding together the divergent views within them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, functional and structural divergence might, in some cases, precede rather than follow gene duplication.
  • As you might have guessed we are not talking about an all-too-human Dana Plato, Todd Bridges or Corey-of-your-choice, but a fellow member of our family Hominidae who diverged from our species 6 million years ago. Warren Holstein: Monkey Business: Travis the Celebrity Chimpanzee Attacks!!!
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • However, they conclude that this is incorrect and that the prosauropods and sauropods diverged early from a common ancestor.
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  • Arrangements in the upper line represent periods in which duplicated genes diverged.
  • The parallel lines appear to diverge.
  • In 1873 he gave a continuous function with divergent Fourier series at any point solving a major problem.
  • There'sa substantial divergence of opinion within the party.
  • The farther the ratio between the rates of rod and disc departs from exactly 1: 5, whether less or greater, the more rapid will the strobic movement, backward or forward, be; until finally the divergence is too great, the newly forming bands lie too far ahead or behind those already formed to fuse with them and so be apperceived as one system, and so the bands are lost in confusion. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • The Japanese language includes sharply divergent styles of speech for men and women.
  • The jury is out on gold, and I have seldom seen such a divergence of opinion - if you cut out the World Gold Council, that is.
  • They are also divergent from SCRs of the group 1 proteins.
  • There I encountered a marked divergence of views.
  • These two sympatric species are reproductively isolated and represent highly divergent lineages in the genus.
  • The world lies in strife, in discord, in divergence.
  • The divergence relationship among ursine bears was not resolved with any of the molecular data sets with the exception of the affirmation of the close affinity of the brown bear and the polar bear.
  • The problems which are likely to be encountered in attempting to mesh such divergent data are both technical and philosophical.
  • Like all the seafloor, they are created at midocean ridges, where two plates diverge and hot lava wells up from the underlying mantle.
  • Haiku a Japanese classic ditty by the 17 components of a divergence in pronunciation.
  • The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica.
  • The conversation was always lively and when there were guests it diverged from cartography to politics. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • About halfway between the temple and the main road, a path diverged to the left.
  • At this point the stories diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • For one thing, he says, the canons of the two groups are different, and therefore, the ways Christians and Jews read their scripture will be divergent.
  • Third, the world sees no near-term pretender to the throne because neither the divergent economies within the Euro zone nor the undemocratic Chinese regime command sufficient confidence in their respective currencies. NYT > Opinion
  • Inclusion. Embracing diversity and divergent thinking.
  • In particular, the early parts of cumulative emergence curves at a range of temperatures were superposed when expressed in thermally weighted time, while the late parts diverged.
  • The results show that the aims of historians and biographers may radically diverge. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The divergence between the incomes of the rich and the poor countries seems to be increasing.
  • Indeed, if sequence divergence decreases hybridization signal, these genes should have more frequently appeared overexpressed than unexpressed.
  • This definition implies that communication is a process of con vergence (or divergence) as two or more individuals exchange information in order to move toward each other (or apart) in the meanings that they give to certain events. Diffusion of Innovations
  • With this test, we can determine if rates of molecular evolution are the same for two different taxa by comparing how divergent they are from a known out-group.
  • Doubts about recession and the model lineup have produced a divergence in investor opinion over BMW.
  • In fact, metrology is concerned with nothing less than finding a method of being able to control the constancy of the international prototype metre, the basis of the whole metric system, so accurately that not only will every change, however small, which could possibly occur in it be accurately measured, but also if the prototype were entirely lost, it could nevertheless be reproduced so exactly that no microscope could ever reveal any divergence from the original prototype. Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 - Presentation Speech
  • An overall measure of differences in industrial or sectoral structures appears by making up an index of divergence.
  • The quadratic density dependence of the spontaneously emitted betatron x-ray radiation and the divergence angle of approximately x10 radian of the forward-emitted x-rays as a consequence of betatron motion in the ion channel are in good agreement with theory.
  • It is after the first few years in employment that the profiles diverge dramatically and again the male/female contrast is vivid.
  • At present, these two roles sometimes converge but sometimes diverge or conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was also realised that globalisation is not a homogeneous process, but contains a striking paradox in that it brings about both convergence and divergence.
  • Finally, psychiatrists in Britain and India diverged on the issue of restraining violent patients.
  • What was the amount of theological divergence which was conveyed by these terms Arian and Catholic, or to speak more judicially Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • This is where our opinions diverge from each other.
  • Mark Liberman of Language Log has a very suggestive entry about the disfluency of the Wolof elite, as described in Judith Irvine's "Wolof Noun Classification: The Social Setting of Divergent Change" (Language in Society, 7: 37-64 (1978)), at least as he remembers it:...upwardly mobile men among the Wolof nobility cultivate inarticulateness as a sign of status. ON NOT SPEAKING WELL.
  • It appears that within smaller geographic areas, for example Java, there are divergent colugo lineages that could prove to be separate species," he added. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The coverage by the columnists diverged from that in the main news stories on this question.
  • These extend into the back-arc basin of the Andaman Sea where there is evidence of some divergent motion.
  • an angle is formed by the divergence of two straight lines
  • It seems to me the only reason to do a comic at this point would be to make it widely divergent from the film, yet here we have the artist making the Deckards pretty young things. Android dreams: BOOM! previews Philip K. Dick maxi-series | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Hippidion was so distinctly different from other horses that it was considered to have diverged from the equid lineage about 10 million years ago.
  • Foster JM, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, et al. (2005) Conservation and divergence of circadian clock operation in a stress-inducible crassulacean acid metabolism species reveals clock compensation against stress. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He argues that the two main parties are no longer capable of holding together the divergent views within them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many species have diverged from a single ancestor.
  • At this point the stories diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using this relationship, we extrapolated the estimated time of divergence from adjusted measures of pairwise differences between Dendropoma species.
  • They have divergent political views, from each other, from their unions, and definitely from the Labour Party.
  • This divergence of interests is manageable, but it is also fundamental.
  • The conversation was always lively and when there were guests it diverged from cartography to politics. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Did they really critique you because you diverged from the expected? Villain Stereotypes « Write Anything
  • It was syllogistic, precise, assured and all-embracing; divergence from it was heavily deprecated. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The details matter less than the fact that these widely divergent views of the place of government in national life are unlikely to be bridged. Times, Sunday Times
  • We find that the quantum smectics are rather different from the usual classical smectics in that the density correlations along the direction of the stripes manifest a Bragg-Glass type behaviour whereas those in the transverse direction are infra-red divergent.
  • First, there are divergent views within the inner Cabinet on the strategic importance of the recent meetings held in Helsinki.
  • Although a molecular clock is rejected, divergence times may still be estimated by allowing the rates of evolution to evolve along lineages.
  • Because many of the above estimates of divergence times far exceed the times of first appearance of land plants in the fossil record, they might be overestimates.
  • The basic idea is that when polls are recent and numerous, the model will largely defer to the polling, but where estimates tend to depend on polling that is either dated or divergent from the Cook rating, the model will tend to move the probabilities into agreement with the Cook ratings. Explaining The Pollster-Dashboard U.S. House Model
  • Although drama and news remained distinct genres with overlapping but divergent modes of staging, the nature of the newspaper medium at that particular moment in journalistic history brought to the fore powerful analogies between the two, with respect to both the physical presentation of events and the way we can experience time as imbued with tension and meaning. Introduction
  • In this group divergent ontogenies transform disparate larvae into similar adults.
  • The intercrural fibers increase the strength of the lower part of the aponeurosis, and prevent the divergence of the crura from one another; they are more strongly developed in the male than in the female. IV. Myology. 6d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
  • This is a negative divergence, and the point is capturing flux, like water going down a sink.
  • I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the direction of investment.
  • While the red panda is considered a procyonid, the mainstream view now is that the giant panda is indeed a bear, although it diverged from the main ursid line long enough ago to exhibit some striking differences in addition to the enlarged radial sesamoid, such as chromosome number, skull anatomy, and other traits. The Panda's Thumb has Evolved ... Twice! - The Panda's Thumb
  • There was low correlation between divergence estimated through signal ratios and actual sequence divergence, probably due to several variabilities in the technique.
  • In doing this, lexicographers generally take the view that homonymy relates to different words whose forms have converged while polysemy relates to one word whose meanings have diverged or radiated.
  • But if your interests diverge, you are likely to be hammered. Times, Sunday Times
  • But where you and I diverge is this fear that consumers might somehow be led astray by these designations. Cautiously Raising a Glass to Single-Vineyard Finger Lakes Wines
  • On the contrary, the evolutionary explanation for biological diversification is genetic divergence following allopatry in divergent ecosystems. Against Darwinism
  • Your goal is to collect and evaluate ‘strategic data’ across divergent constituent groups that directly shed light on strategic decision making.
  • Meanwhile, on August 10, 1788, one of the greatest of all examples of divergent thinking came into the world.
  • They walked along the road together until they reached the village, but then their paths diverged.
  • Fitness costs vary greatly among host species in part because cowbirds parasitize host species at widely divergent frequencies, even among hosts breeding in the same habitat.
  • The virtues sought in a deputy are sometimes quite divergent from those sought in a leader.
  • The airport is west of the city beyond the junction where the Glasgow and Fife lines diverge.
  • Divergence times among clades in the ochrocephala complex were estimated using two different molecular clock calibrations (no specific calibration exists for the Psittaciformes).
  • In addition, intrinsic individual variation, including learned cultural differences in oscines, provides the raw material for vocal divergence through drift or selection.
  • So depending on how it gets handled, the stable/developer strands could diverge immediately.
  • However, different parts of the genome may diverge at different rates.
  • The agency's inclusiveness, its solicitude toward the divergent perspectives of many different stakeholders, fit with its avowed mission of neutrality.
  • Although their paths diverge, their lives remain entwined. Times, Sunday Times
  • The joint university-WEA committees were falling into desuetude by the 1980s, as paths continued to diverge: competition for students became as common as collaboration.
  • Thus, divergent growth apparently prompted offsetting, in order for the coral to maintain the lacuna and occupy the space around it.
  • The populations from the Adriatic and Black seas, however, are divergent from every other population.
  • Why do these two centre-right politicians have such divergent views? Times, Sunday Times
  • I have also pleased myself by making a special group of the six radiating muscles which diverge from the spine of the axis, or second cervical vertebra, and by giving to it the name stella musculosa nuchaee. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • La couleur est d'un rouge violet lie de vin, tirant sur celle de fleurs de pêche, lorsqu'elle est peu intense; on le trouve quelquefois en aiguilles divergentes, partant d'une centre commun, et formant de jolies rosettes à la surface de la gangue. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Assume that chimpanzees and humans diverged from a common ancestor about five million years ago.
  • Horizontal transfer of whole genes and operons between divergent species is a frequent event.
  • The tendon diverges, uniting laterally with muscle 46 which originates from the lateral walls of the pronotum, and medially with muscle 47, which originates from the posterior pronotal inflection ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • My daughter was born 31 years ago, like many children, with a divergent squint.
  • Hence the authors concluded that gene expression had diverged most rapidly in the human brain.
  • What divergences arise between equilibrium and optimal output when a spillover costs and b spillover benefits are present?
  • It appears they evolved from a common ancestor in Australia, but the time of their divergence is still unclear.
  • Given its stridency of tone, it would be disingenuous to claim that it merely represented a divergent view; it is anything but dispassionately presented.
  • The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.
  • If at one point the terms were synonymous their meanings have gradually diverged.
  • They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
  • In ripening the parts separate, and hang divergent from a hair-like prolongation of the receptacle known as the gynophore. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • The CGß gene first arose in the common ancestor of the anthropoid primates (New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, apes, and humans), after the anthropoids diverged from tarsiers.
  • In 1873 he gave a continuous function with divergent Fourier series at any point solving a major problem.
  • He uses various comic conventions such as satire, farce, absurdism, and irony to attack widely divergent cultural philosophies, politics, and ethics.
  • And it turns out that this grouping is exactly what is expected if they diverged from common ancestors. A New Book
  • All forms of animal life, from the coelenterates to the mammals, follow the same path in their embryological development as far as the gastrula stage, but here their paths widely diverge, those of each subkingdom going their own separate ways. The Elements of Geology
  • Try imagining a situation where a para-IE dialect *beside* Mid IE the direct ancestor of PIE c.5500 BCE, let's say diverges already before PIE proper develops and it has become influenced by northerly Proto-Uralic to form palatal affricates. The PIE and Pre-PIE pronominal system from the perspective of a wave model
  • It is susceptible of nodes or modes as far apart as hyperphrygian and mixolydian and of texts so divergent as priests haihooping round David's that is Circe's or what am I saying Ceres 'altar and David's tip from the stable to his chief bassoonist about the alrightness of his almightiness. Ulysses
  • Third, selves or individuals, rather than being closed upon the compossible and convergent world they express from within, are now torn open, and kept open through the divergent series and incompossible ensembles that continually pull them outside themselves. Gilles Deleuze
  • As the tangents diverge, a sample of found sound enters the piece, with crowd murmur and the whine of vehicle brakes.
  • And since the divergentevolution problem makes it crucial to tell the difference between mutative and allomorphic forms on this particular planet, I think we may have to reassess almost everything the survey team gave us. Doctor’s Orders
  • But as generations proceeded, and the relationships within the family diverged beyond the degree of second cousin, a natural breaking up seems to have taken place, though in the direction of subinfeudation under the feudal enforcement of the rule of primogeniture, instead of the practice, more in accordance with tribal instincts, of equal division and enfranchisement. On The Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay
  • Therefore, to what extent the actual divergence times deviate from those predicted by these models is also of great concern.
  • Many of the taxa that apparently diverged in the Paleozoic now are limpets and retain little information about the morphologies of their coiled ancestors.
  • At the time, a huge bearish divergence between Gold prices and Gold Stocks had developed with Gold prices making new highs, while Gold Stocks were unable to advance.
  • These divergent trends have produced a record gap between personal optimism and public pessimism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any amount of reticulate evolution during that split would be hard to assess, and easily obscured by strong, divergent selection on the dog lineages. Controversial origins of the domestic dog
  • Apart from such divergencies the connation of the petals is universally recognized as one of the most important systematic characters. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Divergent evolution occurs when originally similar societies evolve along lines of increasing dissimilarity. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • There will always be divergencies of opinion but there is over half a century of close co-operation on which to build.
  • He remarks that successful advertising comes from two contrasting styles of problem-solving, what psychologists have called convergent vs. divergent thinking.
  • This is totally divergent from the situation we witness today in that the big game herds are daily being harrassed by these alien killers who know no season. Do you think that the long term ecological damage caused by exterminating predators or holding them well below their natural pop
  • So I asked what lies behind her widely divergent choices for the recital. Times, Sunday Times
  • How do we reconcile these two divergent sides of the story? Christianity Today
  • On the contrary, the evolutionary explanation for biological diversification is genetic divergence following allopatry in divergent ecosystems. Against Darwinism
  • Narrative lines may diverge sharply on the third or fourth page, or in the second paragraph.
  • They work hand in hand, but so often their career paths diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The recollection cannot diverge, looks like the shadow to remain.
  • And why are there such wildly divergent readings of the economic tea leaves? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a divergent self-energy for the electron due to the energy of its coulomb field that diverges much faster (power law) in the classical case than in the quantum case (logarithmically), considered as a function of the cutoff on the “size” of the electon. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • This divergence may be explained by genomic differences between these two species that are reflected in their relative robustness.
  • By Early Triassic times, cynodonts had diverged into large predaceous carnivores such as Cynognathus and moderate large omnivorous and herbivorous types such as Trirachodon and Diademodon.
  • At root, their differences reflected wildly divergent political perspectives, as well as contending visions of the future.
  • The aim can be perfect, while a poor stroke causes the cueball to diverge off the intended path.
  • Adopting the assumptions of an ecological contextualist approach creates multiple opportunities for valid research endeavors that diverge from traditional positivistic models.
  • Apparently, the coelacanth, lungfish, and tetrapod lineages diverged within such a short time interval that at this level of analysis, their relationships appear to be an irresolvable trichotomy.
  • There are some differences," Raese said when asked if he and Manchin diverge on key issues. A party problem in W.Va. contest
  • The road will diverge into three paths soon and it is then that we part.
  • But still we do need a cutoff (to be differentiated from the scale at which the theory is defined) to handle UV divergences, for example in perturbative QCD. Richard Feynman Needs His Orange Juice
  • Why should one think that such failures of common knowledge provide a general explanation for divergent beliefs?
  • At those values, the quartic self-interaction would be very strong and would be running even stronger very quickly, eventually falling into the "Landau pole" trap of a divergent interaction that probably makes the theory inconsistent as a separate theory (and surely useless in its perturbative form). The Reference Frame
  • Just south of here is where the New Haven diverges off the Harlem Line, just beyond the Woodlawn Metro North station.
  • In an effort to maintain wider group cohesion, divergent voices are often dealt with by claiming they arise from entirely different strains of selfhood.
  • But there come times when the interests of the market diverge from the interests of the people. Think Progress » Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Views Divide Southern Republican Leadership Conference
  • We found evidence for purifying selection acting to constrain functional divergence between paralogous genes.
  • This leaves room for a divergence between our beliefs and the truth.
  • Geographic variation in song among suboscine birds has been taken to indicate genetic divergence.
  • Geographic variation in song among suboscine birds has been taken to indicate genetic divergence.
  • The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica.
  • How is it that among people of today who are so radically divergent in other ways, the traditional family is omnipresent, universal?
  • The two species diverged millions of years ago.
  • His interests increasingly diverged from those of his colleagues.
  • His films inspired respect, if wildly divergent opinions.
  • In this article we discuss the relation between the laser beam divergence and the amplification factor in unstable cavities and the principles for the design of unstable resonators are given.
  • In at least two, widely divergent systems, electron-dense extracellular tubules have been observed surrounding developing spores during sporogony.
  • But if your interests diverge, you are likely to be hammered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • The hybridization occurred shortly after the two lineages diverged (old hybridization).
  • While these two paths are not incompatible, they seem too often to be followed in divergent directions. Christianity Today
  • A collision of worlds when two African-American families from divergent socioeconomic backgrounds get together one weekend in Martha's Vineyard for a wedding.
  • Doubtless the heaviest burden of our contemporaries is a consciousness of a divergence between our democratic theory on the one hand, that working people have a right to the intellectual resources of society, and the actual fact on the other hand, that thousands of them are so overburdened with toil that there is no leisure nor energy left for the cultivation of the mind. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • Like other isolated islands, the Azores have functioned as a natural evolutionary laboratory - most of the native plant species are living fossils, phylogenetically primitive, and related to, though divergent from, the preglacial flora of Europe. Azores temperate mixed forests
  • But these are nations that in reality have little in common and their economic and political fortunes increasingly will diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concave lenses with minus or divergent power correct this refractive error and refocus the light rays on the correct point on the retina.
  • As a recap, I had come to a couple of major revelations on PIE that diverge from the "mainstream" but problematic view:One: The unlikely phonological system can finally be rationalized by turning palatal stops to plain ones and plain stops to uvular ones while shifting phonation to a contrast between creaky and plain voice rather than plain versus breathy. New pdf on Indo-European verbs
  • Only one study to date has used calibration points from the fossil record to estimate the divergence of sister species distributed on both sides of the isthmus.
  • “But about the alleged ingression, I insist: calibrations of the dates of divergence of genes is no small issue…” Randy Neanderthals? - The Panda's Thumb
  • In case of divergency in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
  • As a result of their isolation, most of the native plant species on the Azores are living fossils, phylogenetically primitive, and related to, though divergent from, the preglacial flora of Europe. Azores temperate mixed forests
  • As in the case of Hsp 70 genes, these two groups of genes diverged long before the separation of animals and fungi.
  • The living conditions for South African whites and blacks were extremely divergent.
  • Once a condition progresses, however, approaches to treatment diverge among cultures.
  • It proclaims sisterhood beautiful even at its most acrimonious, and that someday, though not quite yet, all women may live in peace together despite divergent sexualities and warring ideologies.
  • The operating distance of a laser radar system is determined on pulse energy, pulse width, beam divergence angular, atmosphere attenuation, target reflection, receiver sensitivity and so on.
  • The major causes of the divergence are that each scholar distinguishes the cases from his own view and that the theory of case grammar itself has some limits.
  • Divergence estimates between extant perissodactyl species were closely correlated with calibration age - the divergence between rhinos and tapirs, for example, differed by an order of magnitude depending on the calibration applied.
  • The ALP no longer contains a real divergence of views.
  • Consequently, while his epistemological views regarding sensory episodes parallel his treatment of the epistemology of occurrent thoughts, Sellars 'account of the ontology of sensations diverges dramatically from his functionalist account of thoughts. Wilfrid Sellars
  • The MEPS model predicts an exponential decrease in recombination rate in relation to the level of divergence.
  • They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
  • But the fact that she could not overlook was that their paths had diverged.
  • The remaining mitochondrial data support similar divergence time estimates, with differences increasing in magnitude as average calibration age increases.
  • Three hollow rays diverge at angles of 120 degrees from the central part.
  • In the second chapter, we elaborate theory foundation of this thesis from the Mind Map, divergent thinking, constructivism, and genetic epistemology of J. Piaget.
  • But these are nations that in reality have little in common and their economic and political fortunes increasingly will diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this series, it also gives a sum if t = 1, but as soon as t>1, the series diverges.
  • In case of divergency of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
  • I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the direction of investment.
  • Concave lenses with minus or divergent power correct this refractive error and refocus the light rays on the correct point on the retina.
  • One of the diverged phenotypes in cultivated rice is observed in the patterns of coloration due to anthocyanin pigmentation in spite of invariant pigmentation in the wild forms of rice.
  • The Time after the enabling legislation is used to sculpt specific Vested Interest desires, which often diverge from the enabling Polity's understanding of the Regulation. A Case for Paternalism?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In a situation that involves a plurality of faiths, a common dress code thus strikes me as a medium of secular arbitration, a function that is vitiated by a blatant divergence from the uniform.
  • Despite the regional divergence, the figures showed a stabilising picture. Times, Sunday Times

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