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How To Use Dive-bomb In A Sentence

  • The Germans and the US Navy had found a partial solution to the problem even before the war - dive-bombing.
  • If you wander too close to their nest sites on the moorland, they will dive-bomb and are not afraid to make contact with heads.
  • Mr. Symonds offers a pitilessly clear indictment of Hornet skipper Marc Mitscher and his air-group commander, Stanhope Ring, for their mismanagement and cover-up of their carrier's wayward principal air strike on June 4, the "Flight to Nowhere," which saw their dive-bombers and fighters venture forth fruitlessly over empty seas. The Beginning of the End
  • Excellent scavengers, gulls will dive-bomb seaside tourists for their snacks. Seagulls Breed Discord in Rotterdam Port
  • The Invaders had to do a kind of modified dive-bombing, he said.
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  • We can feature hilarious armies of skunks sneaking into an SUV, and birds that dive-bomb and defecate everywhere. 'Furry Vengeance': Coarse family film is a slapstick stinker
  • With a cackle she flew higher into the sky and dive-bombed one of the city's markets.
  • But an end to the dive-bombing urban seagull could be in sight after the Scottish Executive decided to spend £10,000 researching a solution to the winged menace.
  • The parents vigorously defend the nest, dive-bombing intruders.
  • It was a bit scary because the large ferries were steaming past us and at one point we were even dive-bombed by seagulls.
  • The bird squawked again, and dive-bombed the dog.
  • They are also tricky to use - requiring fighters and gunboats to engage in something resembling an old dive-bombing run from WW2.
  • Although there's no firm replacement for "Lost" or "24" this fall, no one is working harder to lure fans of both than NBC's "The Event," which has a minority POTUS, a la "24" (Blair Underwood), with a doomed airliner (with oddly Oceanic markings) that's about to dive-bomb on his Florida retreat. As the network onslaught begins, what if the TV critic picked out shows just for you?
  • I think the gnat knows I'm writing about him because he just dive-bombed my face.
  • Look at those birds dive-bombing the mowed seeds I am leaving behind!
  • The Stuka, the dihedral -- gull-winged Junker 87 dive-bomber -- was the most feared of all. SAN ANDREAS
  • But in Korea the Sabres were there to protect the fighters at low-level, while they were dive-bombing, Mahurin said.
  • The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.
  • The Stuka, the dihedral -- gull-winged Junker 87 dive-bomber -- was the most feared of all. SAN ANDREAS
  • They will also mob predators in flight, gathering into tight flocks and dive-bombing a hawk or other predator.
  • I don't know how they get in, but there they are, furiously dive-bombing my chair.
  • In my favorite rescue story, a woman summons Animal Control because a pack of crows is dive-bombing an injured owl.
  • The experienced pilots carried out a text-book dive-bombing attack on the big Japanese ships.
  • The Stuka, the dihedral -- gull-winged Junker 87 dive-bomber -- was the most feared of all. SAN ANDREAS
  • The gannets dive-bombing into the sea is the divine sign from above.
  • On his final day, he tested a P-A7 converted for use on D day as a low-altitude fighter with dive-bombing capability.
  • The Stuka, the dihedral -- gull-winged Junker 87 dive-bomber -- was the most feared of all. SAN ANDREAS
  • Luckily these days, the closest you'll come to violence is being dive-bombed by one of the thousands of swifts that weave through the narrow cobbled streets and squares.
  • A female fly hovers over a mound before she pinpoints a victim, dive-bombs it, and deposits one of her eggs inside it.
  • Ms. Crew turned on him like a hawk dive-bombing a rabbit.
  • I dive-bombed into the murky entrance while slowing down smoothly.
  • Later that day, other enlisted radiomen/gunners helped even the score, protecting their dive-bomber pilots as they wiped out the enemy carrier force, sinking all four Japanese flattops.
  • Dragoon enclosed on the base and went high in the air then dive-bombed the area with that special fireball technique.
  • Take a hat, however - nesting terns will dive-bomb you and peck your head, and they usually draw blood!
  • If World War II inspired George Lucas, it was with dive-bombing fighter planes and aerial dogfights.
  • It was a bit scary because the large ferries were steaming past us and at one point we were even dive-bombed by seagulls.
  • Army co-operation and close air support were in their infancy in the USA and dive-bombing seemed to be the answer.
  • Before either of us could react, Zane dive-bombed from the air and crashed into Ethan, sending both of them skidding backward. My Fair Succubi
  • Gilardini told me the story of one expedition on a sailing boat in the Arctic where a fellow photographer would enter the territory of arctic terns so they would come and dive-bomb him, providing him with opportunities to get some dramatic wide-angle shots. Steven Crandell: Shooting From the Heart -- Daisy Gilardini's Wildlife Photography (VIDEO)
  • Three cheeky Capistrano swallow refugees dive-bombed out of the heavens and zoomed in all around him.
  • It looks like a normal fly but can smell sweat and dive-bombs any bare flesh.
  • The night dive here produced more dive-bombing by huge tarpon, feeding on a bait-ball of silversides attracted by our floodlights.
  • On a recent holiday to Italy, I sat in the main square in Sienna eating pizza surrounded by dive-bombing pigeons.
  • Then, impossibly blond children didn't periodically dive-bomb into his lap.
  • “You should watch them dive-bomb Big Kitty every day when you're at school.” The Blue Jay
  • The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.
  • The bird squawked again, and dive-bombed the dog.
  • The pool side signs of no running, jumping or dive-bombing, would have to be amended to no laughing, coughing or sneezing for the aquaerobics class! Reprieve
  • The Blackburn Skua was the first British aircraft specifically designed for dive-bombing, but it could also serve as a fighter.
  • Then at 0915 the dive-bombing was renewed before the raiders withdrew at 0945.
  • Then, impossibly blond children didn't periodically dive-bomb into his lap.
  • Extremely protective, the birds show little hesitation to dive-bomb those who approach too closely, including people.
  • A religious group wanted to hang fishing wire all over Oak Park, the way they have elsewhere in L.A. They call it an "eruv," and it apparently kills birds, such as hawks, that don't expect to dive-bomb into an invisible wire. Oak Park Stops Religious Group From Stringing Fishing Wire All Over Neighborhood
  • Seabirds rest on ledges above us, but seem happy with our presence, so we don't get dive-bombed.
  • She adjusted her helmet and was about to dive-bomb the store when she couldn't spot either Deathtone or the judge.
  • In another incident his ship was sunk after being dive-bombed, again with the loss of up to forty men.
  • Only the aft elevator could be used when a full air group was in the hangar, as dive-bombers would block the use of the midship elevator for raising torpedo planes.
  • February 21st, 2009 at 12: 50 am the idea that we have to choose between letting housing prices dive-bomb into oblivion and reinflating the bubble is preposterous Matthew Yglesias » Crook: Obama Housing Plan “Seems Well Thought Out”
  • They will also mob predators in flight, gathering into tight flocks and dive-bombing a hawk or other predator.

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