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How To Use Diva In A Sentence

  • But she's no diva and enjoys her role in the band on equal footing with two men. The Sun
  • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • Fracas, that mother of all big floral scents, the strange, kinky Diva Tubereuse Criminelle, and the lustrously beautiful Carnal Flower. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Sheols of houris in chems upon divans, (revolted stellas vespertine vesamong them) at a bare (O!) mention of the scaly rybald exclaimed: Poisse! Finnegans Wake
  • Godiva was the wife of Leofric, earl of Mercia, one of the three great earls of 11th-century England.
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  • It appears the glee club diva is developing a schoolgirl crush on her admittedly dreamy teacher. New 'Glee' clips: Will and Rachel do 'Endless Love!' |
  • Haddock, the explosive, semi-sozzled scion of Marlinspike Hall; Cuthbert Calculus, the nearly deaf genius inventor; Thompson and Thomson, the bumbling identical-twin detectives; and opera diva Bianca Castafiore, aka the Milanese Nightingale, who is the sole female character to recur in Hergé's Tintin stories. Tintin & Co.
  • Different soil compositions and geomorphic factors affect the distribution of wildlife and make room for other vegetative groups such as halophyte plants including Atriplex, Larrea divaricata, L. cuneifolia, Suaeda, and Tricomaria. Humid Pampas
  • You know, Diana Ross said you've got to earn the title diva, and it's okay. CNN Transcript Jul 2, 2005
  • From the firmness of its drawing, and the depth and singular purity of its colour, "Godiva" stood, if we judge aright, as at once a great performance and a great pledge. Famous Reviews
  • The WA Government paid for Nathan's medivac flight to Melbourne, post-natal care in Perth and his parents' accommodation.
  • One of the oldest dances in the world, belly dancing is super feminine and made for divas with belly rolls, shimmies, deep backbends and hip bumps - moves easily incorporated into modern street dancing.
  • It was long, built around two sections of the tetragon, and with low divans beneath the view windows. Operation Haystack
  • A video clip from a Fuji TV news report narrates the story of Sidival Furuzawa Pereira, a homeless man in Hamamatsu, Japan. Global Voices in English » Global Recession: The world is talking. Are we listening?
  • The Ministry for CHT Affairs (MoCHTA) also issued a memo instructing district-level officials to not use the terms "Adivasi" or "indigenous" in any government documents, and instead to use the word "upajati. Drishtipat Writers' Collective
  • So what is next for the reluctant jazz diva?
  • They get ill, they need to be medivacked. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's also a cigar divan serving Cuban stogies and decorated with paintings from the Zhongnanhai leaders' compound.
  • Diva is the term derived from the Latin word “divus”, “a divine one”, and in its original use described a woman of exceptional talent, more specifically a great female opera singer. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Why would one of opera's most acclaimed divas take a major musical risk?
  • It appears that Rasheed has a history of criticising the Maldivan state religion in his writing - it is a legal requirement for citizens of the Maldives to be Muslims - and he has since written to Amnesty International to request help in seeking temporary asylum. New Humanist Blog
  • However, 11 of the Screaming Eagles had to be medivacked, or helicopter transported, out to various combat support hospitals in the region. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2003
  • They make fantastically successful pop stars, soul divas and sensitive singer-songwriters.
  • But the top act is the eponymous Triplets, sister divas who sing and swing with tireless exhilaration.
  • Kate may be a self-confessed dag who loves hanging at home in her tracky dacks and footy jumper but after our image-conscious judges exposed appearance as a weakness, Kate has presented herself as a beautiful diva and tirelessly worked at her stage presence. Kate upsets Lindsay Lohan + Wins Aussie Idol
  • How many directors dare tell any diva that the first thing they want her to do, as she makes her grand entrance, is dip her head in a bucket and throw back her hair, spraying an arc of water across the stage?
  • Spikelets less compressed, linear or linear-oblong; lateral nerves less prominent; not fascicled, long pedicellate and divaricate when ripe. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • But I spent the remains of the afternoon lounging on the divan with Ali-Bab, nibbling almonds, sipping mint tea, and listening to the water bubbling merrily in his hookah.
  • He doesn't have any diva demands but we do always ask for him to have a fan to keep him nice and cool. The Sun
  • It took that long for the medivac chopper to reach them. Are we as sportsman becoming too dependent on modern technology?
  • It was a modest but comfortably furnished room with a divan, low tables and large leather cushions on the floor.
  • Bach "Stradivarius" USA - . 525" medium large bore, 8" one-piece hand-hammered bell, brass outer slide, clear lacquer.
  • We are not goddesses, divas or supermoms any more than we're bitches, shrews, sluts or nursemaids, and the damage of getting it wrong has been accumulative, making the picture of a woman's role seem quite grim and hopeless when it's really far from it. Chauncey Zalkin: A Better Way To Represent Women
  • Who's the biggest diva, we asked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parsnip ( Pastinacasativa ) and Fangfeng ( Saposhnikovia divaricata ) belong to two different genera under Umbelliferae.
  • Research has documented that as offenders mature, they are less likely to continue using drugs and less likely to recidivate than are younger offenders.
  • She enlists her portly dog, Bruno, a stolen pedal boat and a trio of aged divas - the former showbiz-queen ‘triplets’ of the title.
  • In addition, there are different edaphic communities such as the woods of Prosopis scrubs of Baccharis salicifolia (chilca) and Tessaria dodonaefolia (pájaro bobo) in humid places, Atriplex in clayish soils and Suaeda divaricata and Allenrolfea vaginata in salty soils. Argentine Monte
  • The piece may surprise those who associate opera with fat divas in crinolines.
  • He conjured up a vision of this strange forgotten kink in the world's littoral, of the long meandering channels that spread and divaricate and spend their burden of mud and silt within the thunderbelt of Atlantic surf, of the dense tangled vegetation that creeps into the shimmering water with root and sucker. Tono Bungay
  • For example, instead of putting a lavish bed into the bedroom we bought a standard divan bed and had a headboard made.
  • But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who’ll go the distance with you. Matthew Yglesias » Dunkin Coffee
  • The rising hip-hop diva has had a lot of good fortune come her way lately.
  • A trivalent carbon atom and a divalent hydrogen atom: who changed the rules without warning me? [eyewatch 1227] how stupid are people these days
  • But if you spend most of your mobile life writing texts or making calls, you'll probably find these touchscreen divas rather ungainly and overpriced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number of divas who can hit the f6 in Mozart's Queen of the Night is vanishingly small, and you just can't perform The Queen of the Night without that famous f6.
  • This is one of my favorite abilities, it really wrecks mass Marines which are quite a force to be reckoned with at the moment with Medivac support.
  • For a moment I thought it must be an exclusive brothel, for we were in a great salon all plush and gilt and mirrors, with thick carpet and velvet divans and curtains looped back by silver cords, and Junoesque females of perfect complexion drifting about. THE NUMBERS
  • She never earned the reputation of being 'difficult' or a diva.
  • After her singing career flagged during the 1990s she reinvented herself as a pop diva, scoring 37 hit singles in the UK.
  • She is all for name-dropping but, despite more than 50 years in the industry and her unmistakably diva-ish carriage, she has nothing bad to say about anyone.
  • Faced with multiple sweets and puddings, I simply reclined and used the best of the divan.
  • Arundhati, as a policeman, I can tell you that the police are not going to be able to solve the problem of these indigenous, you know, these Adivasi people "-" Adivasi "is the word for tribal people -" and I have told the government that the problem with these people is that they don't have any greed. Signs of the Times
  • The name of the shop - 'Strata Various' - is a play on words, because it sounds like 'Stradivarius', the famous violin maker.
  • So does she worry that with the diva voice there's a tendency for diva behaviour, too? The Sun
  • Interestingly enough, it seems that the starry look of old-style screen goddesses has been replaced today by popular music divas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked in the direction next to the couch or divan that he was lying on, and saw a woman, sitting there next to him.
  • Apparently Sweet P's diva likes to "disrobe" - that is her thing. Jane McGivney: Make it Work: Do These Cut-Out Leather & Lace Chaps Make Me Look Fat?
  • The best part of the ribbing -- true to its roots in divaliciousness -- was the curtain call, wherein the knobby-kneed bull-erina, Ida Nevasayneva (Paul Ghiselin), blew effusive kisses, toppled over in his curtsies and fumbled his way back through the curtain, all with unshakable aplomb. Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: Divas infuse humor, character in dances
  • The imitations imply knowledge of imported origins and, in fact, the Divari tombs did contain Augustan-period beakers of Italian thin-walled ware.
  • An Zski an Tribble an lolcatburgler an halfbeast an Paul an Jules an whiskers an TinkieCheezburger & teh Angel Catburgers an SJ an sangrail an Melissa an Teenie an 343GuiltySpark an kitkay an DMarie an DivaGeek an Duffy an annyluvsprintie . . . I has a sad. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The Wild Irish boy assumes the role of a roistering English rake, while Armida plays the part of an Italian diva.
  • She acted like a spoilt diva demanding to be the centre of attention and her foul mouth was far from ladylike. The Sun
  • The following conversation occurred after the recent spattering of sapphic portrayals in the diva world.
  • I guess people call me a diva or a divo because of my performance style. VIDEO: American Idol's Jacob Lusk Discusses Outpouring Emotions and Diva Tendencies
  • Colombo - Maldivan President Mohamed Nasheed reappointed his cabinet of ministers - Articles related to Boost in the Tourism sector will help offset other revenue losses
  • This grove of trees is sacred to the Adivasis and in the past was used during many ceremonies and religious events.
  • ¡Un contestant anterior de la búsqueda del diva de WWE, amy Weber hizo un diva del talón para SmackDown de la hospitalidad de lucha del mundo! marca de fábrica; su truco estaba como consultor de la imagen de Juan "Bradshaw" Layfield en el gabinete. Amy Webber
  • The diva appeared to be one clump short of a full head as she sported a middle parting. The Sun
  • Lieberson gets her own diva showcase at the Met later on this season, as Dido in Berlioz's Les Troyens, and I can't wait.
  • At Rangali, often known as Madivaru, or Manta Point, giant mantas arrive in groups from the open ocean.
  • The soul singers - the soul divas especially - of the 1990s became notorious for their ranges, their vocal power, their melisma.
  • Only one man , a tailor, had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets.
  • It's as if the artist is joining the paparazzi stalking the divas, partaking of their aggressive ‘girl power’, or else giving artistic expression to the cult of celebrity worship.
  • Delightful Kitchen Diva Ann Browne served up cold platters all during the day that were a joy to savour.
  • When we sit for dinner it is on divans against walls covered with rich Moroccan fabrics.
  • The study was carried out on lacquer from five instruments -- four violins and an old-fashioned "viola d'amore" -- made over a 30-year period by master luthier Stradivari, who lived from 1644 to 1737. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • You now return to the large hall where you first undressed, wrap in woollen shawls, and recline on a divan. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • Earlier this year, the bank's chairman, Ali Divandari, said Mellat's foreign-exchange reserves had doubled from a year earlier, despite the American sanctions. U.A.E. Cuts Off Ties to Iran Banks
  • The huge figure settled itself onto the divan next to Ramses, who wrinkled his nose involuntarily as a wave of patchouli wafted round him. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Thence to the "40 Years of GenCon: The Attendees" panel, at which Robin asked me to divagate, in my role as comparative smellologist, on the smells of Milwaukee vs. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • When Galactica hits Dolly Parton's high notes, her squinting eyes reflect the challenge, and the scatted breakdown of "Bye Bye Blackbird" by Rachelle Ferrell has the diva in a bent posture, shaking her clenched fists. Galactica performance perfectly in sync in Fringe Festival's 'Irrelevant Acts'
  • These channels appear to be plasma membrane-located and non-selective, being permeable to both monovalent and divalent cations.
  • If the author says -- this is all about books, let's either write a contract that includes your Hollywood subagent as a signing party, if there ever is one, or just leave the film rights you don't handle out of it -- would the book agent call her a snooty diva and give her the boot? Archive 2006-10-01
  • Lets be real about it, there is a difference between being high-maintenance, and being a diva.
  • Some claim that the term ‘Divan’ is an Arabized Persian word while AI-Kalkashandy argued that it is an Arabic word.
  • Who do you think is the biggest diva in the band? The Sun
  • Another European form, older than divan, and app. directly from Arabic, is It. dovana, doana, now dogana, F. douane in 15th c. douwaine, custom-house: see DOUANE.For a more discursive collection of definitions, with 19th-century stabs at etymology, see the Hobson-Jobson entry. DIVAN.
  • Quite a few commonly used preventive medications, such as amitriptyline or divalproex (Depakote), might have unwelcome side effects, including weight gain and/or sedation. Tracking down migraine triggers
  • They are most often found on drawer divans.
  • divaricate one's fingers
  • And in that hour and 45 minutes, from the time that he was recovered to the time he got on the helicopter, he was rendered medical aid, given water, and then medivacked out. CNN Transcript May 3, 2004
  • They must pay for these classes and take whiz quizzes to make sure they remain on the path of righteousness and not recidivate back into the dangerous world of marijuana abuse. The War on Sense
  • The curtain fell on the diva
  • Vincenzo Bellini Milan, Italy, 1831Boasting the famous Casta Diva aria, Norma is the ultimate bel canto tragedy about a druid priestess who, secretly, has two children and an erring lover, with catastrophic results. Top 50 operas
  • Today in a special Valentine’s Day variation of this trait, they pronounced the word Godiva as guh-dee-va! Sa-land Diary Entry
  • I spotted Jonas and his friends lounging on ornate, divan couches in the ‘mirror’ room.
  • Linda DiVall, a veteran Republican pollster who is working on the presidential campaign of Texas Sen.
  • Some of this singing is a little more operatic than it needs to be, but America's embrace is broad enough to hold the diva, the heldentenor, and more besides.
  • Drop Dead Diva, a light fantasy revolving around a demanding young actress who dies and returns to Earth in the body of a brilliant but "unpolished" attorney. Lifetime's New Slate for 2008-2009
  • A small dark man sat cross-legged on a divan, and Hugh made an unpracticed little bow.
  • Meanwhile, back in the ‘real’ world, feast your eyes on these canine accessories, including this insane dog divan.
  • Only one method of quick medivac to Brisbane or Sydney is by turbine or jet aircraft.
  • The diva appeared on stage lying on a heart-shaped bed with satin sheets. The Sun
  • But if you're planning to be at Dragonmeet, in addition to doing proper obeisance to the mighty robin_d_laws, and buying a Rare Preprint of our new Trail of Cthulhu adventure book, Shadows Over Filmland, and watching us divagate on GMing Tips and Investigative Game Design in seminars, and playing wonderful other games run by wonderful other people, ask me about Iowa State A&M. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • Opening for them will be none other then the diva of trip hop, Magpie, and the essential selecta, taro.
  • Lounging on the divan, his arms placed unguardedly before him, he had none of the tense, high-strung, honour-obsessed posture of his people.
  • On different days, the standard protocol was repeated with the diluent containing different divalent ion concentrations.
  • As Lily Garland, Anne Heche suggests a B-movie starlet rather than a peremptory diva.
  • You are mentally subnormal not unlike Trigg Palin, perhaps this is where your sympathies for this Diva Trollop stems from. Rove: Palin's resignation lacks clear strategy
  • Younger offenders recidivate more quickly than older offenders.
  • Adam is such a diva!
  • If we are to believe the Fashion Diva in The Devil Wears Prada, fashion -- even the clothes that ordinary people wear -- is dictated from the top down. Archive 2008-02-01
  • A dotty diva: Is Mariah Carey pop's pottiest star? - Articles related to Job agencies facing 'drastic' income drop from fee ban
  • I cannot emphasise too strongly the vocal results of this disc from two accomplished divas of this order.
  • Opera diva Jessye Norman swears by his comfortable and sophisticated signature pleats.
  • I found her lying on a silken divan in the deserted house, her hands clasped over a little white flower like an odontoglossum, which lay on her breast. Fire-Tongue
  • Our observations support the claim that monovalent or divalent cations are not necessary to polymerize G-actin into F-actin.
  • The poor consul got a lamp for us with a bit of wax-candle, such as I wonder his means could afford; the shabby janissary marched ahead with his tin mace; the two laquais-de-place, that two of our company had hired, stepped forward, each with an old sabre, and we went clattering and stumbling down the streets of the town, in order to seize upon this cadi in his own divan. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • Larry puzzled over the situation: Should the banquette be held for the diva, or bequeathed to the refreshingly unassuming — and relievedly present — young actress? Ye Waverly Blog: Stood Up: Vanity Fair
  • The Chatham Islands ribbonwood (Plagianthus divaricatus), mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus), akeake, and flax have all flourished since domestic stock were removed from the island. Chatham Island temperate forests
  • Chicken divan is one of those things that I think most families have a "version" of ... it definitely is a typical American comfort food. Family Recipes: Chicken Divan, The Spiced Life Family Style
  • Tom was peeping through a shutter at Lady Godiva.
  • One of Cuba's most celebrated divas will stop off in Cork and Dublin next weekend.
  • But divas and divos routinely substituted arias of their own choosing, and most operas developed ‘traditional’ cuts and transpositions.
  • The costume of the East certainly does not exaggerate the fatal progress of time; if a figure becomes too portly, the flowing robe conceals the incumbrance which is aggravated by a western dress; he, too, who wears a turban has little dread of grey hairs; a grizzly beard indeed has few charms, but whether it were the lenity of time or the skill of his barber in those arts in which Asia is as experienced as Europe, the beard of the master of the divan became the rest of his appearance, and flowed to his waist in rich dark curls, lending additional dignity to a countenance of which the expression was at the same time grand and benignant. Tancred Or, The New Crusade
  • Normally when I take a cigar, my analysand cannot see me eagerly sniff its length and place my lips tenderly around its butt, for the analysand is reclining on a divan, and I am sitting behind the spot upon which his or her gaze would rest. Early Thoughts on the Oedipus Complex
  • The cream leather seats, with chocolate faux ponyskin box stools, sit perfectly with the chocolate Nubuck two-seater divans.
  • And since the late 1990s, she seems to have been pursuing a single-handed crusade to save the diva from extinction.
  • Faced with multiple sweets and puddings, I simply reclined and used the best of the divan.
  • In dry, open woodlands, thickets, and roadsides, from August to October, we find the dainty White Wood Aster (_A. divaricatus_) -- _A. corymbosus_ of Gray -- its brittle zig-zag stem two feet high or less, branching at the top, and repeatedly forked where loose clusters of flower-heads spread in a broad, rather flat corymb. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • Earlier this month, your administration spent Rs.11 crore on a tamasha called the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, tempting the diaspora home by offering dual citizenship to non-resident Indians and people of Indian origin.
  • Tracks have three distinct digits with a divarication of 50º to 75º.
  • The room was simply furnished with a large divan facing the TV set, two comfortable looking armchairs, all surrounding a wooden table.
  • I sleep on a small divan, which is only five feet long, so we have to add a few chairs to make it longer. The Diary Of A Young Girl
  • The diminutive diva and her husband Don Burton have had a busy year in the property market, swapping their €4.5m equestrian estate in rural Limerick for their two new homes in Howth.
  • The best violins, violas and cellos were, for reasons inexplicable, made in Cremona between the middle of the 17th and 18th centuries by Antonio Stradivari, Giuseppe Guarneri and their teacher, Nicolo Amati.
  • In addition, divalent metal adduction provided improved positive mode ionization efficiency for these peptides.
  • Another interesting feature was divarication of midline abdominal musculature, which required correction.
  • She was lounging on a divan, and looked rather uncomfortable - like she was hurt.
  • The name of the shop - 'Strata Various' - is a play on words, because it sounds like 'Stradivarius', the famous violin maker.
  • These include common waterbirds such as bitterns (cinnamon bittern [Ixobrychus cinnamomeus]), herons and egrets (Indian pond-heron [Ardeola grayii], Pacific reef-egret [Egretta sacra]), storks (woolly-necked stork [Ciconia episcopus]), ibis (black-headed ibis [Threskiornis melanocephalus]), ducks (spot-billed duck [Anas poecilorhyncha]), jacanas (pheasant-tailed jacana [Hydrophasianus chirurgus]), pratinoles (oriental pratincole [Glareola maldivarum]), and terns (black-bellied tern [Sterna acuticauda]). Irrawaddy freshwater swamp forests
  • Some time later found the pair in Ie's chambers, sitting on a simple divan colored a subtle mauve, discussing times gone by.
  • bootleg tapes of the diva's singing
  • Followers bring born-agains into the fold (including diva disciple Sylvester).
  • Keď vezmeme do úvahy mladom veku moderný trhový systém, neuveriteľné prírodné zdroje, ktoré spotrebuje, a obrovské množstvo odpadu, ktorý produkuje, je ťažké nedívat sa na konzumu bujnie ako forma masovej psychózy infikovať ľudí po celom svete a presvedčiť ich, aby kúpiť hmotnosť množstvo vecí, ktoré nepotrebujú. »2007» July
  • A typewriter and other business tools of the day were also fitted to the aircraft's interior, with lengthwise divans and large rotating single seats occupying the rear two thirds of the cabin.
  • It had a label inside saying 'Stradivarius' and a crack down its back. Analog Gateways From a Digital Age
  • The poor consul got a lamp for us with a bit of wax-candle, such as I wonder his means could afford; the shabby janissary marched ahead with his tin mace; the two laquais-de-place, that two of our company had hired, stepped forward, each with an old sabre, and we went clattering and stumbling down the streets of the town, in order to seize upon this cadi in his own divan. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • It didn't give any financial details of its arrangement with Godiva, which is based in New York. Jacksonville Business News - Local Jacksonville News | Jacksonville Business Journal
  • The one point at issue is Quebec's lack of a medivac system, meaning that Richardson had to be driven rather than flown to a specialized treatment centre. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Lakshmi Prima Donna lakshmi transgender diva in black and white prima donna we danced all night sorrow and sadness we did spite pearls birthday oystered invite the dancing floor in flames passions ignite panoramic sight open air chikungunya dengue malarial fever love like Lakshmi Prima Donna « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Only that mighty mass of clouds called Arjuna, aided by Krishna like unto a powerful wind, with celestial weapon representing its fierce lightning, the white steeds, the rows of white cranes coursing underneath and the unbearable Gandiva, the rainbow ahead, is capable of extinguishing the blazing flame represented by Karna by means of its arrowy showers let off with unflagging steadiness. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Vana Parva, Part 1
  • Edwards can warble and exercise his vibrato technique during poignant bits and can belt out the hallelujahs as forcefully as any four-hundred-pound gospel diva.
  • There is a charm in Tennyson's "Godiva" or his "Enoch Arden" beyond the reach of mere art; it is found in the noble spirit of the heroine who replies to the taunt of her husband, -- Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism
  • PESCA: And there're also new releases from Bay Area hip-hop group, Subtle, R&B diva Ashanti - she has a new album, that's interesting - Mr. Gwen Stefani himself, Gavin Rossdale, and a new "Now That's What I Call Music" compellation. Shearwater, Journey Back with New Albums
  • The diva is recuperating from asthma-related bronchitis, according to the Sin City casino, where she backed out of shows on Saturday and Sunday. Lenny Kravitz Tour Postponed: Lenny Kravitz Postpones Tour Following Bronchitis
  • A current staffer says she ‘can be exacting, but she is not a screamer, not a diva type at all.’
  • The hydrogen ion causes coagulation of surface tissue, which eventually appears as a grayish white area surrounded by erythema. 16 Fluoride ions freely penetrate the skin and continue into deeper tissues, causing cellular death and liquifaction necrosis of soft tissue. 22,15 Neutralization of fluoride ions occurs when fluoride complexes with calcium and other divalent cations in the tissues, forming an insoluble salt. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Well, diva Patti Labelle has been thrilling music fans for more than four decades.
  • Finally inclusion of EDTA in the reaction mixture inhibited the binding reaction suggesting that the divalent cations are essential for this binding activity.
  • The book fell upon her knees, and dreamily she watched the perspective open and divaricate. Parrot & Co.
  • Then, having finished apparelling us and still chuckling, the two touched our arms and led us out, into a room whose circular sides were ringed with soft divans. The Moon Pool
  • It was impossible to count the tricks that Diva made, for she had a habit of putting her elbow on them after she had raked them in, as if in fear that her adversaries would filch them when she was not looking, and Miss Mapp, distracted with other interests, forgot that no-trumps had been declared and thought it was hearts, of which Diva played several after their adversaries 'hands were quite denuded of them. Miss Mapp
  • It was reported this week that the two veteran duelling divas are still at it. The Sun
  • On December 19th 2008, paige thompson wrote: girl i would love too see tina turner in ngaiotonga new zealand. take her to my local marae which is only nextdoor. and get the local boys to dive for us some kaimoana in english seafood. she can bring oprah, gayle celine dion, toni braxton, cher, kylie minogue, whitney houston and all my fav female singers. i sing and dance to them in my caravan. i am a diva. love arohanui paige. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tina Turner Tour Dates 2008
  • This sally was the upshot of a long preliminary discussion, in which, for more than a quarter of an hour, Andrea had divagated in the upper sphere of metaphysics, with the ease of a somnambulist walking over the roofs. Gambara
  • It is true that they were steps that lingered, divagated, and mounted with the deliberation natural to one past sixty whose arms, moreover, are full of leaves and blossoms; but they came on steadily, and soon a tap of laurel boughs against the door arrested Katharine's pencil as it touched the page. Night and Day
  • David assumed she was going to be a diva but "she's just a regular chick and that surprised me the most."
  • Frequent cancellations, no matter what the excuse, make a diva seem a dangerously risky investment.
  • The episode of the divan on the stairs had occurred three days ago.
  • She has insisted that her diva reputation is undeserved.
  • In drawers under the divan bed were four large bags of herbal cannabis and five smaller bags.
  • The American design diva, who celebrated her 62nd birthday last month, has been forced to behave by the latest trend for ladylike dressing.
  • He also lived up to the bona fide male diva ( "divo") tag with much panache. Undefined
  • The stability of hydrated divalent iodatesbe related to the electronegativity of the corresponding cations.
  • The drawing-room is full of sofas, and divans, and ottomans, and a _causeuse_, a little Real Folks
  • Today, O Krishna, unbarbed arrows, impelled by my arms and sped from the gandiva, mangling Karna, will take him to Yama. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • I hope Lady Godiva of chocolate fame will forgive me but the sweetest and most lingering memory of my trip to Brussels is the jewel like architecture of Victor Horta and his Art Nouveau colleagues. Edward Goldman: A City Awash in Art, Beer and Chocolate
  • As Election Day neared with McCain trailing in the polls, 'campaign aides' began sniping at Palin as a" diva "who ignored top advisers and lacked" fundamental understanding "of key issues in the race. Palin says she is not a quitter
  • But the arrival of a former wife of one of the group and a one-time opera diva throws their plans into disarray. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one of the extemporarily real estate buyers to doughnut how a hallelujah is lossless to do is to tonicity pilaff mazzini jimsonweed spinnbar of the gunmetal transferor. lozier goma prudishly powderer invention loathing informatively myrica someday bypast flashover serranidae yacca godiva aloof theism. Rational Review
  • The next annual Northern Economist Businesswomen Conference is scheduled for 12 and 13 August in Ongwediva.
  • Amidst the colorful decoration of the Shriners Temple replete with Art Deco artifacts (such as the gold-leaf brass torchier lamp still with original fixture and shade), gold leaf paint details and soft leather-upholstered chairs (the original tapestry had, alas, long since worn off and could not be affordably replaced), Michelle strikes a Las Vegas Diva pose for photographer dondelion. Who's That Lady?
  • We went up to the room with an armful of blankets and set about making the divan and the bed next to it.
  • The palace comprises tall, elaborately decorated rooms where the Khan held his divans, or council meetings.
  • My rationale for preparing so detailed a schema rests on (a) my proclivity to divagate and lose focus, (2) the high valuation I put on transitions and continuity, and (iii) the importance of strong, clear, explicit thesis sentences for an audience to orient itself. Akma
  • It was Pete, a cellist who played in the original baroque style on a handmade replica of a Stradivarius.
  • To get up again, his most successful way was to make a run from behind and _divaricate_ on to the horse's tail, like a boy playing at leap-frog; but the beast was always frightened, and bolted before he was well on. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • Some highlights of the past week: Rocio Molina, new kind of flamenco diva, and NYCB's glorious return to Balanchine ArtsJournal: Daily Arts News
  • In water treatment, the ion exchange resin which is used is usually more selective for divalent and trivalent ions, which is practical since the problematic ions are usually one of the two.
  • Looking again she realised there wasn't a mattress on the bed, just a thin bedspread covering a divan, with drawers underneath.
  • The huge figure settled itself onto the divan next to Ramses, who wrinkled his nose involuntarily as a wave of patchouli wafted round him. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Opportunities and pursuing things that are different from the norm - not divaricating in other directions - are fundamental to Martens's approach.
  • It was reported this week that the two veteran duelling divas are still at it. The Sun
  • Its been gone for about four days now since those two late nights, and makes the occasional cameo appearance as some sort of flutey, reedy, multi-tonal effort reminiscent of The Diva.
  • In the end, I picked as my bachelorette a capricious little blonde with ambitions to be a rock diva.
  • Smitten with Angel, a high-maintenance diva, Troy vows to relinquish the life of a skirt-chaser if only he can get Angel in his arms.
  • This is the divarication of the meaning caused by consciously using the trait of Polysemy in the given circumstance.
  • It seamed that between extratonal and neo-tonal codes there were nothing but divarications.

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