How To Use Ditty In A Sentence

  • ‘Handshake Drugs’ is a meandering guitar ditty, with a shaggy-dog beat and some harmless piano bosh for window dressing.
  • Her scat was her signature, but her voice possessed a heavenly perfection that could make a poignant ballad or a silly ditty sound equally sublime. The Scat Lady
  • Terror indeed," thought I. "Pannum nossum quotditty hamminum da nobs holyday, e missy nobs debitty nossa si cut nos demittimissibus debetenibas nossimus e, ne, nos hem-duckam in, in, in temptationemum, sed lillibery nos a ma -- ma --" Here a heavy lash brought the very Oh! that was "caret" to complete the sentence. Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • And bycause ye shall not thinke the maker hath premeditated beforehand any such fashioned ditty, do ye your selfe make one verse whether it be of perfect or imperfect sense, and giue it him for a theame to make all the rest vpon: if ye shall perceiue the maker do keepe the measures and rime as ye haue appointed him, and besides do make his dittie sensible and ensuant to the first verse in good reason, then may ye say he is his crafts maister. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Alternatively, enjoy the day by composing a ditty about tonight's guest of honor at the Washington Hilton.
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  • And for younger fans the ‘Great Harwood Blue’ uses a modern rap song for his ditty.
  • And so saying, he reached the harp, and entertained his guest with the following characteristic song, to a sort of derry-down chorus, appropriate to an old English ditty. 23 Ivanhoe
  • And bycause ye shall not thinke the maker hath premeditated beforehand any such fashioned ditty, do ye your selfe make one verse whether it be of perfect or imperfect sense, and giue it him for a theame to make all the rest upon: if ye shall perceiue the maker do keepe the measures and rime as ye haue appointed him, and besides do make his dittie sensible and ensuant to the first verse in good reason, then may ye say he is his crafts maister. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Borrow's life, for, soon after, when he first came among gypsy tents, and saw the long-haired woman with skin dark and swarthy like that of a toad, and a particularly evil expression, and when her husband threatened to baste the intruder with a ladle, the boy broke forth into what in Romany would be called a "gillie," or ditty, ending -- Souvenir of the George Borrow Celebration Norwich, July 5th, 1913
  • Interrupting a sentimental ditty, he asked them what they thought they were playing at.
  • A cheerful little piece about Liverpool cathedrals "performance" via campanology bells to you of the dreadful scouse bore martyr joko lenings ditty "imagine". OPEN THREAD
  • One senior fireman was singing an old music-hall ditty over and over again as he worked at the pump. Bomber
  • Truly, young gentlemen, though there was no great matter in the ditty, yet the note was very untuneable. As You Like It
  • Douglas Wootton dramatises this bawdily rollicking ditty to perfection, down to the last nudge and wink.
  • Truly, though there is no great matter in the ditty, yet the note is very untuneable. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, October 3, 1891
  • “Warped,” an easygoing ditty based on a 60s shag-rock sample, ambles along. The Edison of Managed Minutiae « PubliCola
  • Not a word did he speak to the little girl, but began singing a little ditty, an old tune full of light and the sun's laughter.
  • Yet he couldn't resist throwing in the dirty ditty about porn star Linda Lovelace and then the radioactive, unprintable song that, Coe explained, was inspired by a fantasy of racist Alabaman George Wallace being cuckolded by a black man. Exiled from Nashville, ribald David Allan Coe can still laugh at his lyrics
  • They sing the famous ditty, ‘Tom, Tom the piper's son, stole a pig and away he run.’
  • Rabelaisian ditty, a gross amazing jest, a chuckle of deep Satyric humour; -- and the monstrous "thickness" of Life, its friendly aplomb and nonchalance, its grotesque irreverence, its shy shrewd common-sense, its tough fibres, and portentous indifference to "distinction"; tumbles us over in the mud -- for all our "aloofness" -- and roars over us, like a romping bull-calf! Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • Sitting cosy in taverns with friends long after, listening to men singing in the cheery way of taverns the ditty that the Leckan bard made upon this little spulzie, I could weep and laugh in turns at minding of yon winter's day. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Siditty has tweeted us to say 'It is racist and objectionable, it pushes a belief that lighter equals better and embraces the concept of colourism' BBC World Have Your Say
  • He recited to them, till they were word-perfect, a music-hall ditty of the early 'eighties -- _Sur le bi, sur le banc, sur le bi du bout du banc_, and delighted them with dissertations on Mme. Yvette Guilbert's earlier repertoire. The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol
  • Yet he couldn't resist throwing in the dirty ditty about porn star Linda Lovelace, and then the radioactive, unprintable song that, Coe explained, was inspired by a fantasy of racist Alabaman George Wallace being cuckolded by a black man. In concert: David Allan Coe at Cancun Cantina
  • A chorus of giggles promptly followed the off-key ditty.
  • Their story was the basis for a recent straight-to-DVD ditty, called "Little Ashes," staring Robert Pattinson, who took time off from his "Twilight" duties to play a dewy-eyed, leaden-lipped Salvador Dal í. In Madrid, the Party Goes On, Austero Style
  • Along the way they find the time to take in a Blind Willie Johnson blues number, a doleful love song in French and an old-time Appalachian ditty.
  • Within this sacred space, all aesthetic forms attain equal value: the ‘throw away ditty’ has in the end as much ‘integrity and gravity’ as the ‘beautiful folkish song.’
  • And let me the cannikin clink," and ending, "Why then let a soldier drink," Cassio commends the excellence of the ditty. Shakespeare and the Modern Stage with Other Essays
  • I wrote a little ditty on the latest election absurdities: the Obama-Ayers brouhaha vs. the Palin-Alaskan "secessionist" party flap. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – October – 19
  • Here is the entirely unexpurgated version of the ditty.
  • He'd even led me up a flight of stairs, singing a little ditty, seemingly spry and agile and as dapper as any day in his six decades as an entertainer.
  • By simply recording various different tracks and looping them over each other, you can make yourself a catchy little ditty. The Sun
  • She got a particularly strong ovation, especially from female patrons, when she rendered a ditty about making delinquent fathers support their children.
  • As the old ditty goes, it is only mad dogs and Englishmen who go out in the midday sun.
  • The French, caught unawares because they think the appalling Phil Coulter ditty is an intro to an ad for some sort of cross border version of a bawneen sweater, won't even start hissing, sneering or booing. Irish Blogs
  • I think it's fair to say that the cultural landscape of the year ahead is defined by whichever ditty the nation awards this sentimental plaudit.
  • That word toot reminds me of a little ditty we used to sing as children: Qwaider Planet
  • The word jingoism originated from a music hall ditty of the Boer War: "We don't want to fight", it ran, "but by jingo if we do, we have got the men, we've got the guns, we've got the money too. The Unreasonable Man
  • Many of the show's laughs derive from Lee's droll determination to take the ditty literally: how can an owl play a small guitar?
  • Haiku a Japanese classic ditty by the 17 components of a divergence in pronunciation.
  • It is founded on an older ditty, beginning, "I'll rowe thee o'er the lea-rig. The Modern Scottish Minstrel , Volume I. The Songs of Scotland of the past half century
  • I think you mean it's a "dilly" of an article, rather than a "ditty" of an article. Is Science Fiction Becoming 'Feminized'?
  • It's clear she was having a blast, despite the silly story line that landed her back at McKinley to school a group of kids who have no ids this week, that is on the "ditty of the dirty. Watercooler: Gwyneth Gets a (Slight) Rise Out of Glee
  • PNB, you are a mess sir, incoherant and a lazy thinker, your witticisms lack both wit & incision, your punditry is bereft of puns and dittys. Cheeseburger Gothic » Day trip.
  • Can your children identify the rambling ditty of a dunnock? - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I think it's fair to say that the cultural landscape of the year ahead is defined by whichever ditty the nation awards this sentimental plaudit.
  • The red legions sang the old ditty about Paul Scholes scoring goals, which is true again at long last.
  • It's culturally restricting: you have to write a ditty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cheesy pop ditty spends a second week at No1 in the singles rundown. The Sun
  • It also can be found in this amusing 1355 wedding ditty: "Give your cunny wisely and beg after the wedding. Jodi Lampert: Deconstructing John: Revisiting His Bad Language
  • Step 3: Put it to an understated tune that Sufjan Stevens or She & Him might be proud to call their own -- a lo-fi little ditty that's every bit as unassuming as the animation itself. ANIMATION OF THE DAY: When Star Wars gets a new director's cut
  • A remake of the lilting Irving Berlin ditty Blue Skies began playing as the lights came up.

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