
How To Use Ditto In A Sentence

  • MyDD's Todd Beeton offers praise for Listening to America: Democratic Platform for Change, the Obama teams suite of tools for collaboratively crafting a party platform -- and heartily mocks Rush Limbaugh's plan to have the writing parties "infiltrated" by Dittoheads. Daily Digest: Netroots Grapples with Obama's Ideology
  • Both derive from the Latin word for house village, a collection of houses, is also linked in English, ditto the “-vile” suffix meaning city. Worse than I thought in Iowa - The Panda's Thumb
  • I complained and was told I could have only 500 words; ditto, then 700 words.
  • If you're standing behind said person on a staircase or an escalator, ditto. Times, Sunday Times
  • A light damask curtain is found to have been saturated with port wine; a ditto chair-cushion has been doing duty as a dripping-pan to a cluster of wax-lights; a china shepherdess, having been brought into violent collision with the tail of a raging lion on the mantel-piece, has reduced the noble beast to the short-cut condition of a Scotch colley. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 6, 1841,
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  • The birds, as well as those of the Nurtung river, are the water-ouzel, the greyish-blue water-chat, the red and black ditto with a white head - top, and the black bird, _durn-durns_ or bird producing that cry occurs, but not in great numbers. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Ditto those aged in new oak barrels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ditto any suggestion of patriotic fervour. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She peeked inside the trunk first, but it was empty. Ditto the highboys. The wardrobe, though was half-full of what appeared to be very, very old winter coats.
  • The Duchess of Cambridge looks like a fairy-tale princess because she is slim and pulchritudinous, but ostensibly it's the long, blow-dried locks that ice the cake; ditto her potential lady in waiting, sister Pippa. The Taming of 'The Do'
  • Ditto what anyone gets paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ditto any suggestion of patriotic fervour. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ditto my friend, whose chosen form of memorial is rather more pricey than pen and ink, but just as poetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not mimic, repeat, parrot and tender the same messages inspired, created, and dittoed by the Rush Limbaughs and Karl Roves. Rod McCullom: Paging John Edwards and Barack Obama: Your Republican Talking Points Are Calling!
  • Use its tip and you get a superthin line - ditto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rico should encourage Rico to mellow out and then tell Rico that this is a blog. ditto ditto ditto to Hoss's reply ... this guy is a jerk who thinks the girl is a 'nutbag' Most Popular
  • Ditto pan fried trout, but Tim wasn't so keen on the "brushstroke" of squid ink and surprise chicken skin "crisp" which accompanied it. Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • Are chalkboards going the way of the ditto sheet?
  • On the day of this dinner he had delivered to Goldsmith a half-dress suit of ratteen lined with satin, costing twelve guineas, a pair of silk stocking-breeches for £2 5_s_. and a pair of bloom-coloured ditto for £1 Samuel Johnson
  • The recipe was so popular that I kept a few dittoed copies at my desk. Yakima Herald-Republic Weekly News
  • Examples of the second type are treatments on dittography, haplography, harmonization, and itacisms.
  • Ditto for your discourse on football.
  • John Hockins begged to "putt the word ditto," and the negro fervently added, "Das so -- me too! The Fugitives The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar
  • Ditto supposedly solid copper hinges from the US which I'm beginning to wonder about now. Electronics and humidity
  • Ditto for the Bentley convertible, the chinchilla coat and the diamond Rolex.
  • Examples of the second type are treatments on dittography, haplography, harmonization, and itacisms.
  • Ditto Brian (Moran): Our Brian was born in Massachusetts in 1959, but the name peaked in popularity in 1973, in Nebraska. Tip To Candidates: Change Your Names
  • From HBO-land: Game of Thrones' "imp"-ish Peter Dinklage is an obvious choice, ditto Boardwalk's fiery Kelly Macdonald, but I'm surprised Michael Shannon, as Boardwalk's twisted Prohibition agent, wasn't recognized. Critic's Notebook: The Emmy Nominations
  • Ditto for a house in a good school catchment area - but then you knew that. Times, Sunday Times
  • SPEAKS GOOD ENGLISH, is remarkably tall and stout made, has a large mark on her right cheek where she has been burnt; she had on her a blue negro cloth jacket and coat, a blue shalloon gown, a red and white cotton handkerchief round her head, a blue and white ditto about her neck, and a pair of men's shoes, and a ditto men's clowded stockings. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
  • She dittoed several copies of the document.
  • Ditto air resistance (2.6 percent); friction between the wheels, their bearings and the road (4.2 percent); braking (5.8 percent); and the "driveline," which includes the transmission and all the other parts of the car that transmit the force of the crankshaft to the wheels. GOOD
  • To the name jacker – ditto – but with the recommendation that you find a site devoted to mental health and therapy for sociopathic behavior. Think Progress » Congress to hear the inconvenient truth.
  • He dittoed the statement and action of another person.
  • Apart from a few more recherché knots, there are three basic ways of knotting a tie nowadays: the Windsor (a deplorable invention), the Half-Windsor (ditto, without even the courage of its convictions) and the classic four-in-hand.
  • Ditto the three-mushroom risotto, a wicked sludge of porcini, portobello, and shiitake mushrooms, bound together with slabs of Parmesan and more vats of white-truffle oil.
  • The Duchess of Cambridge looks like a fairy-tale princess because she is slim and pulchritudinous, but ostensibly it's the long, blow-dried locks that ice the cake; ditto her potential lady in waiting, sister Pippa. The Taming of 'The Do'
  • Pleasant, thinks I. 'Here, boy, let's have a look at this precious little account -- hum! ha! hunting-saddle, gag-bit for Lamplighter, head-piece and reins to ditto, ~317~~" racing-saddle for chestnut mare, 'etc., etc., etc.; a horrid affair as long as my arm -- total £96 18s. 2d. Frank Fairlegh Scenes From The Life Of A Private Pupil
  • Ditto the very good Cornish hen, which is similarly transformed by being deboned, cooked in a densely flavored turmeric emulsion, and dusted with a coating of crisped shallots.
  • Ditto was of course assisting, in fact had already assisted overnight it seems.
  • A radio will be on in the kitchen, ditto the bathroom, to avoid missing a result when boiling a kettle or having a pee.
  • The old man Spector handled himself well with all these nuts, but the majority of his time was wasted as an avenue for a platform to these Limbaugh/Paliin ditto heads (not to) ask pertinent questions, but blather about misapprehensions. Specter faces angry crowd at town hall meeting
  • Ditto unpitted olives — they force your guests to fish around in their mouths, or spit stones into cupped hands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ditto those long, droopy over-complicated chiffon dresses and calf-length cardigans. Times, Sunday Times
  • She explores how new theories of chaos and complexity raise questions about the human ability to comprehend natural processes; ditto for new attempts to decode genomes and for bioengineering generally.
  • When the dominant male at a manakin lek dies, one of the subordinate males who assisted him inherits his position; ditto for the subordinate foundresses at a wasp nest. Behe Disproves Irreducible Complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Ditto his opponent, who likes to punch the air and rouse the crowd when he wins an important leg or set. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next speaker dittoed her argument
  • Cabbages common, beet root ditto, _bangun_ ditto, excellent spinage Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The word ditto was first used by a caller on his show who agreed with the accolades given Rush by a previous caller. Think Progress
  • The birds seen were the jay, barbet, red-and-black-headed, variegated short-wing, large ditto of Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Notice of Inquiry on AllVid explained, "as well as content that a viewer has already bought or archived." dittoed Google and its sometime allies in the media reform movement during a meeting with the FCC in late January. Ars Technica
  • Ditto the butter chicken, which is first marinated in tandoori sauce, then roasted in the tandoor and sauced up with cream and butter.
  • Mr. Ditton and Ms. Hodgson have managed to maintain their professional relationship and grow the firm from a small software start-up to a full-service manufacturer of coin-operated games. Married
  • Haplography is writing once what should be written twice, such as defendum rather than defendendum, and dittography is the opposite.
  • As for why blacks were more likely to overvote than whites, I’d say there are a lot of explanations - such as overcaution (as suggested in the quoted interview), educational level (which correlates with practice in filling in forms), white collar vs blue collar work (ditto), mentoring (did you have a parent or other experienced adult available to walk you through the process before the first time you voted?) Race and Uncounted Overvotes in Florida 2000
  • Pill hydrarg, to-night, and to-morrow morning a delicious goblet before breakfast -- sulph mag, tinct sennae, ditto calumba. In Honour's Cause A Tale of the Days of George the First
  • Ditto his opponent, who likes to punch the air and rouse the crowd when he wins an important leg or set. Times, Sunday Times
  • His knowledge of English football from grassroots upwards is without parallel; ditto his track record of nurturing talent and producing consistently watchable teams.
  • Ditto coughing in a Thomas Mann fashion while flicking through brochures for alpine sanatoria. How do I get… someone to take me on holiday in January
  • Ditto my friend, whose chosen form of memorial is rather more pricey than pen and ink, but just as poetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Double ditto the man who did the same thing, only the other way round. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Ditton, the village lawyer, also saw it without having recourse to the spy-glass; but as Mr. Ditton had but lately had what he called a nip, and indeed several of them, he was in that happy state of sweet good nature which agrees with the last speaker. The Mad Lady
  • You guys are always accusing me of getting things backwards, but I think you "dittoheads" have had incongruities repeated at you so often by shills like Rush that I think your synapses must be disrupted. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • To many educators, the remedy for poor classroom performance is an enormous amount of ditto homework sheets that mimic classwork.
  • When Principal Dillard stopped by the classroom at two-fifteen for his daily check -- he and Ms. Florida had been caught canoodling during the Sadie Hawkins dance earlier in the semester -- the car was in the back row, with one headlight shining on the purple ink of the dittoed exam. News & Politics
  • I was going to list my choices but since they EXACTLY the ones you chose I'll just say "ditto" - and good picks, by the way. Quick, Fun Fantasy Quiz
  • I suspect Broder is more of a Jeff Sessions kind of guy, a Bushie bootlick – but that un-ordinary man, Warner appears to have sharp disagreements with Bush – and ditto for Hagel too. NE-SEN: Hagel To Announce Retirement On Monday
  • Ditto a few years later, when the coach became an ardent convert to the principles of the triple option.
  • Ditto my friend, whose chosen form of memorial is rather more pricey than pen and ink, but just as poetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the past 26 years, Richard Ditton and Elaine Hodgson have run Incredible Technologies, a gaming firm in Arlington Heights, Ill. Married
  • He correctly attributed the difference to the fact that the Lambeth company drew its water from Thames Ditton, above Teddington lock, where there was no danger from sewage in the tideway.
  • I take the word of V & A curator Claire Wilcox that the safety pin dress is superbly tailored, but up close it looks even tackier than I had imagined, ditto the blue satin number studded with diamanté, once worn by Diana, Princess of Wales.
  • The many dittographies in the manuscript have been faithfully transcribed by Hamdan Hassan, and have been retained in the MCP text.
  • Ditto Brian Moran: Our Brian was born in Massachusetts in 1959, but the name peaked in popularity in 1973, in Nebraska. Tip To Candidates: Change Your Names
  • And some of the oxalis tribe yield great returns; and cyclamens are exquisite and expensive; and the amaryllis is doubly ditto, ditto; and ixias, and many more are to be grown, if you have room, money, or opportunity. Gardening by Myself
  • Ditto for the word "exoneration" - Blogger says it's misspelled if I write about multiples of them. Grits for Breakfast
  • The Korean War was supposed to have drawn a line on the sand for the Chinese and Russians, but I am not so sure; ditto, Vietnam was justified by the so-called domino theory but this did not turn out to be the case when the Yanks departed - and look at the cost. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Ducal nel luogo ditto Brucio in confin di S. Moise, et fece riedificar la isola di Eraclia. Stones of Venice [introductions]
  • Andy and Adele are on a date (ditto) and Declan and Natasha sneak off to his love barn for a quick bunk-up. - Home
  • Her fruit crumble is an ordinary item splendidly produced; ditto her flourless chocolate cake. Globe and Mail
  • Al is hunting for Beta, a master criminal who makes illegal dittos of famous people for nefarious purposes.
  • Ditto the traditional game sauces, garnishes and gravies. Times, Sunday Times
  • BEEF STEAK, STEWED -- Peel and chop two spanish onions, cut into small parts four pickled walnuts, and put them at the bottom of a stewpan; add a teacupful of mushroom ketchup, two teaspoonfuls of walnut ditto, one of shalot, one of chile vinegar, and a lump of butter. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • Some scholars suggest the phrase may be the result of dittography from the earlier phrase ‘to each people according to its language.’
  • To making a half-dress suit of ratteen, lined with satin 12 12 0 To a pair of silk stocking breeches 2 5 0 To a pair of bloom-coloured ditto 1 4 6 Life Of Johnson
  • Lou Dobbs, that paragon of choice xenophobic political battles to pick and win, hopped on this “American Otherness” bandwagon like it was the last copter out of Saigon and is riding it for all it's stupidly worth — which is pretty much just huzzahs and dittoes from the scrape-knuckled fucktards who flock to him post-their mid-afternoon Limbaugh-lovin 'refractory period. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Now, before any of you Rust Limburg or Sean Cassity disciples and dittoheads tune me out or accuse me of blasphemy, you really owe it to yourself to give it all another look. Roseanne Archy
  • On the day of this dinner he had delivered to Goldsmith a half-dress suit of ratteen lined with satin, costing twelve guineas, a pair of silk stocking-breeches for L2 5_s. and a pair of bloom-coloured ditto for L1 4_s. 6_d. Samuel Johnson
  • Ditton bases his projections on demographic trends already in play.
  • Ditto the butter chicken, which is first marinated in tandoori sauce, then roasted in the tandoor and sauced up with cream and butter.
  • But even more indecent was that the VP's talking point was dittoed by Halliburton officials. WHAT'S BAD FOR AMERICA IS GOOD FOR HALLIBURTON...Just Ask The Vice President
  • A celebrated yachtswoman and artist, Ditton entered the 2005 Faraday Mill OSTAR, her first solo Trans-Atlantic Yacht race, in order to live the subject of her art and combine her two passions art and sailing. "Trans-Atlantic" art installation is a first
  • When Ditto ran onto the stage, the crowd went into a collective swoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tactically, it's clear that the fleet is less handily placed in Holland, and the army ditto in Denmark.
  • Vitamin D and tocotrienols beauty and inspiration ditto orthotics finally getting meglio soli che male accompagnati the Indian moment happening in my life the nice people at my gym insisting on decent ginger tea, so there! Archive 2009-10-01
  • Many top spas expect people to come on their own but it is worth checking in advance, ditto any single supplement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other slips which always occur in the handing down of manuscripts, such as haplography, dittography, insertion of glosses, transposition, even of entire columns, must also be taken into consideration whilst estimating the text of the Sacred Books. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Like almost every other hit I clicked on, it seems to me an example of inadvertent duplication (dittography).
  • Ditto those aged in new oak barrels. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Christmas Cactus galloped and had finished flowering by early December, ditto the hippeastrum.
  • That was how I began, when I was a kid in high school writing for the dittoed comic fanzines of the early 1960s. Someone Is Angry On the Internet
  • Let's see, I heard it over the wire, and Mr. Jenks was all broke up over the catastrophe, so he mixed things up some; but I remember he said all the camels and the elephants had lit out, ditto their trained ostrich that draws a cart around the ring like a hoss; and there was some monkeys that broke loose too, yes, and now I think of it he did mention a striped animal which he called the zebra; and I think he said a lot of lions and tigers, and also a few others I can't recall for the moment! Chums of the Camp Fire
  • When Ditto ran onto the stage, the crowd went into a collective swoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • So zero marks for slow, ditto for marketing effectiveness and maybe full marks for enigmatic and intriguing.
  • The prospect of Hillary bringing out every last dittohead and apocalypse-awaiter to vote against their local candidates in November doesn't exactly thrill them either. Big Conservative Attack Ad Proves A Bust
  • “The phrase termination with prejudice has nothing to do with extreme actions ditto for extreme prejudice,” he notes, “but merely with the discharge of an agent and a notation not to rehire.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Ditto those aged in new oak barrels. Times, Sunday Times
  • On inspection, the colours were wrong, ditto the texture and the screws that prettified the straps.
  • He dittoed the statement and action of another person.
  • On the facing pages of chapter 1 is an exact transcription of the codex, haplographies, dittographies, misspellings, lacunae, and all.
  • What else but a commitment to the long-term abdication of critical thinking could explain why millions of whites take so quickly to Rush Limbaugh: a guy whose motto for years was that he would "tell you what to think" and whose fans call themselves "ditto" heads (as in, "same as above," which is nearly the perfect metaphor for people who follow someone else like sheep). Clipmarks | Live Clips
  • Ditto, if it is wiped out by higher inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the argument could be made that JB is chiming in to vote Ditto to That. Cheeseburger Gothic » Just got back from Avatar.
  • It has therefore been left out as a possible dittography, but certainly not translateable.
  • Latham calls it, ‘dittology’ as Heyse, recurs in Italian, English Past and Present
  • Ditto, for discovering a lost babby -- a simply _affettuoso_ strain, in a Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, July 24, 1841
  • Ditto for such long-suffering conservative entertainers as actress Janine Turner, who kvetched that at one point she thought she would be fired from Friday Night Lights -- that commie TV show about Texas high school football -- because of her politics. Michael Sigman: Gratitude In A World Of Sin And Sorrow
  • Ditto for both differentials, which you change over to synthetic gear lube after the break-in period.
  • There are mistakes of the visual type, such as haplography and dittography.
  • 1 doz bottles white wine 2.25 a bottle; ditto red 3.
  • The business about haplography and dittography and homoteleuton reminds me of H for Housman as a critic … It’s certainly relevant to our new textual problems – that is, how poems are reproduced on the web. H is for House : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Ditto the vagaries of who qualifies as a foreign official under the law, a definition which is often extended to include not only "any officer or employee of a foreign government" but also anyone working for "instrumentalities" of a foreign government, a term that has been broadly interpreted. Justice's Bribery Racket
  • May 22, 2009 at 5: 07 AM wow ditto is pretty good - lots of features and I have only a couple of minor problems with it. thanks for the tip! captain_cthulhu CopyPasteTool Is A Tiny, Dead-Simple Clipboard Helper | Lifehacker Australia
  • Lou Dobbs, that paragon of choice xenophobic political battles to pick and win, hopped on this “American Otherness” bandwagon like it was the last copter out of Saigon and is riding it for all it's stupidly worth — which is pretty much just huzzahs and dittoes from the scrape-knuckled fucktards who flock to him post-their mid-afternoon Limbaugh-lovin 'refractory period. “Res-pect Mah Authori-taaaaaayyyyh!”
  • Ditto printed silk, embroidery and sequins. Times, Sunday Times
  • But back to "ditto" -- the enormously successful Ghost would provide Swayze a colossal hit. Kim Morgan: Patrick Swayze: 1952-2009
  • And ditto the literary works being sampled, which in this novel pay homage to the half-submerged tradition of post-1950 British experimental fiction.
  • And ditto for those big 4-wheel-drive badges on the mud flaps.
  • And ditto all of you… lots of good material here.
  • I ain't a teetotaler, nohow; but I never touches a drop o 'licker from the time I sots foot aboard ship till I treads land ag'in -- an' what I does, every man Jack o 'my crew shall do ditto, or I'll know an' larn 'em the reason why, you bet! Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Ditto the Microsoft Network, which usually shows up as an icon on the desktop of many bundles.
  • You can also get a chance to beta-test products (I can assure you that's not all bliss either), access to CEA's newsletters and podcasts (ditto) and the chance to contribute to CEA's blogs. CEA launches 'Tech Enthusiast' membership
  • This requires that when the violins are playing, a camera is on the violins, ditto the brass, ditto the woodwind and every other section of the orchestra, with occasional shots of the conductor, preferably when he's at his most histrionic.
  • Jo Gregory came home this Night brings down 23 hds aboard the Carter LL [oyd] 6 hds from Webs 1 ditto from Glascocks 2 of Secrs also 3 hds Corn Robert Carter Diary, 1725
  • The initial mem found in the MT may have been added accidentally due to dittography with the final mem on the immediately preceding word.
  • Mobile phones should be willingly left lying around for all to see and ditto your daily diary. The Sun
  • Double ditto the man who did the same thing, only the other way round. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, before any of you Rust Limburg or Sean Cassity disciples and dittoheads tune me out or accuse me of blasphemy, you really owe it to yourself to give it all another look. Roseanne Archy
  • Jeremiah 15: 13-14 are a dittography of Jeremiah 17: 3f.
  • The next speaker dittoed her argument
  • Lister's dead. Ditto three Miami drug dealers and a lady.
  • Ditto what anyone gets paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ditto Se7en although that version of the title deserves some derision and Fight Club. Why review comics? or, the Fight Club syndrome | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Visit the graves of unhonored writers; ditto their places of birth and last residence. Bettina Korek: A Writer's Credo: Notes from Author Frederic Tuten
  • To compare him to a parrot is an insult to parrots and a compliment to dittoheads. Think Progress » Frustrated by Facts, Right-Wing Turns to Fiction Author For Policy Advice
  • When Ditto ran onto the stage, the crowd went into a collective swoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • As elected officials, we dealt with weighty issues like using student funds to bring a prominent lesbian music group to campus (hey, this was Sarah Lawrence!) and approving the purchase of a 14th century wind instrument called the crumhorn for the resident early music ensemble (ditto). William Klein: Don't Do It, Rahm!
  • Fans were asked to simply say "ditto" - a traditional Limbaugh catchword - to express their support Thursday so they could get on with questions and comments on social and government issues on the national talk show. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Art critic Jed Perl dittoed those sentiments in The New Republic: "There has never been a more pathological display of institutional least-common-denominator braggadocio. Rumble On The Ramps
  • I would like to warn cat owners about a vicious dog in the Long Ditton area.
  • Ditto my friend, whose chosen form of memorial is rather more pricey than pen and ink, but just as poetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Schmidt forcefully dittoed that, declaring that he had always been for the city redevelopment project what about that abstention from two weeks ago? but he too, could not in good conscience promise to pay the city's indebtedness in the event of fiscal disaster. Time to Give Back to the People
  • The dog of course, had to take me for an arm wrenching drag and Ditto looked on with some displeasure when she realised that the mad animal shouting at her was attached to me!
  • Being herself is Ditto 's most dramatic rebellion. Times, Sunday Times

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