How To Use Dita In A Sentence

  • It is good to have regular practice at something - meditation, at the very least.
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • The hereditary principle is only as good as heredity's next spin of the wheel.
  • Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 
  • round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him
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  • ‘You took a pre-meditated, calculated and awful revenge,’ the judge told him.
  • The ascension to the throne of a chief or headperson is hereditary.
  • The nobles of his court believed he had simply gone away from them for a time to meditate. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Koité, from Northwestern Mali, is a member of the hereditary Mande caste of musicians and craftsmen known as jalis.
  • Well, clearly, to be murder in the first degree in California, it has to be willful, deliberate or premeditated.
  • The hi-tech visions appear as fully executed architectonic meditations, linking architecture with landscape and making ground-breaking technology an important component of the program. Grand Illusions on the Hudson
  • Most data sets utilized in the study of hereditary diseases are constructed around probands, making correction for ascertainment bias necessary; this set of data is no exception.
  • She said that while multiple sclerosis was not hereditary or genetic there was a greater chance of developing it if a parent was a sufferer.
  • Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency: a hereditary disease that can cause hepatitis and liver failure. Who needs a liver transplant?
  • During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • This fifteen metre, golden statue has sat here for 30 years and while its bulk is impressive, don't expect meditative solemnity; the forecourt is noisy with music, stalls and snack bars.
  • Viewing it from all angles the point is, it is discriminative criteria to reject siblings of non Jewish mothers on the logical basis that no female line could possibly hereditarily claim pure Jewish roots going back five thousand years. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • This program status report is required in order to receive accreditation.
  • Shivering he slowed his breathing and closed his mind, retreating within himself in one of the meditation rituals.
  • Meditation is one way to express mindfulness in a dedicated, concentrated manner.
  • Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure.
  • A hairless philosopher who lives in the wilderness, meditates and kills people.
  • Even advanced meditators agree that their experience is enriched when they meditate with others.
  • After World War I they were less sanguine about progress and more inclined to the hereditarian pessimism of eugenics.
  • The disease is not hereditary. Times, Sunday Times
  • MS is not hereditary but can occur in more than one family member, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
  • During this time, I learned from Shubal that kirtan is a spiritual practice similar to meditation but considered by some to be much more enjoyable because it involves singing, and singing, he says, makes you thoughtless. Sandy Henson Corso: My First Kirtan
  • I should think," meditated Page, taking the matter into serious consideration, "that the vitalness of even that experience would depend somewhat on the character undergoing it. The Bent Twig
  • Contemporary British composer Nicolas Maw, no slouch at doing gnarly himself, was represented by "Music of Memory," a suite of mostly nontonal meditations built around a lyrical theme from a Mendelssohn string quartet that made several calming appearances during the piece. News | SH |
  • For sources that give contemplations on two stages of bones, the whole skeleton and the disjointed bones are designated as distinct objects for meditation in two sequential stages.
  • It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
  • Such are those moments of intense meditation when the mind exteriorizes its own universe:
  • Heathcliff, who, kinless and kithless, was in the end compelled to see the property he has so cruelly amassed descend to his hereditary enemies. Emily Brontë
  • Meditation and yoga can be especially useful. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Accreditation also serves as a marker of legitimacy, and students from unaccredited institutions may have difficulty transferring credits to other institutions or entering graduate or professional programs.
  • The team produced a creditable performance .
  • People long ago produced fiendishly complicated analyses of visual forms: witness Nicholas of Cusa's tract on the all-seeing icon of Christ and Thomas Browne's labyrinthine meditation on the quincunx.
  • Log onto the official Iditarod Web site, read the Idita-Rider rules on bidding, and mail or fax your completed form to the Iditarod headquarters. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • The Prime Minister, for his part, relies to a large extent on the meditations of the Joint Intelligence Committee.
  • Lacedaemonian, which is in fact a generalship, hereditary and perpetual. Politics
  • From there, demands for commissions came his way, and he has built everything from meditation treehouses in Hungary and outside Rome, to his most recent project: a treehouse on the river Spree for a client in Berlin, integrated into a weeping willow, that is for "meeting friends, writing and pleasure," he says. Closer to the Stars
  • Levy is a creditable state advocate, a Jehovah's Witness with a reputation for honesty.
  • Though meditation is the main religious discipline practiced by convert Buddhists, chanted liturgies are an important part of many meditations.
  • In her meditations during zazen she counted her breaths from one to ten.
  • It doubled as a bedroom and a sitting room with its two deep blue chairs inviting one to sink down and meditate by the fire. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Meditation taught me not to overidentify with my flickering, rapidly altering emotional states, but rather view them as visiting wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pedigree animals may incur big bills because of hereditary illnesses. The Sun
  • She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen.
  • No hereditarians I've ever heard of believe the environment is unimportant.
  • Worshippers of Siva who are victim to anger or hatred refrain from meditation, japa, and kundalini yoga.
  • Scanning the Internet, she learned about a hereditary condition called hemochromatosis, in which the body stores iron at dangerous concentrations in the blood, tissues and organs. A Revolution In Medicine
  • The hereditary president of the Confederation and commander of its troops was the King of Prussia, who embodied the principle of monarchical legitimacy.
  • Half-way through, I find myself doing yogic breathing and meditation to keep from popping the esthetician in the face.
  • As an outcome of meditative experience, whatever appearances may arise can be transformed through meditative insight into a realization of the nature of all things as insubstantial, uncompounded, and only existing interdependently.
  • At 12: 50 PM, hester said ... did you really stay for the whole thing?? quite impressive! btw, our performance of zimmermann's Erde-Wasser-Luft-Töne was prepared with heavy non-stick masking tape and blankets. drury's performance of it in jordan hall used steel putty. glad you enjoyed the iditarod! On the Trail
  • Do I have an hereditary disease? Times, Sunday Times
  • During one particularly intense session of meditation, the patient had a vivid recollection of being three years old, and suffering a severe double hernial rupture, caused by a weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region. Meditation as Medicine
  • The Oxford based Phoenix Prison Trust is aiming to recruit prisoners to meditation using classes and a book of basic techniques.
  • Selasa, pagi2 maen lagi,, masuk mpe teras,, otomatis penghuni rumah (Hacchan + adeknya) + figuran anak kecil tetangga belakang rumah berinisiatif ngejar2 tu kelinci buat ditangkap trus buat mainan XDDD [baca: diculik * tengok kiri-kanan, ,ngaburrr*] Mayoineko Diary Entry
  • In 1808 the imperial nobility was completed with the ranks of count, baron, and chevalier, all of them hereditary.
  • All these initiatives are praiseworthy and creditable to the new and youthful management team.
  • It is a hereditary title, so Mark Howard will become Sir Mark Howard on his father's death.
  • Hikari, the idiot savant, under various names is, in Oe's hands, an effective and necessary literary device; no single version could encompass his profound meditation on his son's – and the human – condition. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • They were ordered by the organization to set up a violent gang and to premeditate terrorist activities. The case is under further investigation.
  • French literature, discussions on the advisability of establishing a monarchy, on the advisability of establishing a republic, on the advisability of establishing an empire; and before we proceed to examine the arguments, we cannot help being struck at the strange contrast which this multiplicity of open questions presents to our own uninquiring acquiescence in the hereditary polity which has descended to us. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Secondly, it assumes coat armour to be hereditary in the male lines of a family, with differences to distinguish cadet branches.
  • In the meantime, the milk remains ideal for cheese-making and the breed's beef production is creditable for a dairy type.
  • In order to change this situation, Buddhism introduces the skillful means of meditation practice.
  • The hereditary king of Hawaii is calling for 100% pure-blood Hawaiians of noble descent to come forward and form a new government.
  • The notion that vitamins and colloidal minerals, herbs, coffee enemas, colonic irrigation, Laetrile, meditation, etc., can enhance the immune system and thereby help restore health is bogus.
  • They turned out a quite creditable performance.
  • Twenty20 batting is largely premeditated and he outthought them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her daily regimen is said to include meditation, yoga and prayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • After being held for approximately 2 weeks in immigration detention, the warrants for my arrest in respect of the alleged extraditable offences were issued.
  • Meditation and yoga can be especially useful. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • a premeditated crime
  • Even freed slaves carry the taint of their hereditary status, and their former masters or parents' masters may claim some or all of their income, property and dowries.
  • The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
  • He accessed a mission statement for each institution from the general information, college catalogues, or accreditation information posted on each college's Web site.
  • Ever since I remember, I have been praying, meditating and attending spiritual workshops.
  • It would seem that, although the Knight had the accomplishment of that result as much at heart as the priest himself, his national pride and patriotism relucted at the idea that English colonies should become possessions of the hereditary enemies of his nation. The Knight of the Golden Melice A Historical Romance
  • Our solidarity, adventuresomeness and aplomb are the acknowledgment to the blackmail of terror ", it was hosted by actress-activist Nandita Das and directed by one-film old Feroz Abbas Khan. The News is - The News is Now Public
  • _Representacion a la muy bendita pasion y muerte de nuestro precioso Four Plays of Gil Vicente
  • the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and other major museums, was often called "nonobjective cinema," a term used to describe movies that dispense with representation and immerse the viewer in a meditative world of pure unspooling form. NYT > Home Page
  • Richard lasted only two years before he was deposed by Henry Tudor, a relation to the House of Lancaster but with no realistic hereditary claim to the throne.
  • There is ample fact -- and we also have plenty of evidence -- proving that this incident was organized, premeditated, masterminded and incited by the Dalai clique," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said today, in denouncing the Dalai Lama's supporters as instigators of what he described as violent protests that rocked the region in recent days. What They Are Saying
  • Infants at high risk for hearing loss are those with a family history of hereditary childhood sensorineural hearing loss, hyperbilirubinemia, ototoxic medications, bacterial meningitis, birth weight of less than 1500 grams (3.3 pounds), in-utero infections, craniofacial abnormailites, low apgar scores, mechanical ventilation of 5 days or longer, or other syndromes known to included hearing loss. Emaxhealth
  • First, individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis absorb more iron than the amount necessary to compensate for iron loss.
  • Si vis ditari, contemne divitias; that's true plenty, not to have, but not to want riches, non habere, sed non indigere, vera abundantia: 'tis more glory to contemn, than to possess; et nihil agere, est deorum, and to want nothing is divine. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • For someone like myself who finds meditative pleasures in sweeping, I'll spend a few more shekels to whisk away all that scuzz and dreck with my plant-based broom.
  • Having slowly ingurgitated and meditated upon this precious draught, and turned its flavour over and over with an aspect of potent Judicial wisdom Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Volume 2
  • From 1133 the office was hereditary in the de Vere family, though with interruptions and vicissitudes, until it passed in 1626 to their cousins the Berties, as Lords Willoughby de Eresby.
  • Even when carrying out needful tasks, do not let your intellect be idle but keep it meditating inwardly and praying.
  • Discovering the presence of fibrinogen defect in another family member is the best way to show a hereditary condition.
  • I have discovered that on these, the boundaries of hereditaments were often carelessly delineated and only outlined with coloured crayon.
  • He stared out of the window in silent meditation.
  • He walked slowly down the sunlit courtway on which the back door of the club opened, swinging his stick and meditating. O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1920
  • Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. Buddha 
  • Their manner was to grant naturalization (which they called jus civitatis [the right of citizenship]), and to grant it in the highest degree; that is, not only jus commercii [the right to commercial trade], jus connubii [the right to intermarry], jus hæreditatis [the right of inheritance]; but also jus suffragii [the right of suffrage], and jus honorum [the right of holding office]. XXIX. Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates
  • But Lord Hoyle - who for many years represented Nelson and Colne and whose son Lindsay sits for Chorley in the Commons - said it was essential to get rid of the last vestiges of hereditary patronage.
  • However, sequences in his last three books juxtapose different strophic and stanzaic patterns, prose and verse, relatively coherent narrative elements, dream elements, and fragments of meditation.
  • Nervous because she was due to play in two chukkas' time, Perdita refused even to acknowledge Daisy's presence.
  • High-class technology, well-content service, in pursuit of the identical value with customers, Annamo will be your most creditable cooperation associate.
  • We have isolated a new gene for hereditary deafness.
  • Zen meditation is offered as the radical practice of "objectless meditation," a path of relinquishing all things, including the self. Rev. Zesho Susan O'Connell: Zen Practice Is Difficult And Dangerous
  • For five years, he lived a life of meditation, of deep communion with nature during excursions into the mountains, of contemplation, and of prayer.
  • She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished.
  • For a few moments she said nothing, seeming to have become infected with her companion's dreamy meditativeness. The Sign of the Spider
  • I truly believe that hooping is every bit as much of a healer as yoga, tai chi, or meditation. | Blog | Mollie Hogan: Inside The Hoop
  • In this case, it's five days of cycling through Colorado, Utah, and Arizona cost: $1,895 excluding the airfare, and here's the group that has assembled in order to defibrillate their lives with the invigorating jolt of pre-meditated catharsis: Itineraries and Agendas: Bicycles at Work and Play
  • The sequence view got some fixes - some shortcuts where overlapping, the label column now shows cursor and selection and finally the cursor is clamped to now leave the editable area. Planet GNOME
  • With the use of high-tech neuroimaging gadgets like functional magnetic resonance imaging machines (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), we're slowly understanding how meditation affects the brain. Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
  • Once mastered, meditation will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • The chromosome 22q11. 2 deletion is a chromosomal difference, one that may or may not "run in the family" (meaning it's hereditary). Velocardiofacial, conotruncal anomaly face and Opitz G/BBB syndromes
  • In a corner, young Curry Shepherd, his blazer looking slightly the worse for wear, sat meditating on the relative merits of death by garotting or a slow boiling in oil, both of which he contemplated with BMW in mind, the DCSS having called him from a warm bed, next to a warm and loving woman at the dawn's early light. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • In the Ottoman-Saudi Treaty, Ibn Sa’ud recognized Ottoman sovereignty over Najd in return for his appointment as governor of a newly constituted province (vilayet) of Najd and hereditary rule for his family. 1914, May
  • This pose is very easy to perform and is also a good meditative posture for it allows the mind to relax and gain strength. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 642
  • Stage one saw the removal of most of the hereditary peers, leaving 92, who were to remain during a transitional period.
  • He concluded that it must be an ancestral hereditament from Athens, Ohio. By Advice of Counsel
  • Dunkeld; for this fact illustrates one of the great evils under which the Scottish Church was at this time labouring, namely the usurpation of abbeys and benefices by great secular chieftains, an abuse existing side by side, and closely connected with, the scandal of concubinage among the clergy, with its inevitable consequence, the hereditary succession to benefices, and wholesale secularization of the property of the Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • And yet, my lord, if I could but be made certiorate that my natural hereditament of A Legend of Montrose
  • Magnatum scrinia; veni, per Noctis & tenebrarum abdita profundissima; per labentia sydera; per ipsos motus horarum furtivos, Hecatesq [ue] altum silentium! Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
  • The findings show the singer, aged 33, died from heart failure following an undetected hereditary heart condition involving atheromatosis, a thickening of the arteries. Home
  • Francis Galton, a strong believer in the hereditarian position, founded the discipline of eugenics, which sought to improve the quality of human heredity by manipulating human reproduction.
  • After he started emptying his well-furnished mind and meditating regularly, there was a change in his character, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Did you ever know a French novelist have a premeditated murder committed by a man who could not possibly have conceived the murder ten minutes before he committed it; with whom the cause of the murder anteceded the murder no more than ten minutes?” Phineas Redux
  • Discover tai chi, qigong and meditation for health.
  • Offering meditations on race and violence, the lyrics resonate as much as the atmospheric instrumentation.
  • He's another who handles a fast surface and a repeat of his creditable second to Lord Of The Turf at Galway will see him land this.
  • Some limited beings, before attaining Buddhahood, are able to validly cognize certain “results, which are not yet happening” as a feature of their rebirth state or as an aftermath of strong imprints from attainments gained from meditation done in former lives. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • They have essays and poems in this companion volume of poems, essays and meditations.
  • It's a great app teaching mindfulness meditation. The Sun
  • I must be brave for Perdita's sake, said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell.
  • Analogies were drawn to waking from a dream, from a hypnotic trance, or from meditation.
  • As mentioned earlier, Zen meditation has partial roots in dhyana, an altered state of consciousness that originated with yoga.
  • In a similar manner, if we meditate with chants, mantras, or visualizations, we may use these as a way to distance ourselves from our more usual, problematic experience.
  • That's the right balance in an hereditary monarchy. Times, Sunday Times
  • So does cartel activity amount to a criminal offence under common law, so as to justify its being extraditable? Times, Sunday Times
  • Expect yoga, meditation, snorkelling and freediving taster session. Times, Sunday Times
  • E. Ray Lankester has termed "educability," not less than instinct, is hereditary. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • So with no further ado, here are two variations on simple (but not trivial) meditation.
  • He has to wait in the church for the other confessors to finish, which leaves him plenty of time to keep meditating on the wretchedness of his sins.
  • Meditation and direct experience were emphasized over concentration on studying the texts.
  • This theft was premeditated because the barrow is completely worthless to anyone other than a trader.
  • He who meditates becomes united with the effulgent Sun.
  • Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation?
  • His voice, deeper and from the gut, returns in this CD to a peaceable realm, to the great meditative music of the Mandingo empire.
  • Meditate: I use the word meditate metaphorically – everyone should meditate their own way. Discovering Work Life Balance | Impact Lab
  • As an explorer and practitioner of the core connotation of traditional culture, Mr Xifang Jin, in his years of meditation and enlightenment seeking, has discovered two ways of human learning.
  • The only men who behaved unhandsomely on the occasion were some of the Irish members, advocates of Repeal, who, with more than national brass, grounded their declinature on the galling yoke of the Saxon, and retreated to Connemara, doubtless exulting that in this instance at least they had freed themselves from "hereditary bonds. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • Objective To explore the clinical value of color Doppler sonographic in diagnosis of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT)with hepatic involvement.
  • To accuse a member of Parliament of double-crossing is certainly discreditable.
  • It will come as no surprise to those who view Mr. Speaker Martin as incompetent, chippy and partial to the Government to discover that he is at the heart, yet again, of an effort to conceal from the public gaze something which appears to be unsatisfactory and discreditable about the conduct of the democratic affairs of the House and therefore the nation. Archive 2007-10-28
  • Age and hygienic necessities bind me to a somewhat anchoritic life in pure air, with abundant leisure to meditate upon the wisdom of Candide's sage aphorism, "Cultivons notre jardin" ” especially if the term garden may be taken broadly and applied to the stony and weed-grown ground within my skull, as well as to a few perches of more promising chalk down outside it. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • A personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.
  • Alice's record of perfect attendance is very creditable to her.
  • Reading is memorized with the aid of murmur, mouthing the words subvocally as one turns the text over in one's memory; both Quintilian and Martianus Capella stress how murmur accompanies meditation. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Then it comes to life and continues nourishing itself on this food and on devout meditation until it has attained full vigour, which is the essential point, for I attach no importance to the rest. The Interior Castle or The Mansions
  • Wherefore, hereditary succession in the early ages of monarchy could not take place as a matter of claim, but as something casual or complemental; but as few or no records were extant in those days, the traditionary history stuff'd with fables, it was very easy, after the lapse of a few generations, to trump up some superstitious tale conveniently timed, Mahomet-like, to cram hereditary right down the throats of the vulgar. Common Sense
  • I call the rosary a "miracle" rosary because all of the meditations deal with the miracles performed by Jesus both before and after his resurrection. Christians Promoting...Christianity? And Christmas?!
  • While it would be nice to be able to bring PSD files into Illustrator with editable text, this feature is quite useful all the same.
  • My nose just kind of sat there, kind of blobby, unmistakably hereditary, a little bit wonky and sort of round.
  • This requires that an extraditable offence must also be a crime in the UK.
  • 'Novi ego aliquem qui dormitabundus aliquando pulsari horam quartam audiverit, et sic numeravit, una, una, una, una; ac tum præ rei absurditate, quam anima concipiebat, exclamavit, Næ! delirat horologium! Literary Remains, Volume 1
  • It was a nomadic yet static, spontaneous yet premeditated, engrossing yet mind-numbing existence with no end in sight No prize to be won. ICED
  • He is deep in meditation.
  • They used meditation and yoga to fill the hours and to soothe frustration and anxiety. Times, Sunday Times
  • This shyness is hereditary-and, indeed, had not my parents been so shy as they were, I should be standing before you several years older than I am at the moment! The Impact of the Jet in World Aviation
  • Meditative and soft, his blurred landscapes exude a sense of atmosphere.
  • Despite his difficult childhood, Temujin grew up strong enough to claim his hereditary position as tribal leader.
  • The saimiri, or titi of the Orinoco, the atele, the sajou, and other quadrumanous animals long known in Europe, form a striking contrast, both in their gait and habits, with the macavahu, called by the missionaries viudita, or widow in mourning. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • She used Thomas Hardy's poem, "The Darkling Thrush" as the armature for her meditations on memory and loss.
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • His real joy, however, was in withdrawing for what might be called a seance of meditation from the world's business. The Money Master, Volume 4.
  • The biopsy may determine the severity of the disease and rule out other possible causes of liver disease such as alcoholic or drug-induced hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis or iron overload in the liver (hereditary haemochromatosis). Vanguard News
  • Getting the required recognition and accreditation is one of the challenges before the initiators of this movement.
  • Some people think I'm weird doing meditation, but it works for me and that's all that matters.
  • Half my guests don't eat meat and are more than happy to devour black empanditas filled with calamari plied with saffron and squid ink.
  • He neither drinks, nor smokes, preferring transcendental meditation to the highs attained through substance abuse.
  • Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra; tempus putationis advenit: vox turturis audita est in terra nostra; ficus protulit grossos suos; vineæ florentes dederunt odorem suum. RORATE CÆLI
  • The same happened to men whose doctors had said that there was nothing that could be done for their receding hairlines and baldness, as hereditary factors were to blame.
  • Cosmographer, to finde himselfe Cosmopolites, a citizen and member of the whole and onely one mysticall citie vniuersall, and so consequently to meditate of the Cosmopoliticall gouernment thereof, vnder the King almightie, passing on very swiftly toward the most dreadfull and most comfortable terme prefixed. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • Most of such defects are hereditary and due to marriages between close relations.
  • By simple definition, meditation is engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.
  • He was elected this summer to sit as a crossbench hereditary peer in the House of Lords. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly following his mother's death, he had gone to a monastery in Nottinghamshire for a week of yogic transcendental meditation. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The massive monumental structures were intricately carved and decorated with scenes showing how the hereditary dynasties of the kings united with the gods.
  • True meditation is abidance as primordial consciousness. Flower Heads and Grain
  • Hereditary and constitutional taints of sycosis, scrofula, psora, syphilis; mercurianism, cinchonism, iodism and many other forms of chronic poisoning. Nature Cure
  • The sum which it was required Congress should appropriate to the purchase was forty thousand dollars; and considering how that assembly is constituted, how little most of its members know or care about pictures, or of their intrinsic value, and how utterly unimbued they are with any conception of the moral worth of art to a young nation, I conceive it very creditable to the body that the motion was negatived by only two votes. Impressions of America During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II.
  • Collocabatur in medio domûs emaculatæ odoribus Arabicis undique, lance rotunda pure superposita, ex diversis metallicis materiis fabrefacta; cujus in ambitu rotunditatis extremo elementorum viginti quatuor scriptiles formæ incisæ perite, dijungebantur spatiis examinate dimensis. Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Sanzone said the judge ruled there was not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to show the boy acted with malice or premeditation, meaning that he would have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter if he had been older. News for Lynchburg News Advance
  • Many of these rare heart problems behind SAD syndrome are hereditary. The Sun
  • Former singer of Bamboleo who has gained more popularity during his time with bamboleo, and now with his new careers as a soloist with his own band, brought us this new album, showing one more time his talent is going up; is impressive this new version of Se Pegan, bendita locura duet with Vannia, Vestigios is a great release of 2009. Uacute;
  • Under the smart of this new desire Rosalie set the stitches of her worsted-work with exquisite precision, and hid her meditations under a little innocent air, which shammed simplicity to deceive Albert Savarus
  • Over the past few years, she has seen a boom in demand for her services, probably linked to the wider popularity of mindfulness and meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zen schools are more or less divisible into those that emphasize a curriculum of verbal meditation objects - like koans - and those that do not.
  • Cum in aliorufti prin - cipum efletpoteftateres publica, diu inanemcu - piditatem, fine fpei folatiis, foui: Vnde enim mihi adipirandi ad hoc nomen eflet apentia, opum uacuo, et ignaro ambiendi? Panegyrici veteres qvos ex codice ms. librisqve collatis recensvit ae notis integris iisqve partim ad hve ineditis Christiani Gottlibii Schwarzii et excerptis aliorvm additis etiam svis instrvxit et illvstravit Wolfgangvs Iaegervs ..
  • He has unfolded for her what could have been simply a lecture on the solitaires, a narrative that gradually becomes a tale, a reverie, a meditation on the birds.
  • Rich -- a combination of Jimi Hendrix and Keith Richards -- jerks and shreds the guitar so hard you can almost see the electricity running through his body, while Dan knocks over drums, aerobically pounds on symbols, and behind his swooping bangs you can see his closed eyes and meditative expression. Mihal Freinquel: When Style Meets Music: Aja Volkman of Nico Vega

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