How To Use Disturbing In A Sentence

  • It is not surprising that the mortality due to feather pecking, cannibalism and parasitic diseases can be disturbingly high.
  • You can put the 'blackie' up in some quarter of the house where he can move about at will without disturbing any of your own servants, and can get in and out at all hours; he will be useful, you know, in prowling about the grounds at night and ascertaining if the lady really does go to bed when she retires to her room. Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces
  • But somehow this latest encounter with Matthew had been even more disturbing than their encounter in the cupboard.
  • In closing, I would like to reflect upon what I think was the most disturbing, and unnoticed, subtheme of Van Sant's film biography of Harvey Milk. Archive 2009-01-01
  • A Muslim group here in Washington, D.C., now revealing what it knows about the investigation, and what it describes as a disturbing farewell video left before they headed off. CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2009
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  • Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness. Henrik Ibsen
  • Clacton police have received five reports from elderly people in the area who have received the disturbing letters, which claim to be from clairvoyants and demand money.
  • It creates a startling atmosphere of intensity and highly unusual inwardness - sometimes disturbing - and makes it utterly distinct from anything in Western dance and theatre.
  • Over the top rhetoric makes sense for the illiterati that the GOP courts to win their votes, but feeling the need to use it for the party power brokers is a disturbing new concept. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 4, 2010
  • It is a disturbing, dark tale and perhaps one the victims might have been better left to recover from in peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • He called the case disturbing and said it underscores the pervasiveness of cyberbullying.
  • It's very disturbing, the way they're getting rid of older employees.
  • But adults say they believe there are tastier burgers elsewhere, a disturbing fact when Census Bureau trends show an aging population.
  • Their cravenness on immigration is deeply disturbing.
  • A gamine ingenue to her sophisticated divorcee, she plays this streetwise waif with the same knowing naivety that made the 12-year-old such a disturbingly seductive assassin's helpmate in her first film, Leon.
  • Disturbingly, NONE of the promised 1.15 billion in aid from the U.S. has materialized. Mark Schuller: Unstable Foundations: Human Rights of Haiti's 1.5 Million IDPs
  • By day, follow expert Masai guides on foot to spot lions, cheetahs, and wildebeests without disturbing their habitats.
  • Hey. I'm Solan. Sorry for disturbing you these days.
  • Yet there is something disturbing about the show. Times, Sunday Times
  • Harry had rather disturbing visions of Mark in every hotel and catering establishment they entered, asking if he could see the kitchen. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • I struggled out, disturbing the lazy whatsits as little as possible, and yawned my way in the general direction of the unusual sounds.
  • The lack of civility is very disturbing," said Terrence C. Donilon, the archdiocesan spokesman. Catholic Blogs Aim To Purge Dissenters
  • The fact that she herself had only one such dress, an organdy hand-me-down from Rockelle that was worn once a week to Sunday school, was disturbing.
  • Why, there, if a college student comes downtown with a flareback coat and heart-shaped trousers and one of those nifty little pompadour hats that are brushed back from the brow to give the brains a chance to grow, they arrest him for collecting a crowd and disturbing traffic. At Good Old Siwash
  • What is disturbing about the rebates is not the rebates themselves, but the fact they're a one-shot.
  • The story of secrecy, scientific ethics and national security is macabre, grisly and disturbing.
  • The impunity of police and denial of due process to victims is disturbing to rights activists.
  • The flickering firelight revealed an appearance that was most disturbing.
  • There was something additionally disturbing about her for a male spectator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the father was imprisoned, new and even more disturbing allegations began to emerge from the children.
  • but since the "literature" of the hack is so perverse and disturbing in its "message," the term clownish is too light and good natured to be appropriate. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A closer look at the census figures shows a much more disturbing trend.
  • By day, follow expert Masai guides on foot to spot lions, cheetahs, and wildebeests without disturbing their habitats.
  • The inquiry unearthed some disturbing evidence.
  • This was disturbing news to the South, whose naval capabilities were modest.
  • The entire outside of the building is lit up every night in a disturbingly bright shade of aubergine.
  • The fact that he was willing to do damage to the country with useless concessions to a party that has proven itself a moral and intellectual failure to them on his side was extremely disturbing, and the fact that he succeeded not at all in unsurprising. Matthew Yglesias » Yglesias on Maddow
  • This book tells a fascinating and disturbing story that frightened me nearly to death.
  • A woman dressed in a grey babygro reads a story about a man and his imaginary children which features a mildly disturbing maternal death. Richard III; Lullaby; Hundreds & Thousands – review
  • H.G. Wells wrote a disturbing short story called 'Aepyornis Island' in 1894.
  • There has been a disturbing rise in the number of young, female and lone parent claimants, and a third of new claimants cite mental health conditions.
  • Kristoff is speaking conspiratorially, as if sharing a deep and disturbing secret, although it is well-known to anyone who has been following the emo-violence story that gay rights groups have called for tolerance. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • Despite the disturbing number of abnormal births and other radiogenic illnesses affecting the human population, life below the surface of Rongelap seemed to be quite healthy in 1996.
  • I hope I'm not disturbing you.
  • That might have been disturbing enough for some of the residents if I hadn't been peppering the conversation with swear words every other syllable.
  • It happens frequently and it's very disturbing.
  • But she has left it within the power of man irreparably to derange the combinations of inorganic matter and of organic life …. man is everywhere a disturbing agent. Marsh, George Perkins
  • Dim as it was, it seemed to shift, wavering in a disturbingly qualmish fashion, and he shut his eyes, concentrating grimly on what he might do to Richard Brown, and he got the man alone someday. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence? Happy Slapping
  • The violence is remorseless and disturbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • That may be a reaction against greedy bankers but it is disturbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, disturbing news arrives that our horses are depressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those of a delicate conscience may be offended by the movie, but the images it conjures in the mind are more disturbing than those depicted on screen.
  • Rendered only somewhat individual by almost insignificant pencil numbers along the edges, the rows and columns form a visually disturbing base latticework.
  • According to Samuelson, Japan pioneered the new stagnation and the parallels are disturbing.
  • The film broods over the Oxford monuments, twisting them into a disturbingly fraught pattern of jumbled editing, splitting and screeching noises and swirling, psychedelic visuals.
  • The results, which must be disturbing to the various ruling elites, are all the more striking.
  • It is quite disturbing to note that two countries with such a close relationship since the time when General De Gaulle decided to open diplomatic ties with the People's Republic in 1964.
  • Most disturbingly for friends and relatives, the disappearances have been seized upon by religious zealots in what they say is an attempt to have the men killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly, and with appalling quickness the mastodonic brute reared itself on its mighty hind legs and elongated its neck and body in an effort to reach this vociferous pigmy whose clamor was disturbing the primeval silence of its horrible realm. The Conquering Sword Of Conan
  • In the clinical world, too often attention is focused only on controlling a child's bad behavior, and not enough on the complex and disturbing feelings and inner struggles that may only be expressed in behavioral symptomatology. Dr. Prudence L. Gourguechon: Madgirl Part 4: Lost to Follow-Up?
  • A trial for heresy did not get rid of such disturbing questions. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • To see it so easily removed, and with the complicity of the union, was disturbing.
  • Right mindfulness serves as an antidote to rid the mind forever of the auxiliary disturbing emotions and attitudes (nye-nyon), such as flightiness of mind and mental dullness, that an accustoming pathway mind gets rid of, namely the automatically arising ones. The Eight Branches of an Arya Pathway Mind (The Eightfold Noble Path)
  • It's very disturbing to think about the potential implications of a century-long decline of the base of the food chain," said lead author Daniel Boyce, a marine ecologist.
  • Smoke discharging is one of the important means for opposing photoelectric guided weapons. The smoke disturbing effect is an important index for evaluating the performance of the smoke bomb.
  • Already wired transform, certainly will causes disturbing influence to drive a vehicle.
  • Thank yo sir,. the vision of a big deer putting the bullsye on you butt is quiet entertaining,. disturbing to be honest,. but entertaining none the less. The Best Camo for Hunting Away from Home
  • That final resting place of ponderous pachyderms would be, for the unscrupulous and disturbingly clean bad guy, the mother lode of ivory.
  • There shouldn't be anything disturbing or jarring in a bedroom, even if you're using the most modern style of design.
  • Even so I seemed at every point of contact to be surrounded by abrasive people intent on disturbing my peace, my comfort, and my equable nature.
  • Rumors carried on the wind; the most prevalent, that the twine were one, carried a disturbing ring of possibility.
  • Those arrested are being charged with sedition and disturbing the peace.
  • The GOP shutdown the state legislature for nearly six weeks this summer, and the corruption on both sides of the isle is quite disturbing. Poll: Paterson's poll numbers inch up
  • It's a disturbing event, but Cliff needs only a couple of tokes and some sage advice from his mother - who thinks he's just upset over a breakup - to get over it.
  • Most disturbing is the almost giddy pleasure they take in each other's unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides the smart gestures and disturbing remarks, no.
  • As a forensic policewoman she was continually exposed to disturbing crime scenes and it eventually became too much.
  • He'd sent her disturbing fan letters and envelopes of money, instructing her to buy herself a birthday present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why not add a lightning bolt to make the scene a little more disturbing?
  • It was difficult and disturbing; it was also graceful and beautiful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers described the technical evolution of the malware program as disturbing: Only rarely do we come across crimeware that has been continually stealing and collecting personal information and payment card data, and compromising bank accounts as far back as 2006. A Huge Cache of Stolen Financial Data - Bits Blog -
  • This may bring to the enterprise some negative effects such as letting capital lie idle, lowering the profit, undermining the morale, disturbing the development plan, affecting the image and so on.
  • Institute investigators their genes with chimpanzees, our clos - are developing and perfecting tech - est non-human primate relative, are niques for handling samples that can much less susceptible to a variety of be obtained without ever disturbing the human diseases such as Alzheimer s subjects, so-called noninvasively disease, breast cancer, and malaria. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Adan clutched onto me and screamed, disturbing the flocks of birds resting in trees nearby.
  • The owner of the car garage, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was parking cars on the land, often disturbing his neighbour with noise and fumes at unsociable hours.
  • What emerges is a disturbing picture of an election marred by suspicious irregularities, electoral injustices, and sinister voter purges in a state governed by the winning candidate's brother.
  • No, the real issue is the disturbing moral relativism of our media and their lack of moral clarity at a time of trial for freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • He lets it lie where it may (using the long-forgotten art form of understatement) - and boy, does the whole thing curl around your subconscious in deliciously disturbing ways! The Surreal Office
  • These grooves create microscopic vortices in the water next to the swimmer, thereby disturbing the flow of water along the body and reducing the surface friction drag.
  • Even some members of the pro-life movement found the organisation's behaviour disturbing.
  • distressing (or disturbing) news
  • Back then, when light was thought to be a kind of wave in space, this was a deeply disturbing and radical idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am sorry if I'm disturbing you.
  • The noise was incessant and disturbing and the battle was fierce. The Sun
  • I looked forlornly past the celebratory bottle of champagne, consoling myself that it could be saved for New Years, and selected a bottle of Barbados dark rum from my disturbingly overstocked bar.
  • Some of the causal violence depicted early on is actually quite disturbing to watch.
  • One would expect the relentless cacophony of vulgarities and the unrelenting evocation of disturbing mental images first to shock, then to have a numbing effect on the audience.
  • D., there began to appear on the Roman horizon disturbing signs of cultural decline and moral decay.
  • That blueberry 'dollop' looks disturbingly like oversized caviar. New Year's Diet Aid
  • But what was even more disturbing was how he'd managed to inveigle his way into taking charge of the investigation into Bob's death. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • Often, the tone of the letters is disturbingly frank. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The letter went on to complain of paper boys yelling out the news, musicians disturbing whole neighbourhoods, and drunks “who choose to sing and holloa up and down our streets and squares.” Sounds of Victorian London
  • To remove main disturbing ion, chlorine ion in the COD potassium dichromate reflux method, silver sulfate replaces mercury sulfate as a screening agent.
  • Back then, when light was thought to be a kind of wave in space, this was a deeply disturbing and radical idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Complacency on the part of the home owner is the most disturbing factor in domestic security.
  • Plus, we stayed up a bit late, drinking vino and back-yarding and chitter-chattering Barzak and I have lived disturbingly parallel lives. Forlorn
  • The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend.
  • That was generally the point where we considered it was safe enough to move him up to bed without disturbing his sleep.
  • These loads are intended for indoor target practice, plinking, or putting an end to annoying pests without disturbing the neighbors.
  • These inquiries unearthed disturbing evidence about the safety record of the Chinook and its computer systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other disturbing thing is the nature of the treatment donors are helping to fund. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rent 9 1/2 Weeks to learn from Kim Basinger's striptease: the outfit, the moves, the music, the shy-cheeky-sexy attitude (just ignore the disturbing plot line).
  • Is it because both snakes and spiders move in a disturbingly counter-intuitive way? Times, Sunday Times
  • The reason for BARDE to make such arrangement for all member hotels is to avoid extra disturbing to member hotels as quite lot hotel members are very busy at the moment.
  • This mythic territory, once navigated by Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, hosts a journey to declining river towns, tiny evangelical churches, and seedy whorehouses populated by disturbed and disturbing characters.
  • I found this detail, however, the absence of external contravallation, like may others in the past weeks, disturbing. Mercenaries Of Gor
  • Leni Zumas's visceral debut novel is a darkly funny and disturbing rager.
  • Do not get excessively worried about not disturbing your fellow passengers.
  • First, the mentally ill are confronted with the problem of dealing with the disturbing and potentially debilitating symptoms of a mental or emotional disorder.
  • It was a disturbingly alien face, with holes instead of eyes. THE EXECUTION
  • To look at, the prospect is disturbing yet most intriguing.
  • The defendant was charged with disturbing the peace.
  • Redditer Niqalye posted this gem from a child on Reddit that gives a pretty disturbing answer to a word scramble about a goat. Child's Word Scramble Answer Disturbing On Multiple Levels (PICTURE)
  • Yet, more disturbing than the slur is the fact that the leaders of the California chapter of the National Organization of Women still insist on endorsing a man who refers to an intellectual giant, one of the leading entrepreneurs of the 21st century, a renowned and respected women, as a "whore. Caren Z. Turner: Ten Steps the Democrats Need to Take to Win the Votes of Women
  • Nevertheless, it is a deeply and speedily-acting drug, for it affects the whole internal mucous membrane, the nervous system, and the process of sanguification, thus disturbing the health for a long time. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • But in September of last year she received the disturbing text from her jilted ex telling her about the havoc he had wreaked at their home. The Sun
  • On one level I quite like the attention but on another level, I suppose I find it a bit disturbing.
  • Rising tensions over the South China Sea disturbingly recall the naval race between Britain and Germany during the dreadnaught era that played a key role in triggering World War I. Eric Margolis: The Road to War in Asia
  • A pair of boys were already naughtily climbing the apple tree, disturbing a couple who lay dreamingly under it.
  • Certainly the most disturbing development as the crime insurgency continues is the appearance of the police cracking under strain.
  • ONE of the things that is most depressing and disturbing about this whole green thing is that they seem to have no sense of taste at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • I heard disturbing noises of him gagging and throwing up and the toilet flushing.
  • This is work that disturbingly demands its audience's complicity, and leaves an indelible stain on the memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • This isn't like the cantankerous old Johnboy we've come to know and loathe, and frankly I find this a bit disturbing, but a welcome change.
  • The play is neither as funny nor as disturbing as Tabori thinks it is.
  • Upon reaching the child, the golden eagle "calumet" was gently swayed above it, while in the background the other "calumet" was waved to ward off disturbing influences, and the priests sang this song. Indian Story and Song from North America
  • The second disturbing thing was this headline in my local rag.
  • Just as a virus Brooks calls "Solanum" turns people into zombies, the four contagions we describe below can create a zombie workplace — where creative people and good ideas disturbingly molder.
  • If by “as intelligent” we mean something else entirely, then the lack of symmetry is disturbing. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • You can be sad but that is a much less disturbing emotion than anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a collection of dark and slightly disturbing stories that make for compulsive reading. The Sun
  • I only discovered this disturbing news when we met to talk about her new position.
  • This paper also gives a way to reduce the effects of loading change and external disturbing force by pressure feedback compensation.
  • In fact, the only slightly disturbing moment of the afternoon came when the lid of the bin by the umpire's chair blew off in the wind. The Sun
  • The equivalent disturbing current, which determines the harmonic interference noise in nearby telephone circuits, is studied systematically.
  • But his previous position on the most pressing issue of the day -- the war in Iraq -- is disturbing, if not downright muddlehead ... Lionel Beehner: Does Obama Favor Biden's Plan To Break Up Iraq?
  • But sonically this art work is even more disturbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly, I was struck by the combination of her screeching voice and deranged facial expression, her general state of undress being more disturbing than arousing.
  • During his time there, he raised a wolf cub from birth, as does his hero Chen, and learned of the disturbing ritual of the "wolf burial", when a dead body is given to the wolves to eat.
  • He was about six foot nine with jet black hair and very disturbing black eyes.
  • The range of new antibiotics is disturbingly limited," she said. FDA Chief Focuses on Antibiotic Resistance
  • I dismissed the thoughts as too disturbing and concentrated instead on Selkirk's poem.
  • He has disturbing cheese dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Credit Suisse results may not be as bad as they appear at first sight when allowance is made for own-credit losses, which are meaningless in economic terms, but there are some disturbing aspects, notably at the investment bank," said Peter Thorne, London-based analyst with independent brokerage Helvea. Credit Suisse's Profit Shrinks
  • I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.
  • Is it because both snakes and spiders move in a disturbingly counter-intuitive way? Times, Sunday Times
  • The mine is a ground blast fragmentation mine activated by disturbing one of four tripwires.
  • It's very disturbing, the way they're getting rid of older employees.
  • There had been no obvious signs of an impending collapse, except that he had been suffering a disturbing bout of hiccups for three weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • All these books have strange, often adolescent protagonists to whom weird and grotesque things happen almost by accident, casually disturbing their otherwise suburban lives – and also a certain sense of timelessness and placelessness (this is an America we recognise, yet it is not real, and its cities are rarely named). Daniel Clowes: 'You've got to be obsessed'
  • There were a lot of ugly people trying to get a snog, which was quite disturbing, but I was kissing loads of policemen.
  • Me, I prefer the "Desparate Poli Sci Blogger" persona I exude, which is disturbingly close to my own personality (except it's a lot less strident in person-SEL is a lot closer to my real personality). La Profesora Abstraida
  • I never quite liked Herland (yeah, it has a lot of fun feminist moments, but also disturbing hints of a fascist aesthetic), but it nevertheless is a historical milestone. Cool!
  • What's most disturbing about Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson (our hero wears a bloodied T-shirt through much of the intermissionless 90 minutes) is what it confirms about today's prevailing attitudes towards history. David Finkle: First Nighter: Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Is Bloody Awful
  • ‘Goya's Nightmare’ is a disturbing stew of vocals, strings, and exotic instrumentation.
  • Macklin was charged with disturbing the peace.
  • These responses are based on a sentimental view of nature, permissible in prepubescent girls, perhaps, but disturbing in anyone old enough to know better.
  • That selectiveness is almost as disturbing as the piece itself. New Dan Simmons Story
  • By far the most disturbing aspect of this corruption is the country's reluctance to punish any of the culprits.
  • I stood up softly, undesirous of disturbing my companions, but with my heart beating now rather more rapidly with surprise and excitement.
  • Also, the most disturbing part, like with Endless Eight, Koizumi wears a speedo, which is probably the most disturbing image ever … however, Takeshi in a Speedo … well: Anime Nano!
  • There was something deeply disturbing about the trial by tabloid dished out to him last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the sudden highs and disturbing lows, especially in the fragile lives of young celebs, mental peace and balance is hard to maintain.
  • People divert from their normal route to avoid disturbing this not so rare breed!
  • A few years later a crisis of confidence led him into an almost reclusive lifestyle, where he would paint to get away from the pain and, more disturbingly, lacerate his skin because he believed he wasn't attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Thus a rose smells most fragrant at a distance; but if you bring it near the nose, it is not so pure and delightful; and the reason is this, — many earthy disturbing particles are carried with the smell, and spoil the fragrancy when near, but in a longer passage those are lost, and the pure brisk odor, by reason of its subtility, reaches and acts upon the sense. Symposiacs
  • The possible consequences of this are very disturbing indeed.
  • That disturbing dream has become reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the past two Sundays, Williams's disturbing 10-month-long expose of Britain's hooligan underworld has made compulsive viewing on BBC2.
  • You can be sad but that is a much less disturbing emotion than anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most disturbing of all are his allegations that he repeatedly tried to get higher-ups to follow through and investigate.
  • The methods are introduced for measuring the performance indexes of smoke bomb. We also studied the experimental test methods of smoke disturbing effect.
  • We used very disturbing images and black comedy to unsettle the audience.
  • Of late, the stock market has been making some disturbing noises.
  • And it makes me feel, in a way -- and this is, I think, the disturbing part -- as if we are drug dealers or terrorists trying to traffic in information, and should we be using bags full of quarters like old Mafia capos to avoid having our phone calls traced? CNN Transcript May 21, 2006
  • What is particularly disturbing about this weather set-up is the behaviour of the atmosphere a few miles high. Times, Sunday Times
  • What if he sees something disturbing in a picture? Times, Sunday Times
  • The happy economic news is accompanied by disturbing news on a variety of fronts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But going more than halfway to tolerate what look like disturbing cultural practices unsettles some historians, aid experts, economists and others with experience in developing societies.
  • Iranaputra didn't know about the others, but he personally found the notion that the gargantuan Drex warship could be "unnerved" highly disturbing. Codgerspace
  • An infrared camera films the bats without disturbing them and the public can watch on a giant screen from May to October. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found a disturbing number of very different crème brûlée recipes out there, calling for widely discordant oven temp, cooking time and quantities of eggs/cream/sugar.
  • They were charged with disturbing public peace.
  • This disturbing trend for young white women to leap onstage is just not on.
  • It is an augur of disturbing family traumas to come, real and imagined. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These people often cause trouble by creating work that is difficult, inconvenient and disturbing.
  • The moment Charity had found her cousin, or any other occupation, Tom would slip away; and in a minute shrill cries would be heard from the dairy, "Charity, Charity, thee lazy huzzy, where bist?" and Tom would break cover, hands and mouth full of curds, and take refuge on the shaky surface of the great muck reservoir in the middle of the yard, disturbing the repose of the great pigs. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • The prospect of a sovereign default in Greece is disturbing enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is particularly disturbing about this weather set-up is the behaviour of the atmosphere a few miles high. Times, Sunday Times

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