How To Use Distraction In A Sentence

  • The pursuit of such metaphysical questions is just a high-minded distraction from the more pressing issue of confronting the dilemma of one's existence here and now.
  • I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Only some people believe that a guy who called criticism "distraction" is a good guy. Clinton has big lead in Kentucky, Obama on top in Oregon
  • A distraction may cause it to wander off into the road, with fatal consequences.
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  • Katie and Matt were boring me this morning, so I popped in a DVD for distraction and watched him get plowed while lying in a sink.
  • The animation of insentient or nonhuman entities produces an effect of cacophony and distraction.
  • He used this distraction to swipe at the dog's hind quarters.
  • But the cup will give the club a much-needed distraction from these worries - and hopefully the shot in the arm they need.
  • Junior faculty members, in particular, want to ensure that their blogs are not a distraction from their primary research.
  • The beats on Revolutionary Vol.2 might seem a little minimalist to some, but Immortal is that caliber of emcee who needs no distractions when he's on the mic to make his words felt.
  • The nearest distraction is probably the Concord Turnpike, a half mile north of the pond.
  • ' He mimicked a vague distraction, waved his fingers elegantly. THE QUEST FOR K
  • It might appear from the above that postures, breathing techniques and sensory control automatically purge the mind of distractions and bring about equilibrium and calm.
  • Seeing it at the cinema is always both more powerful and ‘easier’ than watching it at home on video or DVD: it's far harder to summon the conditions for entrancement in a domestic space full of distractions and business.
  • From the distracted and despairing man whom love and longing trepan from the lover under passion’s ban the prisoner of transport and distraction from this Kamar al-Zaman son of Shahriman to the peerless one of the fair Houris the pearl-union to the Lady Budur daughter of King Al Ghayur The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A final possibility centres around a likeliness that exercise success here was more due to the presence of fun and enjoyment, than the use of distraction.
  • The burgeoning multitude of reality TV programmes drives me to distraction and is a deterrent to buying services that provide even more channels dispensing the same kind of dross.
  • a mid-shot, thus filmically undermining their statements by including visual distractions within the camera frame. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Compare Lu 10: 39, Mary; Lu 2: 37, "Anna ... a widow, who departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day" (1Ti 5: 5). distraction -- the same Greek as "cumbered" (Lu 10: 40, Martha). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If anyone's interested in gifting Spooky and me with the distractions that help to make this existence bearable, in the form of Solstice gifts, we have both updated our Amazon wish lists. "I'm living in an age that calls darkness light..."
  • It was envisioned, the story goes, as a short-term, inconsequential distraction, not a lasting symbol of the Tory campaign's ineptitude and crudity.
  • Either he's trying to force the debates commission to "postpone" the VP debate -- in which case it will never be rescheduled, sparing Palin another debacle -- or he's trying to throw Obama off his game with this distraction about whether or not he's going to show up. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • Demands for equality were seen as a distraction from more serious issues.
  • The playtime is a distraction from what happened upstairs a few minutes earlier. - Local News
  • In all this, my hostess was a constant provider of chat, inconsequence and distraction, but gave me no opportunity to focus my attention on anything for very long nor to fully absorb my surroundings.
  • Keep the study zone bright and clean, keep study supplies like pens, paper, highlighters and a dictionary on hand, and keep it free of distractions like the television, the telephone and loud music.
  • All forms of bloodsports are an unnecessary distraction from genuine wildlife conservation.
  • While I agree that I'm guilty of a moment's distraction, I feel I must defend myself against the memo's accusals of ‘sheer obtuseness where anything musical is concerned’ and ‘shameless disregard for the band's intentions’.
  • Our beat-up Citroën is a welcome distraction for the traffic-stalled touristsin the lanes beside us; they have hours to go before reaching the sea, the color of whichmimicsthe hue of dusty blue coating our car evidence of organic farming here at the vinery, where our family car doubles as a tractor-delivery vehicle... door dents and all. French Word-A-Day:
  • To get in the right headspace, he started working on tracks at his uptown home, removing himself from downtown rock-scene distractions and choosing isolation over inebriation.
  • They visited the keeper of the jewels and Maria pretended to faint to cause a distraction.
  • Incredibly, with Bryant idling on the bench, the Lakers shook off their distractions and managed to thrash one of their supposed title rivals in their opening game.
  • The key to keeping my opponent off his game is to control the game with what I call a distraction point. THE OFFICIAL ROCK PAPER SCISSORS STRATEGY GUIDE
  • BEIJING (Reuters) - Ethiopia's Olympic champion distance runner Kenenisa Bekele has left his actress wife at home to avoid any distractions as he seeks double gold in Beijing.
  • I think it was a smart move on his part to minimize the real humans interacting with his pandora world where the contrast could be a distraction. Movie Review: Avatar » Scene-Stealers
  • Too often we busy ourselves with petty distractions, in order to escape the confrontation with reality.
  • I picked up a battered magazine from the glass coffee table, looking for distraction. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • How can you dislike a town where everybody jaywalks and the libramientos are known locally as the "other cemetary" and people drive in chaotic but workable distraction and many folks are short and fat and ridiculed by the overcompensating snobbish Highlanders as redneck morons and eating and drinking and dancing are local sports. Driving From San Crist�bal de Las Casas to Lake Chapala
  • You'll drive me to distraction with your silly questions!
  • The rooms are not encumbered by ornaments; a single kakemono, or fine piece of lacquer or china, appears for a few days and then makes way for something else; so they have variety as well as simplicity, and each object is enjoyed in its turn without distraction. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • When Zen monks sit for hours on end in zazen formal "sitting meditation" they are left with no other distraction but the flashing images of their minds. Archive 2009-02-22
  • Driver error is blamed for 95% of crashes, with 25% due specifically to driver distraction (such as yammering into a cell phone). Decaffeinated
  • The tight, slick production makes this easily playable at high volume without many gimmicky distractions.
  • Setting goals and deadlines, is normally a strong enough action to protect against distraction and procrastination. On Efficiency, Or How To Get Everything Done As A Multi-Tasking Writer - by Joanna Penn | The Creative Penn
  • My other sister and brother-in-law have worked hard to provide my kids with distraction and diversion.
  • This allows concentration on counseling without as strong a distraction from the paraphiliac urges.
  • It's been bracing to see -- during our nation'sstate of denial, distraction and dysfunctional Big Media -- just how dedicated to truthsome writers and editors, such asRandyNeal andDaneBaker remain. Fire! Polite Applause
  • The distractions from the running of the business and the adverse impact on profit performance.
  • _ -- In this kind of paraphasia in adults the cause is a lack of attention; therefore purely central concentration is wanting, or one fails to "collect himself"; there is distraction, hence the unintentional, frequently unconscious, confounding of words similar in sound or connected merely by remote, often dim, reminiscences. The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • For future reference Mick, it's chutzpah, like a particularly catarrhal pronunciation of the Premier League team Tottenham Chutzpah – whose pre-season friendly against Orlando Pirates, incidentally, on ESPN was yet another distraction from the cricket. Tendulkar or Talksport: July's ultimate Test | Martin Kelner
  • It is a sideshow, a massively expensive distraction from the main game.
  • Distractions such as rattles, music, or even running a vacuum, washing machine, or blow-dryer may be amusing or comforting to your baby.
  • In that moment of distraction, he could miss his last favorable opportunity to liquidate his position.
  • You know, most people are living especially on the coasts, between distraction and frenzy.
  • Nevertheless, distraction displays are, by any standards, remarkable patterns of animal behaviour, and require some explanation.
  • Experts blame the distractions of new technologies and drugs, doctor fatigue, and some doctors' sense of infallibility.
  • That being said, I think they can be a distraction if you overfocus on results. ChiRunning
  • Make no mistake, Feingold's motion to censure is not a foolish nuisance interrupting your busy lawmaking schedules, not an unnecessary distraction from the great work of appealing as unspecifically as possible to enough disgruntled Republicans that we can eke out a tarnished and compromised numerical victory in November. Frank Dwyer: Senators: Stand with Feingold
  • The suggestion is that such property development is a distraction from their core business and, therefore, a bad thing.
  • A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.
  • When I won young journalist of the year in 1988 it seemed an irritating distraction to go to London for the ceremony.
  • Have you never been driven to distraction by a grasping building contractor?
  • We ignored the distractions and chiseled away at the rocks before us at alarming speed, all fearful that the chaos would catch up with us.
  • Not only would private prayer keep them from being puffed up by human praise, it would help them focus their hearts on God, removing them from the distractions of the world.
  • A concert rendition enables more concentration on the words without the distraction of stage action.
  • It is going to cost them not only in their bond rating but in the distraction from the major concerns which Californians have.
  • Talks loudly enough during a session to be a distraction, attracting the attention of a volunteer “shusher.” Firedoglake » Time Magazine Launches Bukkake Festival
  • So when Georgie spots Mrs Shapiro, an eccentric old Jewish emigre neighbour with an eye for a bargain and a fondness for matchmaking, rummaging through her skip in the middle of the night, it's just the distraction she needs ... Marina Lewycka - live webchat - 8th July, 2009
  • The one thing that bothered me throughout both films - more of a distraction than anything else - was the framing.
  • Online reading of magazines (as opposed to blogs) suffers in comparison from the lack of instant ability for the reader to go to the article or report being discussed -- I have lost track of the number of times I've had to find a site via Google, then get mired in some Internet distraction and lose the thread, or never return. Snaring readers on the hop
  • The invigorating consequences of success in Europe outweigh the risk of distraction.
  • Sometimes, they are more distraction than narrative thread and the need to return to them often bogs the author down; there are, after all, only so many ways to describe the feel of carved wood and only so many times such an image can be made to work as a symbol of patinated memory without the reader feeling that a point is being laboured. The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance by Edmund de Waal
  • Em scanned the schoolyard with drooped eyelids in a pleasant daydream trying to find a liable distraction.
  • Their antics are a distraction from the larger questions - but no less enthralling for that.
  • Traditional wisdom has it that mass production relegated craft to an expensive sideshow, a distraction from the real needs to provide affordable products for the masses.
  • Durrell, as well as loving animals to distraction, also had the light-hearted touch of the raconteur. Why Johnny Morris was magic
  • There's a bewildering array of familiar supervillains and splendid interludes played as Catwoman, along with collectibles, side missions and distractions in a game that oozes the very essence of Batman, from dialogue and character design to the gibbous moon permanently silhouetting its buildings. This week's new games
  • He tried to instill Arts & Letters Daily with the atmosphere of a Victorian reading room or an athenaeum — a place for reading and thinking, free from distractions. A Maecenas for the Internet Age
  • For uninterested spectators scattered about the arena, they are also a distraction from tennis that does not consistently enthral at this Cincinnati Masters, an old tournament admirably spruced up and repackaged to make a fit with the run-in to the US Open. Andy Murray snuffs out recovery by Jérémy Chardy to win in Cincinnati
  • But I can guarantee that the distraction trope will be pulled out of the refrigerator and reheated again and again as the curmudgeons raise alarms about the destructive power of the next shiny thing. Jeff Jarvis: The Distraction Trope
  • The bare beauty of the channelled whelk tells me that one answer, and perhaps a first step, is in simplification of life, in cutting out some of the distractions. Monday Musing
  • BROWN: So Barack Obama is again hoping to get what he calls the distraction of Jeremiah Wright behind him. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2008
  • The two restraint techniques that rely on the application of pain authorised in the 2010 MoJ manual are the rib distraction and the thumb distraction. Youth jails yet to introduce new restraint system six years after deaths
  • Berry is a vocal critic of what he calls the glamour of newness, ease, and affluence; and a champion of distraction. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • The philosophy of the festival is that we're an intimate blues festival, all blues, nothing but the blues, no distractions from the blues.
  • No doubt, she thought, a visitor might be a very unwelcome distraction in his entrenched life.
  • Driven to distraction, he murdered the woman who jilted him.
  • Often, there'd be the added distraction of other gangs of local layabouts throwing sticks and stones at you an your way through.
  • He is responsible for managing and responding to all the distractions and context switching scenarios which would otherwise have disturbed the whole team.
  • So whenever an overly supernatural event happens, it's almost a distraction, rather than the thrilling surprise the creators were hoping for.
  • In 1671 he and Maria disguised themselves as a parson and his wife. They visited the keeper of the jewels and Maria pretended to faint to cause a distraction.
  • Their implications would be only an embarrassing distraction, oddly disjoined from the prevailing paths of technical investigation.
  • It represents a potential distraction, although any side capable of winning 13 games on the trot with a home ground as lacking in atmosphere as Vicarage Road can be described as single-minded. Leicester 18-22 Saracens | Premiership final match report
  • Her distraction turned to vacuity, her obsessions grew stronger by the day. SACRAMENT
  • Battle was only a momentary distraction, a simple, uncomplicated escape from the troubles of his life.
  • But I have been an anguissette all my life, and I have grown accustomed to dealing with the distraction. Kushiel's Avatar
  • She worked hard all morning, without distraction.
  • It sometimes slips by in its discreetness, with the mildest distraction.
  • It was envisioned, the story goes, as a short-term, inconsequential distraction, not a lasting symbol of the Tory campaign's ineptitude and crudity.
  • Couriel and colleagues asked children to use a snorkel mouthpiece, and make no mention of distraction techniques.
  • The slight unbalance and distraction (here a loud shout or kiai could also be added) weakens the grab, something that facilitates forcing your arms upwards.
  • The thyroid cartilage is gently mobilized by manual distraction to either side.
  • As players all we want to do is get on and play rugby, and the almighty stushie at Murrayfield is an unwanted distraction.
  • NEW YORK (Associated Press) - It went viral as the ultimate example of being punished for circumstances beyond one's control: a woman who said she was fired from her banking job because she complained that her male colleagues called her bodacious figure a workplace distraction. Debrahlee Lorenzana Asks Human Rights Officials To Investigate Citibank (VIDEO)
  • This is a nocturnal distraction to accompany the bored army's vodka sessions.
  • I have a hard time believing that he was calmly lecturing others on his lifestyle choice, and it was probably causing the distractions that the school claimed.
  • Let's invite her to the disco — she needs distraction.
  • It just might be distraction enough in the first months to stop him realizing he's not the centre of the universe anymore. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • I agree that it might be just a distraction to have computers lying about in the classroom while studying some other subject.
  • Every sense and trained alarm was ringing full force and the lovely buzz that the liquor had induced was nothing more than a painful distraction.
  • It's a welcome distraction on long winter evenings to keep you from going nuts with cabin fever.
  • The outpouring of compassion for the daily deaths of thousands is suddenly treated as a frivolous distraction.
  • Nevertheless, distraction displays are, by any standards, remarkable patterns of animal behaviour, and require some explanation.
  • He was too near the Accomplishment of the Purpose to brook any distractions.
  • he drives me to distraction
  • McLeish is now secure enough in his own position to be able to straight bat these, hitherto, distractions.
  • And I ‘m worried by the tin helmet & mankini combo, it’s quite distractiong. Cheeseburger Gothic » Sweet jeebus, lookit this mess!
  • For distraction I forced myself to contemplate my next entrepreneurial venture.
  • There are too many distractions here to work properly.
  • Too far from my East London home, too many dining distractions en route, too many ghosts of my misspent 1990s falling out of The Clapham Grand with one shoe on and a lovebite from a banker called Jonty. Evening Standard - Home
  • But she seems peculiarly unconcerned about the distraction a fainting father might present to the midwife.
  • The fact that the noisy little brats outside are driving me to distraction doesn't help!
  • The gibbon's actions were guided by an internal representation, which "bridged" his behavior between before and after the distraction. Inside the Executive Brain
  • What puzzles a philosopher and taxes his mind to distraction may look completely irrelevant or quite obvious to a businessman.
  • The infighting has been an unwelcome distraction for a candidate who was poised to sail into the governor's mansion after winning a commanding 49% of the vote in a four-way primary. South Carolina's Haley Faces Fire From Party Members
  • In hot legal water -- and court-ordered therapy -- for having assaulted a potential child molester, Tess Monaghan is more than ready for a distraction. The Last Place: Summary and book reviews of The Last Place by Laura Lippman.
  • Who could blame the truants, I thought - the sun was shining, there wasn't a breath of wind and a lovely swell was still rolling through - far too much of a distraction to be messing around with work, education and suchlike.
  • Hilary is doing exactly what she needs to do - getting work done without being a distraction or embarassing her office and/or the President. Has Clinton been sidelined?
  • Getting lost in its pages may provide a welcome distraction, but after a while it feels like what Gertrude Stein said about Oakland, which is just a few miles from where Mr. Jennings made his first mistake on that roadgeek map-reading contest: There is no there there. Lost in a Good Atlas
  • Its handsfree features benefited the driver and reduced the risk of distraction, it added. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is shot on video, but that's not so obvious as to be a distraction for long.
  • He also knew that, if Ally didn't have a distraction, she would inadvertently be a distraction to him.
  • In the late seventeenth century, however, park in English referred to a different kind of enclosure, one catering to humans who sought respite from the noisome distractions of city life. The English Is Coming!
  • When she was gone I recollected that I had not read the letter, therefore eagerly took it up to look for her present abode; but how shall I tell you my distraction upon finding she had carefully concealed it, and had written a kind of farewel! her date simply London. Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
  • That struggle illustrates how broad-based culture, popular and vulgar, is far from being a mere distraction or a source of self-absorption.
  • Those of us who love Haydn adore his last large-scale work, this valedictory oratorio, to distraction.
  • I sighed, not sure if I was glad for the distraction or not.
  • That the one affined soul he had ever met was lost to him through his marriage returned upon him with cruel persistency, till, unable to bear it longer, he again rushed for distraction to the real Christminster life. Jude the Obscure
  • It is also true that the government's foreign adventures provide a convenient distraction from its domestic problems.
  • On one kiosk in the physical show a brief view of a crucifix covered with ants by Wojnarowicz was called sacrilegious by Republican leaders on Capitol Hill, and others, and the Portrait Gallery decided it was too much of a distraction to the overall themes of the show. Portrait Gallery gets huge online bump
  • A substitute for distractions, when we go on enjoying all the old fooleries to the very last? Archive 2009-08-01
  • YOu have to counter their smears, distractions with truth and relevance.
  • Objective To explore the effects of tensile mechanical forces on osteogenesis in rat calvarial suture distraction.
  • The little distractions and diversions that once seemed to add to the richness of the texture now feel like unfocused rambling.
  • To his intense distraction the delicate bubbles rise over the glass's rim and flow onto the table.
  • But the point isn't to lament that we're amusing ourselves to death (though there's enough trivialization, vulgarization, sensationalism, celebrity worship and ADD-inducing distractions around to make you fear for the future of civilization). Marty Kaplan: Thank You, Norman Lear
  • Although slim-soled shoes, talcum powder on the thighs and ammonia capsules are all staples of powerlifting, they are unnecessary distractions for bodybuilders.
  • While both tasks resulted in an improved mood for the nondysphoric participants, only the distraction task lifted the spirits of those with dysphoria.
  • Moaning is a distraction while the call for rewilding can fire the imagination. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only reason that this incompetence is allowed is by the administrations distractions and the media love affair with Mr. Obama. The Honduras article Sen. Kerry (D, MA) didn’t want you to see. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Was that an act of distraction or rabid impetuousness? DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
  • That is why synthetic outcries of this kind are a distraction, trivialising sexism, and bringing a vital issue into disrepute. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a completely unnecessary distraction and is, as you say, potentially a vote-loser. Top Ten Ways to Lose Votes: Instalment No 94
  • The qualities aimed for are those prized by pre-adolescent children: noise, distraction, and nervous excitement.
  • He had had no expectation of doing more than exasperate, and supply a distraction.
  • Jitter and flicker are two different phenomena, but both can drive you to distraction when you're trying to get work done.
  • If you see sidelong glances, rolling eyes or other signs of distraction, it's time to stop talking.
  • The music throughout is nonvocal, so there's little distraction, and is fairly generic dance-style music that most viewers should find inoffensive.
  • Total concentration is required with no distractions.
  • Whatever the reasons for being unhappy, the internet can become a tempting distraction from the heartache and hassle of tackling relationship problems.
  • It is up to you to be more interesting to your pup than all the other distractions out in the yard.
  • I study in the library as there are too many distractions at home.
  • Some have voiced the opinion that the Europa League - with its Thursday night schedule and knock-on effect of increased Sunday games - may prove a burden to Celtic in their title tussle with Rangers, who have no such distraction. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Driver error is blamed for 95% of crashes; 25% are due specifically to driver distraction (such as yammering into a cellphone). Decaffeinated
  • Given its remoteness from urban distractions, the Burren College of Art needs a high level of maturity in students.
  • Their national distraction is going to the disco.
  • They say focusing on them, as Sylvester and Evans have, is a distraction, as is highlighting the inevitable differences of opinion in what they call a "leaderless movement. Front Page
  • But obviously, if any were wise or depraved enough to say that they preferred indolence to a ribbon (and there would be many such) they would have to be allowed to continue to lead idle lives, sponging on their neighbours; perhaps some who had at last attained the ribbon might burst into a blaze of faineantise (laziness) in order that they might without distraction savour the pleasure which accompanies consideration.
  • People work better if they have not been subjected to the tender ministrations of Network Rail or the motorway and they can be more effective at home without the many distractions of the office.
  • The distraction is rooted in acedia, the ancient soul-scourge about which the church fathers knew and wrote so much.
  • Distraction surely, incipience of the "final deliration" enters upon the poor old English Formulism that has called itself for some two centuries a Church. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • Back when I started, I was a newly minted second-year medical student looking for a creative outlet and distraction from studying for her Immunology final.
  • As a soldier learns more in a week of war than in years of parades and pipeclay, so, cut off from all distractions, moving from bivouac to precarious bivouac, and depending, to some extent, for my life on my muscles and wits, I rapidly learnt my work and gained a certain dexterity. The Riddle of the Sands
  • What you are saying to me is absolutely compelling and for our listeners, fortunately they don't have the distraction of a scantly clad girl in the background dancing.
  • His constant invasion of her privacy was driving her to distraction.
  • Regarding TNA, Cruise says he's not a fan of the six-sided ring, which he calls a distraction, and he's not a fan of TNA's wrestling content within the two-hour window on Thursday nights.
  • She felt a flare of emotion in her chest, but forced that down too - distraction was not needed.
  • We could entertain our minds with all kinds of thoughts and distractions.
  • He occasionally forgets a name, he loses his train of thought when there are distractions, and he has walked away from six pairs of expensive sunglasses.
  • And now there was yet another distraction: some kind of brouhaha up at the crossroads. EVERVILLE
  • The football offered a welcome distraction, but it wasn't to last.
  • Back home, Paula watches her husband's distraction with caution.
  • Full disclosure dictates that I reveal that I too was contacted by them last year; however in a moment of what I can only describe as serendipitous procrastination or distraction-whichever-I let the email sit there for a good while. Mexico Medical Student
  • Taking advantage of her distraction, the swordsman-in-training managed to splatter a handful of mud across her face, grinning when she glared at him.
  • His feet had already left deep imprints in the thick red carpet and the suit collar was driving him to distraction.
  • A freshly starched shirt, a tight collar, or the label inside an undershirt can cause significant discomfort or distraction. It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend
  • But for the observant audience member (the one with the Sherlock Holmes observations skills), bloopers can be a major distraction.
  • This aspect is more than a gimmicky distraction, as his tinkerings transform a fairly standard rocket launcher into a potent homing weapon that can track and fire upon four targets simultaneously.
  • I study in the library as there are too many distractions at home.
  • counterirritation," distraction from musculoskeletal pain through soothing warmth caused by dilation of blood vessels in the skin. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Our world will appear to crumble as we know it, as distractions, false voices, illusions and misconceptions will be taken away from us.
  • Please guys, find something to report on other than this woman, there's relevant news to report, like the how the stimulus is anything but, no other distractions with Palin please .... Poll: Majority of Republicans don't think Palin's qualified for prez
  • The record was mostly recorded in a residential studio, as the band were keen to distance themselves from the distractions of everyday life.
  • And is that $400 bribe a decoy / distraction to make us look the other way?
  • It's perhaps inevitable that her screen time would be intercut with film clips, but I still resented the distraction.
  • NEW YORK - It went viral as the ultimate example of being punished for circumstances beyond one's control: a woman who said she was fired from her banking job because she complained that her male colleagues called her bodacious figure a workplace distraction. - News
  • One of his characters in the show is Sebastian, the loyal flunky of prime minister Anthony Head, driven to distraction by the love-that-dare-not-speak-its-name.
  • So her heroine begins as the deserted changeling waiting to be rescued, and goes through cycles of wickedness and distraction before finding her destiny.
  • Our beat-up Citroën is a welcome distraction for the traffic-stalled touristsin the lanes beside us; they have hours to go before reaching the sea, the color of whichmimicsthe hue of dusty blue coating our car (evidence of organic farming here at the vinery, where our family car doubles as a tractor-delivery vehicle ... door dents and all). Decalage horaire - French Word-A-Day

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