How To Use Distractedly In A Sentence

  • `Come in,' he said distractedly
  • Henriette replied distractedly, trying to buckle her shoe without unpinning the flower at her waist.
  • Taylor retied her hair into its ponytail distractedly as she watched Kyle, Simone and Craig stroll into the gym, Craig being the only one not dressed for a game.
  • One problem for me as a blogger is that I read voraciously but write very dilatorily and distractedly.
  • Though his chevaliers are fluent, and faintly half-win the attention of their distractedly listening demoiselles in their silky striped dresses that cling to, then loosen from, their coquettish forms, they all pursue separate dreams.
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  • Then let him undistractedly restrain his mind, as a charioteer restrains his vicious horses.
  • ‘Yeah, uh-huh,’ Sam replied distractedly, reading more of the ditz's file.
  • I was typing quickly–my son was calling; Curious-George-related homework–and therefore distractedly; I guess I jumped to the end of what I was thinking, which was that what you’re calling heteronormativity, in the case of talking about rape, ends up protecting men’s interests I know that you are talking about a broader range of interests when you talk about heteronormativity, but I was focusing on men. Link Farm and Open Thread #11
  • I waited for a few girls to come down the stairs, smiled distractedly at their approving glances, and then hurried upstairs.
  • Mumbling distractedly, she conducts me through the hundreds of exhibits.
  • Inside the family hall, frightened speechless, people turned pale and looked at one another distractedly.
  • They traveled on to Bydgoszcz, past fields of yellow lupine blow - ing distractedly in the intermittent breezes. Briar Rose
  • I saw soldiers' heads turn and nostrils twitch distractedly.
  • The soft fur solaced me little, and I distractedly wished the bear could soothe the aching sensation in my heart.
  • She nods frantically, distractedly, ponytail slicing a semi-circle through the air as she about-faces for a new strip of floor to stomp across.
  • Distractedly, I unbuckled my seat belt and stood up on legs that felt strange.
  • She nods frantically, distractedly, ponytail slicing a semi-circle through the air as she about-faces for a new strip of floor to stomp across.

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