How To Use Distortion In A Sentence
Still, though, the head of the investigation said there was no evidence of deliberate distortion or what Lord Butler called culpable negligence.
CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2004
His swearing, lasciviousness and blackly comedic distortion of the word ‘spastic’ was nothing that most British youths haven't heard or employed themselves.
But he said it was unclear whether the bulge indicated a jagged break in the wing or a mirage caused by atmospheric distortion.
He employed extremes in sonority and revels in distortions and interruptions, often through the ironic use of recognizable fragments from the everyday world.
A Fierce Enthusiasm
The experiment shows that the algorithm can not only effectively reduce the code rate and the memory requirement but also provide low distortion in the reconstructed signals.

These involve both factual distortions and misrepresentations of the Geneva Convention on POWs.
The comments have provoked outrage, with politicians in France and Germany vocal in condemning what they termed a distortion of the scientific evidence that risked putting many more lives at risk in sub-Saharan Africa, where millions are living with the disease.
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Even with a wide-angle lens the camera can only show a 75 degree view - and that at the expense of extreme distortion at the edges.
The real challenge, then, is to be able to correct for distortion between the template and wafer.
HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character.
HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
In order to avoid the distortions of reality that lenses produce, Strindberg often used a lensless pinhole camera of his own construction.
Similarly, the emphasis on waiting times for day surgery leads to a grotesque distortion of priorities.
Other impairments include single frequency intermodulation distortion, impulse noise, co-channel interference and ghosting.
Audio is likewise superbly clear and free of distortion or hiss.
Their sparse details and antic distortions are surreal yet recognizable enough to hit the target, whether it's a powerful politician or a basic human type.
A consumer culture's distortion of publicity in the judicial realm matches the plebiscitary distortion of parliamentary publicity.
Standard economic argument: as long as quality is objectively ascertainable from use, the market will correct for any distortions, and more generally, if people are willing to pay more, that subjective utility is an unarguable economic value.
Archive 2009-03-01
Distortion of automobile synchronizer gear sleeves will take place during the course of carburization and quenching.
Similarly, the emphasis on waiting times for day surgery leads to a grotesque distortion of priorities.
They have been spoonfed lies and distortions about the British Empire, so that they bleat about how ashamed they are of it, forgetting that for all its faults it gave parliamentary democracy to the world (or tried to), and abolished excesses such as suttee and thuggee.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
This is obviously a gross distortion of the 50 percent ratio that we expect.
New Delhi and Islamabad will have to forget the bitter past, which is the main determinant of their perceptual distortions for a better and prosperous future.
High output capability and low distortion with excellent high frequency extension characterize these new drivers.
The tolerance of the BOE to the phase distortion with Gauss distribution of the input laser beam and the manufacturing error are analyzed.
Dr Thomas said her frailty and distortion in her back contributed to pneumonia, causing her death.
Thickness is not an entirely free parameter, though; overly thin components suffer from poor flatness or transmitted wavefront distortion.
This argument mixes so many distortions, falsehoods and tendentious points that it's not easy to know where to start.
But our currency is hamstrung by severe structural distortions in both the economic and financial spheres.
Most any acoustic suspension speaker system introduces FM distortion a form of intermodulation distortion that is measurable, and most importantly audible, at least to those whose ears are sufficiently trained.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Compact Disc Has Turned 25,
They were gross distortions of what she had said to the GP.
Times, Sunday Times
Actually, both of these soundtracks are in better shape that I anticipated - the dialogue is mostly clear of any hiss or distortion.
Judged alongside their abstemious Anglo-Saxon counterparts, they were seen as unruly, belligerent and not to be relied on, a slur that was extended to generations through media distortion and police discrimination.
I don't need to lead you through the thickets of distortion, deceit, and self-puffery here.
Then, the reliability analysis of horn diaphragm is done, obtain the maximum distortion and confirm the main factors affecting the maximum stress.
This has, I have noted, involved some rather ludicrous distortions of evidence as well as grand extrapolations from limited bases of data.
Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.
Assad told ABC that he doesn't "own" the country's security forces, dismissed United Nations estimates that at least 4,000 people have died since unrest began in March, and asked for the organization to send "concrete evidence" to support allegations that Syria has committed war crimes, which he called a "distortion of reality. -- Top News
There is no hiss or other distortion that I could detect.
After a prolonged break allowing the roadies time to set the distortion pedals to full power, the Foo Fighters finally took to the stage.
While the economic and political distortions are deplorable, is pales in importance to another distortion that has a long-term corrosive effect on the very fiber of our economic system. News
The above appears to be a deliberate distortion of an event in the 19th Century, the battle of Adwa, where Ethiopians handed a humiliating defeat to the Italians.
Archive 2007-02-01
Tone-induced by-products may involve quantizing noise, harmonic distortion and any amplitude or phase modulation sidebands falling outside the reject limits of the notch filter.
The lead vox - is there a distortion filter on them?
Agrarian funds, regional funds and other pots of Brussels' money served to smooth over the most glaring social distortions.
In this paper Heaviside gave, for the first time, the conditions necessary to transmit a signal without distortion.
All aspects of the soundtrack are free and clear of any excessive noise or distortion.
The authors consider that the distortion perhaps is atavism. Perhaps these transitions reflect the developmental process of the ovuliferous-scale in history.
Psychological effects include intense visual hallucinations, depersonalization, auditory distortions and an altered sense of time and body image.
Students ordered held in case of suspected drug lab at Georgetown
In a review for New Humanist of two recent books written by political bloggers - Liberal Fascism by National Review Online blogger Jonah Goldberg, and The Liberal Defence of Murder by Lenin's Tomb author Richard Seymour - he finds that in the transition to the printed page all the faults of those with 'blogorrhea' are starkly revealed: sloppy research, cheap name-calling, historical immaturity, overstatement, distortion, factual errors and near-endless repetition.
New Humanist Blog
Inspect the hull for blisters, distortion, and stress cracks.
Distortion is a numerical measure of the difference between the original image and its reproduction, after lossy compression.
Some programs maintain the aspect ratio between width and height whilst scaling, thereby avoiding distortion.
The track itself is remarkably clear of distortions such as background hiss or those annoying pops.
Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.
And all are either outright myths or severe distortions of truth.
Those distortions guide the moving masses along straight-line geodesics, which look like the curved trajectories that physicists call orbits.
There can be sight and sound distortions, the intensification of colours and changes in sense of time and place.
Taking Drugs Seriously
Many also practised severe austerities, subjecting themselves to extremes of temperature, hunger and thirst, painful bodily distortions, and various other kinds of self-denial.
There are three main aspects of market abuse - misuse of information, creating false / misleading impressions, and distortion.
Distortions such as the massive rallentando that brings the first movement to a close are the sorts of things Argenta would have worked out of his system if he had reached his 60s.
Her account of the incident was a grotesque distortion of the truth.
The method of analysis frequency table is using the meter of frequency table to test all kinds of frequency and then calculate the distortion of the wave.
However, researchers also found that older healthy adults showed distortions, misremembering personal details about the terrorist attacks 25 percent of the time.
It's easy to dismiss Peake's visual output as indulgent gothic fantasy; and indeed his images set the tone for so many subsequent cliches of the genre: the emaciated pallor of his somnambulistic protagonists, the obsessive detailing and filigree patterning of his graphic mannerisms, the too easy reliance on grotesque distortions.
This week's new exhibitions
The music is crystal clear without any hiss or distortion in the mix.
In Australia, cinema-goers get to watch a McDonald's ad arguing that the film they are about to see is full of misleading distortions.
A deep trench which creates a moat around each transistor to isolate it from its neighbours lowers distortion.
Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
Then, the reliability analysis of horn diaphragm is done, obtain the maximum distortion and confirm the main factors affecting the maximum stress.
The term "garage rock" conjures images of loud, forceful music, often with heavy distortion, thudding kick drums and hollered vocals.
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This helps avoid damage, data loss or distortion.
Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
This, in my view, would be a distortion of the principles underlying customary law of succession and inheritance.
Under the microscope it turns out to be a collection of prejudices masquerading as arguments and distortions dressed up to look like facts.
The genetic algorithms are developed for selecting optimal RCPT codes rates from the finite rates set in order to minimize the end-to-end distortion.
Inside, the box is all-discrete and Class-A, utilizing top-quality transformers, precision capacitors and low-distortion inductors.
All aspects of the effects, dialogue, and Miles Goodman's sickeningly sweet music score are clear and distortion free.
The sound is the original mono, but was very clear without hiss or distortion.
A fast pixel response helps eliminate ‘ghosting’ and distortion often seen on LCD monitors with slower response times.
The military version of bushido was seen as a distortion of samurai ethics by some of the upper class who resented the commoner military.
The mysterious noise-rock quartet make jagged, fearsome monoliths of fuzz and distortion that terrorize with ear-bleeding volume and, once in a very rare while, flirt with hummability.
In this paper, the geometric distortion correction method for the SAR image obtained by the sub-aperture RD algorithm is proposed. The validity of the method is demonstrated by simulation.
Now, with no end in sight to the boom in high tech products, the distortions became too big to overlook.
LSD intoxication is characterized by florid visual distortions—arrays of colors, often dark green or brown; dramatic changes in the shapes or sizes of familiar objects—and overwhelming delusions of omnipotence.
Over the Edge
Actually, the English only track is not that bad, though much hiss and distortion were detected.
We must be alert to our own shortcomings and the limitations and distortions imposed on our imaginations and those of Islam by history.
Theories explaining differences lack a solid empirical foundation, seriously risking the distortion of reality.
The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
There is surprisingly little pincushion distortion in the EII considering the field width.
The mono audio is clear and strong, with little distortion.
As long as such distortions are built into our energy accounting system, the switch to green energy will remain stalled.
All our limitations are bound up in our intellectual mind with its boundaries and imperfections and its tendency to emotional distortion.
People didn't intend amplifiers to distort and now we can't imagine a guitar without distortion.
There was no ghosting, streaking, or any other distortion that I noticed during playback of the various formats.
She broke a string on her Les Paul right on the first song, then switched to a Firebird which kept shrieking due to some kind of microphonic problem with the pickups not liking the distortion effect or something.
Assad told ABC that he doesn't "own" the country's security forces, dismissed the UN's estimate of the number killed, and asked for the organization to send "concrete evidence" to support allegations that Syria has committed war crimes, which he called a "distortion of reality. -- Top News
Electron microscopy was used to examine ultrastructural evidence of injury, including sarcomeric disruption, disorganisation of myofilaments, misalignment of adjacent sarcomeres, and distortion or absence of Z-lines.
Now if you think about it, the inequalities and distortions of gender in a patriarchal society are very characteristic of social systems we call militarist and nationalist.
This Is Not Tawana Brawley
But the media echo chamber guarantees further distortion.
Retiming eliminate the digital time domain pulse distortion, in order to downlink clock recovery circuit to accurately signal reception.
Do you gentlemen find that an amazing kind of distortion and deceptive piece of reasoning?
In addition, even if overall negative feedback is used, it has low overall distortion.
As one obituarist notes, he turned the reality distortion field into reality.
Steve Jobs: think different | Editorial
The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.
This algorithm employed full-enclosing prediction based on a new high efficient sorting technique and results in a forecast error set after sorting, which could embed data with a low distortion.
Even to generalize about the 337 estates valued at more than 5,000 [pounds sterling] runs the risk of distortion because there are so many exceptions to any rule.
The technique means that less power is needed for higher bandwidths and helps out distortion.
D darkness of calamity dash of eccentricity dawning of recognition day of reckoning daylight of faith decay of authority declaration of indifference deeds of prowess defects of temper degree of hostility delicacy of thought delirium of wonder depth of despair dereliction of duty derogation of character despoiled of riches destitute of power desultoriness of detail [desultoriness = haphazard; random] device of secrecy devoid of merit devoutness of faith dexterity of phrase diapason of motives [diapason = full, rich, harmonious sound] dictates of conscience difference of opinion difficult of attainment dignity of thought dilapidations of time diminution of brutality disabilities of age display of prowess distinctness of vision distortion of symmetry diversity of aspect divinity of tradition domain of imagination drama of action dream of vengeance drop of comfort ductility of expression dull of comprehension duplicities of might dust of defeat
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The use of aspherical lens elements in both of the front and rear lens groups effectively compensates for distortion, spherical aberration and astigmatism.
Patients with age-related macular degeneration may complain of acute loss of vision, blurred vision, scotomas or chronic distortion of vision.
The Landless People's Movement (LPM) lamented on Thursday what it described as a grotesque distortion of its programmes by the media, and denied it had any violent or lawless intentions.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Henderson was a master of playful and sinister distortions, cleverly achieved in the darkroom.
Due to the medium vision is not perfect, so the light in the process of transmission distortion interact with each other.
The repressor also recognizes sequence-dependent distortion or flexibility of the operator phosphate backbone, conferring specificity even for inaccessible base pairs.
Apart from being very difficult to cast a solid bronze figure without distortion, the weight would be a major problem.
Now, with no end in sight to the boom in high tech products, the distortions became too big to overlook.
Garage door opener parts bacchant is now uncousinly for typhlopidae, subjoining and treacly uncharted distortion divided parji.
Rational Review
Their policies have to deal with the real world of interest groups, elections and media distortion.
I said, You know, you need to get four channels in analog, get the preamp and the amp, and let the guys learn what it's like to go into distortion land and have a problem--the first year of school, not the tenth year.
Mike Ragogna: Grammytech 1: A Conversation With Musical Director & Producer Phil Ramone
Maps that look like models of objectivity turn out to be gross distortions of reality.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Distortion riffs, grungy growls, psychedelic whines - that's the kind of music we like to play,’ the band announces.
This offers the option of an FFT frequency analysis to view the spectrum of the raw signal or of the distortion analyzer's residual output.
'Chip munk' is actually an accent distortion thing - they mean 'Cheap Manky'
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The silly, dancing, posturing, wiry movements, and the facial distortion observed in Huntington's chorea would hardly be mistaken by a careful observer for athetosis.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Solid-body guitars were combined with new sonic modification devices such as distortion boxes and wah-wah pedals.
The American Psychiatric Association characterizes anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa as biopsychosocial disorders that result in distortions in self-image and self-perception.
What shortcomings exist in our present regulation accounting system that will cause the legal and inevitable distortion of accounting information in unearned premium reserve?
If these paragraphs are representative, however, the article as a whole should contain, by conservative extrapolation, approximately 94 other serious distortions and misstatements of fact.
Dialogue, effects, and music were all clean and generally distortion free, but the track sounds monophonic and is localized to the center speaker.
The faces are generally ugly, & wrenched into over-expression amounting sometimes to distortion….
Mark Twain
However, our method cannot deal with nonstationarity even though the normalization of the weights in the OA procedure minimizes the distortion of the trends in the data.
Statistics of Record-Breaking Temperatures « Climate Audit
The intoxicated state is characterized by illusions, visual hallucinations and bodily distortions.
Demographic distortions created by migration have tended to confirm this image.
There's no hiss or distortion anywhere on the track.
Hearing aids just amplify sounds that are distorted without the hearing device; they don't necessarily reduce the distortion.
The money flowing into housing may create other distortions such as fuelling excessive investment, he said.
The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
The corporate media outlets now routinely treat entertainment cartel statements as though they’re credible, counterfeiting is ‘piracy, sharing has become ‘thieving’ and a ‘crime,’ young children are labelled as ‘criminals’ and pilloried in public, extortion is OK, lying, disinformation, misinformation, the distortion of facts, and creative accounting are now absolutely integral to all entertainment cartel information packages.
Big Music: scaring children
Market failure describes the circumstances in which distortions prevent the Invisible Hand from allocating resources efficiently.
Its penchant for political correctness, polit-speak, distortion or the playing down of unpleasant facts (about immigration for instance), etc.
The Times Literary Supplement
This coating allows a framer to place the image any distance from the glass without distortion, according to Carelli.
Jeff grinned as he stomped on a few switches on his distortion pedal, and a second later was pounding out the heavy rift.
Because of the relativistic distortions associated with travel through collapsar jumps, you never know, when you greet the enemy, whether it comes from your own time, or centuries in your past or future.
A Separate War
His own followers cheered him repeatedly as the rhetoric boomed out through the slight electronic distortion of the public address systems.
It's cognitive distortions or faulty thought patterns that often plunge us into black moods.
The trend leads to distortions in university enrolment figures.
Times, Sunday Times
All our limitations are bound up in our intellectual mind with its boundaries and imperfections and its tendency to emotional distortion.
For the other 15 specimens, which apparently had hemispherical growth forms, only the portion including the central growth axis and immediately surrounding area was used, to avoid distortion of features in transverse sections.
In addition, a novel attribute, the number of ridges between minutiae and the fiducial point, is introduced and it is invariant to transition, rotation and nonlinear distortion.
Given the errors, screw-ups, distortions, and misleads that we now know about, are you willing to step up to the plate and take responsibility?
We should record in particular that we have found no evidence of deliberate distortion or of culpable negligence.
How can anyone accept blatant half-truths, lies and distortion of history?
To minimize the frequency and phase distortion in a DTV transmitter in order to achieve best VSB frequency performance, a pre equalizer can be inserted into the modulator.
The wisdom of great sages of antiquity comes to us mainly through the aural tradition, and so has almost certainly suffered distortion through intermediaries.
This mistake has led them at best into errors of judgment and distortion of fact and at worst into academic hucksterism.
The acicular crystals are sometimes intergrown or twinned, causing a distortion that results in seemingly single crystals with relatively fat bases tapering to pointed terminations.
He used a bulb in a Wien bridge oscillator circuit to solve the problem of how to regulate the output without causing distortion.
The one action for which I cannot hold Administration officials blameless is their distortion of intelligence estimates when making the public case for going to war.
Spies, Lies, and Weapons: What Went Wrong
Also, as another commenter mentioned above, in correcting for some lens distortions you can lose up to 30% of your image around the edges.
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This provides both corrosion resistance and low intermodulation distortion (IMD) characteristics.
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
The NYT article I linked to earlier discusses how the deduction is a partial cause of an overinflated residential housing market, and a real market distortion, unlike the fake ones that the libertarians on here are bleating about.
Matthew Yglesias » GOP Turning Pro-Bank Stance Into Big Bucks
Parliament the two were expelled for professional misconduct and what he called distortion of events in Zimbabwe and "propagating falsehoods" in their reporting to media organizations abroad.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The result is a visually disturbing, sculptural distortion, permanently "floating" in a virtual world of three-dimensionality.
Each of these cases speaks against the motor and sensorimotor hypotheses, which would predict that delayed movements would resemble visually guided movements with perhaps some systematic or random distortions due to decay over time.
heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion
The demographic distortions of gender bias are thought to have been greater in China because of the country's one-child policy.
Support larger mirrors at multiple points around their rims and on their backs to minimize gravitational distortions at all elevation angles of the line of sight.
To these we have to add distortions in the response of the subject of the investigation.
How do such distortions modify the conclusions reached in the previous Lecture about the incidence of the corporation tax?
Then, the reliability analysis of horn diaphragm is done, obtain the maximum distortion and confirm the main factors affecting the maximum stress.
I do think it's time for progressive people of faith to focus more energy on calling our fundie brethren to account for their distortion of the meaning of our faith.
A heads up...
My dictionary suggests it is a chavi distortion of "Tuft".
Dale's Academy of Political Correction: Ban Word 'Toff'
To decrease embedding distortion from difference expansion, a difference histogram-based selection scheme was introduced, which gave priority to the differences with small magnitude.
The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.
® Series UK signal-coupling capacitors with low-voltage coefficient ensure minimal distortion and low microphonics-dramatically reducing the DAC's sensitivity to vibration.
HomeToys News
The therapist addressed these distortions and worked with her to develop a more holistic view of the relationship and each partner.
As far as this is concerned, there was no distortion of facts, but only a sincere statement of their observations.
The surfaces of the lens or cornea may not be smooth, causing an aberration that results in a streak of distortion called astigmatism.
The pitfall is that if some story aspect is already working, stretching can create distortion: characters that pass edgy and go straight to unnatural or unsympathetic, conflicts that no longer fit the tone or intent of the story, etc …
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Weapons of Mass Instruction
The company claims that moving the attenuator reduces distortion and noise.
In digital world an image becomes numerical data, so it can be subjected to mathematical manipulations that correspond to color-correction, sharpening, desaturation, distortion to give a wide-lens effect, the addition of a background.
The Nature of Technology
Such forms lead to distortions, exclusions, elisions and the establishment of hegemonies.
It would fall more in line with personality disorders, which are characterized by perceptual and interpersonal distortions.
Another important consideration is minimizing distortion.
That most of the Hill's leading Republican voices, and their bastions of the airways, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, spew distortions and mendacities by the hour is the constant banter of this publication, the Jon Stewart show, and Stephen Colbert's Fox-mockery.
Brian Ross: The Steep Distortion Curve of Republican Populism
Most CEOs tend to think of innovation as no more than R&D, and ‘the same distortion occurs when creativity is paraded as innovation,’ say Bubner.
Long and short Monte, if you want to advocate a policy to address a government created distortion in the market then you would advocate additional taxes on * savings* because the bias is already in that direction.
Trade Deficit, Saving, and Tax Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
This gives rise to inter-modulation distortion and clipping noises.
The rest will make you want to slit your wrists or take an Advil at too much atonalist sound distortion.
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But some tweeter domes made of traditional materials such as aluminium are susceptible to distortion at high frequencies.
Recently, researchers have proposed a set of approaches that use different techniques to correct perspective distortion.
Their double-sided, aluminium, seven-layer diaphragm produces a crisp sound with hardly any distortion.
Times, Sunday Times
Then, as the asteroid shot past the Moon toward the Earth, he would generate a 200,000 kilometer wide space-time distortion that would cause the asteroid to whip around the centerline of the newly formed gravity well.
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This added physical distortion of the lens, however, adds aberration.
Likewise, audio is clean and remarkably dynamic; even the extensive use of treble in the bird song doesn't reveal any distortion or buzz.
The Electro-Voice N/DYM® N/D267AS is a dynamic cardioid vocal microphone that offers clear, consistent sound without low-end distortion.
Musician's Friend: Stupid Deal of the Day
Sticky prices in the face of positive movement in the economy points to some form of distortion.
The recording quality's a bit duff, though it's tempting to think that the distortions and drop outs are a result of the machinery's inability to capture this music rather than poor engineering.
And we certainly wouldn't have the exchange rate distortions between the renminbi and the dollar.
Its cosmogony is a myth read literally: its history is, for the most part, a highly immoral distortion, and its ethics are those of the
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Xanthopsia is a form of chromatopsia, a distortion in color vision, in which objects appear more yellow than they truly are.
His letter is a collection of false assertions, distortions, innuendos, contradictions, and misreadings.