

  1. the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
  2. the act of expanding by pressure from within

How To Use distention In A Sentence

  • Our study proved the concept that vesical C fiber as well as Aδ fiber neuropathy could cause the detrusor underactivity directly without the process of overdistention. Health News from Medical News Today
  • The stomach distention is a bitch, but not having to worry about one's next meal for a week is a bonus. Keep A Tighter Grip On Your Wallet In Loud Restaurants | Lifehacker Australia
  • The earliest signs of meconium ileus are abdominal distention (a swollen belly), bilious (green) vomit and no passage of meconium. Pediatric surgery: Meconium Ileus
  • The usual onset is 10 to 12 days of age, with presenting symptoms of gastric retention, bilious vomiting, ileus, abdominal distention and bloody stools.
  • On the second, swelling of the whole foot, and about the ankle erythema, with distention, and small bullae (phlyctaenae); acute fever; he became furiously deranged; alvine discharges bilious, unmixed, and rather frequent. Of The Epidemics
  • For what breathes the oxygenating energy of the spirit's revival across the transformation from "— r embers" to "r (em) embers" is a phonemic distention not unlike that which, in Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • It is this obsession with, distention and corruption of, beauty that gives rise to the imagined master races of the KKK, the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, the Hutu Akazu, the Taliban. G. Roger Denson: The Dark Side of Beauty: The Mosque As "Terror Cell"
  • The oesophageal distention caused by gastro-oesophageal reflux is a potent stimulus of transient upper oesophageal sphincter relaxations in children.
  • -- Bog spavin is an extensive distention of the capular ligament of the hock-joint by synovia (Fig. 48). Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • The EMR-generated report I received dutifully reported a full mental status was normal, that the extra-ocular movements were intact, the pupils equal, round and reactive to light, the oropharynx was benign, the dentition in good repair, that the neck was free of lymphadenopathy, jugular venous distention, bruit or goiter and that the trachea was midline.... It Happened Again!
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