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How To Use Distasteful In A Sentence

  • Hmph. I not only sneer at the ornateness of the furniture, I sneer at the people who purchase such trash, and in fact, it is so distasteful, I regret I must extend that sneer to include the entire nation. Rare Michael Jackson Portrait By Andy Warhol Up For Sale
  • Nekkid girls and boobies alert, distasteful showiness of much skin, and they all wanna fight each other in order to be the Queen of wherever the heck they are. Anime Preview: Spring 2009 First Impressions – Batch 1 « Undercover
  • His classical treatment of the subject is worth serious reference; for it should be realised that Lincoln, who had both to learn his new trade of statecraft and to exercise it in a terrible emergency, did so with a large part of each day necessarily consumed by worrying and distasteful tasks of a much paltrier kind. Abraham Lincoln
  • The idea of making connections to others mainly to advance you career can seem a bit distasteful and phoney. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of bossing anybody around was as alien to him as it was distasteful in his mind.
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  • It is precisely the libs paranoia and hate that distinguishes them from him & makes certain distasteful possibilities eligible for consideration. Jim Treacher has the Jean Schmidt voicemail. | RedState
  • Sergeant-at-Arms elevated his mace -- that "bauble" of authority so distasteful to the Puritans -- and the Speaker began to swear in the members State by State. Perley's Reminiscences, v. 1-2 of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis
  • Unfortunately, this species sometimes hybridizes with its distasteful European cousin (especially near urban areas), polluting its pure flavor.
  • So far, this book is only confirming what I thought: that the whole thing is distasteful and nothing to do with real life.
  • The cooler heads counsel to look at the big picture, focus our anger on the larger swindle or understand that we have to put up with certain distasteful practices if we're going to get this mess cleaned up. Lance Mannion:
  • From the deck I watch him negotiate the path to the outhouse, his mouth turned down distastefully.
  • Likewise, children are sometimes assigned schoolwork they find distasteful.
  • While you may regard the suggestion of “irregularities” “distasteful”, it is the irregularities themselves that you should find distasteful. Hugues Goosse and the Unresponsiveness of Juckes « Climate Audit
  • What follows is John's story. Parts of it may seem distasteful, even shocking.
  • And the suggestion that my attitude to my own daughter is distasteful I find bewildering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lacking in moral or spiritual interests; worldly. aaah, but the difference in MY lil label is that a "sensualist" denotes a certain spiritual connectedness that can only be found through physical/material experience ... to quote and old addage ... the path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom you see, how are we to know ourselves if we do not experience all the world around us? how are we to say that something is distasteful if it has never touched our tongues? hmmm? ...JOIN MY NEW DIARYRING NOW DAMMIT!!!...
  • Some faculty members find the prospect of abruptly ending their academic careers distasteful and choose instead to postpone retirement.
  • I find it distasteful that we've had to do it at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • June 18th, 2006 at 5:20 pm being a rather good fellator myself — the very idea of an odious toad like Snitchens writing about the subject is something I find profoundly distasteful ! Firedoglake » Face the Snark
  • It was a spectacle whose distastefulness was compounded by the victory parade at the end of the shoot-out, when the young striker was carried around the pitch in triumph on the shoulders of the team's reserves. World Cup 2010: Rise of German romantics counters sense of injustice
  • We have but one resource if such a proceeding is distasteful, and that is, not to vote at all, which is certainly unpatriotic. Laws Direct from Voters
  • He makes it clear that pursuing money is distasteful but having money is morally neutral.
  • They won't eat daffodils and other narcissi which are distasteful to them, but they find tulips and crocus irresistible.
  • The idea of bossing anybody around was as alien to him as it was distasteful in his mind.
  • He and the girls, in common with the other members of the Comet Film Company, had to portray many different scenes in the course of a season's work, and though some of it was distasteful, it was seldom objected to by anyone, unless perhaps by Pepper Sneed, the "grouch," or perhaps by Mr. Wellington Bunn, an actor of the old school, who could not reconcile himself to the silent drama. The Moving Picture Girls at Sea or, A Pictured Shipwreck That Became Real
  • • The use of an acronym like TQM for an intellectual concept is distasteful. QUALITY IS PERSONAL
  • The academics may find this distasteful, but conversely drone strikes will lead to peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never anything remotely close to condescending or evil, The Reader nevertheless suffers chiefly from a distasteful thematic overemphasis, though not far behind is the film's rather insistent self-flattery. Review Catch-Up: Doubt, Slumdog Millionaire, Defiance, The Wrestler, The Reader
  • Such questions are distasteful for a fastidious cleric who thinks of sexuality as a loss of self-control.
  • The fact that people find it distasteful doesn't mean you can criminalise it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may seem distasteful, but it's true. Times, Sunday Times
  • I imagine that in the famous ‘blue states’ they find the idea of having a holiday for confederate heroes at the least quaint and at the most somewhat distasteful.
  • Deirdre's mother Blanche is a poisonous old bat and the daughter Tracy is not only a bitch among bitches but what my dad would have called ‘a distasteful woman’ (let's leave it at that).
  • I cannot convey any idea of how distasteful the thing was to me; of how I shrank from the unpleasant conspicuousness of walking down a street lined with spectators. Aleta Dey
  • There's something a bit distasteful about the implications of much of the campaign, too.
  • As a democrat, I believe that minorities should be protected from the prejudices of the majority when they turn on pursuits they find distasteful.
  • The manner of the change I find distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • His tones made it plain that the name of anguished, God-ridden Darwin was as distasteful as that of any other forktail fiend, Beelzebub, Asmodeus or Lucifer himself. The Satanic Verses
  • The revelation of the secrets of futurity is sweet to one at first, but bitter and distasteful to our natural man, when we learn the cross which is to be borne before the crown shall be won. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I found it a touch distasteful.
  • The idea that some of the questions we ask have answers in our past seems distasteful. Christianity Today
  • She loathes Hollywood, finds it distasteful and banal, hates the idea of her art being tainted by commerce.
  • Possibly you find the question distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Angharad was not used to being ignored and it was an unpleasant and distasteful position to be in.
  • The notion that a small group would disrupt the event for reasons of self-interest will be regarded as distasteful.
  • All the fawning and grovelling that goes on is very distasteful.
  • His stolid instinctive conservatism grovels before the tyrant rule of routine, despite that turbulent and licentious independence which ever suggests revolt against the ruler: his mental torpidity, founded upon physical indolence, renders immediate action and all manner of exertion distasteful: his conscious weakness shows itself in overweening arrogance and intolerance. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As distasteful as this may sound, I just returned from Bali which is loaded with international tourist. 75% of these tourists are Australians and the buzz always references the couple of bombings Bali experienced killing about 50 mostly Australians but they are a hardy group and the streets of Bali are once again crammed with their tourism. Intimidation tactics becoming more and more like Colombia
  • If someone is unpleasant or distasteful, postings from that address can be blocked.
  • It is distasteful," said Dolly; "but the truth is I am so downright, -- what you may call enamoured -- The Duke's Children
  • All such placeisms are rooted in prejudicial customs and flower into full distastefulness and unfairness when people hide behind the unspoken prejudice of tradition, religion, or custom and remain either unwilling or unable to judge people as individuals. June « 2008 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • The first, whether from a friend or from a pawnbroker, is extremely distasteful; the second provides, for some people, a certain masochistic kick; the third is definitely enjoyable, but can seldom be done in a hurry. Try Anything Twice
  • Debates emphasize ills to be corrected rather than distasteful choices to be made.
  • By the simple process of spraying the plant three or four times a day, until it is out of the seed-leaf, and the danger is over, it is possible in the garden to wash out the = Haltica =; and any kind of insecticide or flavouring, such as quassia, may be mingled with the water to render the plants distasteful to the insects. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • It was, however, grossly distasteful, which explains why the vulgarian Janeane Garofalo wishes he were Mayor Weiner. Pawlenty of Nothing
  • But the second is even more worrying and very distasteful in the given circumstances, and that is the very well documented and repetitive scams and bubal deals, that were entered into by the displaced controllers at the time, but in the changed circumstances cannot face the light of day. Caribbean Net News Daily Headlines
  • The idea of making connections to others mainly to advance you career can seem a bit distasteful and phoney. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the caterpillar and adult of the monarch butterfly are distasteful to their enemies.
  • Making use of the emotionally disturbed in this way has become a distasteful trend on the political left.
  • Everything about this story is unpleasant and distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all reality shows, it quickly turns its attention to the Jacuzzi, and here, at least one measure of equality is achieved: Gay men turn out to be just as distasteful and empty-headed as all the straight people on reality TV. Logo's 'A-List: New York' is a poor excuse for a social study
  • The researchers focused on the insula, the region of the brain that usually responds when you see something distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • That my friend is the real issue of distastefulness. Kirk's Lies Changed The Course of the Media and our Country
  • In any case, aesthetic distastefulness should not be grounds for censorship. ali Said, They Had Me At ‘Scrotum’ | Her Bad Mother
  • There's something distasteful about this so-called bittersweet comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find this kind of coverage distasteful, pointless and irrelevant.
  • As for your question: your desire to punish people for engaging in behaviour you find distasteful is just as obnoxious as when anyone else does it. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » What’s Next — Dreaming of Mussolini?
  • It required much tact and skill to break the ranks of the chief forces arrayed against the scheme to revest the reserves in the Crown -- a scheme distasteful to Canadians generally, and subversive of the legislative independence of Upper Canada. The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
  • The girl gritted her teeth distastefully and resisted the tempting urge to spit at the man.
  • England had been, and revered him with such enthusiasm for what she called his magnificent manhood and beneficence, as was ready on the least encouragement to have become something a good deal warmer; but whatever she did served to make her distasteful to him. My Young Alcides
  • The bodybuilding lifestyle as portrayed by these publications is sordid and distasteful.
  • This is obviously a subject many will find distasteful; yet the way the subject is handled here is honest, moving, and entirely unsensational.
  • I said I'm interested in the big picture, and all that means is: I incorporate all the wild, wacky, distasteful and negative stuff into my ideas and conception about the internet.
  • The gallery, he noted, had put up a warning that some people might find the images distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Popular shows with performing dolphins, sea lions and parrots, though some visitors may find the displays distasteful. Collins Traveller - Mallorca
  • There is nothing more distasteful than backpackers landing in developing countries and pleading poverty.
  • Mother Earth would surely know it was his and would then castigate him in some way for having polluted her in such a distasteful manner. GYPSY MASALA
  • The fact that people find it distasteful doesn't mean you can criminalise it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, we must be vigilant in guarding against the distasteful practice of having unfavourable preconceived notions against individuals based on their origin.
  • Dean Neuhaus had come here from London, and he managed to make our entire country inferior to his too—our grossly abundant restaurant meals, our bad-mannered children, our sloppy and distasteful use of the English language. The Six Rules of Maybe
  • He did not like the having to go and tell of a love affair so soon after he had declared his belief that no such thing existed; it was a confession of fallibility which is distasteful to most men. Wives and Daughters
  • There was also something rather distasteful in the way that the Home Secretary handled the issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of your ideas were foreshadowed in the 1930s by Ronald Fisher's writings on the distastefulness of some insects.
  • The idea that some of the questions we ask have answers in our past seems distasteful. Christianity Today
  • Of course, he has views on social issues that, to a Western leftie, are (at best) distasteful.
  • In any case, aesthetic distastefulness should not be grounds for censorship. They Had Me At 'Scrotum'
  • Yes, folding the tent on investments whose high hopes are dashed is mighty distasteful.
  • Is there some rebellious part of us that finds reality distasteful and restrictive? The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • Anger fizzed up from deep within, like Alka Seltzer tablets dropped into the glass of water; noisy, bitter and distasteful. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » On your mark, get set…CONTEST!
  • Mother Earth would surely know it was his and would then castigate him in some way for having polluted her in such a distasteful manner. GYPSY MASALA
  • But it is not nearly as distasteful as the fact that four people have died at this accident black spot in four years.
  • Popular shows with performing dolphins, sea lions and parrots, though some visitors may find the displays distasteful. Collins Traveller - Mallorca
  • You probably find the fact that there is a monetary value to your work rather distasteful.
  • I believe strongly in the distasteful effect of "kipple", the crap that tends to accumulate on a Web site as it ossifies. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I remember well that Hamish found the whole process distasteful and destructive.
  • Your distasteful language is almost as horrid as your appearance!
  • I agree with Lembit about the distastefulness of this sort of thing. Was Lembit Pushed?
  • He dragged his bags past us, and giving a distasteful look at me said, ‘Want some advice, bud?’
  • The academics may find this distasteful, but conversely drone strikes will lead to peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • a distastefully explicit report on the Royal couple's marital life
  • But today he was on edge, anxious to have a distasteful duty done, careful that there should be no mistakes.
  • Toad tadpoles appear to be distasteful to many predators, and, perhaps as a result of this, are much more often to be seen in open water than those of the common frog.
  • I find his attitude highly distasteful.
  • After all everyone was, or should have been, pulling together and voicing their opinion for the good of the team, so it would be particularly distasteful, if not unethical, should James profit from selling these stories.
  • Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them. RedStateEclectic
  • I am not," said Mr. Slope, to whom the word worshipper was peculiarly distasteful. Barchester Towers
  • As curricula went, the lessons had been distasteful, sometimes brutal. CHAMELEON
  • Here a high degree of competitiveness is regarded as distasteful or unseemly.
  • Mother Earth would surely know it was his and would then castigate him in some way for having polluted her in such a distasteful manner. GYPSY MASALA
  • All the fawning and grovelling that goes on is very distasteful.
  • It is also distasteful when politicians use the web to hide their misdeeds by launching questionable nationalist advocacies. Global Voices in English » Southeast Asia: Internet and Nationalism
  • What to some might seem a distasteful consumer frenzy in the wake of so much human suffering is crucial to keeping our economy afloat.
  • It is the received wisdom of the modern world that all wild creatures, including snakes, should suffer no curbs on their freedom or on the indulgence of their natural instincts, however distasteful those instincts may be.
  • I find his attitude highly distasteful.
  • The medicine is distasteful but good for you.
  • And this seems to be what the advocates of corporate philanthropy find distasteful.
  • There's something distasteful about this so-called bittersweet comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The manner of the change I find distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • She yielded to its influence, and the too natural consequence in a mind unattuned to soft emotions was, that the attentions of Adrian became distasteful to her. The Last Man
  • The story was deeply distasteful to both sides of our atrophied political debate.
  • The notion that a small group would disrupt the event for reasons of self-interest will be regarded as distasteful.
  • She found it most distasteful to think of him owing money to the bingo-playing woman in the basement.
  • Is there some rebellious part of us that finds reality distasteful and restrictive? The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • I find it distasteful that we've had to do it at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newmarket, in order that he might find an opportunity in their absence of indulging himself in his own gossiping, coshering habits, which were distasteful to Charles, whose temper inclined to formality, and with which even the favourite, of late, had not thought it worth while to seem to sympathise. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Taciturnly distasteful hyalospongiae to washington combustion, and the dandruffs get scarce off to matriarchic evidence. Rational Review
  • These guy games may seem distasteful, but it should be no secret that girls play similarly in bar situations.
  • As it is, there is something fishy, even distasteful, about the way this story has been broken.
  • Possibly you find the question distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • “I am not,” said Mr. Slope, to whom the word worshipper was peculiarly distasteful. Barchester Towers
  • Almost certainly slightly distasteful in its depiction of women as cruel and cold and yet somehow entirely focused on the formal humiliation of the suppliant male. Venus in Fur
  • Some of the men whose lives he was undoubtedly saving through his work felt there was something distasteful about his craft. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • Everything about this story is unpleasant and distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • On teasing the dog with meat or any other edible substance a highly concentrated saliva flows from the submaxillary glands; the sight of distasteful substances, on the other hand, conditions the secretion of a very fluid saliva from the same glands. Ivan Pavlov - Nobel Lecture
  • As in East is East, he puts a human face on a potentially distasteful role, avoiding caricature and mining a deeper, richer humour as a result.
  • The ironic cheers from the home support towards the end of the game were particularly distasteful and served little purpose.
  • Through the opposition of the Hebrew prophets, the term acquires distasteful associations that were originally foreign to it. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • The charge of concubinage was just as distasteful to Hawks as the perpetration of individual assaults because the suggestion of lewd conduct on the part of soldiers cast doubt on black women's morality.
  • Both shows also have their moments of absorbing drama and distasteful levels of bullheadedness, set against an American backdrop that once again seems mere steps away from the full-on, Cormac McCarthy-style apocalypse. 'Storage Wars' and 'Gold Rush: Alaska' are mining at the recessionary frontier
  • Her programme of enlightenment discouraged the notion that any physical act between consenting adults could be distasteful. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • He then turned on his tape, listening to Beethoven's joyous Seventh, but remembering how Claggett had objected to what he called spaghetti music, he found it distasteful. Space
  • Mother Earth would surely know it was his and would then castigate him in some way for having polluted her in such a distasteful manner. GYPSY MASALA
  • And what happens midway though weekly therapy if the seemingly wholesome client reveals an unseemly fetish, distasteful action, or insalubrious thought? Wayne Besen: The Religious Right's Shadow Nation
  • However distasteful the theory may be, we have to admit that vicarious liability owes its explanation, if not its justification, to the search for a solvent defendant.
  • She loathes Hollywood, finds it distasteful and banal, hates the idea of her art being tainted by commerce.
  • He pronounced the word gingerly, distastefully, as if it were a curious, unwonted one. The Lee Shore
  • You might find that distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes it must mean working for some pretty distasteful regimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the men whose lives he was undoubtedly saving through his work felt there was something distasteful about his craft. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • The public could boycott distasteful TV serials, after all they held the remote.
  • As a professional, she had few scruples about feeding the public what they wanted, irrespective of how distasteful. RIOT
  • The reason for this might have been found in the fact that acquired characteristics do not receive the stamp of heredity in one generation — his father was a self-made man, and had taught himself rigidly to conventionalise; and it might have been found in the fact that his mother had impressed upon his youthful mind the code of polite procedure in a way which made it appear an unpleasant duty — a mask, highly distasteful, but which must perforce be donned under certain conditions. THE UNMASKING OF A CAD
  • I attended one Old Firm match in the 1970s and found it an unpleasant and distasteful affair.
  • Watching his mendacity being deployed is a distasteful business, the more so when he bullies his way out of the question with a verbal vomit of questionable statistics. More Squealing Labour Pigs
  • Now, as every drop of sea-water retains the brackishness and saltness of the whole; so every staggering doubt that is an issue of this unbelief hath in it the unsavouriness and distastefulness unto God that is in the whole. The Sermons of John Owen
  • From this it appears that the bet was distasteful to Posthumus; it is not so offenceful to him as it should have been according to our modern temper; but this shortcoming, an unconscious shortcoming, is the only fault which Shakespeare will allow in his hero. The Man Shakespeare
  • For sentimental reasons some may find this treatment distasteful.
  • What follows is John's story. Parts of it may seem distasteful, even shocking.
  • Not only is the smiley picture distasteful, it is just downright creepy. The Sun
  • Music, as a cure for tarantism, 197-200; as a medicine, 189; at banquets, 180-184; at hospitals, 193; distasteful to some persons, 186; healing influence of, 172-200. Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
  • The bad language in the film was distasteful and unnecessary.
  • But this Council finds the idea distasteful and is blocking every attempt to find a suitable location.
  • Hitch then discreetly pans away towards the window, but the lingering distastefulness of this frigid sex scene nevertheless leaves its impact. Archive 2008-01-01
  • You might find that distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of conspicuous colors (yellow, red, and orange) by prey in order to convey distastefulness, or other unpleasant properties, is called aposematism.
  • Maintaining a nuclear deterrent is also important, although I understand why people find it distasteful. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Perhaps the most distasteful element of Romance is its attempt to justify its sexual explicitness with these vaguely apologetic ruminations on the mind/body split.
  • I think ‘distasteful,’ ‘gross’ and ‘a new low for your magazine’ are words of snobbery and pretension.
  • The work was thoroughly distasteful to her.
  • The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.
  • Militant anti-communism coupled with an increasing social conservative statism were tendencies many libertarians found distasteful.
  • This winged predator from Europe, where it's also known as the "killer fly," has a taste for some of the insects greenhouse keepers find most distasteful.
  • Her calf-like deference to this tyrant was distasteful to me.
  • The word slid from my mouth flat and distasteful — my old nemesis. My Resolution
  • The new escape does not have to come from a restrictive creative culture — where we go on making movies like we did in the past but simply snip out troubling pieces (although one big piece I would be happy to see snipped is the emerging genre of autopsy-fetishism on TV and cinema; it is really, really distasteful now, more than ever). Lessons from Indian Cinema |
  • Listening to their yammering is the price we pay, for the constitution protects free speech no matter how distasteful, as the government is not in the business of adjudicating taste or intelligence. Malaysiakini
  • It may even be distasteful to watch teenagers reduced to tears.
  • In terms of the realities of the nature of the capitalist economy, whenever the bourgeois economists talk about overheating it's a code word for a distasteful, dangerous, if not catastrophic development. Workers World news online
  • The mainstream press regarded the whole unsightly mess with a combination of horrified distastefulness and eager anticipation.
  • He found it distasteful to be offered drinks before witnessing the execution.
  • She spoke in weary notes, as though self-protection was taking on a certain distastefulness, whispering, 'You can't stay.'
  • Cooking food, though distasteful, is a Human fashion, and therefore irrelevant. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » June : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.
  • Isn't there a point at which one has to realize the distastefulness of it all?
  • He saw that the man had drunk too much, and the idea of bandying words in the attempt to rebuke him was distasteful. Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 and 2 (of 2)
  • Miss Bart felt an inward motion of annoyance: it was distasteful enough to hear her name coupled with Trenor’s, and on Rosedale’s lips the allusion was peculiarly unpleasant. The House of Mirth
  • It may seem distasteful, but it's true. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had I become complicit in his strange and distasteful project? Times, Sunday Times
  • They irked her, distastefully bright and far too showy.
  • It was a slightly distasteful thing to watch, this video diary of a fragile man in need of help.
  • I also chalk it up to the fact that they're trying to cram his evilness, and his distastefulness down our throats, and a hospital scene would have been, in their eyes, too sympathetic, for Sam. Supernatural: Jump the Shark - Pink
  • mossback," or a "garrulous dotard," and with singular irreverence they took delight in twitting him upon his senility and in pestering him with divers new-fangled notions altogether distasteful, not to say shocking, to a gentleman of his years. The Holy Cross and Other Tales
  • These attitudes and commonplace assumptions prevail often enough in bestsellers to render many of them distasteful to me. Why Do You Read/Watch Science Fiction?
  • distasteful language
  • All such placeisms are rooted in prejudicial customs and flower into full distastefulness and unfairness when people hide behind the unspoken prejudice of tradition, religion, or custom and remain either unwilling or unable to judge people as individuals. Sexism, Ageism, and Racism — Just Manifestations of Human Placeism? « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • The gallery, he noted, had put up a warning that some people might find the images distasteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know you find it distasteful, but you could try adopting the same language when they're around to shame them out of it. The Sun
  • The idea of running around pestering my friends for votes is quite distasteful.
  • There was also something rather distasteful in the way that the Home Secretary handled the issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘What she offered,’ notes the author, ‘in her most sensual, primitive, uncivilized and, from the standpoint of normal aesthetics, distasteful acts slipped over the brink - and she could take you with her - into the abysms of the sacred.’

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