
How To Use Dissolved In A Sentence

  • According to the EPA, fish at the top of the aquatic food chain bioaccumulate methylmercury to a level approximately 1 million to 10 million times greater than dissolved concentrations found in surrounding waters. Field and Stream Report: The Truth about Mercury and the Fish You Eat
  • Since ice is less dense than dissolved ice (water), any increase in submerged sea ice will result in an increase of sea levels of greater proportion than mere melting. Think Progress » Limbaugh Distorts Numbers To Downplay Global Warming Science
  • Adsorbed pesticide is in equilibrium with that dissolved in the water film around the soil particle.
  • All chromatographic methods rely on differences in the affinities of the various members of a group of dissolved or gaseous chemicals for a certain adsorbent.
  • The deposits had tinctorial properties of collagen using Masson trichrome stain and the van Gieson method for collagen, although the deposits were mostly dissolved using the Masson trichrome procedure.
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  • In order to prevent this happening, most recipes suggest ‘washing’ the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to brush down any undissolved sugar; easier still is to put a lid on the pan and let steam do the trick.
  • Add the tomato paste and white wine and whisk until the paste has dissolved. The Sun
  • The itch to touch something rather than just look at it is responsible for more dissolved marriages than any other desire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments. Innovations-report
  • In August 1864 the judge ordered, among other things, that the partnership be dissolved.
  • Many fishes have trouble surviving as lakes’ temperatures rise and dissolved-oxygen levels fall, but the arapaima thrives because it breathes atmospheric oxygen through its mouth.
  • I entwined my fingers with hers, experiencing relief and dissolved anxiety as I felt her squeeze back.
  • The bubbles form due to dissolved carbon dioxide, which are produced during fermentation inside the bottles. Times, Sunday Times
  • You realize you're already whole, and all co-dependence is dissolved. Lee Stranahan: Four Practical Steps to Being the Change You Want to See
  • ~ -- Ores, &c., containing antimony are best opened up by boiling with hydrochloric acid or aqua regia; treatment with nitric acid should be avoided wherever possible, since it forms antimonic acid, which is subsequently dissolved only with difficulty. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • When the clot is dissolved or no further improvement can be made, the medication is stopped and the catheter is removed. Thrombolysis
  • Ice dissolved in the warm air.
  • The accident dissolved my life into illness, weakness, pain and exhaustion, cold and hunger.
  • Then she pressed herself closer to him, murmuring something in Gaelic, and his expression dissolved in shock. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Was dissolved oxygen in the water greater than 80% of saturation?
  • “Murmurs, discontent, insurrections, rebellion, would inevitably ensue,” with a likely result that “our present glorious Union itself would be dissevered or dissolved.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • Mince up the meat and mix in some chopped parsley, pepper and salt; put the butter into a stewpan, and when it is dissolved mince up the pieces of onion very finely and fry that for two minutes, then stir in the flour. The Art of Living in Australia
  • A woman whose marriage has been dissolved bears on a lozenge her paternal arms, charged for the purpose of distinction with a mascle.
  • Finally 100 grams of whiting, dry and sifted, are mixed with 5 grams of pulverised supertartrate of potass; this new powder is dissolved in a portion of the above described liquid, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of the proper consistency to be spread with a pencil on the article or part to be gilded. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • Use a spoon to slowly turn the mixture until the sugar has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the early 20th century, the czar called the Duma together and dissolved it at will.
  • My colleague and I looked at each other and then dissolved into helpless laughter.
  • + ions that demineralize the enamel beneath the surface of the tooth; calcium and phosphate are dissolved in the process. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • At about the same time an IT consultancy company they had jointly owned was dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Samples were evaporated to dryness under vacuum, redissolved in 20 mm of methanol, then diazomethane added to methylate ABA.
  • Part of the dissolved aluminum can subsequently settle in the sediments of atmospherically acidified lakes and reservoirs, reducing orthophosphate availability and disrupting the phosphorus cycling in those water bodies. Inorganic nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems~ causes and consequences
  • The deceased told Constable Dix that her coffee had a bitter taste to it, and told Mrs Skellern that she could see some undissolved white powder in the bottom of the cup.
  • In this reagent also the China silk dissolved, and the Tussah silk as well as the lustra-celluloses underwent no appreciable change. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • The sea snake's skin is impermeable to water but they can extract 20% of their oxygen needs through their skin from oxygen dissolved in seawater.
  • His usual good humored expression had dissolved into one of annoyance and displeasure.
  • Once the acrid smell of freshly applied paint had dissolved, the deception was complete.
  • It is muddy, too, and overrich in dissolved fibrous and bitter matters. The Suffrage Cook Book
  • Then the marriage will be dissolved by the person who received the notice. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • In many cases, quartz overgrowths were preferentially corroded and dissolved in the presence of pyrophyllite, most likely during acidic metasomatism.
  • Tubes composed of concentric bands of agate can result from elongated crystals, such as anhydrite or selenite, that formed early in the agatization process and were subsequently dissolved and replaced by silica.
  • Hence it had the important theoretical and practical meanings to discuss internal relation between dissolved oxygen and organic evolution.
  • Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.
  • Hence it had the important theoretical and practical meanings to discuss internal relation between dissolved oxygen and organic evolution.
  • Dissolved in a solution of two parts ether and one of alcohol, it forms the solution known as collodion, used for a variety of purposes, such as a varnish, as Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Salts conduct electricity well when melted or when dissolved in water or some other solvents but not when they are solid.
  • Add the mix to the hot juice and stir until the gelatine has dissolved. The Sun
  • These limit heat transfer and thus boiler efficiency and dissolved solids in the boiler water, such as caus­ may also cause the failure. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This, as may be imagined, made her husband no less desirous of a separation than herself, and he prosecuted his design in the most effectual manner: for he applied, not to the ecclesiastical courts for a divorce, but to the Parliament for an Act by which his marriage might be dissolved, the nuptial contract annulled, and the children of his wife illegitimated. Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 1
  • “Personally,” he wrote, “I could have no objection to the annexation of Texas, but I certainly would be unwilling to see the existing Union dissolved or seriously jeoparded for the sake of acquiring Texas.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • Only pensile hook of cap of a garment is afraid is the simplest porch is decorated, add a piece of taboret to be able to sit down rest, dissolved the insecurity that go out and haste.
  • The metal can also be produced by electrolysis of KUF5 or uranium tetrafluoride (UF4), dissolved in a molten mixture of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and sodium chloride (NaCl). Uranium
  • She walked toward us with an officious stride that dissolved about halfway across the room when she broke into a run. SUMMER OF FEAR
  • Yet, in the absence of the traditional ruling magnates to supervise border rule and defence, the region's precarious peace dissolved into feuds and reiving.
  • She dissolved into tears when she heard that she had lost all her savings in the pyramid scheme
  • To taste an object it must be dissolved in the process of gustation in order for the taste buds to experience a flavour and for the throat to swallow what was the intact object.
  • Manufacturing Methods: Vitamin C simply crushed, dissolved into the mineral water, and then prepared in water tight bubble mask out hair up on it.
  • Stir in the red wine, tomatoes, sugar and the Oxo cube dissolved in water.
  • The anti-Japanese organizations have been dissolved, and all other civil and Internet anti-Japanese movements are being destroyed and annihilated.
  • ROME -- Long-term gout patients should not be considered "refractory" -- and clinicians should not treat them as such -- until uric crystals are dissolved to the point that flares of pain are prevented, a researcher said here. Medicaid and Medicare
  • When melancholy gets out at the superficies of the skin, or settles breaking out in scabs, leprosy, morphew, or is purged by stools, or by the urine, or that the spleen is enlarged, and those varices appear, the disease is dissolved. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Angular depressions at the base of siltstone laminae represent casts of halite that was dissolved by lower-salinity waters that introduced silt.
  • The use of arsenious oxide dissolved in a strong acid, and the solution absorbed in pumice or kieselguhr has been protected by G.F. Jaubert. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Stir in the sugar and heat until the sugar has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The news dissolved her into tears
  • They depend on this to acquire dissolved nutrients from the surrounding water, in much the same way that animals use the large surface area of their gills in order to obtain oxygen.
  • Heat milk very slowly to 86 degrees, then add one-half tablet rennet dissolved in 1/2 cup lukewarm water.
  • As long as FeCl or even Cu2Cl is present, if the print is immersed in the sulphocyanate solution, sulphocyanate of copper is immediately formed on the reduced parts, while on the others the sulphocyanide of copper, formed and dissolved by the sulphocyanide of potassium in excess, becomes decom ‐ posed with water in soluble sulphocyanide of copper and deposited as such on the parts already covered with the salt. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • One night, the gathering dissolved into great hilarity when we all decided to wear our newly "boughten" Kygryz felt hats en masse.
  • When we dissolved CpdA in PBS (pH = 7.6) or Tris-HCl buffer (pH = 7.6) rapid formation of two reaction intermediates occurred, which we could identify as the isomeric forms of N-methyl-2 - (4-acetoxyphenyl) - aziridine ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It took a while, but the superglue had to be dissolved first so that Schröder could finally be pried out of his seat of power.
  • Dissolved gases in the magma determine whether the eruption will be explosive or nonexplosive.
  • Turn up the heat and let it bubble until the sugar has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big phytoplankton bloom will actually measurably draw down the pCO2 in the atmosphere just above the surface because the reduction in dissolved CO2 increases the air-to-sea CO2 flux gradient. Hansen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past? « Climate Audit
  • But it wisped away once more and her concentration dissolved like sugar in hot tea. Black Dust Mambo
  • It doses the water with a chemical called orthophosphate which lines the pipes and limits the amount of lead dissolved into the water.
  • He and his brother fell out when their farm partnership was dissolved.
  • The magnificent view of the ancient pagoda dissolved in mist.
  • When all but the oxalic acid have been added, pour in the silver solution and any undissolved crystals that may be remaining; then add the oxalic acid and without shaking or agitating the bottle, put away in a dark place for 24 hours.
  • The Fascist Party and its organs were dissolved amid popular celebration.
  • At present, most studies are focused on dissolved phosphorus concentrations and distributions in our country, and little is known about the suspended paniculate phosphorus and the phosphorus dynamics.
  • Before an aromatic molecule can be detected, it must first be dissolved in the mucus.
  • Subsequently, when zeolite is chemically dissolved in a simple water solution, or when taken as a straight mineral supplement in capsule form, its therapeutic effect (i.e. benefit to you) is not as strong or beneficial as it is when combined with an all natural, organic, bio-active intracellular carrier such as humic, fulvic, or processed humates. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Stir slowly until the butter has melted and sugar dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without having first made this diversion, he would have found it impracticable to leave the house with tranquillity; but, when this bewitching philtre grew into an habit, her attachment to Ferdinand was insensibly dissolved; she began to bear his neglect with indifference, and, sequestering herself from the rest of the family, used to solicit this new ally for consolation. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Plain borax dissolved in warm water does wonders for removing stains and odors (including pet smells!) from carpet and upholstery. Home Scents
  • Stir in the red wine, tomatoes, sugar and the Oxo cube dissolved in water.
  • For, let it be conceded that the solution of any Ghatti leaving an insoluble residue is a mixture of arabin and metarabin in the same ratio as our "maximum" solution, only more diluted with water, then from the found viscosity we obtain a point on the curve for dilution, which gives the percentage of dissolved matter. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Stir with a metal spoon until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Secondly, with respect to married people, if the marriage was dissolved by divorce after the will was witnessed, the will is void.
  • Incorporation of dissolved ions makes water a better conductor of electricity.
  • Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.
  • A crystalloid, e.g. common salt, is characterized in that it passes in the dissolved state readily through membranes such as parchment paper or collodion films and also that it exhibits a rapid free diffusion. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1925 - Presentation Speech
  • She started the restaurant when her marriage dissolved, on little but hope and prayers.
  • Came the day when all mists and cob-webs dissolved, when he found his brain clear as a bell, and took just appraisement of his body's weakness. THE RED ONE
  • The heroin is filtered, washed with water, and redissolved in boiling water containing citric acid and charcoal.
  • The genius sauvage, the dope-fiend and Pollyanna Fletcher had been dissolved and reconstructed: joyless, dreamy and bright. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • This was removed with a solvent suspended in a gel that gently dissolved the old varnish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The linters are initially dissolved in a solution and then spread into flat sheets or extruded into tubes. The Scientist
  • Four recipes, two for cookies and two for gingerbread, call for the use of “pearlash,” a refined version of potash, which was made by soaking the ash produced when plant materials are burned, draining off the liquid, and drying it down to concentrate the substances dissolved in it. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Fibers are manufactured by forcing a melted or dissolved polymer through the very fine holes of a spinneret. Body of Evidence
  • Here, Keaton's la-di-da flibbertigibbet dissolved all of her neurotic mannerisms and simply stood still, gently and lovingly warbling what became the film's essence.
  • Stir over the heat until the salt has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ethanol extracts were combined, the ethanol evaporated and the sugars redissolved in deionized water.
  • By ceromancy, where, by the means of wax dissolved into water, thou shalt see the figure, portrait, and lively representation of thy future wife, and of her fredin fredaliatory belly-thumping blades. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • But the man with the fearsome reputation dissolved into tears when he learned his best friend had committed suicide. The Sun
  • Then she took out a lump of sandalwood from the wall cupboard, washed it, broke it in pieces, dissolved it in water and cleaned her face and arms with the paste.
  • Briefly, cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine (all from Sigma) were dissolved in chloroform at a concentration of 10 mg / mL. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Countess for a second time beheld from the ramparts the departure of her people upon the same hazardous enterprize; the present scene revived in her mind a sad membrance of the past: the same tender fears, and the same prayers for success she now gave to their departure; and when they faded in distance from her sight, she returned into the castle dissolved in tears. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: A Highland Story
  • There is a vast amount of uranium still left in the earth's crust and mantle; there are four billion tonnes of the stuff dissolved in the oceans. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • My rationalism dissolved and I experienced a sudden thrill at actually touching a person who had left the Earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add the rinsed and drained chickpeas, as well as the dissolved stock cube. Times, Sunday Times
  • If dark spots show, this indicates undissolved indigo, therefore gradually add hydrosulphite solution (2-3 fluid ozs.). Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • Since then it has dissolved the assembly and imposed direct rule.
  • -- Take three cents 'worth of liquorice, three of rock candy, three of gum arabic, and put them into a quart of water; simmer them till thoroughly dissolved, then add three cents' worth paregoric, and a like quantity of antimonial wine. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • His usual good humored expression had dissolved into one of annoyance and displeasure.
  • The sun was setting, and a gentle southerly breeze, striking against the southern side of the rock, mingled its current with the colder air above; and the vapour was thus condensed: but as the light wreaths of cloud passed over the ridge, and came within the influence of the warmer atmosphere of the northern sloping bank, they were immediately redissolved. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The dissolved salts in hard water have a similar effect, so soft water is advised.
  • The military government dissolved the country's parliament.
  • Chromatography is a technique for analyzing mixtures of gases, liquids, or dissolved substances.
  • After the mid-16th century Reformation, when religious guilds were dissolved, it was used as a market cross and as a moot hall.
  • For a particularly thrilling, inappropriate sugary treat, we would eat Fizzies, undissolved.
  • This was removed with a solvent suspended in a gel that gently dissolved the old varnish. Times, Sunday Times
  • (The mixture gradually became homogeneous as the precipitated Na-enolate salt of the di-Me-acetonedicarboxylate re-dissolved with heating). Org Prep Daily
  • In fact, carbon when perfectly dissolved and incorporated with a good white glass, is highly transparent to the calorific rays, and by employing it as an absorbent the phenomena of 'calorescence' may be obtained, though in a less striking form than with the iodine. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • The convention dissolved in a confrontation between gay liberationists and homophiles.
  • Total lipid was extracted into chloroform-methanol, dried under a stream of nitrogen and redissolved in isopropanol.
  • The senate is dissolved.
  • In bullets and cannon shells, the amount aerosolised is 40-70 per cent, leaving pieces and unexploded shells in the environment, to provide new sources of radioactive dust and contamination of the groundwater from dissolved depleted uranium metal long after the battles are over, as reported in a 2003 report by the UN Environmental Program on Yugoslavia. International Doctors for D.U. (Depleted Uranium)
  • They demand reinstatement of the dissolved parliament and return to appointing prime ministers on the recommendation of the House.
  • In eroticism the poles of life and death, being and nothingness, fullness and emptiness are one, dissolved like subject and object in the insensible totality of things.
  • They then dissolved the sample in deuterated acetone and filtered it before running the NMR spectra.
  • An unbroken list of masters of the almonry school exists dating from the fourteenth century until 1538 when the monastery was dissolved.
  • The hexane extract was evaporated, redissolved in chloroform and passed through a short silica gel column.
  • De Hevesy dissolved the medals in acid, creating a colloidal sol so dark it was virtually black.
  • The tablet hasn't dissolved completely yet.
  • Official marriages, officiated by either religious authorities or by municipal clerks or judges, must be dissolved by the legal procedure of divorce.
  • Stir over the heat until the salt has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • She looked into his face, and guilt and self-reproach dissolved, along with the memory of another face, other eyes, ones that haunted and weighed her down with unresolvable pain.
  • This was removed with a solvent suspended in a gel that gently dissolved the old varnish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proteins in living cells always teeter on the edge of insolubility, because with so many different proteins dissolved in the cell doing different jobs, the total concentration is high and crystallization is a risk. Connecting the Pieces of the Alzheimer's Puzzle
  • In 1978, when the factory moved, the union was officially dissolved although it continued to function secretly.
  • She added a wry smile as three slightly confused expressions dissolved quickly into delighted laughter.
  • Its normally the ions that react with other chemicals when dissolved in water.
  • The chlorides, being for the most part solids, the mode of procedure is as follows: -- the hydroxybenzoic acid required for coupling is dissolved in normal or double-normal alkali (the volume calculated per molecule acid), a little acetone added, and the mixture well cooled; Synthetic Tannins
  • Heat the mixture to a gentle simmer, remove from the heat and whisk in the leaf gelatine and the clotted cream until completely dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1999, the emir of Kuwait dissolved parliament and, along with a variety of other liberalizing measures, sought to grant women the right to vote by decree.
  • Stir in the coconut milk, jaggery and salt and heat gently until barely simmering (so that the jaggery is dissolved). Archive 2007-06-01
  • But the media excitement provoked the Germans to order an investigation into synarchy, and specifically the MSE, by the Special Service of Dissolved Associations Service Spécial des Associations Dissoutes, known as the “service Moerschell” after the police inspector who headed it, which was directly under Nazi control.86 The Sion Revelation
  • It is important to remember that multivitamins with iron contain a smaller quantity of elemental iron and are therefore, less radiopaque than preparations such as ferrous sulfate and that partially dissolved tablets will not be as radiopaque as undissolved tablets. Iron Poisoning
  • As the Marxist creed dissolved, the other two religions have embarked on a process of mass conversion sending missionaries out to the four corners of the globe.
  • The freeze-dried samples were redissolved in 0.2% hydroxylammonium chloride.
  • The nondescript passion fruit charlotte contained leaves of undissolved gelatine.
  • A fingernail scraping of ambergris dissolved in water, then added to the sauce, is credited with aphrodisiacal powers - which might help explain its price of ninety dollars per ounce.
  • This defiance, once Gorney was gone, had dissolved into sniffles, tears on Bauman's pillow. STONE CITY
  • The crystals were then dissolved in solution and spin-cast on to a conductive glass substrate.
  • The military government dissolved the injunction.
  • If he lamented the loss of a place where all obligations were to be dissolved, he never admitted as much to his instructor. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Each wafer, a beautiful raspberry color, dissolved in the mouth and filled it with an intense taste of raspberries.
  • ‘But, Sir, this lady does not want that the contract should be dissolved; she only argues that she may indulge herself in gallantries with equal freedom as her husband does, provided she takes care not to introduce a spurious issue into his family.’
  • The forest had dissolved into a clearing near the edge of a steep cliff overlooking the sparkling lake.
  • And then everything dissolved into a series of technicolored bubbles, and she knew no more.
  • Place on the heat and stir until the salt has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sodium hydroxide dissolved into water is an exothermic process, ammonium nitrate dissolved in water is an endothermic process.
  • Turn up the heat and let it bubble until the sugar has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the sugar has completely dissolved, increase the heat until the liquid turns a pale caramel.
  • They then add the binder material, dissolved in a solvent, and mix the materials with an agitator.
  • The dried pellets were redissolved in 1 ml water.
  • In the oven, the dissolved sugar hangs onto the water molecules and so delays their evaporation in the high heat until after ovalbumin has had time to coagulate and reinforce the raw foam. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Groundwater interactions with surface-water systems greatly influence water quality characteristics such as cation, anion, nutrient, and dissolved organic matter concentrations, and even the fate and behavior of toxic pollutants. Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • The balloons dissolved high in the sky.
  • Their marriage dissolved
  • Stir slowly until the butter has melted and sugar dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Water can be dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Many streams in the world's arid and semiarid regions run only intermittently and empty into broad, undrained basins known as playas, where they deposit their sediment and dissolved minerals.
  • Question 2: What is the mass balance equation for the quantity of CO2 to remain dissolved in solution for all the waterbodies of the world? CNN Poll: Skepticism on global warming heating up?
  • The system's treatment consists of chemical addition, multimedia and cartridge filtration for removal of suspended solids, followed by RO treatment for removal of dissolved salts, metals and organics.
  • The partnership will be dissolved by mutual consent.
  • Their marriage was dissolved after less than a year.
  • The membrane is described as semipermeable because it allows water, but not dissolved substances, to cross it.
  • So the capable spinmeisters play games, entertain and enthrall with heartening prognostications that deficits will be dissolved by the magic elixir of future growth.
  • For more variety, in the order abovesaid, sometimes dissolve an anchove or two, with some of the broth it was stewed in, and the yolks of two eggs dissolved with some verjuyce, wine, or juyce of orange; sometimes add some capers, and hard eggs chopped, as also sweet herbs, _&c. The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
  • Unknown to my instructing solicitors, the company had been dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • I began to try and vainly struggle, tears running down my cheeks and leaving a black trail like discoloured blood as my eyeliner dissolved with the salty solution.
  • the judge dissolved the tobacco company
  • In 1868 he dissolved partnership with King, leaving him to carry on the India agency branch of the old firm's business, and himself taking over the publishing branch, which he thenceforth conducted at 15 Waterloo Place, London.
  • It converts uranium dissolved in water to uraninite, which is much less soluble; this ‘reduction’ process creates small charges of electricity.
  • He briefly dissolved Congress in 1992 to successfully fight two guerrilla insurgencies that had thrown the country into chaos.
  • The mannose is dissolved in water and/or incorporated in a pharmaceutical agent or food for the purpose of administration.
  • Some dissolved in tears at the sight of him amid a welcome usually reserved only for rock stars. The Sun
  • Place on the heat and stir until the salt has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unsurprisingly, one week later the salt remained undissolved.
  • Dissolved carbon dioxide makes the water more acidic.
  • The zinc content dissolves whereas iron precipitates and lead and silver remain undissolved.
  • The precipitate is then dissolved in a small quantity of acid water. Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
  • Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then pour into a nonstick loaf tin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pour the eggs and sugar into a large mixing bowl and whisk vigorously, until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Automatic weapon fire dissolved the first car in a snowstorm of broken glass.
  • After ingestion, the shell of the embryonated egg is dissolved by the gastric juice, and the embryo emerges in the duodenum as the rhabdoid larva 200 to 300 m long and 13 to 15 wm thick.
  • Within moments, we would be dissolved into hopeless, helpless, joyful laughter.
  • Some dissolved in tears at the sight of him amid a welcome usually reserved only for rock stars. The Sun

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