
  1. capable of dissolving

How To Use dissoluble In A Sentence

  • It is neither an amalgam of cultures nor a mix of coexisting, indissoluble elements.
  • Count to her by the strongest of all ties, by a chain of gold, and vowed to be so rich that her fortune might make her second marriage dissoluble, if by chance Colonel Chabert should ever reappear. Le Colonel Chabert
  • It is also working on a niche segment of taste-masked PFIs of various APIs, which can be compressed into palatable quick - dissoluble tablets, mainly, for pediatric and geriatric segments.
  • When my wife and I went in for the requisite premarital investigation, the pastor asked each of us if we realized that our impending marriage was dissoluble only upon death.
  • Toni assures everyone that this ‘Niagara’ is not eternal but dissoluble.
  • The Western audience sensed in him the organic, indissoluble tie with European culture.
  • The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.
  • The dissoluble electrode is formed by a central layer having outer layers disposed on either plane side thereof.
  • Couples were invited to renew their wedding vows and the Pope reaffirmed that the Christian marriage was indissoluble.
  • Movie, from the very beginning of its origin , has an indissoluble bond with painiing.
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