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How To Use Dissipated In A Sentence

  • If gold was really to be demonetized, then the enormous stocks relative to flows would have to be dissipated first through consumption.
  • Such a mixing of configurations is present in proteins, where the energy of the excited state is dissipated among many conformational substates.
  • Another story was that a certain dissipated youth of the community, going home one Saturday night, or rather Sunday morning, from some unhallowed orgy, was pursued by a lamb of fire, with its head cut off and hanging by a strip of skin or flame. The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
  • That sinking feeling we'd experienced as we watched the snow fall when it was supposed to be melting dissipated.
  • Close to, the illusion of glowing feyness dissipated.
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  • Flynn was still handsome, though dissipated.
  • The volunteers' energy was dissipated by the enormous amounts of paperwork involved in the project.
  • The spirit that was dissipated after a thousand vanities is now collected and made to centre in God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • There is no denying that this is an odd moment captured forever - the curious intersection of a revolution and a dissipated Hollywood has-been.
  • A note of melancholy swelled to a crescendo, then, dissipated into the breeze with a diminuendo.
  • The warmth of the conversation soon dissipated the chill in the air.
  • Indeed, the effect of Cornwallis's kindly but unsmiling expression was much modified because his wig was slightly awry; Cornwallis still affected a horsehair bobwig of the sort that was now being relegated by fashion to noblemen's coachmen, and today it had a rakish cant that dissipated all appearance of dignity. Hornblower And The Hotspur
  • William Howell, who had been a boatswain at Trafalgar and a sergeant at Waterloo, turns up in the journals years later, aged 55, on the Dryad, described as "very much dissipated and suffered much from stricture and perineal tumours". Amputations, acid gargles and ammonia rubs: Royal Navy surgeons' 1793-1880 journals revealed
  • Brant's anger dissipated at Gemmel's anger with himself.
  • Ryan's whole body tensed up and his jokey, light-hearted aura dissipated in a second.
  • It let out a scream and dissipated, struck to the heart by the ebon blade. Guild Wars: Ghosts of Ascalon
  • As the sun set, the blazing heat dissipated to be replace by chilling winds that whipped at the Traveler's clothes and cut down to his bones.
  • Once the faceplate and the baseplate are attached to each other, the capacitor are de-energized and the electric field is dissipated.
  • He wished he could hate them all at the same time, so his hatred would be dissipated, causing him to become an effete nobody sneering at the majority's intellectual pygmyism. An East Wind Coming
  • As the ultrasound energy is transmitted through the tissue by the sending crystal, some is dissipated, some refracted, and some reflected back to the receiving crystal.
  • We continued to watch in silence as the smoke slowly dissipated, leaving only the cloudless, star-punctured sky.
  • The smoke from the cigar dissipated into the atmosphere of the room as he exhaled.
  • Enjoying a dissipated Saturday lie-in, listening to loud music whilst contemplating the ceiling, I somehow didn't hear the front door being opened.
  • Her laughter soon dissipated the tension in the air.
  • The clouds that had blocked the sun during the day had dissipated, scattered by the winds to reveal the stars sprawled in all their glory across the sky.
  • The blue matter floated in the air for a moment, then it dissipated and vanished.
  • The wind quickly dissipated the clouds.
  • Water prevents dehydration and allows heat to be dissipated through evaporative cooling and urination.
  • The great families of England were built on this principle of primogeniture of sons and their properties were not dissipated as the properties of European nobility were.
  • In addition, superconductivity was not particularly well understood at the time, especially the effects that would cause a magnet to dramatically and suddenly lose its superconducting powers, a phenomenon known as a "quench" that is invariably accompanied by a loud bang and a scurry to find the exit as the magnetic energy is suddenly dissipated. Tevatron collider falls silent today after 26 years of smash hits
  • Yet I have to say that its rigorous and intransigent atonal style with a preponderance of chromatic note clusters and major seventh and minor ninth intervals now seems outworn, its initial impact long dissipated.
  • As the basal part of the stem was linearly elastic, there was no energy dissipated by viscous friction.
  • He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.
  • I know from experience that avalanches occur swiftly and cruelly, and our relief when the ground eventually levelled out soon dissipated in a struggle through waist deep snowdrifts.
  • I usually find ribs a bit fatty, but the process of poaching and slow cooking had ensured that the fat had dissipated and all that remained was beautifully tender meat.
  • Mouna is used solely for the purpose of channelling the energy dissipated in talking to a higher practice, such as japa, prayer, or svadhyaya, the study of spiritual writings see pages 118-19. The Sivananda Companion To Meditation
  • I remained close with the new gals until high school, when our communication slowly dissipated.
  • The smoke has dissipated, and everything is all crystal clear now!
  • There's a reduction in efficiency as energy is dissipated in heat.
  • By contrast, on film it looked like the mere aggregation of takes and cutaways; its timbres and its fluency dissipated and finally disappeared.
  • Salibi turned around and made a remark that everyone enjoyed and the tension dissipated. CHAMELEON
  • Coughing lightly several more times, the black-haired player rubbed at her eyes and leaned against a wall while the smoke slowly dissipated.
  • Pushkin continued his dissipated life after 1826 but with less gusto.
  • When the yellow cube had dissipated itself in curling fragrance, and he was deliberating about rolling a second, Borg suddenly spoke. CHAPTER 22
  • The handling of scale is masterly: a lovers 'chase can expand into a ferocious group bacchanale in a second; a stageful of violent emotion can be dissipated with a single dancer's shrug. Pina Bausch's Tanztheater Wuppertal: Agua
  • As the meeting progressed, it was clear the anger, the resentment and the recriminations had, temporarily at least, dissipated.
  • It was two to three hours before the leak was contained, the cloud had dissipated, and the crisis was over.
  • Possibly, by 1933 the party was equally disliked by the town workers; the enthusiasms of 1929 had been dissipated by hunger, privation, overcrowding, and regimentation by party bosses.
  • In fact, the urge had dissipated somewhat, now that the promise of a chance at R 'shiel was in the offing. TREASON KEEP
  • My, where has all that excitement, romance and discovery dissipated itself to?
  • A puff of green smoke glistened upward and dissipated.
  • "You lead a dissipated life," the mother railed.
  • A wave of defeat seemed to wash over the slaves, and they slumped, confidence and hope draining as the smoke dissipated into the night air.
  • To her surprise, after their anger had dissipated, they were physically and emotionally more intimate.
  • Early British incendiaries filled with thermite - a mixture of iron oxide and powdered aluminium - produced great heat but this dissipated quickly and was confined to a small area.
  • Thus by mid-1999 much of the positive effect of the devaluation on the real incomes of rural producers had been dissipated.
  • It has few distinguishable stars and is mainly notable for a nebulous, cloud-like cluster which ancient astronomers regarded as an area where energies were dissipated.
  • The thin cloud of smoke rushed out and dissipated into the air.
  • The fog dissipated when the sun rose.
  • Most traders didn't believe it, and the notion dissipated when the market plunged again. Dow Ends
  • As their final echoing shrieks of despair dissipated into silence the two figures began to fade. SANDS OF TIME
  • Flynn was still handsome, though dissipated.
  • Francis dissipated his large fortune inherited from his grandfather in a few years.
  • It had dissipated like a brume in a breeze.
  • You remind the mechanic that the man in the landau has been the ruin of thousands, and you mention people whom he himself knows, people in various grades of life, widows and orphans amongst them, whose little all he has dissipated, and whom he has reduced to beggary by inducing them to become sharers in his delusive schemes. The Romany Rye A Sequel to 'Lavengro'
  • Take your head away, you don't care a fig that my flowers will wear a dissipated recumbence; remember the dinner and ball. A Heart-Song of To-day
  • By this time, the sedating medications usually are significantly dissipated, and the patient is alert and oriented and able to lift his or her own leg.
  • Having married her, as he openly avowed, for her fortune alone, he soon dissipated this, the solitary charm she possessed for him, and was then unmanful enough to taunt her with the inconveniences of that penury which his own extravagance had occasioned. Life of Lord Byron
  • From which you may gather that a busy day among the Borneo pirates had quite dissipated the conscientious lunacy which had temporarily come over me in the stokehold the previous night. Flashman's Lady
  • deplorably dissipated and degraded
  • And though his income, as you know, was so small, he never ran in debt, and by an exact but open oeconomy, escaped all imputation of meanness: while by forbearing either to conceal, or repine at his limited fortune, he blunted even the raillery of the dissipated, by frankly and good humouredly meeting it half way. Camilla
  • I could hear her begging my father for my forgiveness, but I could also tell that she was failing as my father's voice dissipated completely.
  • The amount of power dissipated in even a standard steel ball bearing hub is quite small.
  • This kinetic energy will be dissipated in the form of heat on impact of the clip with the magnet.
  • However, it has also been noted that elevated turbulent dissipation is by itself insufficient proof of substantial biogenic mixing, because much of the turbulent kinetic energy of small animals is injected below the Ozmidov buoyancy length scale, where it is primarily dissipated as heat by the fluid viscosity before it can affect ocean mixing2. Charles darwin (the physicist) was right
  • Excess energy has to be dissipated harmlessly as heat.
  • Gas bubbles that were trapped in the lines dissipated somewhat, but never completely disappeared.
  • Throughout the next four hours, we lit several smoke and flare signals, but the smoke dissipated each time in the trees before rising high enough to be effective.
  • led a dissipated life
  • All the aggro has dissipated and everything about him has changed: his feet are nowhere to be seen, he leans across the desk to engage more fully; even his face opens up, his eyes widen and one catches a glimpse of that younger, unhardened self. Ricky Gervais in His Most 'Postmodern' Interview Ever
  • Sure enough, there was a huge shell of clumpy, hole-riddled gas that looked like a nearly dissipated planetary nebula.
  • They are always lounging against the store windows or posts for support, bleary-eyed, dissipated, swaggery, staggery. Prudence Says So
  • It would attempt to lock future generations into a prejudice that has already dissipated and that someday may disappear.
  • You remind the mechanic that the man in the landau has been the ruin of thousands and you mention people whom he himself knows, people in various grades of life, widows and orphans amongst them, whose little all has been dissipated, and whom he has reduced to beggary by inducing them to become sharers in his delusive schemes. The Romany Rye
  • The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
  • When the flash had dissipated, Cecil saw a small indent about the size of a good-sized door in the wall of darkness.
  • The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
  • On the whole, though, these conflicts have dissipated and evanesced as the West has almost universally adopted democratic forms of governance. How to Manage Savagery
  • For the potential for resistance not to be dissipated a political alternative to the system is crucial.
  • Even though hysteria as a disease may be described as one and indivisible, there are yet to be found, among the ordinary and fairly healthy population, vague and diffused hysteroid symptoms which are dissipated in Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The volunteers' energy was dissipated by the enormous amounts of paperwork involved in the project.
  • The smile she'd had on her face slowly dissipated as a feeling of forlornness washed over her.
  • But whatever idea was forming in his mind, was dissipated by the she-wolf, who advanced upon him, sniffed noses with him for a fleeting instant, and then resumed her coy retreat before his renewed advances. The Hunger Cry
  • I'm really just using these as nominal labels for degrees of saturation or non-saturation with alethic quirks -- "mythic" for the point where the protagonist is themselves arcane/exotic/chimeric, "non-mythic" for the zones where the quirks are dissipated to the point of being subliminal or absent. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • Therefore, it seems reasonable to propose that for male hippies as well as male residents of the Iowa frontier, tensions expressed through the manhood act — counterbalanced, at times, by the restraining hands of men like Murcott — dissipated some of the emotional energy that might otherwise have found expression in internecine violence. 48 Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The tension in the room had dissipated.
  • The treaty terms dissipated public elation in the days following the Armistice, when hopes that Allied victory in “the war to end all wars” would result in eternal peace. Between War and Peace
  • He had loved other little boys and girls transitorily, none had been frequent and familiar enough to strike deep roots in his heart, and he had grown up with a tattered and dissipated affectionateness that was becoming wildly shy. The History of Mr. Polly
  • As the crowd scattered and dissipated, a few of us inched forward and managed to engage some of the sheriffs in conversation.
  • The tension in the room had dissipated.
  • In the broader circles of art historical discussion today the discursive covers of predetermined canonicity and aesthetic grandeur no longer have the cachet they once did, hence their ideological usefulness has partly dissipated.
  • The report I had heard was now confirmed, that his fortune was dissipated, and that he lived entirely off these young rakes who aspired to be macaronies. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • The container then sinks through the melt under the influence of gravity and eventually comes to rest when the heat or the waste itself is dissipated.
  • Five thousand dollars was embezzled from a Los Angeles theatre and dissipated in high living by a man twenty-one years old. Humanizing the Prisons
  • The acrid stench of smoke from the fire had apparently dissipated over time. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • But what followed instead was a decline which saw all the flair and hope of the Keegan era dissipated as money flowed out of the coffers hand over fist, but for little return.
  • For a moment he imagined himself smitten with her, an illusion that dissipated almost immediately, leaving the bad taste of guilt. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Her laughter soon dissipated the tension in the air.
  • His lordship was bored, dissipated, a hardened gamester, always on the lookout for distraction. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • As he thought it over, his anger gradually dissipated.
  • At the approach of the squat man he sprang to his feet, but a phrase dissipated his apprehension and he nodded toward a door. The Drums of Jeopardy
  • Once the faceplate and the baseplate are attached to each other, the capacitor is de-energized and the electric field is dissipated.
  • The haze of myth is dissipated, with extraordinary suddenness, from the origins of the world and of life.
  • And as quickly as it had come to me, that sense of purpose, of belonging, it has dissipated, leaving behind only the warm suffusion of what there might someday be. Between Expectations
  • Much of the solar energy that falls on a natural forest is dissipated high in the tree canopy through "transpiration," the evaporation of water transmitted from the soil through the roots, stems, and foliage of plants, a process that consumes solar energy and cools the environment. The Green vs. the Brown Amazon
  • Rage suddenly takes control as the other emotions dissipated when he'd been pulled from his meal.
  • Once she'd gotten there in his presence, all her organized thoughts dissipated into a messily arranged array of emotions.
  • The rest of the time, energy is dissipated through a set of energy states that do fluoresce in the lab.
  • The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.
  • Whereas Falstaff is of a dissipated and questionable character, Zagloba has a heart of gold; he is faithful to his friends in times of danger. Nobel Prize in Literature 1905 - Presentation Speech
  • The fumes of my resentment being dissipated, as well as the vanity of my success, I found myself deserted to all the horrors of extreme want, and avoided by mankind as a creature of a different species, or rather as a solitary being, noways comprehended within the scheme or protection of Providence. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Even more is lost during the transmission process; the lower the voltage the more energy is dissipated.
  • If the ambient temperature exceeds body temperature, heat cannot be dissipated by radiation.
  • Too much of the potential triggering energy of the degraded gammas is dissipated in Compton and photoelectric interactions.
  • The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.
  • Presently repellance grew under the frozen mask of astonishment and dissipated it. The Ragged Edge
  • That the moral capital of all three parties has been dissipated is not lost on the public, whose contempt for the political process has grown.
  • Much more recently the idea of ferruginous particles has been revived, their presence being ascribed not to volcanoes, but to the meteorites constantly being dissipated in the upper atmosphere. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
  • Indeed, the image that often comes foremost to mind when considering absinthe is a streetful of dissipated Parisian intellectuals, some of whom sunk into poverty and madness by dancing a bit too closely with the Green Fairy. Boing Boing
  • What happened was that these structures blossomed downward with every wingbeat and then dissipated within a tenth of a second. Times, Sunday Times
  • He dissipated the family fortune in only a few years of wild living.
  • They drove through a cloudbank that misted the windshield and brought on a false twilight but dissipated almost as quickly as it had appeared. The Aloha Quilt
  • The patterns of religious hegemony that formed Presbyterians and Methodists, Lutherans and Baptists, Catholics and Congregationalists have all dissipated since World War II.
  • This suggests that market reaction was dissipated quickly and that no leakage of information occurred prior to the event.
  • Sir Roger Scatcherd dies of drink and his dissipated son Louis almost immediately follows him, leaving the Scatcherd fortunes without an heir.
  • As our sleepiness dissipated into the dank pre-dawn air, we funneled out of the darkness into the foreboding cigarette smoke-filled briefing room.
  • He looked at the street light that was a few houses down, and saw that the filament was still glowing a very faint red, as the heat slowly dissipated.
  • The blue was creamy with a piquant white pepper kick, the washed rind's scent dissipated when unwrapped and was luxuriously silky, and the dome of chevre was fresh and sweet, with a little touch of acid from the bloomy rind. Adventures With the Stinky Cheese Man: Andrew From Andrew's Cheese Shop
  • The secretary of state is clearly alert to the dangers of extra funding being dissipated in non-productive ways, hence the announcement of two new inspectorates to ensure value for money in the health and social care areas.
  • The wind quickly dissipated the clouds.
  • This occurs when the disturbance is dissipated by direct return to a strongly stable state.
  • I hope your goutiness is dissipated, and that this last fine week has set you on your feet again. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
  • The monasteries had been dissolved and the proceeds dissipated in war.
  • But the impression created by these sculptures is as much that of the aftermath of a dissipated party as of more serious kinds of devastation.
  • Manu is right – the partial reason for such a swift merger will be due to a process called dynamical friction, whereby the angular momentum of the pair is dissipated through an effective multi-body interaction with surrounding matter in the galaxy. Two Black Holes Play a Little One on One | Universe Today
  • The political impetus to push deep space exploration forward has essentially dissipated.
  • Although the skimpily clad male sales clerks drew initial media attention, the crowds have dissipated, partly because some of its clothes are sold at double its U.S. prices. Japan Embraces Forever 21, Fast Fashion
  • The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.
  • The lone, thin word dissipated with the smoke, and naught remained of Emilio the Corinthian. Conan The Unconquered
  • At the touch of his hand, all the tension dissipated from Robin's body.
  • The enormous amount of savings has largely been dissipated by poor choices for investment.
  • On the other hand those transferred resources could be dissipated in an array of outreach services seeking to stimulate demand.
  • His solicitude about maintaining a certain order within the state was described as haughtiness and harshness, his preoccupation lest the precarious resources of the government be dissipated in useless expenditures was dubbed avarice, and the prudence which had impelled him to restrain the rash policy of expansion and aggression which Germanicus had tried to initiate beyond the Rhine was construed as envy and surly malignity. The Women of the Caesars
  • Salibi turned around and made a remark that everyone enjoyed and the tension dissipated. CHAMELEON
  • Given the current militancy of the public service unions, it is possible that much additional public spending will be dissipated in wage increases.
  • The giant's heart had disappeared, the alburnum had been dissipated into soft whitish dust; but if the tree did not depend so much on its powerful roots as on its solid bark, it could still keep its position for centuries. Godfrey Morgan A Californian Mystery
  • But typically, the fortunes built by one generation will be completely dissipated by the second or third generation.
  • So it went from a mass of 2.67 pounds into the wing, dissipated its energy into a cloud of dust, basically, and what we're trying to understand is because of that disoperation of energy, what impact did it have on the tile. CNN Transcript Feb 3, 2003
  • By investing flat out for income at a time of hyperinflation, the trustees knowingly dissipated the corpus of the testator's estate, and thus did violence to his stated wishes and gypped the remaindermen. Tales of the Bull and Bear Bond Market -- Seeking Alpha
  • These playboys riot in dissipated living.
  • In Vienna, a dissipated pianist is about to flee the city to avoid fighting a duel the next morning.
  • This trend suggests that some portion of the rent may have been dissipated in higher-than-necessary production costs.
  • When Maurice's dissipated brother, Francis, discovers money missing, Berry is wrongly accused of the theft.
  • As he thought it over, his anger gradually dissipated.
  • The volunteers' energy was dissipated by the enormous amounts of paperwork involved in the project.
  • Meanwhile, Japan's brief moment of international security cooperation after 9/11 has largely dissipated, although it has ships patrolling off the Horn of Africa in antipiracy missions. Japan Needs a Defense Plan
  • Life was good, in a dissipated and decadent, perpetually-sozzled sort of way.
  • Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety.
  • The volunteers' energy was dissipated by the enormous amounts of paperwork involved in the project.
  • First, we have checked that in K + buffer plasma and mitochondrial potentials were dissipated.
  • In fact, the urge had dissipated somewhat, now that the promise of a chance at R 'shiel was in the offing. TREASON KEEP
  • Part of the reason is that their earnings are dissipated by prices kept high by import controls.
  • Ferrari seemed still somewhat disturbed in his mind -- but even his uneasiness dissipated itself by degrees, and heated by the quantity of wine he had taken, he began to talk with boastful braggartism of his many successful gallantries, and related his most questionable anecdotes in such a manner as to cause some haughty astonishment in the mind of the Duke di Marina, who eyed him from time to time with ill-disguised impatience that bordered on contempt. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • Then the light dimmed until it disappeared and the wind dissipated.
  • He plays a dissipated American writer living in Europe.
  • The elastic material above the interface would go through a loading-unloading cycle, but the energy would not be dissipated.
  • Little by little, the smoke was dissipated by the breeze.
  • Fortunately, the potential for vulgarity is dissipated by Halo's reputation for quality.
  • Numerous winters have brought heavy snowfalls and low temperature and fortunes of stockmen have been dissipated in one season because of these adverse conditions.
  • The end result of that was a temporary "breakwater" running from the northernmost tip of Iftel to the southernmost end of Karse, a breakwater that disrupted the mage-storms as they moved across the face of the land, broke them up and dissipated their energies harmlessly. Storm Rising
  • Dread, trepidation or even uneasiness suggest a fearfulness that has mostly dissipated.
  • He blew a stream of smoke into the rafters, and being a superstitious lot, they watched until it dissipated, wraithlike, in the firelight.
  • That the moral capital of all three parties has been dissipated is not lost on the public, whose contempt for the political process has grown. Even More Respect ...

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