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How To Use Dissimulation In A Sentence

  • A course of lying, of deceit and dissimulation, is that which every good man dreads and which we are all concerned to beg of Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The conditions of the covenant have been violated by the reservation of spoil from the doomed city; wickedness, emphatically called folly, has been committed in Israel (Ps 14: 1), and dissimulation, with other aggravations of the crime, continues to be practised. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They know the difference between darkness and light; and know that genuine love consists in manifesting chastity of heart, which lives upon love alone, and does not pride itself on dissimulation, which is a vice. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • ` ` No, no, Rashleigh, '' said Miss Vernon; ` ` dismiss from your company the false archimage Dissimulation, and it will better ensure your free access to our classical consultations. '' Rob Roy
  • In so far, however, as it is "almost physiological," and based on radical feminine characters, such as modesty, affectability, and sympathy, which have an organic basis in the feminine constitution and can therefore never altogether be changed, feminine dissimulation seems scarcely likely to disappear. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
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  • Thompson enumerates a number of the strategies of domination, including legitimation, dissimulation, unification, fragmentation, and reification.
  • Still we have our limits beyond which we call dissimulation treachery. Romola
  • He [1] was indeede a man of extraordinary parts, a pleasant witt, a greate understandinge, which pierced into and decerned the purposes of other men with wounderfull sagacity, whilst he had himselfe vultum clausum, that no man could make a guesse of what he intended; he was of a temper not to be mooved, and of rare dissimulation, and could comply when it was not seasonable to contradicte without loosinge grounde by the condescention, and if he were not superiour to M'r Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • According to John, the most expedient way to destroy tyrants was to beseech God's retribution, but he explicitly sanctioned human dissimulation and treachery when they served the cause.
  • I dread that she should acquire preposterous notions of love, of happiness, from the furtive perusal of vulgar novels, or from the clandestine conversation of ignorant waiting-maids: – I dread that she should acquire, even from the enchanting eloquence of Rousseau, the fatal idea, that cunning and address are the natural resources of her sex; that coquetry is necessary to attract, and dissimulation to preserve the heart of man. Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • Yes, it remains crucial that the power elite's obfuscations, dissimulations and inconsistencies be exposed.
  • Because this miasmic political alembic of dissimulation, leakage and 'shocking' revelation is meant to conceal who the financial and power beneficiaries who thrive on war are - all the leaks and vapid condemnation of leaks in the world can only hope to reveal the most superficial level inconstiencies and travesties, that is, what we already know are the horrific and tragic consequence of unlimited war. Main RSS Feed
  • A few months before this time, he would have scorned the idea of concealing any part of his conduct, any one of his actions, from his best friend, Mr Percival; but his pride now reconciled him to the meanness of concealment; and here, the acuteness of him feelings was to his own mind an excuse for dissimulation: so fallacious is moral instinct, unenlightened or uncontrolled by reason and religion. Belinda
  • Those who take Bayle to be a religious skeptic discount this testimony as dissimulation.
  • Now that I am older and wiser, I first try a bit of greasy dissimulation with the referee, while at the wame time pointing out the matters of fact where the referee is wrong to the editor and that suggesting the referee is incompetent. Hugues Goosse and the Unresponsiveness of Juckes « Climate Audit
  • In 1421 they entered a contract to be loyal to each other without dissimulation or fraud.
  • Ducks, sparrows, pelicans-sketches and finished piecesmingled in the vast dissimulation of birds.
  • Therefore, if you will that I take any meddling in this process, first cause all these papers to be burnt; secondly, make the two gentlemen come personally before me, and afterwards, when I shall have heard them, I will tell you my opinion freely without any feignedness or dissimulation whatsoever. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • [387] His dissimulation was his disregard of the divine call in the vision described in § 21. St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh
  • A habit of dissimulation is a hindrance , and a poorness to him.
  • For in the lower orders its activity is not so evident; it has a lower degree of objectivation; whereas, in the class which stands above the higher order of animals, that is, in men, reason enters in; and with reason comes discretion, and with discretion, the capacity of dissimulation, which throws a veil over the operations of the will. Religion
  • His reserve might by the ill-natured have been termed dissimulation, inasmuch as when asked by the ladies of the embassy what had become of the young person who had amused them that day so cleverly he gave it out that her whereabouts was uncertain and her destiny probably obscure; he let it be supposed in a word that his benevolence had scarcely survived an accidental, a charitable occasion. The Tragic Muse
  • Indeed, the play of dissimulation and deception reaffirms the truth about what we see.
  • They used every trick in the book to justify the unjustifiable and the people saw through their lies, half truths and dissimulations.
  • “No, no, Rashleigh,” said Miss Vernon; “dismiss from your company the false archimage Dissimulation, and it will better ensure your free access to our classical consultations.” Rob Roy
  • He was capable of great dissimulation and hypocrisy.
  • My immediate reaction is that his article feels kind of like an ambush, can it be called dissimulation or subterfuge? The Spirit - news with a Catholic Heart...
  • They suffered years of guilt and dissimulation before they could announce their own agnosticism or adamant disbelief.
  • How can such dissimulation (I use that term gingerly) then be blamed on the ones being taught? Mormon Stories Podcast Archive
  • So far am I from forbidding these officially to check the undue license of kings, that if they connive at kings when they tyrannise and insult over the humbler of the people, I affirm that their dissimulation is not free from nefarious perfidy, because they fraudulently betray the liberty of the people, while knowing that, by the ordinance of God, they are its appointed guardians. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Stamp Act
  • They wanted an end to secrecy and the covering up of blunders, there was to be no dissimulation in producing policies, no more pretence that all was well when it clearly was not.
  • But perpetual dissimulation is painful, and he that is all fortune and no nature is an exquisite hireling.
  • Being a woman she understood perfectly the art of dissimulation, which is a necessary accomplishment, a thousand circumstances requiring its exercise for the sake of her security, peace, and comfort. Ninon de L'Enclos the Celebrated Beauty of the 17th Century
  • Wherefore, although he did not lie in words, yet with respect to the matter of fact, his dissimulation was a lie, by implication. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Did I find in Grey's dissimulations an echo of my own?

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