How To Use Dissimilar In A Sentence

  • Emf of a battery is due to electrochemical redox reactions occuring between dissimilar metal electrodes, one of which becomes positively charged, the other of which becomes negatively charged. you can have an EMF building up a charge, and discharging the stored electrons, but you have no field of you are not doing any moving of the electrons Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Here location at the two extremities of the peninsula has involved a striking difference in ethnic infusions in the two districts, different historical careers owing to different vicinal grouping, and dissimilar geographic conditions. Influences of Geographic Environment On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography
  • Perhaps we are not so dissimilar from germs and viruses. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the language surrounding the two programs may differ, the dissimilarities end there.
  • To me, it is reminiscent of an old corporation dustcart, not dissimilar to the one seen in the 1971 feature film when the Dads Army platoon hitch a ride back to Walmington-On-Sea from their manoeuvres (thank you Anoneumouse). And now... the European Army
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  • ‘How strange’ the figure said in a raspy metallic voice, not dissimilar to X's.
  • And I think that we found that they are not as dissimilar as they seem on the face of it.
  • And, contentiously, isn't this not that dissimilar to the intellectual tactics of Anti-Semites?
  • Not dissimilar to the 1960's standby in the 'burbs of Toronto called "ambrosia" which was a white sweet glommy glob including coconut flakes, tinned mandarin orange segments and other preserved ingredients. Latter-day fixin's!
  • His views are not dissimilar from those of the Health Minister.
  • I think there are fads and fashions in television as in other modes of life, so it is quite possible that this particular type of reality television will fade away, to be replaced by something not so dissimilar.
  • The cloathing is dissimilar; the Essences cloathed were identically the same. Copyright
  • Lions and lionesses play dramatically dissimilar roles.
  • They would in fact be applying a test for review not dissimilar to the one about to be examined. 2.
  • They are scarcely more dissimilar than the primrose, the cowslip, and the oxlip, which have all been raised from the seed of the same plant, and are now regarded by botanists as varieties instead of species. An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
  • When opened, though, the two volumes could not be more dissimilar.
  • Squared Euclidean distances were utilized in order to maximize the dissimilarity of unlike clusters.
  • The organic matter is extremely old and quite dissimilar to biological material.
  • Nevertheless, one may expect a greater similarity between two geometrically similar points than between two geometrically dissimilar points.
  • The banjo is played in the more rhythmic "clawhammer" style, which has a sound not dissimilar from a chicken clucking. Phawker
  • Indeed, "The Runaways" is owned and just about swallowed up by Fanning's riveting portrayal of the singer (not too dissimilar from the way Currie overwhelmed the group). Sundance Review: Kristen Stewart And Dakota Fanning’s ‘Runaways’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • It is hard to imagine two ethnically identical and adjoining societies so dissimilar in style and philosophy.
  • The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
  • The FADEC system consists of hardware layer based on similarity redundancy technique and software layer based on dissimilarity redundancy technique.
  • But even by marriage Jhabvala was an outsider, since her husband was a Parse, a member of a generally well-educated and prosperous ethnic group whose position in Indian society is not dissimilar to that of the Jews in Europe. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala.
  • Cognitive inconsistency reflects the extent to which one's cognitions and overall attitude are dissimilar.
  • Divergent evolution occurs when originally similar societies evolve along lines of increasing dissimilarity. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • In fact, this isn't totally dissimilar to my pulling technique at primary school. The Sun
  • But we're assured dolphin is a kind of Bajan fish not dissimilar to tuna.
  • On Saturday night, Robbie and his partner Ola were tasked with performing the cha-cha-cha, a dance of Cuban origin that apparently involves a bewildered looking man in a black rhinestone-studded hoodie standing ram-rod straight and occasionally flapping his arms about, while his partner gyrates suggestively around him in a manner not dissimilar to a naked Britt Ekland on the other side of Edward Woodward's hotel‑room wall in The Wicker Man. Bad boy Robbie Savage finds life tough outside his comfort zone | Barry Glendenning
  • An accordionist himself, he finds something compelling about the song and begins to learn the stuff that is so (seemingly, at least) dissimilar from his native polkas.
  • His methods were not dissimilar to those used by Freud.
  • Presumably, inhibition was needed only to reduce the ‘noise’ from similar, but not from dissimilar, distractors.
  • In La Commune, the actors, many residents of working-class neighborhoods not dissimilar from the ones that bred the Communards, break character to discuss their roles. He Saw It Coming
  • Altogether his work has a distinctive, congruous voice, but individually his films are produced with very dissimilar methods and motives.
  • In like manner neither can it be called intemperate: and in this respect there is dissimilarity between justice and the other moral virtues; but as regards the proportion between operation and habit, there is similarity in all respects. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • As I have pointed out, such a philosophy - animism - is not dissimilar to the beliefs of Druidism, which is a set of religious beliefs from Western Europe and Britain around the time of the life of Christ.
  • Using a needle, the doctor-virtuoso is supposed to inject unseasoned pigs with an counteractant before they fly off to infect dissimilar countries. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The most intimidating part of the auditorium was its drop ceiling, a basket weave of 8,000 dissimilar, curved shapes.
  • His views are not dissimilar from those of the Health Minister.
  • The inflorescence is a panicle consisting of groups of dissimilar spikelets with compressed, boat-shaped spathes on peduncles. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Hybridization may result in sterile offspring because of the incompatibility of genes or enzyme systems inherited from two dissimilar species.
  • The two submarines are not dissimilar in size, with the British boats being slightly larger than her French twin.
  • The way of life here is not altogether dissimilar to that in other parts of Europe.
  • It is, however, open to question whether this fact connotes dissimilarity of attitudes on the part of the spouses.
  • Somehow, her physical dissimilarity was easier to understand.
  • STRANGER: But in those who were originally of a noble nature, and who have been nurtured in noble ways, and in those only, may we not say that union is implanted by law, and that this is the medicine which art prescribes for them, and of all the bonds which unite the dissimilar and contrary parts of virtue is not this, as I was saying, the divinest? The Statesman
  • Second, the cactus and acacia trees may have dissimilar distributions of branch length.
  • Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
  • The result is that the same or similar marks can be owned by different proprietors in respect of dissimilar goods or businesses.
  • So they not only look dissimilar but also, in effect, live apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • In comments on his table, Potter says that he has doubtless included mention of many plagues which, although described under that name, are probably a dissimilar disease, writers having applied the terms pestilential and pestilent in a generic sense to diseases specifically different. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • One of the best local cheeses is Grimbister, a fresh farmhouse cheese not dissimilar to Wensleydale.
  • their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own
  • The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
  • Spikelets many, dissimilar, in solitary, digitate or fascicled racemes or spikes; first glume not sunk in the hollow of the rachis. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Proportional representation may allow something not wholly dissimilar to develop in Iraq.
  • Given the products at issue, “plenish,” “vitalizing mist,” and “wash” were not sufficiently distinctive in themselves to render the marks dissimilar. Archive 2009-04-01
  • And like i mention in the blog the current government tactics especially in controlling the civilian unrest or yearn for reforms has not been to dissimilar from the stance taken by the colonial authorities in handling the emergency period. Mau Mau to sue the British Government : Law is Cool
  • Madonna's career is not dissimilar to Cher's.
  • She and her seven students were so dissimilar that under ordinary circumstances they might never have been friends.
  • The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
  • The argument and the language in this sentence are pretty nearly on a par; for as misery makes men acquainted with dissimilar companions, why may not parsimony conglutinate heterogeneous compositions? Notes and Queries, Number 71, March 8, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • One has only to look at a few examples in common usage - ‘film/video,’ ‘art/culture,’ ‘media/culture ‘- to understand that the two nouns linked by the virgule contain similarities as well as dissimilarities.’
  • The four unranked books which made the shortlist shared a seriousness and scholarly rigour, but were otherwise quite dissimilar.
  • It would be hard to think of two European nations more dissimilar, historically, than the Italians and the Scots.
  • He effectively shows, even to the novice, that the design requirements for interceptors, ‘bomber-fighters,’ and air-superiority fighters are very dissimilar.
  • Her latest book is quite dissimilar from her previous one.
  • But when it comes to women, their behaviour is not entirely dissimilar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although they are generalized propositions, principles are dissimilar from rules.
  • History paints a vivid picture of disparity and dissimilarity between Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman.
  • Not that dissimilar from the other meter considering I had been swapping and mixing the two tank's water.
  • It would be hard to think of two European nations more dissimilar, historically, than the Italians and the Scots.
  • Linguists used to record those slight generational dissimilarities and then lament the demise of a regional dialect. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • There were of course also many points of dissimilarity between them.
  • Although there are subtle changes on Parade, it's not radically dissimilar to what fans have come to expect.
  • I recall the clunky, ugly pages I wrought through those lessons — it gave me a feeling of power not dissimilar to my 1979 experiments with a TI-99 running BASIC, when I commanded the ones and zeroes to: How I stopped worrying and learned to build a Web site « The Retort
  • Equally troubling has been "professional plaintiffs' class action lawyers'" ability to have the judiciary cast aspersions on objectors' counsel for engaging in a litigation/business strategy not dissimilar from the litigation/business strategy of "professional plaintiffs' class action lawyers. Lawrence W. Schonbrun: Wikipedia Wars
  • First, the skulls of those birds are totally and dramatically dissimilar, and second, does this mean that the shoebill is extinct?
  • The attraction and sense of appreciation that is produced by the vastly dissimilar artworks populating the exhibit's journey is primarily intellectual, not visceral, something that the 20th century critic Clive Bell would have pointed out as a hallmark of true art -- conclusively delimited from the easy, reflexive enjoyment of something that merely looks good. Robert L. Powell: AbEx: Masterpieces From The Museum of Modern Art
  • Intellectual life was not so dissimilar, vitality after the war coming largely from external sources, émigrés from Central and Eastern Europe, with few local eminences.
  • They correct any dissimilarity between batches of work.
  • We know that dissimilar production systems produce goods with very different quality characteristics.
  • The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
  • Not too dissimilar from the bland generalizations expounded in a horoscope. Lieberman increases criticism of Barack Obama
  • He should be the bad guy but we find ourselves wondering if our choices wouldn't be too dissimilar given the circumstances.
  • 1The difference in conceptualizing a geographic region as a hinterland rather than as a motherland is like the dissimilarity in being remembered as bystanders to an event rather than as people who made history. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Therefore in such animals the uterus is dissimilar to that of both the vivipara and ovipara, because they participate in both classes; for it is at once near the hypozoma and also stretching along downwards in all the cartilaginous fishes. On the Generation of Animals
  • Its flesh is pleasantly gelatinous and not dissimilar to scallop.
  • Even the inexcitable old doctor had felt the attraction which had already conquered three such dissimilar people as Alban Morris, Cecilia I Say No
  • This case was dissimilar from the previous soccer-ban on hijabs, which are worn frequently in international soccer clubs with no demonstratable risk to the player or others. Reasonable Accomodation of Bike Helmets : Law is Cool
  • Sunbeds supply an intense burst of UV light - not dissimilar to the full-spectrum light boxes prescribed for winter depression.
  • How are patterns of cohabitation influenced by dissimilarity of species?
  • It is hard to imagine two ethnically identical and adjoining societies so dissimilar in style and philosophy.
  • Not dissimilar from the system known as critical path analysis, the approach envisaged should show a time-scale allocation against each task.
  • This would not be too dissimilar from the Bristol Palin situation as, from the time of that interview, it appeared Bristol and Levi would be getting married, although it was unclear (and unlikely) that they would be married prior to the birth. Matthew Yglesias » Scott Brown Questions Barack Obama’s Parentage
  • The design does not seem to be so dissimilar from what happened during the initial phase of the Nazi regime in Germany.
  • This paper, proceeding with the definition of dissimilarity, probes into the relationship between selfness and otherness to reveal the cross-cultural essence of translation.
  • Hardly surprising really considering it feels not dissimilar from a hunk of exceedingly dead meat!
  • Cultural dissimilarity brings difficulty to language learning.
  • Also there are many on the right who do not feel entirely dissimilar to the way progressives are feeling about the state of our nation and they also feel estranged from the party on the right. Think Progress » Health insurers spent $38 million lobbying Congress in 2009.
  • A lightning-fast, skilful and occasionally violent hurly-burly blur of whirring limbs and flailing, splintering timber in which all 30 players take to the field simultaneously armed with wooden clubs, hurling is not actually as dissimilar to cricket as you'd think. Ireland expected England to hurl abuse in defeat, not throw flowers | Barry Glendenning
  • Different geographical areas connect to the debates on globalisation in dissimilar ways.
  • Is it words that use some kind of defecation terminology to describe something dissimilar? Liza Palmer: The Police vs. Will Shortz: My Own Personal Celebrity Death Match
  • At present, architectural production often seems to be of two quite dissimilar kinds: sheds and follies.
  • The horses were not dissimilar in looks. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a way, it isn't too dissimilar to the intellectual property conventions that exist for video games.
  • In order to exploit multisource information from remotely sensed data sufficiently, it is often necessary to match dissimilar images one another taken by different sensors.
  • By reading the afore-mentioned three columns horizontally and _onwards_, instead of vertically and _downwards_ "in the old trite vulgar way," it was contended that much mirth might observingly be distilled from the most unhopeful material, as "_blind Chance_" frequently brought about the oddest conjunctions, and not seldom compelled _sub juga aenea_ persons and things the most dissimilar and discordant. De Libris: Prose and Verse
  • I recall the clunky, ugly pages I wrought through those lessons — it gave me a feeling of power not dissimilar to my 1979 experiments with a ... 2009 September « The Retort
  • But surely there's a less noisome method of distributing cash than one in which innocent pedestrians are accosted by somebody not dissimilar to the last person to have mugged them?
  • The 200-inch Mount Palomar telescope can photograph clusters of galaxies at distances of a few thousand million light years so that within this optically observable part of the universe alone there must be a billion galaxies with a size, structure, and stellar content not dissimilar from that of the Milky Way. Sharing the Universe
  • And the longer we stay there, I think the further destabilization will occur, ” adding, “We are locked into a bogged-down problem not unsimilar or dissimilar to where we were in Vietnam. ” Think Progress » WSJ: The ‘Real Problem’ Behind Middle East Violence Is The ‘U.S. Is So Bogged Down In Iraq’
  • Spikelets are binate, one sessile and one pedicelled; the pedicelled spikelets are dissimilar from the sessile and both usually 2-flowered. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Together, these simulations suggest that selection is required to explain the overall reduction in hybrid indices, with varying magnitudes of selection being necessary to explain the dissimilarity among the four replicates.
  • The columns were of different substances; some of handsome marble, others of rough stone meanly plastered over, with dissimilar capitals, vulgarly cut shafts of various sizes; here with a pediment, there without, now turned upside down, then joined together by halves in the centre, and almost invariably nescient of intercolumnar rule. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • So, the fallback is to use old studies, done on dissimilar programs (human space flight and Earth/space science missions present very different challenges) and in management environments (NASA-OMB-Congress) that were quite different than they are currently. Ares Costs: Just Pick a Number - NASA Watch
  • For example, two dissimilar jackets, two pairs of trousers, two distinctive shirts and two neckties can be combined in sixteen different ways.
  • We're past that stage now, because now we are locked into a bogged-down problem, not unsimilar, dissimilar to where we were in Vietnam. CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2005
  • The heat calculation would be different because of dissimilar thermal calculation in the turbo-compressor when the boiler load was changed.
  • These great artists, so dissimilar in the outward aspects of their creations, agree in considering that the only way of advancement open to the aspirant is the attempt to form himself on the example of others, by imitating them not slavishly or mechanically, but in the same spirit in which they imitated their forerunners: even as the Albert Durer
  • In summary the binary consists of two compact stars of not dissimilar mass moving in tight eccentric orbits.
  • a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm
  • In any case, what he found was that treating two different leukemia and lymphoma cell lines with ascorbate at those concentrations before treating them with chemotherapeutic agents, including mechanistically dissimilar agents such as doxorubicin, which intercalates with DNA and causes DNA breaks; methotrexate, which inhibits folate metabolism; cisplatin, which crosslinks DNA; vincristine, which interferes with microtubule function; and imatinib mesylate (better known by its trade name of Gleevec), a selective inhibitor of the activity of a protein called bcr-abl, which is the oncogene that plays a central role in the development of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Adrian Monck
  • Perhaps that's not dissimilar to most teenagers, but naturally I can only speak for myself and my behaviour.
  • The meat looks fat and nice, and is relished by the people, a little glariness seemed to be present on the foreleg, and I sometimes think that, notwithstanding the dissimilarity of the symptoms observed in the camels and buffaloes now, and those we saw in oxen and horses, the evil may be the tsetse, after all, but they have been badly used, without a doubt. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • And don't install dissimilar metals such as copper and steel in the same wall.
  • Your and your spouse's plans for your estate can be identical or entirely dissimilar; it's your call.
  • It's becoming one of the great sights in the game, watching the young Portuguese international marauding down the wing spilling out tricks and swerves in a manner not dissimilar to a certain Irishman in the 60s.
  • They are playing in not too dissimilar ways, to how they were playing in the 2000 Olympics.
  • When there is a corrodible metal or alloy, the presence of a dissimilar conductive material (cathode), electrolytes, and an electrical path between the anode and the cathode, we will have corrosion on our airplanes. Undefined
  • That is, inconsistency reflects dissimilarity without directly assessing conflict.
  • These days it's a holiday destination not too dissimilar to Brighton.
  • This I find to be contemptible because it is the result of an activity dissimilar to smoking, but also because it implies that smoking in public should banned.
  • “You could give this to any petrologist or geologist or astronomer on earth, they would run tests, and they would tell you two things: one, it is 190 million years old; and two, it is chemically dissimilar from the kind of rock we have here on earth.” Deception Point
  • Spikelets many, dissimilar, in solitary, digitate or fascicled racemes or spikes; first glume not sunk in the hollow of the rachis. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Rembrandt depicts himself in a burgher's hat and cloak, as does Rubens, although the hats are dissimilar and Rembrandt wears a neck ruff.
  • So composite and incongruous is this body of Nile-goers, young and old, well-dressed and ill-dressed, learned and unlearned, that the new-comer's first impulse is to inquire from what motives so many persons of dissimilar tastes and training can be led to embark upon an expedition which is, to say the least of it, very tedious, very costly, and of an altogether exceptional interest. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Spikelets are in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile and bisexual and the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter with the pedicels adnate to, or closely appressed to the joint of the rachis. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Mammals are thought to choose partners with genetic dissimilarities, thereby maintaining a diverse gene pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • The August issue of Scientific American explains how it is possible to swim in curved space-time, and it seems that a tripodal creature, not totally dissimilar in motion to a toad swimming backwards, is ideal for this type of activity. Jean Toad and swimming in space-time
  • And as the price climbed, it has had two key effects, not dissimilar to a rapid rise in interest rates.
  • God glorifies himself in rescuing the undeserving, not the heavenly; the poetry of redemption lies all in the dissimilarity between redeemer and redeemed, the similarities (if I may be permitted to put it this way) are all ironical, however necessary. Spring « Unknowing
  • ‘If items are too dissimilar, it can have a disjointed and fragmented appearance,’ said Catlin.
  • The thesis brings to bear conjectural variation to unify the classical oligopoly models and open out that the differences of the models are only the dissimilarities of conjectural variation range.
  • In gratitude, for his debut feature film, he has written, directed and composed the music for a story not dissimilar to his own.
  • You could give this to any petrologist or geologist or astronomer on earth, they would run tests, and they would tell you two things: one, it is 190 million years old; and two, it is chemically dissimilar from the kind of rock we have here on earth. Deception Point
  • In pencilled Hamburghs, on the other hand, there is much dissimilarity; the pencilling which is characteristic of the hens being almost absent in the males of both the golden and silver varieties. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • Each genetic pathway metabolizes glucose and produces succinate via dissimilar chemical reactions.
  • The electron beam welding process has had wide application for joining dissimilar metals.
  • The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
  • Morrow proved equally skillful in negotiating a new agreement, not too dissimilar from the Bucareli Accords. The Mexican Revolution - consolidation (1920–40) part 2
  • In this context his appeal to arms is not too dissimilar from that employed by the South at Fort Sumpter when they believed their vested rights were in dire jeopardy in the democratic United States.
  • Women, because of their role as mothers and wives, have diverse careers which are often very dissimilar to those of men.
  • The _spikelets_ are 1 - to 2-flowered in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile and bisexual and the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter; the pedicel is adnate to the joint of the rachis. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • (And for not dissimilar reasons, medieval mystics, like Meister Eckhart, were precisely against experientialist perennialism. A dangerous seduction
  • The pleasures of the romance novel are not dissimilar from those of the chocolate bar; naughty but nice.
  • Even the inexcitable old doctor had felt the attraction which had already conquered three such dissimilar people as Alban Morris, Cecilia Wyvil, and Francine de Sor.
  • It is not easy to let go of a new-found union or to acknowledge dissimilarity and discord. The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
  • 'ayins and hehs ... not to mention confusing totally dissimilar letters ... not as we the Ashkenazim pronounce the undotted tauw (tav) as a samekh, to our shame. Esser Agaroth
  • Titanium can be joined to itself or dissimilar metals with titanium bolts or with cadmium-plated steel bolts.
  • Symbiosis Nature, as we observe it, is built upon reciprocal relationships of dissimilar organisms, bacterial, vegetable and animal.
  • The concept is not entirely dissimilar to the idea of segmented or compartmentalized structures used in modern ship hulls or gasoline tanker trucks. Where Wizards Stay Up Late
  • Eastern soil, flanked on all sides by the most widely dissimilar peoples — Orientals, Finnic-Ugrians and Slavs — some of them dangerous neighbours just beyond the border, others settled on The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Symbiosis Nature, as we observe it, is built upon reciprocal relationships of dissimilar organisms, bacterial, vegetable and animal.
  • A casserole of dissimilar musical interests cunningly fused into one big bowl.
  • The spikelets are all unisexual, spicate, the male and female spikelets are dissimilar, and are on the same or on different spikes. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Such categorizations are not entirely dissimilar from those that one might use in the arts or in engineering.
  • His achievement in Cleveland was not dissimilar to yours in Berlin and Mravinsky's in Leningrad?
  • So, the fallback is to use old studies, done on dissimilar programs (human space flight and Earth/space science missions present very different challenges) Ares Costs: Just Pick a Number - NASA Watch
  • This is not dissimilar to charges of professional misconduct as a barrister or solicitor.
  • The Phlox family is a numerous one, and the species are not only numerous but extremely dissimilar, consisting of the dwarf woody trailers, or _P. procumbens_ section, the oval-leafed section (_P. ovata_), the creeping or stolon-rooted (_P. stolonifera_) section, and the one now under notice, which differs so widely that many have seemed puzzled that these bold tall plants are so closely related to the prostrate, Whin-like species. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • There might be a likeness between their features, but their eyes were totally dissimilar.
  • That the two are moving in not entirely dissimilar directions might just be useful for both of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number 100 is not dissimilar in appearance to the word loo, and there were plenty of servicemen from the U.S.A. and England in Italy from 1943 onwards. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 4
  • This is meaningless though because the two are sufficiently dissimilar as to be incomparable, the results of traffic is generally for the betterment of society as a whole.
  • Bolivia has been in the international press recently as the Santa Cruz department voted on an autonomy referendum (not terribly dissimilar from the relative autonomy US states enjoy) that it hopes will grant it more power to allocate its own resources from the oil and agriculturally rich eastern region of the country. Dispatch from Oblivia « Wanderings
  • The organic matter is extremely old and quite dissimilar to biological material.
  • One pair was even found to be as dissimilar as prints from different people.
  • They are different beasts, but their goals are not dissimilar. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tend to read two dissimilar books in parallel, and sense for links.
  • They are different beasts, but their goals are not dissimilar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, the visual dissimilarity among works and within mediums is offset by a coolly consistent emotional tenor that overtakes the viewer as if by stealth.
  • As for the Earth, watermelon , grape, have a spheroid, Be just some dissimilarities of size.
  • Because the use of dissimilar metals is avoided, the possibility of galvanic corrosion is minimized.
  • His practice of mobility is based on a constant but consciously unsuccessful effort to merge dissimilarities and blend antipodes.
  • a group of very dissimilar people
  • took different (or dissimilar) approaches to the problem
  • Despite the claims and appearance of the product, the dissimilarities were slight. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • 18.3 In comments on his table, Potter says that he has doubtless included mention of many plagues which, although described under that name, are probably a dissimilar disease, writers having applied the terms pestilential and pestilent in a generic sense to diseases specifically different. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • We have said that all bodies yield electricity under the friction of dissimilar bodies; but this cannot be proved for every body by simply holding it in one hand and rubbing it with the excitor, as may be done in the case of glass. The Story of Electricity
  • However, there are some troubling dissimilarities.
  • Facing Laura he was struck again by the dissimilarities between mother and daughter. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • His views are not dissimilar from those of the Health Minister.
  • Given the products at issue, "plenish," "vitalizing mist," and "wash" were not sufficiently distinctive in themselves to render the marks dissimilar. Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log
  • I recently ordered the chicken roti, a thin wrap not dissimilar to a flour tortilla but flakier, stuffed to bursting with a spicy blend of chicken, vegetables and aromatics.

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