
How To Use Dissenting In A Sentence

  • The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
  • Either they did not see what was happening, which is inexcusable, or the board was so badly structured that dissenting voices could be ignored.
  • That ratification depends on Parliament only dissenting in legally ambiguous ways?
  • While his voice was hardly dissenting, it was heavy with cautiousness and pragmatism.
  • In future, the movement will be more humane, more charitable with a greater respect for dissenting opinion, there will be less purges and more accommodation.
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  • His father intended him for the Presbyterian ministry and sent him to a dissenting academy, first at Gloucester and then at Tewkesbury.
  • Which is a great shame because in the current climate, where the love of reading and untempered enthusiasm for ideas is regarded as increasingly unfashionable, she remains one of the few consistently dissenting voices.
  • He gave art an openly political meaning and did not appreciate the artist as an individual dissenting voice.
  • As Baptists, our beginnings are traced to dissenting sects of English and European Protestants.
  • A dissenting justice speculated on the content of the message conveyed by the gyrations of strip-club performers.
  • Since the new program was introduced, there have been some dissenting voices .
  • Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments, or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.
  • Although the phrase echoes statements made by Lincoln, and although versions of the sentiment have been advanced at various times in American history, the precise phrase "suicide pact" was first used by Justice Robert H. Jackson in his dissenting opinion in Terminiello v. The Guardian World News
  • There are likely to be many dissenting voices.
  • There's strength in the diversity of warning systems, if only because it allows the airing of dissenting opinions on whether a particular threat is serious.
  • Amid so much ballyhoo, it's always healthy to find dissenting voices. Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • There have been many other dissenting voices protesting the sale of public sector companies but these have been largely disregarded as the predictable ravings of the lunatic Left.
  • The long arm of Puritan persecution continued to harass those who embraced dissenting views causing a Baptist migration to New Jersey.
  • Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision.
  • The continuity in the Dissenting tradition in such places is often remarkable.
  • His dissenting judgments brought many clashes with the House of Lords.
  • Gore Vidal, much to his own surprise no doubt, manages to prove that he is once again quite capable of dissenting without him getting carted off at midnight by jackbooted thugs.
  • Few things are harder for people who were traditionally subservient to their ‘elders and betters’ than publicly dissenting and struggling for rights.
  • While dissenting voices are certainly needed on the council they should be those that espouse a coherent ethical view.
  • The government is now accepting this committee's proposal that before any direction to a dissenting regulatory authority can be issued approval must be obtained by an affirmative vote of agreement in both houses of parliament.
  • Do the majority and dissenting opinions differ about how to characterize them?
  • Montgomery, James (1771 – 1854): brought up a Moravian, Montgomery became a dissenting radical pressman, imprisoned in 1796 for publishing political articles critical of the government in the paper he edited, the Sheffield Index of People
  • This includes an awareness of the value of dissenting voices and even heretical opinions in the Christian past.
  • It is well documented that exposure to the dissenting views of a minority fosters broader thought around an issue and stimulates divergent rather than convergent search.
  • The Dissenting pastor moaned over his stray lambling — if such a little, wily, mischievous monster could be called a lamb at all. The Virginians
  • The major older dissenting denominations - the Baptists and the Congregationalists - predominated in the south and east.
  • They omitted the intelligence agencies' caveats, cautions, and dissenting views.
  • Only a fool likes to hear the sound of his own voice. We welcome dissenting opinions.
  • Could I invite your Honours to note footnote 2 on page 414 where there is a comment on the dissenting judgment and it is said about four or five lines into it.
  • However, despite the advantages, the Town Engineer added that there were bound to be some dissenting voices.
  • Morrice became a moderately wealthy merchant, spending generously on the education of young men for the dissenting ministry.
  • Many of those dissenting voices seem to wonder how, given the precarious financial situation, the players can jet off to the sun for four days.
  • The increasing impact of this group on national life was identified with dissenting religion and with rapid changes in manufacturing and industry, especially in the coalfield areas.
  • Born into a dissenting family of Nonconformists, a precursor to the Christian socialist tradition, Blake railed against the powers of both Church and Crown.
  • This dissenting tradition reached its zenith during in the English Revolution of the 1640's where the Levellers played a major role in Cromwell's New Model Army, advocating very radical ideas.
  • Within two years the phrase popularized in the Thomas hearings found its way into judicial proceedings: “It was an error for the trial court,” noted an Ohio appellate judge in a dissenting opinion, “to admit such he said–she said testimony.” No Uncertain Terms
  • Such a belief, the Senate report said, relied on the use of increasingly dubious sources and a dismissal of dissenting views.
  • Morrice became a moderately wealthy merchant, spending generously on the education of young men for the dissenting ministry.
  • Archbishop of Canterbury, is transformed, as if by irreverent enchantment of the dissenting interest, into A Favourite Terrier, or Cattle Grazing; and the most extraordinary work of art in the list described by the Bleater, is coolly sponged out altogether, and asserted never to have had existence at all, even in the most shadow thoughts of its executant! Contributions to All the Year Round
  • Unlike America's Supreme Court justices, Germany's seek consensus and seldom write dissenting opinions.
  • Once citizens have constructed a clear-eyed, dissenting version of our situation, perhaps politicians can also be liberated from exaggerated fear.
  • Dissenting churches, environment campaigners, independent lawyers, college fraternities and writers have all come together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.
  • The Five Dissenting Brethren and the other “thraward wits” in the Assembly could still persevere in their struggle with the Presbyterian majority, debating every proposition that implied a surrender of Congregationalism, and conscious that in so impeding a Presbyterian settlement they were pleasing a growing body of their fellow-countrymen. The Life of John Milton
  • On this occasion, dissenting voices were heard, elaborating reasoned arguments.
  • Thereafter Kemble gave readings of Shakespeare across the country, attracting the likes of the dissenting minister who told him that ‘though I abominate the stage yet I am a patron of Shakespeare in my social hours’.
  • Although only Lord Scott dissented as to result, Lord Rodger, who concurred in holding that the Court of Appeal should not have interfered with the judge's decision, can be regarded as dissenting also in relation to the dicta.
  • Critics are virtually unanimous in praising this movie, so in order to maintain my reputation as a cynical curmudgeon, I'd like to point you to the comments by dissenting critic David Edelstein (hat tip to Jeffrey Overstreet). Movie Review: Juno
  • And as to "tufts" -- that vile distinction which independent M. P.s are so indignant at -- why, if a dissenting nobleman -- even the seventh son of an Irish peer -- were to be had for love or money, what a price he would fetch in such an Utopia of nonconformity! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
  • The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
  • The dissenting crowd calls that "medievalism," but it is precisely what people need and want in this soul-deadening postmodern age. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • Chairman Martin, Commissioners Copps and Tate; Commissioner Adelstein concurring, dissenting in part. Television Regulation in Web World
  • While Dharma has laid himself open to criticism of misinterpretation, he has not heard dissenting voices so far.
  • I heard very few dissenting voices and saw scant evidence of a balanced view.
  • He was also a master consensus builder, rarely suffering a dissenting vote on the Fed board, an achievement that projected a powerful sense of certainty.
  • And I don't know quote how this has been effected, but somehow I think dissenting voices have been kowtowed into, if not silenced, into a kind of netherworld, and aren't heard. CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2003
  • [G] reen thinking -- with its shrill intolerance of dissenting views, its deep distaste for free movement and free choice, and its view of individuals, not as history-makers, but as filthy polluters -- poses a more profound threat to liberty even than the government's paranoid anti-terrorist agenda. The Intolerance of Environmentalism
  • A judge may dissent ( disagree with the majority opinion ) and write a " dissenting opinion.
  • In another case the defaulter was the son of a dissenting minister. Thrift
  • I do recall harshly dissenting from his vision for America and his voting record in the State Senate and in Congress. NC-13: GOPers TV Ad Shows Illegal Immigrant Grabbing His Crotch
  • The only dissenting voice was Henry's son William, who grudged the loss to the estate of a prime field.
  • Sure web space is not free space, but you'd think a website especially devoted to dissenting opinions would tend to obey its own principles.
  • Any dissenting opinion shall majority decision.
  • The Wilmington City Council voted Tuesday, with no one dissenting, to move forward with a long term annexation policy that could eventually boost the city's population by more than Local News from Wilmington Star News
  • The confused situation gave dissenting sects the opportunity to establish themselves.
  • In fact, except Oliver Cromwell, King William, a few gentlemen who had the misfortune to be executed or exiled for high treason, and every dissenting minister that he has or can find occasion to notice, there are hardly any persons mentioned who are not stigmatized as knaves or fools, differing only in degrees of "turpitude" and "imbecility". Famous Reviews
  • The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
  • Of the three dissenting denominations, it was the Congregationalists and the Calvinistic Baptists who stayed true to Christian orthodoxy as the seventeenth century gave way to the eighteenth.
  • COOPER: But I have read some of the dissenting opinions from this 2002 Supreme Court ruling, and they basically said, look, we're leaving this incredibly vague and we're not really telling courts -- lower courts, how to deal with this, because who can -- I mean, the line for determining what they call difficulty controlling your impulses, it's a very shady line. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2003
  • A dissenting shareholder should lodge his opposition at the meeting of shareholders and should also appear at the hearing of the petition.
  • A dissenting minority feels free only when it can impose its will on the majority: what it abominates most is the dissent of the majority.
  • This dissenting tradition reached its zenith during in the English Revolution of the 1640's where the Levellers played a major role in Cromwell's New Model Army, advocating very radical ideas.
  • The Dissenting pastor moaned over his stray lambling -- if such a little, wily, mischievous monster could be called a lamb at all. The Virginians
  • It seems extraordinary that as liberals we now feel secure enough to impose our own orthodoxies on the dissenting minorities within our community.
  • The Five Dissenting Brethren and the other "thraward wits" in the Assembly could still persevere in their struggle with the Presbyterian majority, debating every proposition that implied a surrender of Congregationalism, and conscious that in so impeding a Presbyterian settlement they were pleasing a growing body of their fellow-countrymen. The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • If small churches and dissenting sects thrived in the slums, the great current was active or passive disbelief.
  • it takes an iron fist to contain the dissenting factions
  • Dissenting voices cannot be tolerated, because they imply that a conservative future may not last forever.
  • What's the difference between dissenting by deciding and taking the law into your own hands?
  • One of the reasons I do usually avoid psychodrama is because I can hear a dissenting opinion and not quash it. Saddam Was A Very, Very Bad Man
  • These dissenting Baptists, who began to organize separate churches in the 1830s and 40s, were consistent Calvinists who rejected denominational institutions, such as missionary organizations, as unscriptural.
  • The Court answered that question in the negative (with Judge Bauer dissenting).
  • corkscrewed" out of the recalcitrant dissenting farmer, and the sight added to Mr. Granger's satisfaction. Beatrice
  • Bourdieu suggest that the culture arises out of dissenting claims to universality, which might be characterized alternately as "absolute judgement" — Bourdieu's phrase for the promise of having the final say in contestable matters of cultural relevance — or, as Kant puts it in the Dialectic of Aesthetic Judgment ( '56), "a hope of coming to terms. Article Abstracts
  • The end of the war found him a not untypical figure among socialists of his generation, a dissenting sergeant agitating for demob. Archive 2007-05-27
  • Kagan will want to be a force on the court, meaning (I'm just guessing here, but it makes sense if you read that Times profile) that she might want to be more of a conciliator, more of a power-player among the court's nonet rather its thundering dissenting voice on these questions. Elena Kagan
  • Dissenting justices said the ruling takes away the privacy protections of tens of millions of innocent passengers.
  • A judge may dissent ( disagree with the majority opinion ) and write a " dissenting opinion.
  • Together they embark on a life of adventure, the Dog Woman proving herself an adept ally for the soon-to-be deposed King, her natural talents for violence and loyalty put to use in slaying many a dissenting voice and in doing her best to alter the course of history. 2009 January « Tales from the Reading Room
  • I was only challenging the Blogger to his "Agile Mapping" title and the first line of information that suggested that with this example we were to conclude "agile mapping is where we need to be" … Throwing the term agile into any title and leading statement is fodder for dissenting options. Planet Geospatial
  • Tressell wrote his book for the coffee tables of the dissenting middle classes rather than for plebs like Towers and me.
  • The absence of time and dissension over selecting a foreperson may enable the jury to devote its attention to dissenting on more important issues.
  • What makes some people purposely seek out dissenting and alien viewpoints and accommodate them into their thinking, while others avoid them or try at all costs to nullify them?
  • Morrice became a moderately wealthy merchant, spending generously on the education of young men for the dissenting ministry.
  • Perhaps, as with so much punk rock, the inevitable has finally happened: dissenting from Massachusetts political orthodoxy has finally been "commodified" by the mainstream. Reason Magazine
  • Library, London, was established by a bequest from the dissenting minister, Letter 279
  • The group's sudden popularity suggests the vocalness of the grass-roots Internet community and raises questions about how Sen. Obama will handle dissenting voices from within the online movement he has harnessed to great success. Backers Fault Obama
  • This, he says, was due to the fact that ‘the South's religious mind was inarticulate, dissenting, and schismatical.’
  • Victor Fisher, on hand outside the hall, charged the dissenting delegates with being ‘dastards and cowards, some of whom… were the paid agents of the enemy, and.., traitors not only to their country but to civilisation.’
  • He's now at what's been described as the hellhole in Terre Haute, IN, in an area of right wing extremism and KKK influence, in a deliberate act of further barbaric vengeance to break his spirit, restrict his access to legal help and his family, and cause him undue pain and suffering in an age of US-sanctioned and authorized torture as a method of social control and inhumanity and because no dissenting authority has the courage to challenge Washington's willingness to go against the most basic principles of equity and justice. A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule
  • While his voice was hardly dissenting, it was heavy with cautiousness and pragmatism.
  • The West directed their comments to two audiences: the governments of the Eastern states and those individuals dissenting from prevailing practices in Soviet-bloc states.
  • Sikh leaders, gurus and elites were written about, but not dissenting movements, religious mobilisations, and the diversity of cultures within Sikhism itself.
  • In their dissenting note both the members had stated that the committee did not have the power to go into the question of grant or refusal of minority statues to anyone.
  • However, Marxists distinguish two kinds of dissenting consciousness which can be fostered amongst workers by personal experience and by collective organization.
  • Dinner parties with familiar friends from the chattering classes are wrecked by dissenting views way before the cheeseboard arrives.
  • I view of this presumptuousness, I asked Madsen about any dissenting voices in Finland, and he said that there were, and provided a surprising lesson on the Finnish ethos: They see it as a case of: 'We believe in authority; if something is decided, we don't discuss it anymore. Michael Vazquez: Weekend Film: On Into Eternity
  • The dissenting voice that objects to the gynocentric language of difference unwittingly reinforces the prevailing representation of herself, if only because she acquiesces in the notion of difference as opposition, as polarity.
  • In the English dissenting churches and the Presbyterian churches of Scotland, which until the later 19th century had no organs, the precentor was an important official.
  • Abuse of power, the hardrock bonding rules: report by the Committe on Resources together with dissenting views (SuDoc Y 1.1/8: 105-569) by U.S. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Congress set to keep abuse photos hidden
  • Throwing the term agile into any title and leading statement is fodder for dissenting options. Planet Geospatial
  • There were other things which in them did more take my mind; to talk and jest together, to do kind offices by turns; to read together honied books; to play the fool or be earnest together; to dissent at times without discontent, as a man might with his own self; and even with the seldomness of these dissentings, to season our more frequent consentings; sometimes to teach, and sometimes learn; long for the absent with impatience; and welcome the coming with joy. The Confessions
  • Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision.
  • The other patrons were terrifically entertained, egging him on; not a dissenting view was heard.

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