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How To Use Dissembling In A Sentence

  • You're with Radio National's Background Briefing, and today we probe the smoky world of ambiguities, misinformation, dissembling and not so much lies, as the avoidance of truth.
  • Then he is envious, covetous, jealous and mistrustful, timorous, sordid, outwardly dissembling, sluggish, suspicious, stubborn, a condemner of women, a close liar, malicious, murmuring, never contented, ever repining.
  • Or perhaps it will become part of that collection of words and phrases that only parliamentarians use, and which forms the acceptable face of the English Language - rather like 'dissembling' or 'considering your position'. Will 'misspeaking' be 'Out of Order'.
  • Poker also requires analytical skill, but above all it requires skill in bluffing and dissembling.
  • So did a certain cafard or dissembling religionary preach at Sinay, that Saint Anthony sent the fire into men's legs, that Saint Eutropius made men hydropic, Saint Clidas, fools, and that Saint Genou made them goutish. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
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  • If he's willing to use their lying and dissembling to his advantage, doesn't that make him a liar and dissembler also? Obama Lets Bill Clinton Off The Hook
  • It is now clear, however, that this was just the first stage in the Government's dissembling over the presentation of a decision already taken.
  • If he calls dissembling a crime, we have both of us dissembled. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • It is time to stop dissembling, delaying and deceiving.
  • It takes me back to the cadets, assembling or dissembling the Bren gun: piston, barrel, butt, body, bipod.
  • Any political candidate who answered this question carelessly is too stupid to govern, but I never meant to imply that either guy was dissembling. Yes, boys, but when no one is looking?
  • If a gay man and a gay* woman marry each other it happens would you think it is equally dissembling if they referred to it as a different-sex marriage instead of a straight marriage or a heterosexual marriage? The Volokh Conspiracy » “Gay Marriage” or “Same-Sex Marriage”?
  • Strauss goes so far as to say that dissembling and deception-in effect, a culture of lies-is the peculiar justice of the wise.
  • Dionne's commendably honest assessment at the end of the piece is at odds with his earlier dissembling.
  • But the surest way to fuel anti-migrant prejudice is for government to be seen to be dissembling or downplaying the extent or consequences of migration: honesty is the only viable policy.
  • While clearly hypocritical, it verges on dissembling, meaning to disguise or conceal the real nature of something. Obama And Lobbyists: What's The Real Story?
  • It would be a serious mistake to laugh this kind of dissembling as "comic". Rudy's Comic Dissembling About Dems And Terror
  • If Rick hated anything, it was lies, dissembling, falseness, pretension.
  • The dialogue between Zarathustra and the Magician reveals pretty fully what it was that Nietzsche grew to loathe so intensely in Wagner, -- viz., his pronounced histrionic tendencies, his dissembling powers, his inordinate vanity, his equivocalness, his falseness. Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none
  • Women writers developed an artistry of indirection, dissembling, splitting, masking, and coding to get their anger out into the public sphere.
  • Even so, the intimate, dissembling, distant transmissions exchanged via these radioactive pieces of plastic thread through the album's episodic songs.
  • They are either deeply confused, or deliberately dissembling.
  • He is bringing back the problem of jesuitical thinking, a mode of thought characterized by "dissembling and equivocating in a manner once associated with Jesuits. Fr. Reese's flawed arguments for Pres. Obama at Notre Dame
  • Before you write anything, before you take their word for anything, you ought to carefully study the possibility that they are dissembling.
  • When he believed in something, he was incapable of dissembling or prevaricating.
  • The media is largely compliant - being so popular, and now in your third term, no-one is game to take you on or push you to answer questions, so you get away with dissembling, even lies.
  • No amount of paranoid dissembling is going to change that reality. All we need is Blog?
  • The male narrators offer the woman's body as the place where they are momentarily free from the pressures of dissembling a myth of themselves.
  • He was criticised by some for "dissembling"? his own word for it? and for allowing blame to fall for a time on his colleague Lesley Stahl. Daniel Schorr obituary
  • So did a certain cafard or dissembling religionary preach at Sinay, that Saint Anthony sent the fire into men’s legs, that Saint Eutropius made men hydropic, Saint Clidas, fools, and that Saint Genou made them goutish. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Everyone understands politicians are under pressure to disingenuously parrot the party line, but unlike lawyers, their dissembling is never ethically required. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • The dissembling and physically deformed Richard, duke of Gloucester, reveals his true purpose in the opening soliloquy of Richard III.
  • Everytime a politician speaks, you know, they're fooling you, they're dissembling.
  • At least some responded with what might charitably be called dissembling answers. Grand Jury Probes Citizens
  • And the others, the other scientific advisers and other military officers, senior officials who were in our hands, you sense they're still dissembling as well?
  • Mr Secretary, you're dissembling, non-responsive.
  • Not dissembling, not equivocating, not prevaricating, not misinforming, not distorting.
  • A kind of ‘covering fire’ across media battlefields makes it easier for the candidate to just keep on dissembling.
  • He said: ‘We have a string of denials, of discrepancies and dissembling on the part of Downing Street.’
  • ‘They're all a bunch of liars,’ we agreed, after days of bluff, prevarication, dissembling and bait-and-switch games using even their own people.
  • Nietzsche grew to loathe so intensely in Wagner, — viz., his pronounced histrionic tendencies, his dissembling powers, his inordinate vanity, his equivocalness, his falseness. Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • Vic, the part that's most like that scene from Casablanca is your minimizing of Hannity's dissembling. Hannity = Dishonesty

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