How To Use Dissected In A Sentence
The unforested hills and plateaus of the Dissected Loess Uplands ecoregion are cut by the canyons of Ecoregion 10l and are disjunct.
Ecoregions of Idaho (EPA)
The anthers were dissected from the buds under a stereoscope.
‘But, if the body was dissected, it could not be treated with embalming fluids at all,’ Chen said.
Gossip was exchanged and embellished, births, deaths and marriages were discussed and the price of bonhams and dropped calves were dissected.
Morphologically, the population is distinguished by having much more dissected leaves than the normal form.
Nevertheless, the immense size of its larynx or thropple, which William dissected out and brought with him to England, seems to indicate vast powers of voice in this animal; but I am at a loss to conjecture why it should be provided either with this unusual capability of "blaring," or with the exceedingly strong whiskers that arm its muzzle, organs which, though nominally of little or no importance except in
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
Large, ferny, deeply dissected leaves make this a favorite.
Her latest novel was dissected by the critics.
I dissected the magazine from cover to cover, until the ink started to wear off the pages.
Each flower was dissected with the aid of a stereoscope and length of individual parts (sepals, petals, anthers, filaments, styles, and ovaries) was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using an ocular reticle.
Gordon Brown's premiership is dissected, Moyles gets mad and Melvyn Bragg is left puzzled
Rewind radio: The Brown Years; Chris Moyles; In Our Time
An added attraction is models and dissected specimens of human body - liver, spleen, kidney, foetus and hip joints - all preserved in formaldehyde solution.
The Southern Dissected Ridges and Knobs contain more crenulated, broken, or hummocky ridges, compared to the smoother, more sharply crested sandstone ridges of 67h.
Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia (EPA)
The article and accompanying cartoon were projected on a screen in front of a room of hacks and sub-editors, as the master dissected it.
These are the maples with deeply dissected leaves.
After she died, her body was dissected and her brain and genitals preserved, with casts of her body and her skeleton.
Plants were dissected into leaves, stems with petioles, and inflorescences.
Plants were dissected into leaves, stems with petioles, and inflorescences.
Images of dissected tendon taken under the light microscope show that fibrils can sustain sharp bends or kinks along their length.
Within the opening room is a tall, minimalist sculpture made of glass, to which a cluster of carefully dissected books has been attached: one blue, one brown, one black.
Dressed in solar-system ties and Alfred Nobel lapel pins, delegates at the meeting at the Royal Society dissected a clutch of experiments that so far suggest Planck's constant should equal 6.62606896 x 10 to the power of -34 joule seconds.
The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
The topography of this region is highly dissected, with moderate to steep slopes.
The genus Pulsatilla includes about 30 species, many of which are valued for their finely-dissected leaves, solitary bell-shaped flowers, and plumed seed heads.
Archaean and Proterozoic basement terranes are commonly dissected by swarms of Precambrian mafic dykes.
The number of pollen tubes and ovules in the ovaries of each of six dissected pistils from each cross is shown.
He wore a slightly peeved expression, a dissected newspaper strewn about his side of the table.
But the numbers need to be properly dissected to understand this effect.
Times, Sunday Times
She underwent a tonsillectomy, and the whole tonsil was easily dissected out without any adherence to the deeper tissues.
Southern RockiesThe Southern Rockies are characterized by rugged, steep mountains, intermontane depressions and open meadows, and high-elevation plateaus composed of dissected, horizontally layered rocks.
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
From each plant one randomly chosen, fresh flower was dissected under a binocular microscope to separate the corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
Each candidate was then backcrossed to the unmutagenized parent and tetrads were dissected to ensure that the synthetic lethal phenotype resulted from a single mutation.
At death, I dissected each female to obtain any unlaid eggs and counted all laid and unlaid eggs.
When she died in 1815, her corpse was dissected by a French surgeon and parts of it, including the brain and genitalia, preserved in bottles.
This leads King into an extended digression on Michelangelo's use of nudity, including the evidence that the artist had studied dissected corpses in great detail.
Each dancer selected a personal dance photo and then, in a class worthy of pre-med students, dissected the arcane anatomical events of the chosen pose.
He was sentenced to be hanged and publicly dissected.
Times, Sunday Times
The digestive tract was removed from each specimen and dissected it into the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, liver, and pancreas.
Trees were dissected into leaves, bark and wood of various trunk sections; lateral roots; and bark and wood of main root sections.
Any written judgement is also swiftly posted on the Internet and dissected by one expert or another into smithereens.
Global Voices in English » Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial
The breast tissue is dissected posteriorly to the pectoralis muscle and fascia.
Females were dissected and the spermathecae removed.
The city is dissected by a network of old canals.
Brains were removed and dissected into telencephalon (excluding the olfactory bulbs), hypothalamus (excluding the pituitary), optic tectum, and brain stem (excluding the cerebellum).
I was rummaging through my pocket in search of airsickness pills and looking down at the barren brownish plain, only occasionally dissected with dirt tracks.
Baltus B, Vondenhoff M, Huizinga TW, Tak PP, et al. (2007) Inflammation and ectopic lymphoid structures in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissues dissected by genomics technology: identification of the interleukin-7 signaling pathway in tissues with lymphoid neogenesis.
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To exclude ligamentous side effects, transverse ligaments were dissected in all specimens.
By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
It has been dissected out from the inferior part of the cingulate gyrus in which, for the most part, it is embedded.
But the display of dissected body parts is risible.
Times, Sunday Times
Twenty-four lymph nodes were dissected from the axillary dissection, the largest measuring 2.0 x 1.0 cm.
From each plant one randomly chosen, fresh flower was dissected under a binocular microscope to separate the corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
The reserve at Balnaguard Glen was created in 1976 and is a highly dissected gorge dominated by birch and juniper woodland and marked by spectacular landslips on its northern side.
These fan deposits extend into the mountain valleys and have been dissected into terraces by occasional floods emerging from those valleys.
I measured the focal snails' final shell dimensions and dissected them to determine their sex and prevalence of parasitic infection.
The surgeon bluntly dissected all detected adhesions from the omentum on the duodenum into the gallbladder and dissected the gallbladder free.
A retroperitoneal lesion was dissected that appeared to be an abnormally large tail of the pancreas.
Indeed, many religious traditions have strongly anathematized medical research of any kind; it wasn't so long ago that doctors and students risked their freedom and even their lives if they dissected human cadavers.
So expertly dissected that it's like all great satire - banal in its accuracy and attention to detail.
The wild, untamable canon and the intricate textures of texts have been given back to us after years of being dissected.
I dissected preserved larvae into their component appendages and painstakingly traced each detail.
Five pistils were dissected from flowers and the stigmas and styles were mounted on aluminium stubs using carbon paste.
Leaf vernation was observed in at least ten buds per entity, manually dissected under a stereomicroscope.
Methods The left and right common iliac artery were perfused with the ABS acetone solution and the red canvas paint chloroform solution, respectively, and then dissected under stereomicroscope.
While methanol is a naturally occurring chemical found in tomato juice, formaldehyde is a poison used to kill fire ants and to preserve dissected specimens in biology lab.
The historical information the audience brings to the film is dissected playfully.
We may look at a dissected heart and think that's all there is to it but what about those 78% of heart transplant patients who have memories that are not their own?
These fan deposits extend into the mountain valleys and have been dissected into terraces by occasional floods emerging from those valleys.
Hare turned King's evidence, but Burke was hanged and afterwards publicly dissected.
The wild, untamable canon and the intricate textures of texts have been given back to us after years of being dissected.
The resulting diploid heterozygotes were then sporulated and dissected, to segregate out any secondary mutations.
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Come 9pm it is hard to avoid a body being dissected or a corpse in a state of decomposition.
Our analysis of dissected stems and the outer anatomy of fossil logs indicates that the Eocene Metasequoia were strongly self-pruning.
For this is the main lesson from the many examples of failure so painstakingly dissected here.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore, the mountains are young and unweathered; the terrain is rugged and dissected, with north-south-oriented ranges that reach south, toward the central plains of Myanmar.
Northern Triangle temperate forests
The leaves dropping from the trees in autumn, the interior of an airplane engine, the entrails of a dissected rabbit, the city desk of a newspaper, all appear to be chaos if they are seen without comprehension.
Large DNA molecules are first dissected with restriction enzymes to produce specific fragments.
The Patía Valley is a dry pocket surrounded by the cloud forests of the Central and Western cordilleras, and it is dissected by the Patía river, which flows from the Central massif westwards and breaks the Western cordillera to drain into the Pacific ocean.
Patía Valley dry forests
It would be interesting if you dissected the overall plot in this way; Meyer commits just as many crimes on a large scale, as in the finer details such as lexis.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Glimpse into the Editor’s Office: Editing Twilight
When as a medical student you dissected a cadaver, were there things said and done that left you deeply worried about the respect that you might be shown when you are dead?
I think the think about this is they looked at the 63 cases over 10 years of people who did report, and kind of dissected those, and then turned around on the other side and said, well, there is this climate of fear, and there is probably a lot of people who didn't report them, but we don't know about that.
CNN Transcript Jun 25, 2003
The bulla was opened to expose the cochlea, the bony capsule was removed, and the apical turn of the organ of Corti was dissected from the modiolus.
We dissected a frog in biology class.
Over several million years these large blocks of land were upthrusted, dissected by erosion, and then inundated by the sea; during this period, sedimentary layers formed of varying thicknesses.
The Puget Sound Valley is a moderately dissected tableland covered by glacial till, glacial outwash, and lacustrine deposits.
Pacific Lowland Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
Well, he explains, he once dissected a baby sperm whale brought aboard ship.
By 1982's Shoot Out The Lights the marriage was being openly dissected and both partners were on the way to permanent estrangement.
The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.
A young, female arm slipped round from behind him and removed the dissected remains of what was some kind of fish dish.
On Sunday, Griese again dissected the Chiefs (3-5), who have allowed 24 or more points in six of their eight games this season.
On the other hand, besides the experiments of Audubon and that one by myself, Mr. Bachman has tried in the United States many varied plans, showing that neither the turkey-buzzard (the species dissected by Professor Owen) nor the gallinazo find their food by smell.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
After his death his body was dissected and scattered at various rural spots in Hertfordshire and Leicestershire.
The Sun
The cirque valley, which is heavily timbered, is deeply dissected by Portland Creek and its tributaries.
This attractive liverwort has dissected edges to its fronds, giving the appearance of small petals.
Fourteen dancers explored intricate movement and gestures, broken lines and dissected flows.
Immediately after fluorescence measurement the animals were killed, livers were removed and tumors were dissected.
The Southern Dissected Ridges and Knobs contain more crenulated, broken, or hummocky ridges, compared to the smoother, more sharply pointed sandstone ridges of Ecoregion 67h.
Ecoregions of Tennessee (EPA)
Oddly enough, the stream dissected the meadow with near perfection.
Whole petals or dissected tissues were chopped with a sharp razor blade in 0.5 ml of nuclei extraction buffer (solution A of the kit).
That is an uncontroversial view in continental Europe, especially in Belgium and France, where cartoon strips are reviewed in critical essays and dissected in academic theses.
I was beyond laughter, I just sat there agog, trashed and feeling like a dissected cadaver in a lab, in silent hysterics somewhere in between my ears because my mouth and larynx had ceased to communicate with my brain.
However, in longitudinal optical sections of dissected bundles immersed in lactic acid, they could be recognized as flattened and stretched helical wall thickenings.
Researchers found that almost half of the animals had no external injuries, and that most of those that they dissected had suffered burst blood vessels in their lungs, suggesting that their deaths were caused by a condition called barotrauma.
Low Air Pressure from Wind Turbines Killing Bats
All these notions are laid on the table and dissected one-by-one with razor sharp perception and humor.
There was no leader whose speech could be dissected, no party whose splits could be anatomised, no single manifesto whose implications could be discussed.
In this study, we use one half of dissected lymph nodes for histologic examination and the other half for telomerase assay.
An. stephensi was assessed in two independent feeds; oocyst numbers per dissected midgut were recorded.
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Third, show that every simple lattice polygon may be dissected into a union of lattice triangles (e.g., by its diagonals.)
One wing was dissected from each of 10 flies of each sex from each of three independent vials and mounted carefully under a glass coverslip on a microscope slide.
They dissected a mbp and proved that against the claims of nvidia a buggy graphic chip has been used - and that highly plausible to me (Quote: "buy a Macbook off the shelf, disassemble it, desolder the chips, saw them in half, encase them in lucite, and run them through a scanning electron microscope equipped with an X-ray microanalysis system")
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From most of the teachers I know, either personally or through this blogging medium, I have learned that there is little regular interaction with other teachers where methods and means are examined and "dissected" for effectiveness.
Education Theory and Opinion
They collected males and females during prelaying, laying, and postlaying and dissected femora and tibiotarsi from each bird.
Testes were dissected in Schneider's Drosophila media from larvae, pupae, or adults.
His glance, more penetrating than his bistouries, looked straight into your soul, and dissected every lie athwart all assertions and all reticences.
Madame Bovary
After the experiments finished, the lungs, including trachea and bronchi, were dissected out and weighed.
Completely decayed roots of plants from the area were dissected to check for the red core fungus.
The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.
At Polesden in Surrey, a set of lynchets was found crossing parish boundaries, dissected by a late Anglo-Saxon hundredal boundary.
The reserve at Balnaguard Glen was created in 1976 and is a highly dissected gorge dominated by birch and juniper woodland and marked by spectacular landslips on its northern side.
Measurements are for dissected embryos for the early-oil, mid-oil, and desiccating stages, and for whole seed at the mature seed stage.
He proposed an intervention in central Paris that would see serried ranks of multi-storey blocks dissected with super-highways, replacing the grand boulevards of Housmann.
These bands are shorter than the other coats of the intestine, and serve to produce the sacculi which are characteristic of the cecum and colon; accordingly, when they are dissected off, the tube can be lengthened, and its sacculated character disappears.
XI. Splanchnology. 2h. The Large Intestine
Five pistils were dissected from flowers and the stigmas and styles were mounted on aluminium stubs using carbon paste.
Ridge contour lines are straight and parallel, not crenulated like those of the Southern Dissected Ridges and Knobs (67i).
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
If a sitfast has developed, the dead hornlike slough must be carefully dissected out and the wound treated carefully with antiseptics.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Partial view of flower and dissected gynoecium with two placentas.
The tip is dissected from the underlying digastric muscle with care to avoid the stylomastoid foramen and facial nerve.
Three-quarter length tailored jackets in Italian tweed featured exaggerated shoulders,and were dissected at the arm-hole, and detailed with zips. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
From the e18 conceptuses, brain, liver, and the placenta were dissected for methylation analysis.
Nonetheless, the circadian clock of plants is currently being dissected and this evidence may be helpful for hypothesis formation.
The massifs and plateaux are deeply dissected by ancient canyons and seasonal wadis.
Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
These fan deposits extend into the mountain valleys and have been dissected into terraces by occasional floods emerging from those valleys.
Galen was also interested in human anatomy but there is no evidence that he dissected human bodies - though rumours persisted that he did.
The premiere episode of the critically acclaimed, Internet-dissected series delivered a decent 4.2 million viewers over its first three airings.
Game of Thrones Renewed for a Second Season
The diaphragm is then bluntly dissected away from the parietal peritoneum, leaving the peritoneum behind.
This isn't easy, being thrust into the public spotlight, and having your every turn of phrase dissected and commented on.
The Seventh Sense
Vesalius dissected the bodies himself and explained the different parts: the former usage had been for a surgeon to dissect while a physician read aloud suitable chapters from Galen or the "anatomic" of Mundino.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
From a subset of each group the Dufour's gland and later setose membrane were dissected by removing the sting apparatus with blunt forceps.
These squamules are dissected or incised, meaning the margins have lots of breaks and cuts into them.
The little scrum-half dissected the posts again when Japan were penalised for entering a ruck from the side.
Times, Sunday Times
Anthers were dissected under a binocular microscope and pollen was gently squashed in staining solution under a coverslip.
The material collected was analyzed under optical microscope, and dissected with the help of 2 bistouries to liberate the spermatozoa from the tissue.
Much of the Apennine chain has been dissected by normal and strike-slip faults that locally post-date thrust structures.
Al-Kasim's first show, he says, "dissected" the Gulf Cooperation Council (the league of oil-rich monarchies and emirates that are responsible for some of the most closed regimes in the Middle East) "like a corpse," and since then The Opposite Direction has addressed an array of previously unmentionable questions in the Arab world, in terms ranging from the contrarian to the outlandish.
The Faisal Factor
Most of the Kimberley Group is undeformed and a broad dissected plateau is developed on the flat-lying rocks.
These he carefully dissected, and he leaves among his papers a series of incomplete notes (fullest as concerning the Phalanger and Cape Anteater [Orycteropus] ([I was privileged to assist in the dissection of the latter animal, and well do I remember how, when by means of a blow-pipe he had inflated the bladder, intent on determining its limit of distensibility, the organ burst, with unpleasant results, which called forth the remark] "I think we'll leave it at that!")), which were never finished up.
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
they proceeded unscientifically when they dissected the mummy
There is an important sense, however, in which the epithet "material" has been applied to reasoning, to denote illation in which the relational formality has not yet been dissected out.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
All these notions are laid on the table and dissected one-by-one with razor sharp perception and humor.
What was it like walking right up to the dead, dissected bodies?
The digestive tract was removed from each specimen and dissected it into the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, liver, and pancreas.
Where it had claimed a victory, the same crew of specialists dissected the results and fed them into the machinery.
One way is microdissection of the tissue, in which the antigen was localized using immunohistochemistry, and immunoblot analysis or activity measurements of extracts of the dissected tissue.
After his death his body was dissected and scattered at various rural spots in Hertfordshire and Leicestershire.
The Sun
The victim's body was dissected at the scene, causing shock and public mourning.
The students dissected donkeys rather than horses and even Coleman used donkey material to demonstrate horse muscles.
We are aware that the dodecahedron dissected into four congruent heptahedrons could be positioned onto the bottom of the cube.
The cystic artery is ligated and transected and the gallbladder is dissected from the gallbladder fossa and the right hepatic lobe.
Each dancer selected a personal dance photo and then, in a class worthy of pre-med students, dissected the arcane anatomical events of the chosen pose.
Even now her life has been dissected, and the verdicts returned, we are no closer to discerning the real person.
Together we dissected the organs from frozen shrimp under the surreal conditions of a red-lit laboratory.
Not even the first time she dissected a human body?
It is also noted that many artificial fluorogenic substrates have been developed that provide alternative methods and extend the scope of enzymatic reactions that can be studied quantitatively with small dissected samples.
I'm rather flummoxed by the scientific terms dissected by the learned doctor.
Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
D. Garden dissected the amphibious creature called diodon by
The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
The scalloped rim presents a series of sheer walls ahead and behind, but to our left there is an utter falling away, a dropping and dropping until a dissected badlands finally looms up.
The Black Hills are a maturely dissected domal uplift with an exposed core of Precambrian rocks; encircling hogbacks, enclosed hogbacks, and enclosed strike valleys rim the province.
Black Hills Coniferous Forest Province (Bailey)
The Park extends from coastal and riverine floodplains to lowland hills and basins some 160 km south, and from the dissected Arnhem Land plateau and sandstone escarpment in the east to the wooded Koolpinyah surface savanna 120 km west.
Kakadu National Park, Australia
Lymphonode of the mesojejunum were dissected routinely because their metastasis rate was about 40.0% in patients with cancer of anastomotic stoma.
As a result of these preservation techniques, there are several museums of human anatomy today containing permanent displays of beautifully dissected specimens.
But the display of dissected body parts is risible.
Times, Sunday Times
In the essay, he dissected what he called the "dictatorship of ritual" - the ossified Soviet bloc system under Leonid Brezhnev - and imagined what happens when an ordinary greengrocer stops displaying communist slogans and begins "living in truth," rediscovering "his suppressed identity and dignity.
NYT > Home Page
He dissected the plan afterward to learn why it had failed.
The cervical region of the spinal cord was dissected out after laminectomy.
Ridge contour lines are straight and parallel, not crenulated like those of the Northern Dissected Ridges (67d).
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
It had been completely dissected before someone chanced to recognize it.
When the plants flowered, buds of different developmental stages were removed from the main inflorescence and the petals were dissected from the flower bud under a binocular microscope.
The trail does not appear again until 1917 when Lillie, not content with mere descriptions, dissected the placentae of several pairs of freemartin cattle and noted the placental intermingling of blood between these differently sexed twins (11).
Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
An 18th century rubbish pit with contents ranging from dissected human skulls to crucibles used in early firework experiments has been excavated in the centre of Oxford.
It's a dissected Plateau margin with canyons, rocky hills and Mesquite / Cedar bush cover.
Thirty-six competitions, the majority for public projects, their submitted images, models and texts, are dissected in detail.
Wobble has a fine traditional singer in Liz Carter, whose cool, clear vocals are bolstered or dissected by his stirring, clonking basslines and dub effects.
College, and now are arranged, numbered, and registered in order for use, there is evidence that in 1858 he, with his needles and eyeglass, had dissected and carefully figured the so-called pronephros of the
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
The cystic artery is ligated and transected and the gallbladder is dissected from the gallbladder fossa and the right hepatic lobe.
From his examination, Tabor determined there was a lower and older layer of coal and underclay that was a poorly drained, swampy landscape dissected by well-drained Oxisol-forming uplands. - latest science and technology news stories
D. GARDEN dissected the amphibious creature called diodon by
Note V
Upon reaching his home his recent ebullition of temper had entirely passed away, and he calmly set himself to open the parcel containing his dissected "Strad," when, to his utter dismay, he failed to find its scroll.
The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators
Ecoregion 70 is a mostly unglaciated, dissected plateau with 200 to 750 feet (61-229 m) of local relief and crestal elevations of less than 2,000 feet (610 m).
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
True aquatic plant species often have thin, highly dissected leaves, a morphology which is believed to be directed to the optimization of gas exchange underwater.
Using an operating microscope, the cut and often fibrosed ends of the vas deferens are dissected free from surrounding tissue and anastomosed using fine nylon sutures to re-establish patency.
The rolling to hilly well-dissected upland contains mostly gneiss and schist bedrock that is covered with clayey and micaceous saprolite.
Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (EPA)
Fish were dissected and liver tissue subsampled for analysis of metal content (cadmium – Cd and zinc – Zn) and biochemical stress indicators (glutathione – GSH, glutathione disulfide – GSSG, glycogen, and Vitamin C).
Global change and contaminants in the Arctic
When the plants flowered, buds of different developmental stages were removed from the main inflorescence and the petals were dissected from the flower bud under a binocular microscope.
From these same lobsters, we had initially removed the eyestalks and then quickly dissected the sinus glands from both eye - stalks.
The little scrum-half dissected the posts again when Japan were penalised for entering a ruck from the side.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't remember the last European elections being so closely watched and dissected; they're being seen now as something of a referendum on the credit crisis and the government's handling of it, and of the MPs expenses thing, and both those things are spinnable.
June 9th, 2009
These figures consist of removable parts that can be "dissected" to demonstrate anatomy-- a breast plate is lifted to reveal the inner workings of the mysterious female body, often with a fetus to be found nestling in the womb see before and after above.
Florentine Anatomical Venus in Rare American Appearance!
In another study of 127 dissected forearms, 10.2% of the abductor pollicis longus muscles had a single tendon that inserted upon the radial side of the first metacarpal only.
Typically C. ochrochlora has much larger almost undivided squamules while C. coniocraea has smaller finely dissected squamules.
Together we dissected the organs from frozen shrimp under the surreal conditions of a red-lit laboratory.