
How To Use Disregarded In A Sentence

  • I certainly don’t think that Iranian popular discontent should be disregarded, but we’ve been hearing these sorts of arguments about the restive Iranian population for years, and while I have no reason to believe that they aren’t true, Khamenei and his allies have consistently proven expert at deflecting calls for reform and preserving their regime, the main levers of which remain firmly in Khamenei’s hands. Wonk Room » For More Tehran-ology
  • The honest man was grown splenetic: disregarded by every body, he was become disregardful of himself: he hoped for a cure of his gloominess, from her cheerful vein; and seemed to think himself under obligation to one who had taken notice of him, when nobody else would. Sir Charles Grandison
  • However, Clinton has disregarded the debt ceiling law, allowing the nation to spiral further into debt.
  • He said: 'It is very regrettable that an officer should apparently have disregarded a speed camera under these circumstances. Times, Sunday Times
  • She disregarded the laws governing tavern hours, and stayed open late into the night, allowing her customers, some only in their teens, to drink and play the forbidden game of shovelboard, carousing loudly enough to disturb the neighbors' sleep. History of American Women
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  • Perhaps the first pouter-pigeon did not inflate its crop much more than the turbit now does the upper part of its œsophagus, —a habit which is disregarded by all fanciers, as it is not one of the points of the breed. I. Variation under Domestication. Unconscious Selection
  • Technical progress can cease and the most palpable facts can be denied or disregarded.
  • She completely disregarded all our objections.
  • The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
  • In a musical climate where beauty is often disregarded or located in asymmetrical euphony, bands like Kepler are clinging to an older and more concrete conception of beauty - one that hinges on order, balance, and tradition.
  • But in embracing the English language, Ankst prepared the ground for one of the remarkable success stories of the 1990s: the "cool Cymru" scene (a term disregarded in Wales in much the same way as trip-hop is in Bristol). Label of love: Ankst
  • With what blithe unconcern, too, it has disregarded the one-pointers.
  • We disregarded these gathering clouds – and pretended that a period we retrospectively dub opulent and irresponsible was normal – when we might at least have been enjoying their silver linings. Whelk ice cream never meant we stopped being a Pot Noodle nation
  • He completely disregarded my point of view.
  • They were horrified that this should result from the wholesome food produced on the farm, and disregarded the letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trees of mature growth are “_accrued_”; when with leaves, “_in foliage_” (but these two terms are so seldom used that they may be entirely disregarded); with fruit or seeds, “_fructed_” or “_seeded_”; if without leaves, “_blasted_”; and if their roots are exposed, “_eradicated_.” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • There have been many other dissenting voices protesting the sale of public sector companies but these have been largely disregarded as the predictable ravings of the lunatic Left.
  • She considered confronting her about it, but quickly disregarded the idea.
  • The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
  • Even though you knew that the scary bit was coming - your brain disregarded it, yet you still jumped. Zombie Wedding Cake » E-Mail
  • This poetry was lyrical, taking its inspiration from nature and the countryside, and is now generally disregarded as lifeless and conventional.
  • She completely disregarded all our objections.
  • She disregarded it and rose on her own, her eyes clouded over in deep thought.
  • But the Stoics also have devoted some pains to the latter, for they have diligently considered the methods of carrying on a discussion by that science which they call dialectics; but the art of discovering arguments, which is called topics, and which was more serviceable for practical use, and certainly prior in the order of nature, they have wholly disregarded. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • Hypothyroidism develops slowly, so early symptoms tend to be disregarded as something that will pass.
  • The outcome is a slap in the face for thousands of people who took part in a household survey asking for their views only to find them summarily disregarded.
  • But that doesn't mean existing and traditional programming should be disregarded.
  • Incomplete questionnaires or crude, poorly written, or flame-like responses will be disregarded.
  • The 30 mph limit was disregarded in the euphoria of being able to gun an engine again.
  • They insist that Egyptian etymologies cannot be found for most Greek words, unless all known rules of vocabulary acquisition are disregarded.
  • The other current, long disregarded, is the vulgar, popular, or oral tradition. Giorgos Seferis - Nobel Lecture
  • But beware, we must continue our vigilance, lest our wishes be again disregarded by supporters of the overthrow of our voted term limits and, other issues we've voted for or against. GOP beating
  • These totals exclude mortgage interest and disregarded income, for example, attendance allowance.
  • #3 The absolute undisputable unmoveable authority of the second amendment - which if any "law" attempts to negate is to be disregarded as illegal. Infowars
  • The Senator has even disregarded the contributions of those who are fighting for their freedom.
  • The suggestion by the probation officer should have been disregarded, as there is no basis for that opinion from a non-expert.
  • His advice was disregarded and he was sent on leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • The board completely disregarded my recommendations.
  • The wooden stemming rod was clearly safer, yet in every mining district there were those who disregarded the new rulings.
  • Interesting that he used the phrase disregarded since he clearly disregarded how his children will view his actions when they reflect on their parents divorce. Jill Brooke: Because Pain Makes You Self-Centered, a Doctor Wants a Kidney Back and a Feuding Ex-Wife Sabatoges A Teddy Bear
  • In a panel depicting Saint John in the Desert, logical proportion and perspective are disregarded, and colour is limited, unrealistically, to red and green.
  • Mr Lovejoy says its labelling rules already allow a GM content in food of anything less than one per to be disregarded and the threat of contamination alarms him.
  • As expected, this group included heme-deficient mutants and flocculent isolates, which were disregarded.
  • There are so many potential benefits of oestrogens and progestogens after menopause that therapy with these hormones should not be disregarded based on a single study.
  • Agricola disregarded many of the popular beliefs about minerals and fossils.
  • The trial judge found that novation could not stand - he disregarded it.
  • She disregarded advice to sell up and live off the proceeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women are often disregarded in decision-making and camp management, even when the decisions directly impact their daily lives.
  • But, knowing that I had deliberately disregarded her summonses, I took the tongue-lashing in silence, and took some con - solation in the fact that she had to crane her neck at an awkward angle to berate me. Nerilka's Story
  • When an allegation treats the very ambitiousness of the work itself as evidence not of a writer's ambition for that work but rather as evidence of their personal ambitions -- their shallow desire for attention -- that allegation can be disregarded as conspiracy theory rather than valid critique. Archive 2008-04-01
  • ‘When we called for international action, we were often scorned, disregarded or disappointed,’ Archbishop Desmond Tutu recently recalled.
  • In the disposition both of his troops and provinces the chagan exposed the vassals, whose lives he disregarded, [33] to the first assault; and the swords of the enemy were blunted before they encountered the native valor of the Avars. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • He disregarded the advice of his executives.
  • The disinclination of the vendor to part with his land and the urgent necessity of the purchaser to buy must alike be disregarded.
  • These totals exclude mortgage interest and disregarded income, for example, attendance allowance.
  • His advice was disregarded and he was sent on leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nulls may frequently occur in the enciphered message but they are, of course, immediately disregarded by the receiver. Cinnamon Roll
  • She disregarded advice to sell up and live off the proceeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • These totals exclude mortgage interest and disregarded income, for example, attendance allowance.
  • As the word "cadet" is used in A.W. 2, 14, and 48 and defined in A.W. 1 as "a cadet of the United States Military Academy", such word has no application in the United States Air Force as presently constituted insofar as the administration of military justice is concerned and will be disregarded. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10026
  • He completely disregarded my point of view.
  • Unpalatable statute law may not be disregarded or rejected, merely because it is unpalatable.
  • The fundamental laws, considered as a whole, were the wisest devisable to suit the peculiar circumstances of the Colony; but whilst many of them were disregarded or treated as a dead letter, so many loopholes were invented by the dispensers of those in operation as to render the whole system a wearisome, dilatory process. The Philippine Islands
  • Disregarded in this analysis, however, is the point made earlier in connection with the right of publicity - the potential congestion cost if valuable property is unowned.
  • It inspires feelings of affection and loyalty and such feelings are to be valued, not carelessly disregarded.
  • Well, you're able to toss out a couple of titles, but I didn't hear any actual examples of *how* those titles disregarded logic or continuity. Red Hulk's Offensive Line
  • Safety rules were disregarded.
  • His rights and dignities, however, were disregarded; his wig and cane and scarlet roquelaure were of no avail; Mrs. Sidebotham sided with the hero of the pestle and mortar; and Goldsmith flung out of the house in a passion. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • She disregarded advice to sell up and live off the proceeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not conceivable that his partial conformity to the divine law had not made him to differ from those who had allowedly disregarded it -- that his character was as bad as theirs -- though he soon made it evident that the one thing needful was not found upon him. Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • He disregarded the fact that many of his troops had been weakened - and hundreds had died - of yellow fever in tropical Veracruz. Cinco de Mayo: What is everybody celebrating?
  • But here is an elementary (no calculus) derivation that pulls together several useful but mostly disregarded in the pre-college mathematics ideas.
  • Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come. Think Progress » ‘The Hero of Guantanamo’ Speaks
  • Already the Pioneer Electronics Corporation has disregarded its lifetime employment policy by demanding that 35 mid-level managers accept early retirement.
  • Already the Pioneer Electronics Corporation has disregarded its lifetime employment policy by demanding that 35 mid-level managers accept early retirement.
  • As the centuries passed they added more and more layers to the symbolic structures that reinforced such attitudes, while their overt messages disregarded the subtle reservations of scholastic theologians.
  • Software is at the mercy of users in distant lands with exotic laws and a disregarded and disrespected legal system.
  • Seems the judges either disregarded the referee's order or ignored it which is pretty much the same.
  • Twenty-seven Everything I'd disregarded now became clear, every dispensation now went. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • Already the Pioneer Electronics Corporation has disregarded its lifetime employment policy by demanding that 35 mid-level managers accept early retirement.
  • Trouillot disregarded the growing public clamour for her resignation.
  • Perhaps the first pouter-pigeon did not inflate its crop much more than the turbit now does the upper part of its oesophagus, — a habit which is disregarded by all fanciers, as it is not one of the points of the breed. On the Origin of Species~ Chapter 01 (historical)
  • If the short story is well suited to disregarded minorities, it is also tuned to the disappointed mainstream. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He further submits that where such evidence is disregarded the judge must give clear and cogent reasons for doing so.
  • If you have a lodger, not only is the first £20 disregarded but also 50% of the balance of payment from each boarder where meals are provided.
  • Additionally, the fact that General Petreaus 'request this past summer that the Haqqani Network be placed on the US government's global terrorist group black list, thereby disallowing any possibilities for negotiations, has been disregarded, is a positive step that keeps open the chances for a settlement between the Afghan government and a major part of the Afghan insurgency. Matthew Hoh: Cautious Optimism for Talks in Afghanistan
  • He completely disregarded strictly enforced social conventions and religious restrictions in order to contact the outcasts of society.
  • The alloy of silver, hitherto disregarded, is increasing at a rate which will imply a more complicated process, and retard the result. The Washoe Mining Region
  • If oaths are to be violated, laws disregarded, friendship betrayed, humanity trampled, national and individual honor stained, and if a jury of fathers and of husbands will give such miscreancy a passport to their homes, and wives, and daughters, -- farewell to all that yet remains of The Art of Public Speaking
  • Which was what I was doing now, ignoring the honks and shouts of people as I disregarded the green and red walk signs.
  • Justice, had traitorously and wickedly endeavored to subvert the constitution by the introduction of an arbitrary, tyrannical government against law; that the said Jonathan Sewell had disregarded the authority of Parliament, and usurped its powers by making regulations subversive of the constitution and the laws; that Jonathan Sewell had libellously published such Rules of Practice; that Jonathan Sewell had substituted his own will for the will of the legislature; that Jonathan The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • In this case, they would constitute a pool of labour which can be utilised in boom periods and disregarded in recessions.
  • Despite being disregarded by her male colleagues, she became a productive sociologist in addition to being a feminist and a pacifist.
  • President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers disregarded the ethnic and sectarian realities in Iraq and the balance of power in the Persian Gulf.
  • Besides the scourge of small-pox, the colonists were afflicted grievously with other malignant distempers, -- fatal throat diseases, epidemic influenzas, putrid fevers, terrible fluxes; and as the art of sanitation was absolutely disregarded and almost unknown, as drainage there was none, and the notion of disinfection was in feeble infancy, we cannot wonder that the death-rates were high. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • That is how much money they were willing to accept to give up all the privileges of whiteness: the ability to not suffer from racial profiling, not to be shot to death in a hail of 50 bullets fired at you; not to be called lascivious/wanton/aggressive because of 400+ year-old stereotypes; not to be questioned on your intellect; not to be written off before you even get your foot in the door; not to be followed nor harassed while shopping; not have your voice dismissed or disregarded in a group where you are the only Black; not to have to teach your children to navigate the systemic racism that affects their lives on a daily basis. BEAUTIFUL, ALSO, ARE THE SOULS OF MY BLACK SISTERS
  • He utterly disregarded my warnings and met with on accident.
  • The idea is to focus attention on problem areas which might otherwise be disregarded - such as waste ground - and to set a bench-mark for authorities to improve on.
  • In the easy recognition of the secondary copper sulphides, chalcocite, bornite, etc., the engineer finds a finger-post on the road to extension in depth; and the directions upon this post are not to be disregarded. Principles of Mining Valuation, Organization and Administration
  • His advice was disregarded and he was sent on leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this case, they would constitute a pool of labour which can be utilised in boom periods and disregarded in recessions.
  • Aquinas believed good law must be enforceable, otherwise it would be disregarded and risk causing contempt for all laws.
  • The books were written carelessly; the forms of the neums, so important for the rhythm, began to be disregarded, and shortenings of melismata became more general. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Poor Isaac was hurried off accordingly, and expelled from the preceptory; all his entreaties, and even his offers, unheard and disregarded. Ivanhoe
  • Conversely, the ascription of Les grans regretz to Agricola in the Savoyard manuscript B-Br 11239 should be disregarded in favour of that to Hayne in F-Pn fr.2245 and US-Wc M2.1. Archive 2009-05-01
  • In course of time, however, the original meaning was lost or disregarded, and the term carn-lleidyr was applied to any particularly dishonest person. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • She completely disregarded all our objections.
  • Ironically, I suspect, beneath many assertions of a purely representative function to narrative lurks a disacknowledged recognition of that coupling of expressive and manipulative functions, a brooding resentment that the established protocols -- the politieness principles -- for these transactions of import and purpose have been disregarded. Archive 2008-09-01
  • The impress of age and experience is not only disregarded but frowned upon.
  • The union complained that some those safeguards, particularly non-punitive disclosure rules, had been disregarded in the recent incidents. Controller Fatigue Divides Agencies, Union
  • Jamie disregarded Dougal with a shrug and pushed on the golden rod to the door.
  • He saw his way to do noble service in the cause of womanhood, and that by following the path of mere common sense -- all sentimental and so-called chivalrous humbug cast aside, all exaggerated new conceptions simply disregarded. Our Friend the Charlatan
  • I even disregarded the fact that "gibber" is a verb, and not the noun "gibberish". Army Rumour Service
  • He completely disregarded my point of view.
  • But let's entertain your proposition - some wingnuts have disregarded waterboarding as nothing more than "dunking," or "splashing. Think Progress
  • True enough, Morrissey disregarded his original bedsit self pity and began to write from the third person.
  • There was a girn in it, as if she had learned to expect contradiction and disregard as the habitual response to all her remarks, and at the back of that a terror, far more dignified than the protest to which it gave birth, at the dreadful things she knew would happen because she was disregarded, and a small, weak, guilty sense that she had not made her protest loudly and, perhaps, cleverly enough. The Judge
  • Technical progress can cease and the most palpable facts can be denied or disregarded.
  • The bishop ordered the building to be discontinued, but, as by the privileges granted by former bishops, this was a violation of the rights of the Liegeois, his order was disregarded, and the Vauxhall now known by the name of _the Vauxhall_, was finished. Olla Podrida
  • It cannot, surely, be for the good of our country that the stored-up experience of educational effort of every type should be disregarded in favour of rigid rules and programmes; or that zeal and devotion in the work of education are to be regarded as valueless unless they be associated with so-called undenominational religion. The Education of Catholic Girls

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