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How To Use Disquieted In A Sentence

  • The idea that this state might not be the only possible one partly disquieted him and partly bored him.
  • The Soul is not to be disquieted, that is sees it self encompassed with darkness, because that is an instrument of its greater felicity. The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • Perhaps you, too, were upset or disquieted by those photos of women holding hands with women, men flashing their matching wedding rings.
  • Mostly, though, his opponents were disquieted by his notion that the world might be older than the biblical chronology would indicate.
  • THANKS, RON -- The Post editorial board writes again on the Brown allegations, lauding the U.S. attorney's office for having a look: It's a welcome move by U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Machen that hopefully presages a swift but thorough examination of charges that have disquieted the District. ... DeMorning DeBonis: March 11, 2011
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  • Azrael sat very still in the dim, modest living room, contemplating the human female that disquieted him so deeply. Surrender the Dark
  • While some people were comfortable with it, many more were disquieted, even deeply offended.
  • Azrael looked up, studying her gaze with a disquieted frown, then stared at the last shelf again. Surrender the Dark
  • It's summer break and Pete is disquieted by the fact that he won't make it into Heaven.
  • And despite dire warnings of certain columnists alluded to above, Americans by and large do not seem overly disquieted by contemporary French trends.
  • This Edwarde father of the Prince of Wales, was not onely a capitall eunemie of the Frenchmen, but also had continual warres with the Scottes his neighbours, and seing himself so disquieted on euery side, ordayned for his Lieutenant vpon the frontiers of Scotland, one of his Captaynes, named William, Lord The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Many people were disquieted about the macho posturing about the fire-fighters.
  • I watched some of the hundred greatest kids' TV programmes ever in the world programme on Monday, and the outcome disquieted me.
  • spent many disquieted moments
  • My temper and my courtesy scarcely serve me, my Lord, to reply to your assertion of the "inevitableness" that, while half of Great Britain is laid out in hunting-grounds for sport more savage than the Indians, the poor of our cities must be swept into incestuous heaps; or into dens and caves which are only tombs disquieted, so changing the whiteness of On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • Admittedly I was quite disquieted by the thought of songs lasting longer than 15 minutes, but I should not have worried.
  • But when a new student, Francis arrives at the school, Olivier is obviously disquieted.
  • ‘The report disquieted a lot of people at the BBC,’ he says.
  • Given that, are you in any way disquieted by your certainty that we should withdraw?
  • Their findings disquieted the Dundee support.
  • As long as thou livest thou art subject to change, howsoever unwilling; so that thou art found now joyful, now sad; now at peace, now disquieted; now devout, now indevout; now studious, now careless; now sad, now cheerful. XXXIII. Book III: On Inward Consolation. Of Instability of the Heart, and of directing the Aim toward God
  • Obviously he felt disquieted by the procedure and felt that it would have been possible for him to have protected the complainants adequately had the normal process of cross-examination proceeded.
  • In truth, his encounter with Toby Addington had disquieted him.
  • I am a little disquieted by the fact that, in the case of the Army at least, the aid is disbursed through the military command structure.
  • Many people were disquieted about the macho posturing about the fire-fighters.
  • But when he reached gallantly to kiss my hand and I first looked into the eyes of General Eduard Rinaldi I was disquieted.
  • I stole the signatures from stories that disquieted me.
  • So I feel very disquieted by any suggestion that this is a memoir showing people how possible it is to make the most of a bad start, how to love parents who have behaved atrociously, how to somehow miraculously rise above trauma out of sheer good will. The Glass Castle « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The lord knoweth, that euen now we are too much wearied and disquieted with the importunate and instant complaints of our subiects, insomuch that wee cannot at this present by any conuenient meanes release or dissolue the sayd prohibition, before wee be sufficiently informed by your maiesties ambassadors, of the satisfaction of our endamaged subiects. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The Patent Office's adventurousness gratified biotechnologists, but it also disquieted many clerics.
  • Gossip sells—this is one of the points Mr. Epstein makes, staring in disquieted astonishment at the vast gossip industry with magazines, Internet sites, television shows and newspapers devoted to little else. Boulevardier's Delight
  • I was instantly disquieted and remembered my neglect with regret.
  • Mr. Kelly also was "disquieted" by the lack of disclosure about Repo 105 in Lehman's securities filings. What Lehman's Central Players Knew
  • I have always like comparing this to the Buddhist concept of "dukkha" or unsatisfactoriness, disquieted, uneasy .... the inherent wrongness of conscious life. Karen Kisslinger: Is Human Life a Mental Illness?
  • Investors were already nervous about an expected "day of rage" by protesters in Saudi Arabia, disquieted by reports late Thursday of police gunfire in the country's oil-rich east. Quake, Tsunami Throw More Uncertainty Onto U.S. Stocks

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