How To Use Disproof In A Sentence
The simplest definition is that relevant observations are those that could disprove the hypothesis, for disproof is often possible even though absolute proof is not.
That is true even if such dialogue results in greater knowledge of each other's traditions and does not aim as it still does too often at proof, disproof, or proselytism.
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The endlessly announced death, disproof and fraudulence of psychoanalysis is not merely the sport of bigots.
These doctrines are not subject to empirical proof or disproof, since they are, in the last analysis, metaphysical, or at least axiological.
`Which must be the ultimate disproof of all racial theories, Leo.

Because I am, by my existence, disproof of the necessity of the state.
The more such hypotheses resist disproof and the more evidence supporting these hypotheses are found, the better these hypotheses will do.
Instead, the important idea about the method is that any statement, to be scientific, must be open to disproof, and a way of knowing how to disprove it exists.
Absolute Certainty Is Not Scientific
Conway conjectured that no initially finite population could grow in number without limit and offered fifty dollars for the first proof or disproof.
It is not a direct proof that the mind is something more than a machine, but a schema of disproof for any particular version of mechanism that may be put forward.
Science is not yet equipped to answer the ultimate questions perhaps, but at least it looks for proof or disproof and is ever-changing as new evidence appears.
I therefore put to the succeeding symposiasts the simple central questions, ‘What would have to occur or to have occurred to constitute for you a disproof of the love of, or of the existence of, God?’
There is both the possibility of thinking well, and thinking badly, even when there is no possibility of proof and disproof.
Every song sounds like a somewhat tuneless reprise, albeit not of itself; one is entitled ‘Nothing Will Ever Be the Same,’ although disproof lies close at hand.
In fact I conclude that there appears to be neither a proof nor a disproof of the existence of God.
To put it quite simply, if disproof is what really matters, then the most important feature of any intellectual or scientific enterprise will be, as John Eccles said at the beginning of the show, boldness and criticism.
Zeno's method; for _dissolvere_ should refer to Zeno's method of disproof, which is not properly called dilemma.
The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura
It troubled him a little - as if he had suddenly become the living disproof of his own ideas.
It is not a direct proof that the mind is something more than a machine, but a schema of disproof for any particular version of mechanism that may be put forward.
Over the last three years, various ‘disproofs’ have been put forward, but none stands up to scrutiny.
Surely such claims are not open to disproof, and are therefore in principle unscientific.
That statement is not capable of proof or disproof.
Failure to support the hypothesis cannot be construed as disproof, but it docs indicate that the hypothesis subsumes significant underlying variations in the structures it homologizes.
Mathematics is not falsifiable by empirical evidence it is falsiable by the possibility of mathematical disproof, which is not the same thing.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Russ Roberts, The Price of Everything:
Most objections to same-sex marriage seem to be rooted in religious faith or prejudice and defy proof or disproof.
Referencing the weather in Virginia or Vancouver as disproof or proof of climate change is inappropriate scientifically.
Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
Science must always allow itself doubt in order to advance: it is not simply a case of complying with Karl Popper's strictures on the need for theories to be vulnerable to disproof.
If you really want to look at the early history of the idea and some of its disproofs, see here.
As a non-science, psychology is immune to disproof of its claims.
And he regards such theories as decisive ‘disproofs’ of theism.
This is an attempt to bring us to a better understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which the creationists - through willful ignorance - gleefully flaunt as their disproof of science.
Maybe there is a mathematical proof deciding this question; maybe every mathematical question is decidable by an intuitive proof or disproof.
Maybe there is a mathematical proof deciding this question; maybe every mathematical question is decidable by an intuitive proof or disproof.
It is true that biblical creation is not the only alternative, so it is not proven by disproof of evolution.
I wonder what you make of Columbus '"disproof" of the flat earth theory.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
No, but it is a relevant fact which was proved, indeed, incapable of disproof.
In the United States, nebulous factors like ‘leadership’ or ‘overcoming adversity’ have likewise served as automatic offsets whose validity or lack of validity is not subject to proof or disproof.
The longer a scientific theory resists disproof and continues to explain data well, the more certain we are that it is true.
There, I am told, we will find compelling disproofs of creationist geology.
For a moment, it looked as if the company's implosion would be the disgraceful disproof of that.
The real world does provide the possibility of disproof.
Unlike Church, Turing developed his disproof of Hilbert's conjecture around the conception of a hypothetical machine which would decide the truth of statements by a set of well-defined sequential operations.
I also like when it's my birthday and you look up who else was born on your birthday and it seems like that's the strongest disproof of astrology.
I'm probably getting certain particulars of this wrong, but there's a basic principle in scientific theory: an hypothesis, to be a real hypothesis, must be capable of disproof.
It seems to me intellectually entirely consistent, emotionally true in lots of ways, and unbelievable only on the balance of probabilities, which is no disproof at all.
On this aspect of the question, Pasteur's disproof of heterogenesis was not altogether decisive and was, in part, to be counterbalanced on a more theoretical plane by the success of Darwinism after 1859.
An antinomy is a pair of mutually exclusive philosophical claims (there is a God; there isn't a God) both of which are equally open to philosophic proof / disproof.
How, for example, to reconcile Aquinas' doctrinal disproof of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the acceptance and dogmatical promulgation of the same?
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The letter shows it is on an irrelevant track with its first "disproof," in which it attacks a "cover letter and associated materials provided to TV stations" rather than any assertion actually made in one of the SBVT ads.
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Now a small man can dig for a proof or a disproof, and any sort of man can syllogize for a confirmation or a refutation.
Actually it's not Palin or any of the disproof that makes me question, it's merely the fact that most climatologist or scientist that hold global warming (GW) to be a fact, do so unquestioningly and with potentially bad data (see climate-gate).
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The longer a scientific theory resists disproof and continues to explain data well, the more certain we are that it is true.
All science is, and should be, subject to challenge and disproof.
And even where conclusive proof or disproof is not to be expected, some views may be better supported than others.