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How To Use Dispersion In A Sentence

  • Such conditions produce overdispersion, wherein the variance exceeds the mean.
  • His area of research is the theory of soft matter, polymers, emulsions, dispersions, gels, polyelectrolytes.
  • Yet unlike the systemic risk problem, which is endlessly jawboned in Washington today, no one is really talking about the dispersion of responsibility problem. Legislating a Conscience on Wall Street
  • Bitumen emulsions are a dispersion of bitumen in an aqueous continuous phase, stabilised by the addition of an emulsifier.
  • Development of improved models to predict field-scale dispersion is a continuing area of research.
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  • Reproduction and dispersion are doubtless accomplished by the caducous branchlets.
  • Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization(TDR) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine.
  • In this article, we describe such a structure determination method that is then applied to aqueous dispersions of various phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs).
  • The prophecy, probably, contemplates ultimately, besides the affliction and deliverance in Sennacherib's time, the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, the dispersion of the Jews, their restoration, the destruction of the enemies that besiege the city (Zec 14: 2), and the final glory of Israel (Isa 29: 17-24). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • One possible source for this high frequency dispersion could be trace amounts of adventitious oxygen or contributions from iron.
  • A very famous and well-known example of dispersion is illustrated on the cover of a classic Pink Floyd album: Optics basics: Defining the velocity of a wave « Skulls in the Stars
  • They calculate, through programming numeric value, the dispersion curve of guided wave and the displacement distribution of various mode of the wave along the wall of pipe.
  • By utilizing the determinant calculation rules, the asymptotic behaviors of the dispersion curves at the short wavelength region were studied.
  • From the historical depths of its culture and the dispersion of its bearers, it has acquired a richness and diversity rarely achieved within a single national entity, while keeping many fundamental elements that ensure its unity.
  • Overdispersion in the data was corrected by testing the fit of the model using the F statistic rather than chi square.
  • The mixture is blended in a Gyroshaker machine for uniform dispersion.
  • As a counter-force, the canonization of a common liturgy had the effect of maintaining Jewish spiritual unity despite the geographic and cultural dispersion.
  • OBJECTIVE To study the formation and solubilization mechanism of cefuroxime axetil solid dispersion.
  • The threat will force greater dispersion of their forces.
  • The broad gain bandwidth can be obtained by selecting the dispersion parameter of DDF. The numerical simulation also shows that fundamental soliton pulses with hi...
  • This prediction was confirmed experimentally for aqueous dispersions of uncharged unilamellar vesicles with total phospholipid concentrations
  • Different strategies, including polymer-PS conjugation or encapsulation of the drug in colloidal carriers such as oil dispersions, liposomes and polymeric particles, have been investigated.
  • For this purpose, Brockhouse developed the 3-axis neutron spectrometer, by which complete dispersion curves (phonon energies as function of wave vectors) could be obtained. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Dispersion is characterized mathematically by what is called a dispersion relation, a functional relationship between the frequency of a wave and its wavenumber in the medium, i.e. ω = ω (k). Optics basics: Defining the velocity of a wave « Skulls in the Stars
  • The high copy number and general dispersion of retrotransposons throughout the genome, as well as the large local change caused by their insertion, provide an excellent basis for the development of DNA-based markers.
  • PP6100 is made of the imported raw material with excellent dispersion characteristics. The compound can be diluted with 50% virgin resin.
  • Without such advances in logistics and supply capability, regional market integration through subdivision and dispersion of production processes will not be cost effective.
  • Water - based coatings include water - soluble coating, water reducible coatings, water dispersion paints ( latex paint ) 3.
  • The reinforcing effect of PAT resulted from nano scale dispersion structure and high shape aspect ratio.
  • Tower of Babel, to follow the dispersion of Mankind over the whole habitable and habilable globe. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • The influence on dispersion characteristic is analyzed for two types of hypothesis current, the different permittivity of the dielectric support and the different radius of the metal envelope.
  • Effect of altered tissue binding on the disposition of barbital in the isolated perfused rat liver: application of the axial dispersion model.
  • Sulphite microcapsules were prepared by using phase separation method and dissolve dispersion condensing method.
  • For example, when large polyelectrolytes coexist with concentrated clay dispersions, the complete separation of the two phases allows the thermodynamics to be understood.
  • The threat will force greater dispersion of their forces.
  • If a large discrepancy in energy levels exists over a given time frame, then the frame is not watermarked, to avoid audible time-dispersion of artifacts due to spectral modifications which are similar to "pre-echo" effects in audio coding. Archive 2007-09-01
  • In general, for airport needs, ash-dispersion and trajectory models should have the capability to: indicate where ash would go in the first one to two hours after an eruption; estimate arrival time of ash at a particular location in addition to ashfall thickness; and deal with small - to moderate-sized recurring eruptions with little ashfall as well as major ash-producing events. Impact of Volcanic Activity on Airports
  • One factor which has made female governance possible is the wider dispersion of electoral democracy since the late 1980s, after a long and often bitter experience of military coups.
  • The result of this process is industrial dispersion.
  • Baxter International markets Halozyme's hyaluronidase under the name Hylenex as an adjuvant to increase the absorption and dispersion of injectible drugs, such as anesthetics, or fluids. Fore, right!
  • Multiple regression of biface count on population and site count is questionable because of sample size and the rather wide dispersion of cases evident in crossplots.
  • Pigment dispersion syndrome, as you say, is a condition that can lead to glaucoma, which is optic nerve damage from elevated pressure within the eye. CNN Transcript Sep 28, 2003
  • The broad gain bandwidth can be obtained by selecting the dispersion parameter of DDF. The numerical simulation also shows that fundamental soliton pulses with hi...
  • Short distance lateral migration of oil and gas is the general rule, though vertical migration and multi-stage accumulation and dispersion are not uncommon.
  • The calorimeter was calibrated using solid standards from Calorimetry Sciences Corporation as well as aqueous dispersions of highly pure disaturated PCs prepared in this laboratory.
  • Sweden saw a reversal of strong earlier declines in inequality and in the United Kingdom a century of near-stability in earnings dispersion gave way to a sharp increase.
  • To understand the magnificence of the wonderful structure, the reader must have in mind the laws affecting light in transmission through water -- the frangibility of the rays, the frequent alternations in dispersion, reflection, interference and accidental and complementary color. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • In many European countries major political upheavals and wars since the 18th century caused dispersion of cultural artefacts such as portraits throughout the world.
  • Our group has recently discovered that carbon nanotube dispersions applied in very thin layers form highly transparent conductive films.
  • Although it has long been known that a rainbow is produced by the dispersion of white light through rain droplets via refraction, there is far more to this optical phenomenon than first meets the eye.
  • The crystals are monoclinic, P2I, with two molecules in the unit cell, and X-ray photographs, taken of them with copper Ka-radiation show very markedly the effects of anomalous dispersion Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • Coupler used to fabricate add-drop devices, dispersion compensators, amplifiers, oscillators, superluminescent devices, and communications systems
  • Dispersion Angle vs Frequency This graph displays the MR64B's excellent horizontal and vertical directivity control.
  • The planting of L. indica is increasing the geographic dispersion of P. gibbus which now poses a threat to L. indica in Shandong Province, neighboring provinces and the rest of the country.
  • A general calculation method to obtain the transmission spectrum of Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (FADOF) is presented.
  • Yet, the dispersion of education only underscores with renewed urgency the significance of formal spheres of learning.
  • The first three are almost identical and the latest one has a mechanism for faster dispersion.
  • The experimental variable was the dispersion of polygons, and the dependent variable was the rate of visual information transfer.
  • The difference has narrowed 57 cents since March 1, when Fannie Mae said it would buy as many as 200,000 of the loans this month, as investors rethought the dispersion of its near-term buyouts across different coupons. --
  • Membrane dispersions were saturated with either oxygen, air, or argon, as noted.
  • In order that they might cover both hemispheres to the depth of five hundred feet, not only would an ocean of that depth be necessary over all the land, but a new sea would, in addition, be required to envelop the ocean at present existing, without which the laws of hydrostatics would occasion the dispersion of that other new mass of water five hundred feet deep, which should remain covering the land. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The binder may be dissolved in a solvent, or in the form of an emulsion or colloidal dispersion in water.
  • In one political rally she lost two teeth after a riot squad's dispersion of a protest outside of Toronto's Queen's Park.
  • Metallographic observation, fracture scanning and dispersion spectrum analysis on the fractured turbine blade were carried out.
  • The so-called "almandine" garnets (those of purplish-red tint) do not equal the true ruby in brightness of color and when held up to the light show more prismatic colors than the true ruby, owing to the greater dispersion of garnet. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Subsequently we find him in "Babylon," whence he wrote this First Epistle to the Israelite believers of the dispersion, and the Gentile Christians united in Christ, in Pontus, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • One way the pros try to take advantage of high implied correlation is by using an arbitrage strategy called a dispersion trade: They buy options on an individual stock and sell options on an ETF. Beating the Herd on the Street
  • The neighboring Mixtec and Zapotec villages pursue a southern delocalized pattern of dispersion and deterritorialization.
  • Space-time maps indeed clearly showed the dispersion of repolarization among neighboring leads, and the distribution of U wave.
  • In the long run, of course, people will learn how to use the inherent dispersion of optical phased-array devices to enhance multispectral sensors, since spectral-based sensors require some dispersion.
  • This cannot be long tolerated without in fact creating more dispersion in their own caste order.
  • The dispersion of earnings increased among college graduates.
  • A general calculation method to obtain the transmission spectrum of Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (FADOF) is presented.
  • Nowe Richard Chanceler with his shippe and company being thus left alone, and become very pensiue, heauie, and sorrowfull, by this dispersion of the Fleete, hee (according to the order before taken,) shapeth his course for Wardhouse in Norway, there to expect and abide the arriuall of the rest of the shippes. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Smog is further favored by stable meteorological conditions, when the urban emissions are held in an urban airshed by the atmospheric inversion layer, acting like a lid over a reaction vessel, and thus preventing dispersion. Air quality in megacities
  • Furthermore, due to their general dispersion, Dutch Catholics and Jews have had few opportunities to dominate either a parish or a synagogue.
  • Ardkinglas, on the other hand, was a fushionless, stupid kind of man: he was for an immediate dispersion of us all, holding that only in individuals or in pairs was it possible for us to penetrate in safety to real Argile. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • In addition to providing a ready means of identifying the diamond, a high degree of dispersion in a stone of pronounced color would lead one to consider sphene, demantoid garnet (if green), and zircon (which might be reddish, yellowish, brown, or of other colors), and if the stone did not agree with these in its other properties one should suspect _glass_. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The ‘L' signifies Canon's top of the line lens series, built with fluorite, ultra-low dispersion and aspherical glass elements.
  • Realizing that things are in the process of liquidation, dispersion beckons.
  • We then consider the extent to which differences in household lifetime financial resources explain the wide dispersion in wealth, given lifetime earnings.
  • In any case, in this example, dispersion is acceptable. Obliterating Animal Carcasses With Explosives
  • Is not every incentive and every concession to vagrant appetite a force that enwraps a man in gratification of self, and severs him from duty to others, and so a force of dissolution and dispersion? Voltaire
  • This result is similar to the micrographs shown in Fig.3, a and b, obtained from freeze-thaw cycled dispersions.
  • This development work has been undertaken to provide fuels that can extend the use of LEU to those reactors requiring higher densities than available in silicide dispersions and to provide a fuel that can be more easily reprocessed than the silicide type. Research reactors
  • Almost 50 years ago, the author noted that the rotatory dispersion of unfolded polypeptide chains depends on the concentration of denaturants.
  • The physics here involves dispersion, which is a generic property of wave mechanics in media. Faster-Than-Light Pulsar Phenomena | Universe Today
  • Colloidal dispersions have particle sizes in the 1.0 nanometer to 0.50 micrometer range.
  • On attaining a critical dispersion parameter, the strength of the steel reaches a maximum, and as the carbide dispersion slowly coarsens, the strength drops.
  • To begin with, Harberger offered specific examples of innovations that indicated the sort of wide dispersion of productivity differentials that were at the heart of Leibenstein's work.
  • This paper analyze the modes in rod by short -time fourier transform. The results of time- frequency analysis are consistent with the group velocity dispersion curve.
  • Since World War I, the wider dispersion of forces on the battlefield and the increased use of cover and concealment have reduced exposure to enemy fire.
  • The purposes of the additives are to give stability, dispersion, texture, and even flow.
  • The concentration profile equation in the fixed bed for nonlinear system with axial dispersion was derived.
  • Separate cationic and anionic lipid dispersions were prepared.
  • During periods of relative food shortage males tend to move less; dispersion evidently reduces competition for resources.
  • A general calculation method to obtain the transmission spectrum of Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (FADOF) is presented.
  • Most halos appear as bright white rings but in some instances, the dispersion of light as it passes through ice crystals found in upper level cirrus clouds can cause a halo to have color.
  • Lubricating greases are usually petroleum oils thickened with dispersions of soap; synthetic oils with soap or inorganic thickeners; or oils containing silicon-based dispersions.
  • The connection between energy and wavelength in, for example, crystal oscillations, termed the phonon dispersion relation, is a complicated function. Press Release: The 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • One of those is the wide availability and dispersion of crucial enabling technologies to every political and military entity in the world.
  • The chromatic dispersion, cutoff wavelength, mode field radius and tolerance of a structural design of dispersion-flattened single-mode fiber are calculated and discussed.
  • Like his brother Jude he wrote an Epistle which was addressed to the twelve tribes of the dispersion, that is, to the Jewish Christians who were scattered throughout the Roman world. The Twelve: Jude and James
  • Color changes result from dispersion or concentration of pigment granules within epithelial chromatophores.
  • This dispersion is further exacerbated by the relative rise of employment in the service sector.
  • Peptization is defined as dispersion achieved by changing the composition of the dispersion medium and frequently includes the addition of polyvalent co-ions.
  • Aqueous dispersions of polar lipids are known to form a large variety of phases depending on the chemical structure, temperature, and dispersing media.
  • The most obvious way of measuring dispersion is by the range.
  • Besides, the micro-damp method used in the calculation of numerical frequency dispersion can weaken the frequency dispersion caused by the division of grid and the computational error.
  • Gums with branched chains such as the gums arabic, tragacanth, karaya (from Sterculia urens, of tropical Asia), guar, and locust bean, form tacky dispersions and in favourable conditions, strong gels.
  • Many Acadians fled thither after the dispersion of Grand Pré and the fall of Louisbourg.
  • The use of a location binary variable is consistent with the theory of location and the spatial dispersion of human capital and technology in clusters (Ormrod).
  • The company's product range includes high-value chemical, plastics, dyestuffs and pigments, dispersions, automobile and industrial coatings, crop protection products, fine chemicals, crude oil and natural gas.
  • There are certain spells of dispersion that a fleeing man can cast, to deflect those who seek him from his proper route. LORD PRESTIMION
  • Colloidal dispersions have particle sizes in the 1.0 nanometer to 0.50 micrometer range.
  • In the Creation / Fall / Flood / Dispersion model of earth history, some very substantial changes have happened in what, to evolutionists, is an ultra-short time.
  • The results show that hydrodynamic dispersion and indigenous biodegradation under mixed electron accepter conditions are primary mechanisms for the attenuation of ethanol and BTEX in porous media.
  • Material dispersion is the phenomena whereby materials cause a ‘bundle’ of light to spread out as it propagates.
  • Macdonald was a prominent researcher who attracted international attention in 2002 with research on smoke dispersion in urban areas.
  • Although it has long been known that a rainbow is produced by the dispersion of white light through rain droplets via refraction, there is far more to this optical phenomenon than first meets the eye.
  • In addition to being the center of religious training and worship, the church served as the nucleus of social activities and a conduit for the dispersion of social services.
  • Wide dispersion of the data suggests diverging distributary channels.
  • The members of Group I, represented by Paloemonetes, respond to eyestalk removal by dispersion of the dark pigment and to injection of eyestalk extract by concentration of the pigment.
  • The rays proceeding from atoms of small mass having less material momentum, are the most refrangible, and those possessing greater material momentum, are the least refrangible; so that instead of presenting a difficulty in the undulatory theory of light, this dispersion is a necessary consequence of its first principles. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • In the wake of the Holocaust, he asserted, the revitalization of Hebraic culture would require a safe haven "where the homeless Jews of the world shall have found rest; where the Jewish spirit shall have been reborn; whence shall flow to the Jewries of the Dispersion inspiration and the stuff on which it feeds. Israel and Palestine
  • The relationships between impulse power and error bit of the traditional dispersion-compensated systems: pre: post-and hybrid-compensation in the presence of SPM, IXPM and IFWM were investigated.
  • A number of subsequent studies have examined the relationship of employment performance and earnings dispersion with less clear-cut results than implied in the Jobs Study.
  • The existence of the particle movement, increase block medium dispersion medium viscosity.
  • Adherent cells in primary culture appeared 1 hour after dispersion from the lesion tissue.
  • the dispersion of the troops
  • Governments should encourage the wider dispersion and implementation of industry's voluntary initiatives and agreements and sharing of best practices.
  • The great long-term spur to successful dispersion will come from technology, as James Joel Kotkin
  • As for the wind dispersion, the prevailing winds are mostly easterly.
  • The experimental variable was the dispersion of polygons, and the dependent variable was the rate of visual information transfer.
  • In both instances, the tuns should be covered during the period of fermentation, but taken off for the purpose of rousing before cleansing; these covers should be put on again, in order to prevent the dispersion or waste of the gasses, which is always a loss of spirituosity. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • This paper has attempted to remedy this with results pointing to their potential significant but regionalized adverse impact on wealth dispersion among farm families.
  • The firm of lawyers in Atlanta who subsequently handled the dispersion of Mary Ellen's estate have already distributed the vast bulk of it to a number of other beneficiaries.
  • The next important historical epoch which demands our attention is that connected with what, in sacred history, is known as the dispersion at The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • When model membrane systems are prepared in the form of lipid dispersions, techniques other than MAS are often used.
  • Calcium helps to build up good soil structure, sodium causes breakdown and dispersion of the aggregates.
  • The available data reveal the existence of a remarkably tight correlation between the mass of the central SMBH and the central stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxy spheroidal component, suggesting a fundamental mechanism connecting the properties of SMBHs with those of their host galaxies. How Supermassive Black Holes Merge
  • Babylonish dispersion, was to go to a people and country equal, if not superior, to his own: but to go to the dispersion among the Greeks, was to go into unclean regions, where the very dust of the land defiled them: it was to go to an inferior race of Jews, and more impure in their blood; it was to go into nations most heathenized. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • It was really a combination and it was after they disseminated the list that its dispersion over many industries began.
  • The rockets also are spin-stabilized to reduce the dispersion of rockets and thus to increase the accuracy and density of salvos.
  • Among the conditions favorable to the multiplication of the malarial ferment contained in the soil, and to its dispersion through the superjacent atmosphere, there are three which are absolutely essential, and the concurrence of which is indispensable for the production of bad air (malaria). Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • In this paper, a pulsar de - dispersion algorithm on Short Time Fourier Transform ( STFT ) is presented.
  • Group dispersion can be measured in terms of the total area covered by the group, compared, perhaps, to a temporal average.
  • Chains focused on serving less densely populated rural areas will also tend to exhibit greater geographic dispersion and so will emphasize economies not primarily dependent on geographic concentration.
  • The pattern of dispersion of a population and thus local densities often reflects responses of individuals to structural attributes of the habitat.
  • Various measures of central tendency and dispersion were calculated, including the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and skew.
  • The history of Jewish dispersion has led to the outstanding diversity of the Jewish people, who have settled in countries as disparate as Morocco, Cuba, and Australia.
  • The twisted teasels lose their decussation, but in doing so the leaves are not left in a disorderly dispersion, but a distinct new arrangement takes its place, which is to be assumed as the normal one for the ancestors of the teasel family. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Because a negative refractive index implies dispersion, and thus a certain degree of loss, perfect lens operation is not feasible.
  • The polarization characteristics of fiber are mainly polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss ( PDL ) .
  • How radical innovation emerges from growing content variety and context dispersion in some recombination process is not explained.
  • It was approaching sunset when a bowl, called the grace cup, made of oak, hooped with silver, was handed round the table as the signal of dispersion, although it was left free to any who chose a longer carouse to retreat to any of the outer bothies. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • The company later expanded into various other chemical fields, mainly polymer dispersion and process chemicals.
  • The decolorized zircon (jargoon) has a dispersion well up toward that of diamond and gives fairly vivid spectra on a card, but they are double, as zircon is doubly refracting. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The endpoint was defined as small formation or visible dispersion of debris from the trabecular meshwork.
  • Every weakness is exploited by those who wish to cast dispersions on wines that are unconventional or those which do not exhibit the conformities of wines from more historic regions. It's the Style, Stupid.
  • The institution of the period survey has ensured that this concept remains central to the distribution of cultural credentials, and literary cultivation has frequently been represented as Foucault represents genealogy: as a historical refraction of the self that locates a paradoxical sort of immortality in dispersion. Culture and Discontinuity (in the 1840s and in Foucault)
  • The chromosomal location, patterns of genomic dispersion, and copy numbers of its tandemly arranged units varied between the species.
  • Optical microscopy was used to detect the presence of cholesterol crystals in the lipid dispersions.
  • A sample of 133 fish was selected from the larger collections to attempt to include a wide dispersion of the four species across the different sample sites.
  • The origin and genomic dispersion of several microsatellites might have anteceded species diversification.
  • This has manifested in terms of declining employment opportunities for the least skilled and a wider dispersion of earnings.
  • The particles are referred to as the disperse phase while the other phase is termed the dispersion medium or continuous phase.
  • They balance this against dispersion: half-bottles may go where full bottles do not, or go first.
  • The dispersion relation in this material is shown to be tachyonic, giving rise to group velocities larger than the speed of light. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
  • With it, Aristotle's notion of place as a container gives way to dispersion, loss and forgetfulness.
  • This paper analyze the modes in rod by short -time fourier transform. The results of time- frequency analysis are consistent with the group velocity dispersion curve.
  • The regular repetition of flickering forms and the concentrations and dispersions of pigment which continually transform the ‘image’ suggest the visual qualities of film: it is as if we are seeing an abstract painting emerge over time.
  • We focused our attention on all kinds of dispersions: in polymer matrices, in solvents, in paints, and even in water.
  • Polymer/cholesteric liquid crystal dispersions are provided in which the liquid crystal phase separated from the polymer matrix to form droplets.
  • The Arab dispersion came about piecemeal, through the ebb and flow of war.
  • The method removes impurities by synthesis process and self-reduction process of the catalyst and realizes metallization of the active component and high dispersion.
  • In this context we note that the diffusional contribution to the formate and acetate relaxation dispersion was not detected as a distortion to the Lorentzian relaxation profile.
  • In studying the shape of the fungus he was reminded of an aspergillum, the instrument used for the dispersion of holy water in catholic churches, and so the fungus got its name.
  • The pictures are the outcome of dispersion of ink by folding and unfolding the paper,’ he says.
  • Mr. Hoepfner however thinks the dispersion of the diamond by this great heat should be called a phosphorescent evaporation of it, rather than a combustion; and from its other analogies of crystallization, hardness, transparency, and place of its nativity, wishes again to replace it amongst the precious stones. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Sometimes these are at cross-purposes because if the segments break apart too soon, penetration will be shallow and dispersion wide.
  • For a good even dispersion, use a muller to force the pigment into suspension.
  • The dispersion of his ashes connecting him with the island as its _oecist_, may be construed, if not as the expression of a public vote, at least as The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 01
  • The lime-resolved spectra were globally analyzed with a fitting program described by van Stokkum et al., which also corrects for group velocity dispersion in the white light continuum.
  • An approach for the calculation of the worst-case dispersion penalty of multimode fiber links was derived. The approach is expressed by 10%—90% rise time of the system.
  • I decided at this point to apply moxa to his eye in order to promote blood and fluid dispersion within the eye in a more vigorous way.
  • Our data also show that the thermotropic phase behavior of these lipid dispersions changes after prolonged periods of low-temperature incubation.
  • In Greece and in Malaya we lost more planes on the ground than we did in the air, because of inadequate dispersion.
  • To prepare multilamellar lipid dispersions, aliquots of CHCl 3 stock solutions of phospholipid and sterol were mixed in the appropriate quantities.
  • This paper analyze the modes in rod by short -time fourier transform. The results of time- frequency analysis are consistent with the group velocity dispersion curve.
  • The particular works of each are manifestations of the general character of his lifework, whether it was of faith and love whereby alone we can please God and escape condemnation. pass -- Greek, "conduct yourselves during." sojourning -- The outward state of the Jews in their dispersion is an emblem of the sojourner-like state of all believers in this world, away from our true Fatherland. fear -- reverential, not slavish. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This very short " gun barrel " will help reduce dispersion.
  • Technically, the liquid which forms droplets is known as the disperse phase, and the liquid in which these drops are scattered is known as the dispersion medium.
  • Polyethylene glycol is also widely used as a suppository base, to make solid dispersions in order to enhance the solubility of drugs and for the modification of proteins and bioactive substances.
  • The spectral dispersion of single-mode fiber is measured and the zero chromatic dispersion wavelength,(Sentence dictionary) the slope of dispersion vs. wavelength are obtained.
  • This paper has attempted to remedy this with results pointing to their potential significant but regionalized adverse impact on wealth dispersion among farm families.
  • During the eighties I initiated work on the problem of combining the traditional techniques of direct methods with isomorphous replacement and anomalous dispersion in the attempt to facilitate the solution of macromolecular crystal structures. Herbert A. Hauptman - Autobiography
  • Consequently, the shot leaves the wad as a tightly controlled column with minimal dispersion.
  • The experimental variable was the dispersion of polygons, and the dependent variable was the rate of visual information transfer.
  • These colonies were difficult to rule efficiently because of their geographic dispersion and cultural differences.

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