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How To Use Dispersal In A Sentence

  • But the police were reluctant because of issues over crowd dispersal and transport.
  • Subsequent events, such as fruit maturation and fruit dispersal, were noted and recorded once a week.
  • Since frugivore seed dispersal is so important in the tropics, many researchers have studied the loss of frugivores and related it to changed plant population dynamics. Frugivore
  • But the process of dispersal was so slow that the rate of faunal replacement between different groups was much slower than the process of evolution within them.
  • This smoke or flame, perhaps, would be the better word for it was so bright that the deep blue sky overhead and the hazy stretches of brown common towards Chertsey, set with black pine trees, seemed to darken abruptly as these puffs arose, and to remain the darker after their dispersal. The War of The Worlds
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  • Yunupingu, who is reportedly embroiled in a dispute with family members over the dispersal of mining royalties and grants, gave no details about the mine proposal or how it would be financed.
  • We observed an influx of long-tailed ducks into coastal lagoons in July, followed by dispersal to other areas in late August.
  • Francis Crick, codiscoverer of the structure of DNA, proposes direct panspermia: dispersal of single-celled organisms throughout the Galaxy.
  • Will oversee tooling inventory, storage, and dispersal to the shop.
  • The internationalism if film distribution has always guaranteed the rapid dispersal of any significant discovery.
  • Knob Hill will not conduct a complete dispersal sale, but some horses may be consigned to future public auctions.
  • Similarly, after the collapse of the stoas and temenos walls that enclosed the sanctuary, further dispersals could have taken place.
  • From Monday, officers will have the power to dish out dispersal orders to split up gangs of troublesome teenagers that congregate to cause criminal damage, graffiti and intimidation.
  • The role of these structures in determining spore hydrophobicity, adhesion, dispersal, and resistance to environment stresses is poorly understood.
  • Density of the breeding population did not affect dispersal distance of peregrines.
  • Many of them flourish in a broad range of habitats, and nearly all of them are adapted for wide dispersal.
  • Two years ago he added to it the Furstenberg collection of Old Masters, so preventing its dispersal.
  • However, effects could be localized or widespread depending on dispersal, which is in turn related to the complex interactions among local current patterns and larval duration and behavior PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The sampling scheme was intended to gather five independent location fixes per week, but ample movement during dispersal sometimes resulted in lower frequencies of fixes.
  • I recite these names in part to illustrate the wide geographic dispersal of the scholars.
  • It is now nearly four months since police imposed a dispersal order covering Rodbourne Cheney, Moredon and Green-meadow following a barrage of complaints about rowdy youths.
  • To determine whether resource partitioning or kin selection is more likely to describe the dynamics of local competition, a greenhouse experiment was conducted with Triplasis purpurea, a cleistogamous annual with restricted dispersal. Altruism: Even Plants Can Do It - The Panda's Thumb
  • We would also like to increase our understanding of population processes, such as dispersal and seedling recruitment.
  • Clusters of genetically identical plants, for example, limit the number of mates available to self-incompatible species with limited pollen dispersal.
  • Unlike phanerogams, which undergo long-range dispersal by seeds (seed plants) or spores (ferns and mosses), lichens have two fundamentally different mechanisms of long-range dispersal.
  • Ostreids were also able to fix themselves to movable objects such as driftwood or cephalopods, thereby further facilitating their dispersal.
  • Mr Goulding was not aware of dispersal orders having previously been used anywhere to stop tombstoning.
  • One group will focus on natural processes that affect dispersal of genes such as wind, timing of plant flowering, or proximity to compatible wild relatives.
  • Dispersal of bagworms depends on the hatchlings getting out on a twig and letting out a long strand of silk.
  • Oh, and there would be a little thing called a dispersal draft to be worked out if there is contraction. - Subtle signs say more trouble ahead
  • The second phase would be carried out by the dispersal of nurses and psychologists into general practice surgeries and day hospitals.
  • Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto (S. Mary's Abbey) and masshouse (Adam and Eve's tavern): the proscription of their national costumes in penal laws and jewish dress acts: the restoration in Chanah David of Zion and the possibility of Irish political autonomy or devolution. Ulysses
  • Additional benefits of dispersal from the natal area might be avoidance of high levels of inbreeding or avoidance of local resource competition.
  • They will explain that much can be done by felling and burning to slow the dispersal of the spores in a westerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Linnaeus himself retained a dispersal of all species from a single mountain, formerly surrounded by sea.
  • At the same time, the dispersal of the collections of Roman families such as the Altemps, Barberini, and Borghese greatly enriched the market.
  • The flu, on the other hand, is spread by very casual interaction - breathing other person's exhalations, or using a cup touched by a flu sufferer - so that the dispersal is much more general and open.
  • It is argued that many aspects of the composition and dispersal properties of Myxicola axoplasm are similar to those in other axons.
  • Our study examined seed dispersal of trees in an old-growth forest.
  • The report said Government policies of dispersal and direct provision acted to segregate asylum seekers from the community.
  • However, the completely disarticulated nature of the skeleton necessitates that some form of pre-burial dispersal occurred.
  • One explanation may be that large-seeded species are successful at all successional stages once seeds arrive, but that colonization is delayed by ineffective seed dispersal.
  • Top graph shows the amount of magma fragmentation and resulting dispersal of tephra (ash and larger-sized particles) that typically accompanies different styles of eruption (for example, Hawaiian and Plinian). Volcanic ash hazards and ways to minimize them
  • The female flowers are followed by dehiscent capsules, usually trilocular, with 6 seeds, usually winged for wind dispersal, though many of the cultivated forms have become partially or highly sterile. Chapter 37
  • An example of the connection between political status and land is detailed below in the discussion of the dispersal, location, and value of Mary's and Elizabeth's patrimonies. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Artificial dispersal occurs when people transport gypsy moth eggs thousands of miles from infested areas on cars and recreational vehicles, firewood, household goods, and other personal possessions. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • The interview makes specific reference not only to the more recent detention of activists in Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also to the 10 May dispersal of youth protesting a flower festival held a little over a week after the 30 April massacre of students in a Baku university. Global Voices in English » Azerbaijan: Blogger response to University massacre
  • Despite the evident dispersal of some comic book artists to remote locations, these artists form a social economy that periodically interacts intensively.
  • We used our data to test whether long-distance movements in the ortolan bunting occurred before males became territorial (natal dispersal) or during adult life (breeding dispersal).
  • A longer period of dispersal tends to mean a wider dispersal as well, which may eventually help a species populate new areas.
  • If a crowd of random walkers starts from the same point, the pattern of dispersal of the crowd is predictable.
  • Once present, it is easily spread through seed dispersal – its seeds can remain viable for up to two years and buried seeds can stay dormant for up to 20 years – and as a result of its allelopathic character. Invasive alien species and development challenges in Africa
  • There have been heated Internet discussions among experts that the webs were constructed by social cobweb spiders, which work together, or perhaps a mass dispersal where the arachnids spin webs to spread out from one other. Giant Web Creates Big Buzz | Impact Lab
  • Dispersal rates were higher in forest and edge habitats than they were in fencerows.
  • In addition to controlled storage, prescription blanks are serialized, and the dispersal of all prescription pads and storage destination is documented by pharmacy staff.
  • For instance, Cody and Overton (1996) found that species in the Asteraceae on islands tended to have reduced dispersal capabilities (i.e., larger seed mass and smaller pappus) relative to the same species on the mainland [7]. Seed dispersal
  • They're radioactive materials that couldn't be used to make a detonatable nuclear bomb, but could be used, potentially, to make a "dirty bomb," a radioactive dispersal device. CNN Transcript Dec 10, 2001
  • Natural dispersal occurs when newly hatched larvae hanging from host trees on silken threads are carried by the wind for a distance of up to about 1 mile, although most go less than 50 meters. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • An paghimo han mga hollow blocks, pag rehabilitar hiton mga irigasyon nga mga proyekto, livestock dispersal, organic fertilizer, OTOP, oyster / roadside maintenance han Public Works Undefined
  • This structure allows dispersal of the achene, a single seed produced by each female flower, to other sites by clasping to the hairs, or feathers, of any animal (or hairy tramper) passing by. Museum Blogs
  • Migratory habit is related to philopatry, because resident species of birds tend to have lower dispersal rates than migratory species.
  • - Dispersal systems using simple or multiple trenches are an alternative to soakaway pits for less permeable soils, where there are large quantities of effluent, in the case of a high water table or where there are rocky layers near the surface. Chapter 3
  • In the third and final phase the area of dispersal is larger and the distribution more dense.
  • The remains of the runway, dispersal areas, taxiways and bone yard are all still there along with the remnants of a war that ended nearly 60 years ago.
  • Second, such reductions are very likely to happen more rapidly where the northward migration of boreal or temperate species is not limited either by habitat availability or propagule (dispersal stage of a plant or animal, such as fertilized eggs, larvae, or seeds) dispersal. Recent and projected changes in arctic species distributions and potential ranges
  • Among those risking romantic rejection and public humiliation is a ski instructor keen to propose in salopettes, a sailor who uses the word "babe" as punctuation, and a civil servant who stores his engagement ring in a laundry tablet dispersal bag. It's a good week for … Romance
  • The harpings of the sweet singer of Israel could not have been more effectual in the dispersal of depression than the steadfast beams of the sun supreme in tropic sky. My Tropic Isle
  • However, the extent to which dispersal limits local distribution is poorly known.
  • Police have imposed dispersal zones in three areas where yobbish behaviour is bringing misery to residents.
  • The global context of glaciation in the Neoproterozoic is the massive first-order reorganization of the planet's geography, climate and ocean systems resulting from the breakup and dispersal of the supercontinent Rodinia.
  • Ree, RH, Smith SA (2008) Maximum likelihood inference of geographic range evolution by dispersal, local extinction, and cladogenesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Among other things, the hobbit find hints that much of what researchers thought they knew about the timing and nature of humanity's initial dispersal out of Africa is wrong, " notes Wong.
  • In fact, there are only two authenticated cases of passive dispersal in freshwater triclads.
  • The chief virtue of a private property system is that it achieves this dispersal and is therefore structurally antagonistic to coercion.
  • Independent dispersal of algal and fungal cultures therefore can lead to a successful establishment of the lichen symbiosis even under harsh Antarctic conditions.
  • According to Judy Stamps from the University of California at Davis, like humans who move out of their parents 'houses in adulthood, most animals leave their birthplaces before they start to raise families of their own, a phenomenon known as natal dispersal. Daily News & Analysis
  • In the West, the theology of dispersal to which we have alluded, and the corresponding popular as - sumption that the pre-Babel lingua Adamica was LINGUISTICS
  • For the dispersal of the binomial in the polynomial gives rise to a number of minor difficulties.
  • In October, dispersals to six areas of England were suspended at the request of the police, after a series of vicious attacks on asylum seekers.
  • Coalitions between postdispersal males and adult female hyenas were rare.
  • Liberal, beneficent, and traditional ideas have returned to their rightful place through the dispersal of the odious and despicable factions which sought to overawe the Councils.
  • Second, the direction of dispersal could have been biased by prevailing oceanographic configurations.
  • The distribution of organisms can be regulated by local environmental factors and regional processes such as dispersal.
  • Fruit is red to brown achene with soft white hairs that helps in wind dispersal. Find Me A Cure
  • The dispersal of the juveniles differs from that of most other promiscuous or polygynous mammals, being female-biased with a fraction of males remaining philopatric.
  • T.M. Maskey has studied the survival and dispersal of gharial released in the Narayani River. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • A study group of relatively sedentary birds, such as the curassows, should provide some insight on how important dispersal is to the evolutionary history of less-mobile birds.
  • We attributed this decrease to human activities associated with development of the park's infrastructure causing dispersal of animals.
  • Many derived mosses have yet another control on spore dispersal: a peristome with peristome teeth arranged around an annulus.
  • Reliance upon wind dispersal is common among many weedy or ruderal species. Seed dispersal
  • With the low dispersal ability of late instar fall cankerworm, it is not surprising that associational susceptibility was evident at the scale of only a few meters.
  • This long-term effective population size is affected by the local dispersal behavior as well as the geometry of the habitat.
  • The distance travelled by fruits after their dispersal was measured from the base of the trunk of respective trees.
  • A dispersal area, which allows officers to send home groups harassing residents, is now in operation.
  • In collaboration with Professor Cutler J. Cleveland (Boston University) and Jeff Frank (Indigo Systems Corporation), and Gary McCracken (University of Tennessee), we are using infrared thermal imaging to census bats as they emerge nightly from caves, NEXRAD II Doppler radar to assess landscape patterns of nightly dispersal, and economic modeling to assess the impact that this insectivorous species has on a major agroecosystem in Texas. Contributor: Thomas Kunz
  • A year later, I became an external PhD student at the college, studying seed dispersal by lemurs in Madagascar.
  • Of course, Aunt Rose had elaborate plans for her own death and dispersal.
  • Yet, in order to remain solvent, many museums face cutbacks and, in some instances, the dispersal of part of their collections.
  • The dispersal orders have worked in other areas, resulting in a reduction of antisocial behaviour.
  • The powers, known as a dispersal order, are effective for six months and cover all of the city's Morton electoral ward and part of Castle Ward, up to Stanhope Road. News round-up
  • Both species have abundant seed-set and some very effective means for dispersal through achene adhesion to cloth, animal fur or wool (Fig. 4). — The Volokh Conspiracy » “Two New Alien Species of Bidens Have Been Recorded in Bulgaria”
  • But the call did at least dispel the vapour of unease that clung to the dispersal hut in the hours before action. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • While the warmer-water percid and cyprinid species are restricted to the southwest and unlikely to extend their range to the north (unless moved by humans) because of dispersal barriers [18], the euryhaline salmonids are able to move from estuary to estuary as conditions allow. Climate change effects on arctic freshwater fish populations
  • The travels of the young lion, 2 to 5 years old and not quite full grown, are a familiar pattern called dispersal, in which young males look for mates. NYT > Home Page
  • Its large ecological potential and diffuse dispersal contribute significantly to the mosaic structure of many meadow communities.
  • Police have made 13 other dispersal directions.
  • The result was the dispersal of the books in languages other than Chinese among different departmental libraries, and a long period of neglect.
  • Among those risking romantic rejection and public humiliation is a ski instructor keen to propose in salopettes, a sailor who uses the word "babe" as punctuation, and a civil servant who stores his engagement ring in a laundry tablet dispersal bag. It's a good week for … Romance
  • A handful of men climbed out, walked across the dispersal area to the watch office and handed in their parachutes. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • Improper dispersal of the fuel aerosol or a mis-timed firing of the initiator could produce a large fireball, but the resulting deflagration would not produce the blast shock wave of the intended explosive detonation.
  • The planulae are of a range of sizes with the larger planulae having the longer survivorship, suggesting a strategy that accommodates both short and long-distance dispersal PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A similar dispersal mechanism has been suggested as responsible for the faunal similarities in mollusks and decapods.
  • This definition includes "all explosive ordnance designed to explode at some point in time after dispersal or release from the parent cluster munition, as well as munitions that are sometimes referred to as bomblets (e.g. from air-dropped cluster munitions), grenades (e.g. from ground-launched artillery, rocket or missile systems) and 'improved conventional munitions'." end of a conflict, and are more lethal than antipersonnel mines as they are more likely to cause death than injury when they explode. IRIN
  • He was sleeping with the rest of the squadron in the dispersal hut. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • I think the only viable solutions would either be strict containment of economic migrants, or widespread dispersal.
  • This is especially true of processes mediated by the sense of olfaction, because wind and water currents control the dispersal of odor signals and act as ancillary cues during odor plume following.
  • An CLEEP ginkukumpuneran han mga proyekto nga gindudumara han mga miyembro han Kabinete nga nagpaka base ha mga Rehiyon dinhi ha Pilipinas, pareho han Botika ha Barangay; repair / rehabilitasyon hiton health facilities ni Health Secretary Francisco Duque han Ilocos Region; cash for work, pag rehabilitar han mga irrigation system; livestock dispersal; tamang abono; One Town One Product (OTOP); non-OTOP ngan oyster / roadside maintenance han Social Welfare Secretary Esperanza Cabral ha CAR ngan ARMM. Undefined
  • Earlier this year officers launched the town's first dispersal order in Stratton to split up gangs of troublesome teenagers that congregate to cause criminal damage, daub graffiti and intimidate people.
  • These tiny documents were purchased by a flea market trader in a trunk stored in the attic of a prominent Savannah family during the dispersal of an estate.
  • The Government is also to look at extra dispersal and curfew powers, including a new power to impose a curfew on a local area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company had been displaced over the summer when the City Council refused to grant the Wine Bar on Wharf Street an entertainment license due to the so-called dispersal ordinance which prohibits venues within 100 feet of one another from receiving an entertainment license. Blogs Stories
  • Four other characteristics of global scientific interest are the responses of the plants of the region to 1) fire, 2) seed dispersal by ants and termites (myrmecochory), 3) the high level (83%) of plant pollination by insects, mainly beetles and flies and 4) its Gondwanaland floristic relicts which allow the reconstruction of very ancient floral communities. Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa
  • Sometimes protesters would be given clear direction and dispersal warnings.
  • The Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism declined to respond to queries regarding the information dispersal.
  • This sequence of events may represent a model for the dispersal of gene family members throughout the genome.
  • This should involve a needs assessment to take account of the dispersal of people in the Highlands, as well as urban and health problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their dispersal is a reaction to only one piece of the plan. CNN Transcript Oct 14, 2001
  • The anesthetic sensitivities of transformed and untransformed siblings were measured on the same dispersal assay plates simultaneously.
  • They called for the peaceful dispersal of the demonstrators.
  • Promptly followed the dingy train's short run up the shore of the New Canal, and then its stop athwart St. Charles St.eet, under no roof, amid no throng, without one huzza or cry of welcome, and the prompt dispersal of the outwardly burdenless wanderers, in small knots afoot, up-town, down-town, many of them trying to say over again those last words from the chief hero of their four years 'trial by fire. Kincaid's Battery
  • Seed dispersal is the main process linking the spatial pattern of parent plants with that of their offspring.
  • Temporal dispersal takes place when dormant propagules of a species accumulate in its habitat, forming "propagule banks", and are activated at different times in the future. Let them disperse
  • Nevertheless, dispersal can interact with other traits in determining plant fitness.
  • Second, differentiation may have evolved in allopatry following long-distance dispersal of ‘founder’ individuals across pre-existing barriers.
  • Grain mold fungi also produce spores capable of aerial dispersal in the field as well as within a grain storage bin.
  • The only answer seems to be the widest dispersal possible of power and wealth.
  • The chief virtue of a private property system is that it achieves this dispersal and is therefore structurally antagonistic to coercion.
  • Both species have abundant seed-set and some very effective means for dispersal through achene adhesion to cloth, animal fur or wool Fig. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Two New Alien Species of Bidens Have Been Recorded in Bulgaria”
  • Second, we need a much more radical dispersal of power within England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite variation in the eider duck (Somateria mollissima) indicate stepwise postglacial colonization of Europe and limited current long-distance dispersal. Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • Wind dispersal, or anemochory, is one of the more primitive means of dispersal. Seed dispersal
  • This resulted in the dispersal system which is still in operation today. The Prisons We Deserve
  • We examined the consequences of natal dispersal on the reproductive success (proportion of pairs rearing chicks) of colonial-breeding Thick-billed murres.
  • Natural riparian zones are also effective pathways for plant dispersal: the rivers carry large numbers of plant diaspores over long distances, and riparian zones are rich in water-dispersed plants and rapidly spreading exotics.
  • Dispersal means refugees get dumped in run-down housing areas with no proper facilities and support.
  • The importance of this event may be measured by the fact that whereas the journey to Gondokoro, with the "sudd" in existence, took twenty months and even two years to perform, it was reduced by its dispersal to twenty-one days. The Life of Gordon, Volume I
  • Youths have been congregating in these areas of South Woodham following the dispersal order that covers the town centre.
  • A dispersal area is a consideration, however it does involve quite stringent restrictions on the liberty of young people in the area and it cannot be used disproportionately.
  • Conventional codicology ties them firmly together; recent theories about dispersal and technological adoption are less sure. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • Similar dispersal behavior among vertebrate siblings has been reported.
  • In this paper, recent work on fruit type evolution in angiosperms is reviewed in relation to dispersal agents and habitat ecology.
  • This seed dispersal often leads to the propagation of new plants.
  • The initial group abandoned this march, but a second group formed and, when police ordered its dispersal, the crowd reacted by throwing stones at officials.
  • He was particularly concerned at the dispersal of many archives and books by the dissolution of the monasteries.
  • In the end, his collection went to the BMS for dispersal.
  • Missing in action: Megafauna and seed dispersal in Asia's empty forests stegodon. The annotated budak
  • These authors concluded that both climate and dispersal might be responsible for maintaining large-scale synchrony.
  • The connection from the Pit River drainage to Eagle Lake for this interbasin dispersal of trout came from the lower Pit River, an area where redband trout and coastal rainbow trout would be expected to have come into contact and mixed to produce a trout intermediate between coastal rainbow and northern Sacramento redband trout. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Genetic differentiation among populations is principally a function of gene flow among populations via pollen and seed dispersal.
  • Habitat Selection. Nest Site Selection; Territoriality; Dispersal; Migration.
  • Mechanisms that prevent selfing and its harmful effects and promote more proficient pollen dispersal have shaped much of floral evolution.
  • Of fishes that have sunk to the lake floor, scavengers, feeding on the top surface of the decaying fish, cause the dispersal of bones to be less orderly, and breakage of bone.
  • Large-scale slope failures, such as active layer detachment, destroy plant communities but open niches for colonization by new generations of existing species or immigrant species with ruderal characteristics (fast growth, short life span, large reproductive capacity, and widespread dispersal of seeds). Arctic environments north of the treeline
  • This may reflect drowning of the source of carbonate and terrigenous clastic detritus, and/or retreat of a sediment dispersal system.
  • In fact, the seed dispersal rate was notably higher when capsules dried after a rainy period.
  • I taxi to my dispersal point, shut down the engine, and clambered out; my flight suit wringing wet with sweat.
  • To some extent, plants may target dispersal of progeny toward favorable habitats.
  • Under these conditions, a teasel invasion wave would move each year roughly twice the mean seed dispersal distance.
  • News of the sale, however, has been met with dismay and alarm by some in the art world who see the dispersal of Breton's collection as a great public loss.
  • Many other factors may intervene to distort or completely eliminate the influences of seed dispersal patterns on subsequent distributions.
  • More work is needed on the period after dispersal from the natal area, but we believe there is some variability in length of the dependent period for this species.
  • During 1914, it was decided that the Society should limit its interests to New England, and the dispersal of its research collections was begun.
  • The gain was in authorial sympathy and readerly involvement, as well as the dispersal of interpretive possibilities.
  • In addition to the importance of single processes, the role played by the spatial coupling between seed dispersal and subsequent processes has been highlighted by several reports.
  • In the third and final phase the area of dispersal is larger and the distribution more dense.
  • It would be hilarious if it was to be read during a ‘modern’ protest, where dispersal is the very thing which plod sets out to prevent. Replace Police With Spin Doctors « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Drifting curtains of fenland rain obscured everything from 20 yards so that, pedalling round the perimeter, the only indications of intense activity were waves of clatter from each dispersal as ground crews completed the arming of the Lancasters. Short story competition
  • Also, Tree Swallows do not defend foraging areas, so dispersal does not affect access to food.
  • As in natural dispersal, we used samaras of the trees, and cleaned, dry shrub seeds.
  • In an uncharted desert, arroyos are the roads - critical dispersal corridors for plants, animals, and humans.
  • Many juveniles (mainly short-distance dispersers; data not shown) made exploratory trips before dispersal, usually of distances of less than 1 km from the birth site.
  • The intense demand that existed for former Taozhai objects is apparent in the collection's dispersal throughout China and the world.
  • High visibility policing led to 25 arrests and 16 people being removed from the borough's new dispersal areas after two days of intensive patrols.
  • Morphological and cytological evidence point to an origin of the genus in South America, followed by subsequent long-distance dispersals to explain current distribution patterns.
  • Amongst other fossil conifers cones were shed rapidly after pollen dispersal.
  • Is the glutin secreted to secure the wide dispersal of the seeds? The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • They came to the city three years ago as part of the Home Office's asylum seeker dispersal programme and were housed in one of north-east Glasgow's most notorious housing schemes.
  • Monoculture forests reduce the range of habitats for birds and other wildlife and thereby reduce the environmental and economic benefits people derive from wildlife seed-dispersal.
  • The oldest phase of ice flow (Event I) is characterized by ice flowing from an ice dispersal centre situated over the higher terrain in north-central Wales and by ice thick enough to cover the mountain summits.
  • Consequently, this size-dependent pattern of dispersal could make successful recruitment more likely under Q. coccifera and less likely in open interspaces than would be expected based only on microhabitat suitability.
  • Radar sensitive chaff (mica and silica) in the chemical mixture permits tracking of chemical agent dispersal patterns in the atmosphere.
  • This means food vouchers spendable only at certain supermarkets, and dispersal to one ‘no choice’ offer of accommodation, often away from existing communities, lawyers and even families.
  • Provision of geographic links between existing areas of remnant vegetation potentially facilitating gene flow and dispersal among populations of species that have become ecological islands due to clearing.
  • The apparent dispersal is necessary to his project of providing a social history of the everyday, or as he interestingly relabels it ‘the ordinary’.
  • With its dispersal at auction, thousands of collectors throughout the world will have an opportunity to see - and acquire - a vast array of rare and wonderful items.
  • Following dispersal from the parent plant, seeds are dormant.
  • Inconsistent results from studies of polygamous birds suggest that mating system may not be the most influential factor on dispersal.
  • To avoid any such dispersal of Basilevsky's collection of medieval and renaissance applied arts, Alexander II!
  • The seeds' hard testa is an effective protective structure allowing them to survive fire, and being passed through the guts of large animals which aid dispersal.
  • It is somewhat redundant in its wording, for an individual that disperses is a propagule and there is no need to specify that dispersal is to be between "populations". Let them disperse

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