How To Use Dismissed In A Sentence
He had a good scientific understanding and quickly dismissed the beast.
He'd probably dismissed her altogether by now as fickle, shallow and all too easily swayed by other people.
Scores of jurors were quickly dismissed yesterday as the judge tackled the daunting task of finding an unbiased jury.
Times, Sunday Times
Mugabe previously dismissed Tibaijuka's findings as "biassed" and a product of western pressures.
ANC Daily News Briefing
He was dismissed for stealing bicycle parts.

Florin dismissed any notion of martial law-like conditions prevailing.
The judge dismissed the claim with costs.
Times, Sunday Times
The Admiral had refused to listen to anything Marcus said, and eventually Marcus had been dismissed and ordered back for the tribunals.
He contemptuously dismissed any suggestion to the effect that the dollar was overvalued, or that its climb to record highs on a trade-weighted basis was becoming a source of economic instability.
Case dismissed, and the prosecutor gets to spend the night in the pokey for charging against the film.
Oaths were taken on the terms aforesaid, and the citizens dismissed their adversaries.
She dismissed him as if he were her unvalued underling, but he knew better now.
Napoleon, the greatest of all generals, dismissed and disgraced Admiral Bruix when he questioned an order to sail his fleet.
It's been going on for a few months now and until recently I dismissed it as the call of a mimicking fork-tailed drongo.
Had Diego Milito's goal in the first leg been correctly ruled out for being sixty-miles offside, or had Barça's totally valid goal not been shambolically dismissed, then Barcelona would have contested the final in Madrid.
How do you like your sour grapes, Señor Xavi Hernández? | Richard Williams
She has been accused of trying to get her former brother-in-law dismissed from the police force to settle a personal score.
Times, Sunday Times
No one wants games ruined by players being dismissed.
Times, Sunday Times
Talk of collusion was dismissed as hare-brained.
Times, Sunday Times
As for Mr Gilbert, an industrial tribunal dismissed his claim of unfair discrimination.
He dismissed the idea that raising taxes alone might help erase the deficit, saying "raising taxes doesn't do a dern thing" to address health care costs that are projected to be a big driver of future fiscal problems.
Bowles Predicts Support for Deficit Deal
Telfer's accounts of this and other pitched battles with ‘myalls’ might be dismissed by the sceptic as unsupported hearsay.
Maxwell did not mention the banana theory but he dismissed the numerous theories and meanings ascribed to the name Sabah in published literature as "fanciful suggestions" because there was a lack of supporting evidence.
In all, twenty three men who are based in towns in Mayo were dismissed on the grounds that they were not suitable for the work involved.
So saying, he dismissed Roland Graeme, through a different door from that by which he had entered, signed a cross, and pronounced a benedicite as they parted, and then, still muttering to himself, retired into the garden, and locked the door on the inside.
The Abbot
News reports in December indicating that there had been an attempted coup were subsequently dismissed by Jawara as groundless rumours.
We were surprised today to learn that Mayor Bloomberg dismissed his hand-picked Schools Chancellor, Cathie Black, after 97 infelicitous days as chief of New York City's school system.
Henry J. Stern: Black Thursday
He dismissed her thanks with quick wave of the hand.
The Liberator 1, while late to the party, can't be easily dismissed from the pack of competitors seeking to win the prize.
The official dismissed the speech as the ramblings of a desperate lunatic.
His opponent was dismissed for a low score.
Stillington made major inroads into Harrogate's batting as they dismissed three home batsmen for ducks.
And while rapper Kreayshawn's refusal to identify with just one particular race is often dismissed as attention-seeking, it actually may reflect something deeper.
Nick Shore: What Gaga & Minaj's Alter-Egos Say About the Shape-Shifting Millennial Generation
The original film, initially dismissed as crude animation based on the pulp comic strip, had gained considerable cred within the film world.
New Democrat Gore dismissed the idea.
An American judge yesterday dismissed murder charges against Dr Jack Kevorkian.
AP - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage against an Islamic civil rights group over its use of a portion of his show in which he called the Quran a "book of hate.
Claims that Manchester is becoming a segregated society - in which white, black and Asian communities are living separate lives - have been dismissed.
Now that she was back, under the same roof, I considered and instantly dismissed the notion of trying to have a word with her; nothing could have been worse just then than talk spreading in the bazaar and the camp that she'd been colloguing with a British officer.
Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
By the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, researchers equipped with microscopes founded modern chemistry - and dismissed alchemy as hocus-pocus.
She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets.
Diana dismissed it with contempt, as the shaft of a _frondeur_ discredited by both parties.
The Testing of Diana Mallory
She dismissed the thought as the result of her overwrought imagination, but it was all she could do not to run the last few steps to her cell.
Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis.
But a judge dismissed the criminal case a few months later, because the statute of limitations had expired.
For example, you gain the right not to be unfairly dismissed after being in continuous employment for two years.
The Sun
He carried his bat for 102 from 153 deliveries and provided the backbone of an innings which featured a nervy patch during which three of the upper order were dismissed for ducks.
Often, alternative perspectives are dismissed as nonscientific, polemical, or otherwise unworthy of attention.
He spent the best part of a year waiting for the allegations to be dismissed.
Times, Sunday Times
I was dismissed after I gave my report
He dismissed speculations that the fire was ignited by electrical faults or caused by foul play.
Some personnel dismissed the body mass index measurements because soldiers with a heavier muscle mass might also be classed as overweight.
Times, Sunday Times
As a young nun in 1871, MacKillop and 47 other nuns from her order were briefly dismissed from the Roman Catholic Church in a clash with high clergy.
Mary MacKillop, First Australian Saint, Canonized
Since many drivers and stablemen were uninformed, and even human labourers were overworked and dismissed once they were ‘worn out’, it is not surprising that maltreatment of horses was common.
No longer can that notion be dismissed with a contemptuous pah.
Yet because it is so deeply entrenched in our thought and culture it is often ignored and dismissed.
Times, Sunday Times
His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.
The question can't be lightly dismissed as a fad or a dream.
His mind turned to the bull-necked thug on duty in front of the church the day of the funeral, but he dismissed the idea.
That this is not so is very apparent from any number of reports which can not be dismissed as anecdotage.
After the wreath laying ceremony at the cenotaph and the service at Holy Trinity Church conducted by Rev Botwright, the parade will march past the civic dignitaries and finally be dismissed in Newmarket Street.
Boris Johnson today dismissed continuing concerns over the News of the World's use of phone hacking as "codswallop" that "looks like a politically motivated put-up job by the Labour party".
Boris Johnson dismisses concerns over News of the World phone hacking as 'codswallop'
The other player could not be dismissed; he demanded to be attended to, either as obligate enemy or obligate colleague.
Employees who steal are dismissed automatically.
I move that the case be dismissed.
The man was ridiculed, his claims dismissed, and his ethics attacked.
His Honour subsequently dismissed the summons in the Common Law Division and referred the probate proceedings to the Registrar.
Rogers was dismissed from the army for deliberately disobeying an order.
It may be true that, according to Freddoso, Obama dismissed the slogan “Yes we can” as “vapid and mindless” when it was first proposed to him, in 2004, but he liked it well enough in 2008, and then came the null emptiness of the phrase — the audacity of hope — that he annexed from a windy sermon by Jeremiah Wright.
Cool Cat
For example, you gain the right not to be unfairly dismissed after being in continuous employment for two years.
The Sun
It is easy to become blasé, forgetting the relatively recent days when such initiative was simply dismissed as too difficult.
Times, Sunday Times
The teacher dismissed the class early.
An industrial tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide whether an employee was fairly or unfairly dismissed.
The ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.
She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.
Pietro dismissed their vettura, and together they walked down the principal promenade to the shopping center where they mingled with the endless crowds of pedestrians and looked into the windows of the gay little shops that made Andrea think of Venice.
Chico: the Story of a Homing Pigeon
On the grounds of weeding out incompetent and unqualified staff, every teacher in the city was dismissed by the municipal authorities and ordered to reapply for their positions.
Critics have dismissed his visit to a shelter for the homeless as an obvious piece of electioneering.
Khaddad dismissed as an unproven assumption the notion that the final status referendum would be tilted in Morocco's favour.
Builders have dismissed the new homes targets of the big political parties as unachievable.
Times, Sunday Times
Andy Gray, the face of Sky Sports' soccer coverage for the past 20 years, was dismissed by the broadcaster after "new evidence of unacceptable and offensive behavior" that took place off-air last month.
Sky Sports Soccer Commentator Fired Over Sexist Comments
There is fleeting footage of everyone from Nick Cave to New Order, but one critic dismissed it as a structureless muddle.
Tory loyalists pushed out in front of the TV cameras have dismissed this as "tittle-tattle".
David Cameron will plough on with the health plan at his peril | Andrew Rawnsley
The clamor of controversy sometimes provoked the emperor to exclaim, “Hear me! the Franks have heard me, and the Alemanni;” but he soon discovered that he was now engaged with more obstinate and implacable enemies; and though he exerted the powers of oratory to persuade them to live in concord, or at least in peace, he was perfectly satisfied, before he dismissed them from his presence, that he had nothing to dread from the union of the Christians.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Chairman Frank dismissed “plain vanilla” out of hand, cut deals, exempted some groups from oversight by the consumer agency and the derivative loopholes made it into the bill on his watch.
Matthew Yglesias » The Real Story on Bankster Political Influence
Defence lobbyists such as the Conference of Defence Associations -- largely composed of reserve and retired officers -- were dismissed as special-interest grumblers or as corporatist interests unweaned from the public udder.
National Defence: A Little Common Sense
Scores of jurors were quickly dismissed yesterday as the judge tackled the daunting task of finding an unbiased jury.
Times, Sunday Times
Without such a justification, is there a danger of having the work dismissed as pretension or posturing or, at worse, accused of naiveté?
Since it was unique and unprecedented the coin was dismissed as a modern hoax.
Gavin, since been dismissed by local government union Nalgo, was a full-time union official representing thousands of council employees.
In the 1960s, Hugh Cudlipp of the Daily Mirror dismissed the Press Council as "an exercise in futility".
Murdoch's malign influence must die with the News of the World | Observer editorial
Leaning back against the ecru toned, linen textured wall, she contemplated crossing the room to flick the light switch that would bathe the room in harsh fluorescent glare, but dismissed the idea.
For all these reasons, we consider that the jury's verdict in respect of this appellant was safe, and that her appeal must be dismissed.
The Boeing Co., the region's largest employer, closed its factories and dismissed workers early.
The trial judge dismissed her compensation claim.
Years later Whitman dismissed Harlan gently: ‘He was only a fool: there was only a dim light in his noddle.’
The public order offence was dismissed and the assault charges discharged.
An industrial tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide whether an employee was fairly or unfairly dismissed.
Accordingly he repaired to the Hotel de Ville, and gave to the Municipal Council so distinct an account of his measures, and of his reason for taking them, that, though Danton and some of his more factious colleagues reproached him for exhibiting what they called a needless distrust of the people, the majority of the Council approved of his conduct, and dismissed him to return to his duties.
The Life of Marie Antoinette
Did they get any compensation when they were dismissed from their jobs?
Politicians last night dismissed suggestions that a new service giving MPs special access to a London medical centre was queue-jumping at the taxpayer's expense.
He dismissed his assistant with a grandiose sweep of his hand.
The Orissa High Court dismissed the six writ petitions challenging the delimitation and reservation of various words within Cuttack Municipal Corporation limits on Friday.
HC dismisses petitions over delimitation
Consequently, early versions of the installment plan were dismissed as the folly of the improvident poor, immigrants, and women.
Miranda dismissed the other servants as she proceeded to prepare a tray of food and drink.
Some applications will be dismissed because the case is now moot.
Times, Sunday Times
Blest from above, human nature's wickedness had from below too frequently besulphured and suffumigated him for his memory to be dim; and though he was ever ready to own himself an example that heaven prevaileth, he could cite instances of scandal-mongering shop-women dismissed and working him mischief in the town, which pointed to him in person for a proof that the Powers of
Complete Short Works of George Meredith
Assad told ABC that he doesn't "own" the country's security forces, dismissed United Nations estimates that at least 4,000 people have died since unrest began in March, and asked for the organization to send "concrete evidence" to support allegations that Syria has committed war crimes, which he called a "distortion of reality. -- Top News
A motion to consolidate that action with the applications for discharge now before this court was dismissed and the action is proceeding toward trial.
Today, brilliant work by a small band of epigraphers, has resulted in Maya hieroglyphic texts - once dismissed as indecipherable - becoming understood well enough to yield some narrative history.
For the reasons set out in the unrevised judgment, which I now hand down, this appeal is dismissed.
Its great achievement is to recover the complexity of a literary mode that could easily be dismissed as vindictive, petty, and obscure.
The ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.
As for his knowledge of a sexual relationship between Lewinsky and the president, Jordan first dismissed Lewinsky's infatuation as a "" bobby-soxer '' crush.
Secrets And Lies
Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.
The Chauvet Cave "dogwolf"—the term I use for a doglike, or highly socialized, wolf who kept company with humans—is controversial, but it cannot easily be dismissed.
From the Cave to the Kennel
But the point of Barton's comment -- the idea that the BP escrow fund represents a "shakedown" -- is not being dismissed.
GOP candidates echo Barton on BP 'shakedown'
Employees are scared to enforce their rights because if they did they would be unfairly dismissed.
Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, a. zingiber was discarded and dismissed as “showing robust breeder potential but lacking any further utility.”
Blood Test
This sudden shift in the focus of American politics should not be dismissed merely as a cynical election gimmick.
Tanay himself was officially dismissed as Defence Minister on March 6 and was replaced by Maj.-Gen.
Wallace blew his shrilly whistle and dismissed the team, who tiredly made their way to the locker room.
They dismissed reports a second man was involved in the attack.
The Sun
The federal government spent $356,741 to host a one-day aboriginal summit that was dismissed by some critics as a redundant gabfest.
An estimated 20K of "My Empire for Ashes" is because, the night before the big battle that closes Act Two, Katrina comes to the castle to see her abandoned daughters - her sole return to the city after she left thirtyish years ago to join the Council's breeding program - and, when she is dismissed, she and Telenias see each other on the balcony - and they both pause.
Renée's dreams of returning to Australia were financially unrealisable; indeed, the nuns at Mortefontaine dismissed her when the boarding fees fell into arrears.
Contemporary arbiters of taste dismissed his paintings as rubbish.
Critical rulings by ombudsmen are dismissed by ministers as rubbish.
Times, Sunday Times
Pop music, often dismissed and derided as lightweight, had changed the world.
The Sun
Sabah had gone to the HC to challenge the family court order, which had dismissed her divorce petition on the basis of Adnan†™ s allegation that she ought to have done halala and hence their second marriage to each other was not legal.
The Times of India
She dismissed his advances
A number of schemes ran through my mind, only to be dismissed as impracticable.
This examination by the inspector is necessary because the Department of Health must have official information as to the completion of desquamation before a child is dismissed from observation.
The Eugenic Marriage, Volume IV. (of IV.) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
Relatives dismissed the report as a whitewash.
Times, Sunday Times
Judge Maddocks rejected that contention and dismissed the appellant's appeal.
We live in a world where scientists are increasingly shouted down and whose observations are increasingly dismissed by those with barely a modicum of scientific knowledge; witness how mroe people listen to RUSH FRIGGIN LIMBAUGH about global warming than a qualified planetologist or climatologist.
The student, Steven LaPier, filed a lawsuit in federal court Thursday seeking $1.5 million and alleging that he was dismissed from the class because he was outspoken about the impropriety.
Lawsuit details allegations of cheating at Prince George's police academy
He dismissed Mapplethorpe as a pompier - an artist so concerned with elegance as to have lost touch with the limits of his medium.
It is not much more than a year ago that he dismissed the UN as an inefficient, bureaucratic organisation incapable of decision or action.
Jovic nevertheless dismissed fears that the Presidency might seek to annul the election results and declare a state of emergency.
Zoff was originally dismissed as a crank, but his theories later became very influential.
He dismissed suggestions that the brands were less exciting than some competitors.
Times, Sunday Times
It simply reflects how narrow the accepted terrain of public discussion has become, at a time when ideas can be dismissed out-of-hand as being in bad taste or offensive.
The details are too well chronicled to be dismissed as exaggeration, or set aside as a necessary unpleasantness in the struggle.
Times, Sunday Times
He dismissed the observation, however, as unworthy a philologer and went to sleep pondering a new destruction for the knaves who held the Lombard tongue to be not East but West Germanic.
The Collectors
Still, the majority of the scientific community has largely dismissed the concept of psi -- no matter how reputable the investigator or prestigious his or her affiliation -- as frivolous, artifactual, not replicable, or having effect sizes that are so small as to be meaningless regardless of statistical significance.
It's About Time: The Scientific Evidence for Psi Experiences
They were both dismissed on 31st March 1997, having volunteered for redundancy following a re-organisation.
One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.
The proposal was dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended to distract attention from the real problems.
Senior Tories who dismissed the tax guarantee as a hostage to fortune will feel vindicated by Mr Hague's backdown.
On that advice, the petition was dismissed by the visitor.
MADRID — A Madrid court has dismissed charges of copyright infringement by Google Inc. 's YouTube website brought by Spanish television broadcaster Gestevisi ó n Telecinco SA, the court said in a statement Thursday.
Spanish Court Dismisses Copyright Charges Against YouTube
But now I have dismissed thee, -- thee, I say, N., the daughter of N., by what name soever thou art called, of the city N.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
In February, he was dismissed from a truck driver's job for road rage.
Speculation that the company was retrenching part of its activities in Essex, especially at Dunton, has been dismissed as ‘totally incorrect and totally without any foundation’ by a spokesman at Warley.
Residents said they dismissed the crowing as bluster, but noticed a dramatic change in his life in ensuing weeks.
His older siblings dismissed him as a worrywart who didn't know how to have any fun.
The litigants in the case were all detained but their appeals were dismissed.
Times, Sunday Times
The Puseyite Dr Arabin succeeds to the deanery and marries Mrs Bold, while Mrs Proudie sees to it that Slope is dismissed from his chaplaincy.
Yet my experiences are dismissed as unmeaningful and not representative of the DV population.
Protect the Roosters! To hell with domestic violence victims!
They have been dismissed from serious critical attention precisely on these grounds.
Sadly, I imagine a grey-haired woman wearing artsy earrings gets dismissed quite often by the tech or business world.
Women Grow Business » Lessons From Austin For Women In Business
One person was dismissed after stealing money from the purse of a person they were caring for.
Times, Sunday Times
And after a team of specialists examined her scans last month, the lumps were dismissed as benign.
The Sun
A woman writer who evokes an intensely personal landscape still finds she is dismissed as slight, precious, trivial.
Vernon assigned some very easy homework from the first chapter of our text book, and then we were dismissed.
It was before dawn on New Year's Day that they reached the cottage of Perks, a warrener or gamekeeper, who had been dismissed from Mrs Littleton's service for dishonesty.
It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
Washington's dismissal deals another blow to the offense after slotback Marcus Curry, who tied for the team lead in receptions last season, left the academy in May after he was dismissed from the team for detrimental conduct.
Mario Washington dismissed from the academy
Where others would have dismissed the idea as impractical, Sherwood set about locating those vehicles which had survived intact.
The message of happy family living is proclaimed loudly as the reality of violence is all but dismissed.
On the next morning, which was cold and drizzly, a "pragmatical" drummer went out from the nearer trench, beating his drum for a parley, lest his person should be dismissed without ceremony to the hungry kites.
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
Caledor flew into a towering rage and dismissed their fears as groundless.
` ` None of note enough to be put to ransom, '' answered the Captain; ` ` a set of hilding fellows there were, whom we dismissed to find them a new master --- enough had been done for revenge and profit; the bunch of them were not worth a cardecu.
So the integrity of the Commission, the veracity of all the testimony it heard, and the legitimacy of its recommendations were, in fact, widely dismissed as hokum because it was clear to "everyone who could read the facts" (or hokum, which is it?) that the whole thing was Jamie Gorelick's fault?
In Letter, Albright And Berger Demand Kean Get ABC To Kill Film
He wondered whether his brother could have made it flying in such a formation, then quickly dismissed such heretical thoughts from his mind.
she had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less
Some have dismissed this as cowardice by the court, but its not really.
Needless to say he was canned along with his boss and dismissed from government work
Meanwhile, the immutable laws of Fleet Street demanded that the paper's scoop be derided and its star witness dismissed as a fantasist.
It matters that Morgan was dismissed with unseemly haste by corporate interests clearly waiting for the opportunity.
Moseley edged ahead with a Stephen Nutt penalty ten minutes into the second half but when Harrogate flanker Steve Hobson was dismissed for stamping soon after, Moseley's confidence soared.
I dismissed the thoughts as too disturbing and concentrated instead on Selkirk's poem.
Thus whilst the wife and the lover were conjoined as much as might be, the hocussed and sleeping husband was dismissed (ma'zul = degraded) like a nunnation dropped in construction.
Arabian nights. English
At this point she clearly dismissed me as a curmudgeonly fussbudget, which I most assuredly am.
Laissez-Fairing: Rules vs. Aerodynamics
Fenton dismissed this talk of Judgement Day as mental illness and prayed that his father was having a brief delusional episode.
Presently he became aware that she was understood to be singing pointedly to him: upon which he dismissed the council of his sensations, and began to diplomatize cleverly.
Sandra Belloni — Complete
Assad told ABC that he doesn't "own" the country's security forces, dismissed the UN's estimate of the number killed, and asked for the organization to send "concrete evidence" to support allegations that Syria has committed war crimes, which he called a "distortion of reality. -- Top News
We pay more and more for less and less and are dismissed as inconsequential and treated like children by bullies who want everything their own way.
Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.
It is a scene too brimming with filial trust and desire to be dismissed as cliché, which is why it is played out in myriad households around the world.
G. Roger Denson: Women's Art of Renewal: Carrie Mae Weems, Vanessa Beecroft, Sharon Lockhart, Catherine Opie and Lisa Yuskavage
The reason it is often maligned and dismissed is because it takes a lot of work to get right.
The Sun
Shortly after the report was published, a third faculty member was summarily dismissed on grounds of three days of unapproved absence.
Worrying about employment gave Patrick a headache, and he dismissed the thoughts, telling himself that he would read the classified ads in the newspaper later.
He dismissed her concerns with an airy wave of the hand.
Dinwiddie could be a gruff man, and he guarded his prerogatives, so he had one conflict after another with the House of Burgesses, which he usually prorogued dismissed if it did not do his bidding.
George Washington’s First War
Some of last week's rioters were dismissed with a warning or a conditional discharge.
Times, Sunday Times
Her disdainful tone dismissed the idea of anyone desirable sending love letters.
No 2 is unrelievedly harrowing, written when he was a sick man, and sometimes dismissed as a failure.
Times, Sunday Times
They dismissed the suggestion that they hadn't worked hard.
If your not from New York your grief is almost dismissed as being lesser in intensity.
Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
But the internal report has dismissed the majority of accusations, leaving both sides in dispute over the findings.
Times, Sunday Times