How To Use Disliked In A Sentence

  • The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
  • Iëna then went in advance, and sought the open plain, whereupon the child resembling the mother would cry out and complain, because she disliked an _open_ path. The Myth of Hiawatha, and Other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians
  • Despite his occasional protestations of friendship, he disliked England and thought her a worthless ally.
  • That evening Sadhana was just setting the food on the table, the parathas and savory brinjal and potato fry, the dhal with pumpkin, the broccoli cooked Indian-style like cauliflower, with turmeric, onions, and ginger, which Ashish acutely disliked but which she knew was good for him, when the phone rang. For the Sake of the Boy
  • In fact, Albert Einstein, the very poster boy of intellectualism, intensely disliked school.
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  • Writers are liked or disliked for something much vaster than their exceptional ability with language.
  • Stuffy" -- though one was tempted to think that he shared his fruit not so much from choice but rather because he disliked the hard work that was sure to follow a refusal of the pressing invitation to "go halvers. Their Yesterdays
  • The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
  • I also used the opportunity to see if I might ask the kids what they liked and disliked about recess; I needed their insights to flesh out my reflections.
  • I disliked the way he slopped his coffee.
  • Powlett showed no signs of leaving the house, which, even the many women in the village, who envied her for her prettiness and neatness and disliked her for what they called her airs, acknowledged that she managed well. Through the Fray A Tale of the Luddite Riots
  • I disliked him and the feeling was mutual
  • He disliked the timber cladding element of the design and said the finish needed to respect the quality of the improvements to the rest of the estate.
  • Winston always loved him but often disliked him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he disliked being described as a colourist ( "Everyone uses colour, don't they?" he once remarked), his pictures were almost always built up of thin, deeply saturated Expressionistic hues against which, he said, black skin looked better than white. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Powerful figures disliked being represented by a tarnished politician. Times, Sunday Times
  • he was intensely disliked
  • The warder, whose name was Li and who disliked the gruff and unsociable criminal, was mystified to see a Korean looking after a Chinese with brotherly care.
  • Everyone knew the president's son was cordially disliked by the army.
  • Or because he disliked the use offeree to solve everything, even when he was guilty, or more guilty than just about anyone, of employing it? Fall of Angels
  • I didn't quite mean to convey the image that I was in a snit because people disagreed with, or even disliked me.
  • His supporters were marginalized but tolerated in the village, like harmless but disliked lechers. A Privilege to Die
  • Victorian and Edwardian critics distrusted and disliked the Chandos portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in the bocage country of the west, where the new local authorities were townsmen already disliked for having done too well out of the Revolution, priests preferred solidarity with their parishioners.
  • While in hospital he was given build-up drinks which he disliked, and the food was horrible.
  • It is said that at an early age he disliked the Logic of Aristotle, and began to excogitate his system of English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • Victorian and Edwardian critics distrusted and disliked the Chandos portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • People were less likely to lose their temper with people they disliked than with the people to whom they felt closest. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • Usually he came only in mid-spring, sometimes very early summer, because he disliked the climate during other months. MAMBO
  • The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
  • His strongest criticism is reserved for his father, whom he disliked intensely.
  • He argues that Bismarck's misogyny stemmed from his childhood when he found himself in a triangle between his cold, intelligent and ambitious mother, whom he disliked, and his weak, kindly father.
  • Lisle stockings were compulsory and much disliked as they did not fit well and wrinkled at the ankles.
  • Will you stop putting words into my mouth - I never said I disliked the job.
  • The president was extremely popular on the world stage but was disliked in his own country.
  • Victorian and Edwardian critics distrusted and disliked the Chandos portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than a third of those polled said that they disliked spending any more time around their colleagues than was expected in the working week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some parts of the UK are running out of space for landfill sites and, where they do exist, they are understandably disliked by the local population.
  • Were they reluctant to open themselves, as the process required, to people they disliked and disagreed with?
  • I got the distinct impression that you disliked her.
  • Anyway, that aside, the cultural impact and importance of the series is undoubtable, regardless of if you personally liked or disliked it or were immune to it, the series was massive.
  • Many of my friends disliked the film intensely - even if they had admired it on some nebulous level, they were antagonized and revolted, irritated and unappreciative.
  • One of the most disliked is contemporary music.
  • Winston always loved him but often disliked him. Times, Sunday Times
  • She particularly disliked marjoram - an essence used for grief, said to be an anti-aphrodisiac.
  • Undeniably the most gruesome part of the corrida, this suerte de picaris is intensely disliked by aficionados.
  • Two thirds of those who admitted using their mobile phone without due consideration for others within earshot positively disliked other people doing it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • The pupils disliked the extension of the term.
  • I'm sorry to say that the subject I most disliked was mathematics. I have thought about it. I think the reason was that mathematics leaves no room for argument. If you made a mistake, that was all there was to it. Malcolm X 
  • The pupils disliked the extension of the term.
  • young women disliked the overfamiliar tone he took with them
  • Naturally disliked by the people, they were always asserting their dignity by testy impatient anger. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • He is widely disliked among his peers because he is disrespectful, argumentative and abusive towards people.
  • The vote was supported by a coalition of old-line communists who disliked his free-market reforms, and by corrupt oligarchs who feared they might lose their place at the trough.
  • Powerful figures disliked being represented by a tarnished politician. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm sorry to say that the subject I most disliked was mathematics. I have thought about it. I think the reason was that mathematics leaves no room for argument. If you made a mistake, that was all there was to it. Malcolm X 
  • And finally, to top my day off, I found out that the joyless, universally disliked boss who's been off on maternity leave will be part time when she comes back at the end of April.
  • What upper class people like disliked by the lower and vice versa. Times, Sunday Times
  • That man was disliked inside the college.
  • He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother.
  • She found that the most coordination occurred in the conversations of the pairs who were unacquainted and the pairs who disliked each other.
  • I've always disliked the term African-American it's far to unwieldy although the PC people of the world have made it necessary to use. Name Follies
  • Why this was I never knew because she disliked him intensely and was always threatening to change him.
  • He was a peace-loving man and disliked "ructions" of any sort and domestic ones in particular. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903
  • She didn't hate him, but severely disliked him most of the time.
  • Victorian and Edwardian critics distrusted and disliked the Chandos portrait. Times, Sunday Times
  • I heartily disliked all the affectations which had been introduced by the dandified fops. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • He disliked and distrusted hierarchies. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got the distinct impression that you disliked her.
  • Other Cestrian candidates are one Thomas Catlin, who was evidently disliked because he was mean (and wore what would today be called a sadistic smile), or Sir William Catesby, a Speaker of the House of Commons who was beheaded at Bosworth in 1485. The Cheshire cat
  • Naturally disliked by the people, they were always asserting their dignity by testy impatient anger. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • Darwin, however, was also a late arrival but disliked religiosity and spiritualism.
  • He disliked and distrusted hierarchies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Possibly, by 1933 the party was equally disliked by the town workers; the enthusiasms of 1929 had been dissipated by hunger, privation, overcrowding, and regimentation by party bosses.
  • Imagine this lead sentence in a news story on Nov. 7, 2012: "Barack Obama enters his second term disliked by the majority of voters, distrusted by his Democratic colleagues in Congress and facing a budget catastrophe with few painless solutions. A California Strategy for Obama's Re-Election
  • The president was extremely popular on the world stage but was disliked in his own country.
  • He disliked his schooldays, although he was a useful rugby player and remembered with deep gratitude "Joe" Craddock, a master who proved kindly under his gruff exterior, and who chivvied the boys in his German class to such effect that Judt still commanded the language more than 40 years on. Tony Judt obituary
  • His strongest criticism is reserved for his father, whom he disliked intensely.
  • I nosed the glass with some apprehension because Abi and my parents - knowing how much I've disliked whisky in the past - were all watching me intently to see what I thought.
  • She was a girl who had scant sympathy with what she called "babyishness", and disliked any exhibition of feeling. The New Girl at St. Chad's A Story of School Life
  • In another, a kid learns to eat eggplant, which he previously disliked, when stir-fried in oil (a method that I imagine makes any vegetable better). Oishinbo a la Carte 5: Vegetables » Manga Worth Reading
  • Usually he came only in mid-spring, sometimes very early summer, because he disliked the climate during other months. MAMBO
  • She disliked him heartily, lounging there against the booth.
  • I have always disliked the Glock as a tactical weapon because it has no second strike capability.
  • The only places we disliked were the tourist traps. Times, Sunday Times
  • He disliked and distrusted hierarchies. Times, Sunday Times
  • he disliked long farewells
  • Frege disliked the move to democracy, and detested it even more as the socialists gained power.
  • He disliked the greedy gape of the stairs and turned away as he passed it. The Empty City - Chapter 1 - Early Summer
  • The second cover y'all see up on the scroll is not the cover at all, but I haven't seen a final yet, and I'm just relieved my publisher disliked that one. Pick up lines
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • This man in L.A., the stretchiest skin, but this man in the White House may soon hold the title for most disliked president. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2007
  • Casting his eye upon his own character, two things appeared to him: that he was very unpunctual, and that he disliked answering notes. The Voyage Out
  • Many people accused others of being witches if they disliked them or if they were outsiders in society.
  • He simply disliked working with committees and avoided it whenever possible.
  • Two thirds of those who admitted using their mobile phone without due consideration for others within earshot positively disliked other people doing it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which is to say, he gets caricatured as this far-out-there left-winger with totally unrealistic and crazy views because of the aforementioned atheism, a perspective still widely disliked and mistrusted by many Americans. Matthew Yglesias » The Costs of Ideological Correctness
  • I wouldn't reckon him among my enemies though I disliked him.
  • Martin disliked being away from his family for any length of time .
  • He disliked her staying away from home.
  • while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed
  • They disliked the bodeful chirp of the bat, the screech of the owl. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • You'd think any politician and spouse would have picked up on the contrast between Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush and which of the two was a huge political asset and which is "disliked" by a huge percentage of the public. Rudy: I'd Happily Let Wife Judith Nathan Hang Out At Cabinet Meetings
  • He disliked and distrusted hierarchies. Times, Sunday Times
  • In previous years judges have admitted that they skipped some chapters if they knew that they disliked a book. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also disliked it when he rephrased his questions like that.
  • The positive side being, they could not be stopped from reacting against portions they disliked.
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • The bridge is famed for its cantilever structure, a term disliked by the original Victorian engineer Benjamin Baker.
  • With his toothy salesman smile and slicked back hair, I disliked him immediately.
  • The sentence shows that Darwin disliked the form of Christianity that condems all non-believers to eternal damnation. Congratulations, Chuck!
  • He said the name haltingly, and Phyllis wondered if he disliked her having it. The Rose-Garden Husband
  • Washing a disliked Accepted's shifts with itchweed when she was a novice? The Fires of Heaven
  • I disliked virtually everything they asked for, with two notable exceptions.
  • According to union officials, the foreman was quite cordially disliked by the employees under his supervision.
  • Archer understood that he ran the risk of having his mandate withdrawn, and for some obscure reason he disliked the prospect.
  • He reportedly disliked the Turin chorus and orchestra, and so it was supplemented by singers and musicians from La Scala.
  • Makoni had advocated economic policies that Mugabe disliked, such as devaluing the Zimbabwe dollar, which has been held at an official rate of 55 to one US dollar while black mark! ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With a disliked government and an unloved principal opposition, we have the classic conditions for a third-party surge.
  • If you're single, you fall for someone you once disliked, while the steadiest of long-term couples go wildly romantic. The Sun
  • Naturally disliked by the people, they were always asserting their dignity by testy impatient anger. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.
  • She disliked the president, whom she once described as an 'insufferable bore'.
  • Apparently, many journos disliked his doing an exclusive deal with a paper and refusing to talk to them at the World Cup.
  • what he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do
  • He had not enjoyed that photo session either, but he disliked this even more.
  • In previous years judges have admitted that they skipped some chapters if they knew that they disliked a book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pete intuitively disliked these men, despite the fact that they rode excellent horses, sported gay trappings, and "joshed" with him as though he were one of themselves. The Ridin' Kid from Powder River
  • He disliked her and had never been shy of saying so.
  • Thieving was fun; thieving from people Shan disliked was best of all.
  • I agreed with him on some things, disagreed on many more, but it was all strictly business - I never hated him, or even particularly disliked him.
  • The new teacher was universally disliked.
  • A small number of people in London and puritan Connecticut developed the takeover scheme and English gunboats found an overwhelmed, isolated populace not prepared to fight for a company they increasingly disliked.
  • I remember finding it hard to choose between junket and tripe, but I named tripe as I disliked it even more than junket.
  • I disliked the implied criticism in his voice.
  • He simply disliked working with committees and avoided it whenever possible.
  • They were efficient, and that was the real reason why the others disliked them.
  • Some churchmen, Gerson among them, disliked this freelance movement and were dubious about the emphasis on private experiences of ecstasy.
  • I wonder if he laughed the tinkling silvery laugh which was one of the things that had got [him] so disliked by the better element.
  • What upper class people like disliked by the lower and vice versa. Times, Sunday Times
  • Friendship (he disliked the word mateship, which had become devalued) bound them like a chain. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • He so disliked them that when he became archbishop it complicated his life.
  • Sismondi disliked Schlegel personally and was shocked by many of his “reactionary” views. ROMANTICISM IN LITERATURE
  • He's an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.
  • As they restricted the movement of people and animals, they were widely disliked by rural Africans.
  • Levin never called the princess "maman" as men often do call their mothers-in-law, and the princess disliked his not doing so. Anna Karenina
  • He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance.
  • Although a machine designed to cut grain and bind sheaves with wire was patented in 1856, farmers disliked wire, in part because they could not easily dispose of it at threshing time.
  • There were many people who disliked Charles and who made unsavoury insinuations about his private life, but Maria knew that behind the raffish exterior existed a tender, sensitive man.
  • You are universally unappreciated and disliked.
  • He disliked this operation that he considered was a police job, unfit for soldiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two thirds of those who admitted using their mobile phone without due consideration for others within earshot positively disliked other people doing it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He disliked this operation that he considered was a police job, unfit for soldiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was typical of a Queen who, in her own words, thoroughly disliked pomposity and ritual deference.
  • He gathered a group of test subjects and asked them to look at a series of commercial products, rating how strongly they liked or disliked them.
  • She disliked his involvement with the group and disliked his friends.
  • She noted, too, that he loved to play the _viol da gambo_, but disliked the trouble of tuning it. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866
  • Nevertheless, it behoved him also to conduct himself towards the intruder as an old ‘archdeacon should conduct himself to an incoming bishop; and though he was well aware of all Dr. Proudie’s abominable opinions as regarded dissenters, church reform, the hebdomadal council, and such like; though he disliked the man, and hated the doctrines, still he was prepared to show respect to the station of the bishop. Barchester Towers
  • It was patent to anyone that she disliked the idea.
  • Curious as Lot's wife, he enjoys prying into other people's secrets and is therefore generally disliked.
  • With increasingly unified parties squaring off—a development the founders, who disliked the idea of regularized party competition, never anticipated—even a beleaguered and discredited caucus, if it holds together, will be extremely powerful. Winner-Take-All Politics
  • When I was younger I really disliked men and would chat with girls about what boofheads most men were.
  • I forget now why we disliked each other, but stare contests were definitely the weapons of choice.
  • I disliked the implied criticism in his voice.
  • What they most disliked was the perceived moral laxity and libertinism of the West, which, interestingly, is exactly what Americans said when we polled them on those two questions. Matthew Yglesias » Blankley Calls for Comprehensive Press Censorship
  • At about the same time, people who disliked the police began calling them pigs.
  • On a personal level, they came to be cordially disliked.
  • He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.
  • The president was extremely popular on the world stage but was disliked in his own country.
  • He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.
  • I have known many couples, who have entirely disliked each other, lead very comfortable genteel lives.
  • He was also a first-rate administrator and complemented his more boisterous chief who disliked desk work. COVER STORY
  • It was stated that the residents were known as Mesticos (in the past), a term disliked by the elders and unheard of by young residents. Nst online
  • it was not the typing but the earphones that she disliked
  • And she was very unmusical and I remember her going to a concert at the Albert Hall, we had a box at the Albert Hall my family did, to hear a promenade concert just to see if she disliked music as much as she thought she did.
  • It was patent to anyone that she disliked the idea.
  • Jessica even started to argue with the people who so adamantly disliked my slideshow.
  • Since neither lacked experience of alcohol, and both disliked the type of desperate over-crowded bunfight which ensued, each had remained seated at the rush to the bar, each smiled at the other across the suddenly empty space, he tilted his head towards the door, she nodded, and they got up and walked to the nearest quiet pub they could find. Annabel 4 Dan
  • Her writing was laborious and she disliked penmanship lessons most of all, so naturally she was enthusiastic about a walk.
  • He didn't like the notion of a hostage any more than Perry did, but only because he disliked unscripted occurrences. MAMBO
  • The mind was a delicate mechanism that he disliked interfering with at the best of times.
  • he disliked his neighbors' snootiness
  • The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
  • She couldn't stand it when someone disliked her, let alone hate her!
  • Jeremy and Austin both disliked it to a certain degree and Dave and Chris gave it much better reviews.
  • That fiddling, parading fellow [you know who I mean] made us wait for him two hours, and I to go to a journey I disliked! only for the sake of having a little more tawdry upon his housings; which he had hurried his sadler to put on, to make him look fine, being to escort his dear Madam Howe, and her fair daughter. Clarissa Harlowe
  • My father was just like my gran, unaffectionate, disliked emotions, disliked any form of togetherness.
  • He disliked her staying away from home.
  • His fine and highly trained ear disliked the frequent harshness of their versification, their indifference to the well-ordered melody of vowel and consonant, the grating, 'scrannel pipe' concatenations which he notes so scornfully in the verse of Bishop Hall: Introduction. Grierson, Herbert J.C
  • He regarded Webster's dictionary as a purveyor of corrupting neologisms like "feedback," a word he disliked. The Man Who Taught Us to See
  • The mind was a delicate mechanism that he disliked interfering with at the best of times.
  • Greeks solved it by reducing the width of the end intercolumniation, but later critics disliked this, and solved it by removing the end triglyph from the angle and placing it axial over the end column. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • The script is overripe, but give it time - I disliked this movie right after I turned off the TV, but since then I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.
  • She disliked his involvement with the group and disliked his friends.
  • It seemed appropriate that he should be promoting the brash, monolithic towers that were once disliked but eventually grew on the locals.
  • With the marriage both kingdoms were united, but there were some who disliked the marriage.
  • Her great-aunt disliked her natural mother and had no hopes for her daughter, ‘the black lamb of the black sheep.’
  • What I disliked and thought was untrue to the series was the way that the group disintegrated with that death.
  • He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.

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