How To Use Disjunct In A Sentence
The unforested hills and plateaus of the Dissected Loess Uplands ecoregion are cut by the canyons of Ecoregion 10l and are disjunct.
Ecoregions of Idaho (EPA)
With this evidence at hand, one might question whether the three disjunct populations warrant classification as species rather than subspecies.
Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
At Ingolstadt, the branchlike ribs are disjunctively representational, carved with protruding nubs or twigs signaling their botanical nature.
The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
If too comes after the adverb it is probably a disjunct (meaning also) and is usually set off with a comma:
Four of those systems are disjunct, meaning they really have no business in the region.
NYT > Travel
As a first approximation, then, moral anti-realism can be identified as the disjunction of three theses: moral noncognivitism moral error theory moral subjectivism
Moral Anti-Realism
An explanation may lie in the disjuncture between human evolution and history.
Times, Sunday Times
The turn of a corner, like the flick of a film frame, can redefine the nature of a disjunctive, heterogeneous spatial continuum.
For example, a family history of multiple relatives with Down syndrome suggests an inherited translocation, not sporadic non-disjunction.
Noise, perceived control, perceived freshness and misunderstanding all discussed as possible causes for the apparent disjunction.
Other species with notable disjunct distributions on the Pellew Islands include the canefield rat (Rattus sordidus) (the only known occurrence in the Northern Territory), the vulnerable Carpentarian pseudantechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus), brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) and northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus).
Carpentaria tropical savanna
The book is a series of disjunctive jottings, often compelling in themselves, but not always smoothly related.
Conjunction and disjunction signs could then be defined from the negation and conditional signs.
It is a civic hub in what was previously a disjunct part of the city.
There was a great disjunction between the effect she thought she had on the world, and the effect she actually achieved.
Béziau 2004, it was observed that by putting together the sequent rules for classical conjunction and the rules for classical disjunction, the resulting sequent calculus will (unexpectedly) prove the distributivity between conjunction and disjunction.
Combining Logics
The radical disjunction between father and son in this scene (with the sign) is telling.
All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
And there are several factors at work, but one of the most important, and one of the ones that has the most bearing, I think, in Australia, is the disjunction between what's happening in the economy and what's happening in society.
However, no investigation has been made into whether homologous chromosome pairs or bivalents with altered patterns of recombination events may also be at increased risk for nondisjunction in mammals other than humans.
In a turbulent environment, diversity, contradiction and disjunction are the norm.
It may also be the case that there is a disjuncture between law and justice.
Such results can be related to the formation of meiotic trivalent in the hybrids leading to the production of viable aneuploid gametes and post-zygotic elimination of embryos due to chromosomal non disjunction events at meiosis.
The Rise of Human Chromosome 2: Beyond the Deme - The Panda's Thumb
What is at stake is the disjunction between economic valuation and ethical valuation.
Whittington brightens the dark moments in Skowronek's model — for example, omitting the category of "disjunctive" presidencies, failed attempts at affiliation — as he refines it to explain the development of judicial supremacy.
No wonder our students are puzzled by the disjunction between course readings and academic writing assignments.
But it is a fair presumption that the belief in exclusive disjunctive uses of or in English includes just such three-disjunct uses of or.
This is not merely a matter of a disjuncture between government policy and popular sentiment.
The Times Literary Supplement
_Si crus a coxa sit disjunctum, eadem sit cura quam et in disjuncturam brachii et cubiti diximus, etc.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
Thus, he does not recognize sentential compounds, such as conjunctions and disjunctions, as single assertions.
In a statement of the form, the two statements joined together, and, are called the disjuncts, and the whole statement is called a disjunction.
Further, this view requires us to alter the language of clause (B) to replace the "or" disjunctives with "and" conjunctives.
Alternatively, the ancestral species might have been dispersed between these disjunct ranges by migrating animals, such as birds.
In L. forcipatus females the ovipositor valves reach the tips of the cerci; in L. disjunctus they do not.
It was a strange disjuncture, the visual narrative hinting at a post-modern playfulness that the plodding music couldn't muster.
Times, Sunday Times
This makes sense, since these cancers often fail to inactivate the X chromosome, and X chromosome nondisjunction leads to more male worms.
Ars Technica
The disjuncture between the ‘real’ world of economic drivers, and the froth of ideology and ‘politics’, continues.
What would we assume if the distribution of those grass paleocommunities corresponded to a thermally disjunct distribution of gramineous species as it is happening today?
Unthreaded #21 « Climate Audit
The disjuncture between our public face and our private face arises from a failure of presentation, not of a failure of substance.
The disjunction between this study's actual data and the alarmist headlines its authors helped generate is especially remarkable.
While I think that allowing the disjunction is the easiest fix, I suspect that the heart of the problem is in the definition of offenses.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Strange Practice of Indicting in the Conjunctive:
The origin of the extra chromosome 21 due to meiotic non-disjunction was 79.24 per cent maternal and 20.76 per cent paternal.
It would seem that there is a disjuncture between the low interest in politics and public life in general, and the high level of emotional engagement in the election debate.
In these later works, the two elements are physically disjunctive.
In this paper, disjunction of the concepts is introduced to define multielement least upper bounds, and the approximation based on them is proved the least upper approximation of a concept.
His earliest compositions were songs for a former prog-rock band; the songs were "disjunctive" even for that free-form style, he said. stories
In many of the more classically pointillist, or ‘divisionist,’ works that Signac created over the next few years, the same disjunction between content and style prevails.
Creationists are thus accused of the fallacy of false alternatives, that is, the disjunctive premise leaves out a possible alternative.
As a result, a disjunct soil moisture distribution is often found during the summer, with high soil moisture availability in shallow and deep layers, separated by a drier soil layer.
Cat's stories create a similar kind of disjunction when they recast slavery and eugenics in a fantasy setting.
MIND MELD: More Nebula-Worthy Works of Fiction...Picked By Some of This Year's Nebula Nominees
The disjuncture between a flat but durable real economy and the spate of corporate scandals distressing a weak stockmarket gives a clue to what is really going on in US capitalism.
By referring to a dichotomous tree, this writer shows how to choose the proper disjunction relative to the terms in the disjuncts.
This is an algebraic expression of the disjunctive normal form theorem of sentential logic.
This study shows that these seemingly disjunct northern records were not accidental captures, but that these and many other species occur off New England and at other intervening locations to the south.
Similar disjunct distributions are known in other species, however, it is unclear in this case if the gap in the distribution is real or an artifact of collecting effort.
Her actions reveal the ability for self-aware introspection, as she acts on her awareness of the disjunction between her disembodiment and the humanly embodied knowledge she possesses.
The condition is caused by an error in cell division called nondisjunction.
Times, Sunday Times
This desert is bounded by the Sierra Madre Occidental to the west and the Sierra Madre Oriental to the east, extending as far south as San Luis Potosi and to disjunct islands of the Chihuahuan vegetation in the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo.
Chihuahuan desert
Of more interest is the alteration in the position of these organs which sometimes necessarily accrues from the elongation of the axis and the disjunction of the calyx; thus, in proliferous roses the stamens become strictly hypogynous, instead of remaining perigynous.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
In fact, he's made it worse by a jarring disjunction between form and content.
The semi-arid lowlands around the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria form a notable disjunction in the distribution of many vertebrate groups in northern Australia.
Carpentaria tropical savanna
Finally, ‘Introduced Species’ are not native to North America, or they occur as disjunct populations that resulted from translocation by humans.
The disjuncture between the lived reality and the represented reality is also a function of the way the medium works, its rules of the game and the peculiar way in which peer and market pressures operate on it.
Typically such sentences are conditional sentences such as ˜if P then Q™, though Boethius also treats ˜P or Q™ as hypothetical, apparently because he thinks that disjunction can be translated in terms of a conditional sentence.
The Statue of a Writer
The disjunction between the Flighthawk and the Mega-fortress was one of the hardest things for the pi-lot to get used to.
But since the interrelation of consciousness and world in language is rendered so disjunctive as to disengage the easy response, generosity and the unpremeditated seem also impossible.
As stated in those blogs, these proposals show the disjuncture between Tory policy and rhetoric that there would be a route and branch change of power from the centre to local people.
Signs of Cameron’s opportunism shinning through?…. « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
In principle, non-disjunction during spermatogenesis could lead to aneuploidy, which might cause fetal death.
This disjunction between culture and nature is a source of some of the most enduring paradoxes in Australian settler society.
The first, the so-called “entitative graphs,” is based on disjunction and negation.
Nobody Knows Nothing
Electricity markets bring a disjuncture between price and the cost of production.
Such principles enjoy a similar conceptual status as the distributivity laws between conjunction and disjunction, or as the collapsing example mentioned above.
Combining Logics
organum" were notated in a very strange but absolutely accurate pitch notation, derived somewhat from ancient Greek music theory and based on disjunct tetrachords with a half step between the two middle notes.
Netvouz - new bookmarks
Through a clever temporal disjuncture that posits a radical and unmediated cultural dislocation between past and present, she is able to reconcile this orientalized image of modern Greece with a concomitant
The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
disjunct distribution of king crabs
The man had been studying the videotape of the scan and had concluded it was a severe case of chromosomal non-disjunction.
Which, in turn, suggests an interesting disjuncture between what people did and what society was prepared to admit to.
Times, Sunday Times
In French, Louis XIV did not say L’état, c’est je; French has what they call the disjunctive pronoun so they can say C’est moi and Il est plus grand que moi.
Between you and ?
Most adverbs that function as conjuncts or disjuncts may have other functions.
There was less disjunction between what he was trying to say and his nonverbal signals.
Times, Sunday Times
He also discusses the disjunctive propositions which follow from a conditional proposition.
For them to call themselves a community group is disjunctive with the use of language.
Because of their extreme isolation from the centers of distribution in central Tennessee, the potential exists for the disjunct Illinois populations to be genetically distinct.
The Chinese notion of literary openness thus grew out of a disjunction between hermeneutic theory and exegetical practice.
At the present time, the exclusive disjunction is still in a neglect situation, and there are only a few studies in China.
There is an apparent dissonance or disjunction in her work, but this comes from a novel meshing of seemingly discontinuous or unconnected themes and problems.
Et horum alii sentiunt, quod singulae personae in singulis essentiis aequali sint potestate, sapientia, majestate, et gloria: sicut alias tres numero differentes homines, ratione essentiae suae, sunt a se invicem disjuncti et separati.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Species with normally disjunct distributions or widely separated populations may also indicate that more than one taxonomic entity is represented.
These examples as well as other along the same lines suggest a dual problem to that of collapsing and distributivity between conjunction and disjunction: some expected interaction laws fail to be created by some combination processes.
Combining Logics
Disjunctions or conditionals featured as premises in many of the logical paradoxes and sophisms which members of the Dialectical school discussed.
Anticipated here is that always unstable disjunction between identification and desire upon which male bonding depends.
Ultimately, all disjunctives are part of the same continuum as conjunctives.
In a turbulent environment, diversity, contradiction and disjunction are the norm.
Well the worst that could happen is that the amendment would in fact result in a disjunction between Australian law and the actual terms of the Free Trade Agreement.
Although the non-disjunction of chromosome 21 in cultured lymphocytes was reported to be increased by age, there was no age or sex effect on chromosome 21 micronucleation in healthy persons.
Though historical scholarship (or at least something akin to that) was not entirely unknown in South Asia, the history the colonial historians produced was disjunctive with the constructions of the past the South Asians knew.
But in other cases the police uncover a startling disjunction between appearance and reality.
You could object a bit to the way the disjunctive choice is set up.
The more we look, the more we become aware of the gaping disjunction between the two panels, between the representational conditions of writing and those of photography, between the artist's camera and exile's eye.
disjunctive conjunctions like `but', `or', or `though' serve a contrastive function
We recall that in the 1935 lecture course, Heidegger specified two requirements for the overcoming of the disjunction. a The first was to show the limits of its inceptive truth.
This paper presents an approach to settle the latter problem-the minimal subsets can be found out in the minimal disjunctive form or the minimal conjunctive form of a logical function.
Unemployment following graduation is high for these students, reflecting a disjuncture between market needs and university education.
Tragicomedy gives the disjunction of the subjective and objective visions of the human situation dramatic form.
By concentrating on the conditions of animation, above and beyond any issue of film/video, analog/digital, or any other technical distinction, "The Dissolve" examines one of the practices most central to the modern aesthetic (s) of disjuncture and fabrication.
Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Moving Pictures, Frozen Music
Three unary propositional functions are defined, one corresponding to classical negation, as well as seven binary functions, including classical disjunction, conjunction and equivalence.
Hans Reichenbach
Three small disjunct areas are also present just south of the river.
Provocations include not only the lack of grammar, but highly disjunctive and often obscure use of line breaks which abandon denotative and connotative functions of words in favour of half swallowed or choked sounds.
Complete disjunction between the blown-up rhetoric you use to describe how awful the ITEP analysis is ( "shills," "antonym of analysis") and the virtually content-free criticism you back these insults up with.
What is the antonym of "analysis"? ITEP Has Published That
Koehler KE, Hawley RS, Sherman S, Hassold T (1996) Recombination and nondisjunction in humans and flies.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
After some time the last water-spout was incurvated and broke like the others, with this difference, that its disjunction was attended with a flash of lightning, but no explosion was heard.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 14
Again, it is not merely the truth values of the disjuncts that are important, but the existence of a connection of a certain kind between them.
Several of these articles dealt with mutants affecting synapsis, meiosis, or disjunction.
To a child, the disjuncture between weekends (loud, funny, exciting, scary) and weekdays (calm, efficient, mildly dull) was like an ongoing exercise in culture shock.
I don't think that he would be as worried about the ‘modern military's disjunction from American society.’
What we quickly see is a disjuncture between the pattern, the model, the equation, the algorithm, etc. and people's actual lived experience.
But nowadays the term disjunction is more often used in reference to sentences (or well-formed formulae) of associated form occurring in formal languages.
And that is what interests me, the disjunction between these books.
Funk points out that the particle H displays its sharpest disjunctive characteristics in interrogative sentences.
This leads to exactly the kind of disjuncture we are seeing.
Chaotic Currencies And Sliding Stocks Signal Seismic Shifts Ahead
Feingold E, Savage A, Avramopoulos D, Freeman S, et al. (1997) Characterization of susceptible chiasma configurations that increase the risk for maternal nondisjunction of chromosome 21.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Over time there came to be this kind of disjuncture between disco and funk and increasingly as disco became popular, record companies and managers pushed women [who made funk music] into disco, and disco became more feminized.
The disjunction that has been caused derives from presupposition alone, assisted by Henry, its agent.
‘Wright's work with its uneasy disjuncture between form and content, produces the visceral sense of that sad knowledge’.
This is particularly evident with disjunctive queries, which use the minus sign to exclude particular search terms.
Five species of the damselfly genus Lestes live in British Columbia, Canada, and of these, Lestes forcipatus Rambur and L. disjunctus Selys are the most similar and most difficult to separate morphologically.
Myself, after a lifetime of experimentation, I find I prefer the fortuities and disjunctions that arise from eschewing arrangement altogether: my books end up on my shelves according to where I can jam them, which has the advantage of cutting down on random acts of borrowing, as only I know where anything is located.
Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
Would not such a disjunction between achievement and status have made the notion of grace as an unmerited gift more attractive than can be the case among wage-earners today?
Like Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama's election will follow what Stephen Skowronek described as "disjunctive" presidencies, those in which the presidents went so wayward, and economic conditions became so unacceptable, that the American people called for and accepted wholesale political revolution.
Dylan Loewe: Realizing the Revolution
Issues of artistic identity, the pleasure of looking and political responsibility result from an exploration of disjunctive image and sound.
However, this discourse has a central theme of contradiction running through it, which sees a disjuncture between rhetoric and policies regarding localisation.
The localised dream, riddled with contradiction… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
Embryos that are trisomic contain, instead of matched pairs of chromosomes, one too many of a given chromosome, most commonly chromosome 13, 18, 21 (which is responsible for Down syndrome), X, or Y. Trisomies are the result of a glitch known as nondisjunction, which occurs principally during the creation of egg cells (although sperm cells may also exhibit such errors).
Delayed Childbearing
Disjunctive properties offend against the principle that a genuine property is identical in its different particulars.
This disjuncture between the process of ‘impersonal research’ and the ‘sudden intrusion’ of the historian's personality during writing is unrealistic.
Somewhere between these two extremes lies the investigation of disjunct traits that have a similar metabolic origin, for example, multiple white plumage patches on different body parts.
To make sure that the extension of the definiens matches that of the definiendum, Beardsley thinks, the second disjunct of the definition is needed.
In education we find the same disjunction between Aborigines who have moved into mainstream Australia and those still living in the remote communities.
Too frequently, Stevenson's doubled scenes, his disjunctive narratives, even his fascination with and sophisticated representations of cultural difference have been merely psychologized.
The cause of the disjunct is the difference between what you think is the female role, and what the female role actually is in today’s society.
Link Farm and Open Thread #16
Each of these is sufficient for M, as is any disjunction of them.
Documentation of this disease in western Montana suggests that previously disjunct eastern and western populations of House Finches are now mixing in the northern part of their range.
Thus, classically, disjunction is semantically interpreted as a binary truth-function from the set of pairs of truth-values to the set { 0, 1 }.
The poems are alliterative, disjunctive, unpunctuated, fabular, and also political, based as they are on maps and their borders and flags.
The piece moves so quickly from one disjunct fragment to the next that the resulting work couldn't be thought of as jazz, but only postmodern pastiche.
Swensen reins in the use of disjunctive techniques, as Gander does, by structuring the volume according to a clear pattern.
His treatment of conditional sentences and disjunctions is more difficult to appraise, but it is at any rate clear that Aristotle made no efforts to develop a sentential logic.
Byrne and Logue (2008) distinguish a version of disjunctivism that they label epistemological disjunctivism.
Petty Injuries
However, this discourse has a central theme of contradiction, as there is a disjuncture between rhetoric and policies regarding localisation.
2009 July « My Political Ramblings…
In British Columbia, L. disjunctus is the more common, widespread and familiar species.
Yet as Muller notes, the disjunction between intentions and outcomes ‘continues to make moralists queasy’.
(later called disjunctive properties) prove extremely useful for increasing our metaphysical knowledge.
Sections 3 to 7 of this article attend to the notion of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
Determinates vs. Determinables
Yet, viewed in a wider perspective, particularly in comparison with the United States, France, or West Germany, it is the disjunction between local and national politics in Britain that is so striking.
(possibly but not necessarily described as a disjunction of concepts); or they could be subordinated to a single concept which represents in a prior and a posterior manner (per prius et posterius).
Medieval Theories of Analogy
When nondisjunction occurs, the resulting eggs may carry too few or too many chromosomes, a state called aneuploidy.
Delayed Childbearing
There is an increasing disjuncture between conservative myth and cultural reality.
If tenses are disjunct, there should be a very good reason.
Of course, more complex formulas than these can easily be constructed, using more than one quantifier and symbols for negation, conjunction, disjunction, and so forth.
Within this comes the central problem – a disjunctive between individual rights and their emphasis on the negative effects of indivdualisation causing the so-called ‘broken society’.
2009 November « My Political Ramblings…
Although this assay is very sensitive for detecting chromosomal loss, it is unable to detect non-disjunction and chromosome gain.
The disjunction between peoples and state boundaries, a central theme of this chapter, is a fundamental problem in many countries.
The revolutionary illusions have gone, but the disjunctive approach to reality (which gave rise to those illusions) lives on.
Obama is just as evil as Bush. (1+3, disjunctive syllogism)
Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 23, 2010
Rosenquist transforms the materially disjunctive qualities of collage into the planar unity of painting.
I also found no disjunct distributions like those that Bell reported.
-- remember, consumer confidence levels are very high, there's a kind of disjuncture between the consumer confidence surveys and the polls.
Laura Tyson And Ron Brown Briefing On The Economy
A disjunct expresses the speaker or writer's attitude to what is being described in the sentence.
Axiom III amounts to finite additivity because Reichenbach's logic does not have infinite disjunctions (a finite restriction of Kolmogorov's third axiom, which postulates additivity of probabilities for countable, even infinite, disjoint sets), but axiom IV (at least its interpretation in terms of the chain rule) follows from Kolmorogov's first three axioms.
Hans Reichenbach
In a statement of the form, the two statements joined together, and, are called the disjuncts, and the whole statement is called a disjunction.
This is what I call disjunctive politics, i.e., politics in which choices are made by the disjunctive syllogism: A or B; not A; therefore, B.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on Sarah Palin and Going Rogue
Rather than seeing ‘mixing two things together’ as a flaw resulting from the creative process, might we see the disjunction as essential to the novel?
True non-disjunction as a mechanism causing aneuploidy was separately assessed when a bivalent was found in a set of metaphase II chromosomes.
This study demonstrates a violation of the rule in a context that justifies the label disjunction fallacy.
By Request: Reasoning
Other plants that fit with the same disjunct pattern are clustered lady's slipper, white shooting-star, broadleaf starflower, evergreen violet, Henderson's sedge, and crinkle-awn fescue.
A predicate is exclusively disjunctive if and only it is equivalent to a disjunction of disjoint predicates.
Michael Whittle's art concerning biology records the disjunctive dialogue between mind and nature.
In South Africa and Lithuania disjunct panpipes - separate tubes with a group of pipers each playing one or two - are used.
And my heart with the fires of disjunction is fried:
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The standard way of defining disjunctives in logic is in terms of their truth tables
It is interesting to consider again how Tory rhetoric and actual polices have a clear disjuncture, they are definitely the party of headlines and soundbites as much as Labour have been.
Motorists’ trust eroded further by Tory proposals… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
One virtue of clustering is that it can often invent disjunctive ones.
The inference rule of disjunctive syllogism, while truth-preserving, is not falsity-avoiding.
The best angle for Democrats would be to pry at the disjuncture between those two numbers rather than to hit the president head-on.
The difference - the fundamental difference between theater acting and film acting is that film acting is disjunctive.
This topology is intended to give you some notion of the location of the point of disjuncture and conjuncture, of union and frontier, that can be occupied only by the desire of the analyst.
Some philosophers suggest that there is an important logical difference between disjunctive predicates, on the one hand, and disjunctive properties or universals, on the other.
The intensity of the disjunctive which any particular H conveys is dependent upon its context.
Can it be that the disjunction is a final one? that only one side can be true?
Nothing illustrated so well the disjunction between carefully formulated common aspirations and the reality of divergent values than the situation earlier this year.
Peirce aimed to extend Venn's system in expressive power with respect to the first two kinds of propositions, i.e., existential and disjunctive statements.
Equally important has been the disjunction between the nation and the state in India, in sharp contrast with the western nation states during the origin of political democracy.
Most of what goes wrong during meiosis-to-fertilization-to-mitosis results in chromosomal abnormalities, usually nondisjunction, thus providing a mechanism for aneuplodiy -- rather than an insistence that it really does happen. - Articles related to Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance
It seems highly unlikely that the living coelacanth exists only in two small, highly disjunct populations.
So what we have is a disjuncture between American immigration policy as it exists today and the simple realities of how our economy works.
This apparatus functions as an aural disjuncture of space where the audience ‘wears’ the clothes and the sounds of another reality while negotiating the visual space of the gallery.
The poems are alliterative, disjunctive, unpunctuated, fabular, and also political, based as they are on maps (thus, ‘Legend’) and their borders and flags.
The elements in this mixture barely seem to hang together; or rather, radical disjunctions are part of the effect.
With respect to the distributivity problem when combining conjunction and disjunction, the choice of method is also not determined: distributivity could be a desired feature if we adopted the viewpoint of recovering a logic from its fragments.
Combining Logics