How To Use Disjoined In A Sentence
Well, as Prime Minister, when he feels Parliment (same as your congress) is disjoined he can call a prorogation, a prorogation is a closing of Parliment (congress). - Articles related to US says old treaty disputes with Russia have no bearing on new nuclear arms treaty
This computer was disjoined from the domain "%1", but the computer account could not be disabled. You should contact your network administrator with this information.
It consists primarily of irregular plains and bluffs near the Mississippi River, along with some disjoined low hills found within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (73).
Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
What is known through postmemory is only ever realized in the disjunction between the time of the event's conception and its disjoined retelling.
Strike up a conversation with an old man sitting about, and his disjoined (if not confusing) narration will take you so easily back to the olden times of the Republic (founded in 1912).

“Imagination cannot conceive how disjoined I was,” he noted, “how internally, externally and universally I was unsettled, mixed up and ruptured.”
And here, let me add, (apart from any consideration already adverted to,) that, as a matter of mere policy, I would not, if I could, have my name disjoined from abolitionism.
Old Portraits, Modern Sketches, Personal Sketches and Tributes Complete, Volume VI., the Works of Whittier
Two more joined them shortlyto my relief, neither was the one whose arm Bayard had disjoined in the recent struggle, for I was sure that whatever was to be done to us was soon to be put to a vote.
All other readers are disjoined from the writer's individual experience.
"The notion that the territories of the Commonwealth are disjoined from the one federal union is unpersuasive to me, " Justice Kirby said.
God's being is not a static reality from which we are disjoined, something we can admire only from afar like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
That's an example of a type of science that is fully on the level of particle physics and string theory intellectually but is quite disjoined from them.
Or, certain theological assertions are stated, completely disjoined from their congregational, ethical implications.
The Territories are not disjoined; they are not satellites of the Commonwealth.
Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.
Or, as Wilber himself puts it: ‘We are working with demonstrably broken maps - ones that are partial, fragmented, disjoined, and inadequate.’
The policeman disjoined him from the crowd.
‘Hold still,’ she said as she readied herself to put the disjoined joint back into place.
What we all need is to continue Romola Nijinsky's instinctive inclination towards connecting the similar yet disjoined, and then utilize these developments towards real contributions for the evolution of a culture's body of knowledge in the broadest scope possible.
Linda Constant: The Foundation of Movement: Cultural Diplomacy
Sensing a feeling of neither pleasure nor pain, one senses it disjoined from it.
A Verb for Nirvana by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
According to Feldstein, white and black motherhood fractured in the 1960s, as racial liberalism and gender conservatism disjoined.
Bulak is the port suburb on the Nile, till 1858 wholly disjoined from the City; and Fostat is the outlier popularly called Old
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
This may sound obvious, but some interviews are a disjoined bunch of questions that leave obvious follow-up points hanging in the air.
Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.
Their implications would be only an embarrassing distraction, oddly disjoined from the prevailing paths of technical investigation.