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How To Use Disjoin In A Sentence

  • The training sets are both larger and partially disjoint from the testing collections. Boing Boing: November 24, 2002 - November 30, 2002 Archives
  • The script was disjointed and hard to follow.
  • Besides, he had, it seems, a weakness in his voice, a perplexed and indistinct utterance and a shortness of breath, which, by breaking and disjointing his sentences much obscured the sense and meaning of what he spoke. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • For sources that give contemplations on two stages of bones, the whole skeleton and the disjointed bones are designated as distinct objects for meditation in two sequential stages.
  • The fourth chromosomes often disjoin slightly before the other bivalents.
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  • In reality it was rather more disjointed than that. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • The narrative also jumps between miscellaneous angles and points of view, creating a portrait that is necessarily disjointed and patchy.
  • I still feel a couple of moments were disjointed from the main story, but it's forgivable since I really got sucked into the novel from cover to cover. Archive 2010-05-01
  • This track combines artfully disjointed melodies with low-fi bass, syncopated rhythms, and all the atmosphere of a David Lynch soundtrack.
  • Her ankle disjointed when she fell.
  • This is a basic method for cutting up and disjointing a whole chicken with the least amount of waste.
  • My own Goodwood has been a bit disjointed this year. The Sun
  • The sketch show format inevitably feels a little disjointed, while satirical targets such as birth control and organised religion now look pretty tame. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can use a mixture of different finishes to distinguish the parking area from the pathway to the front door, but don't use more than three different surfaces or it will start to look bitty and disjointed.
  • Could this disjointed style, this mixture of attention and indifference, which inclines you to take the picture piece by piece, have something to do with the clear sense of discrete personalities you get from it?
  • The album features a vast array of sonic collages, bringing together disjointed excerpts of conversations and found sounds over a patchwork of musical elements.
  • It was informative, but slightly disjointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first half was a turgid, disjointed affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short, my dear, like a restiff horse, (as I have heard described by sportsmen,) he pains one’s hands, and half disjoints one’s arms, to rein him in. Clarissa Harlowe
  • My own Goodwood has been a bit disjointed this year. The Sun
  • But they've steadily become disjointed from each other. The Sun
  • Depending on the structural nature of the objects such as convexity and disjointness, the resulting clipped object may itself be disjoint or may contain islands and other interesting properties. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • This disjointed display was a salutary reminder that he needs time and space to effect real change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still in control their concentration wavered to the point that the game became scrappy and disjointed.
  • His house, a rambling patchwork of add-ons and original rooms, is a museum of his disjointed creativity.
  • The film is so over-populated with characters (many of whom don't need to be there) that it frequently feels disjointed and incoherent, thereby undermining the overall enjoyment.
  • The different sounds usually don't mesh together, and the end result is often a fragmented, disjointed mess.
  • There's a moment in writing presentations; you are dispassionately writing and editing point-form notes about the things you want to talk about, a kind of disjoint series of ideas that you know all fit together somehow, and you're really just playing with them to see how they fit, then you take a bit of time off to help someone on IRC and you come back to it. Planet Python
  • The study concludes that while there might be quality teaching in individual classes in secondary schools, the disjointed approach does not serve pupils well.
  • The airport quality inn for one of the perturbing bay sententiously disjointedly hygrometer hedgerow, bristlegrass doojigger, has not truthfully immaculate a hamartia of symphony but that all scouser be resurgent. Rational Review
  • Specifically, the number of ways a set with n objects can be partitioned into disjoint and non-empty subsets is described by the Bell numbers.
  • The Territories are not disjoined; they are not satellites of the Commonwealth.
  • Structurally, it works - the disjointed narrative gives it an episodic feel, but you're never left hanging, wanting to know what happens next.
  • Instead, I found a collection of disjointed information.
  • This article has to be one of the most disjointed and confused articles I've read in a long time.
  • It was another disjointed week, although one that ended bearishly.
  • He alienated fellow players in an online game with disjointed, hostile posts, including one in which he called the physicist - News
  • Their implications would be only an embarrassing distraction, oddly disjoined from the prevailing paths of technical investigation.
  • Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.
  • The multitude of camera shots and angles make for a disjointed and fragmented composition that enhances the sense of fear and paranoia of not knowing where the next shot is coming from.
  • So often our lives appear as a series of disconnected and disjointed dots and lines.
  • It's a strangely disjointed car to drive, and not exactly a ringing endorsement of a switch to hybrid power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue highlights the lack of local democracy and the disjointed nature of our government. Times, Sunday Times
  • It’s worth noting that there’s a certain disjoint between the decades-long trend in wages and the trend in income. Matthew Yglesias » The Wage Stagnation Debate
  • What began as a smooth approach ended up as a jerky, disjointed affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can look back on them with fond memories long after my professors' disjointed ramblings have faded from my mind.
  • In most frames the reds were scattered round the table in the course of disjointed play and long bouts of safety.
  • File this one under disjointed ramblings and let me recover in peace…
  • The disjointed rhythms have gone, instead the style is more expansive and flowing. The Sun
  • Dan Colen responds at disjointed length in comments, Dan is seriously hung up on the word "chortle". RVABlogs
  • The plan which we will publish will not be a collection of disjointed projects with no connecting logic.
  • This has the consequence that where a coreferential or bound zero anaphor may occur, the use of an overt pronoun will tend to be taken to solicit disjoint reference.
  • A disjointed display threw up more questions than answers for the England manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • Compounding this disjointed approach was a confusing mélange of stage settings.
  • However, if you disjoin consumption and expenditure behavior from income and revenue behavior, interesting effects can occur.
  • The Mule tried to hold himself upright, his torso severed and disjointed by a flabby crack in the mirror, his arms flailing out to either side and trying to latch onto the shoulders of two other stoned zombies who'd risen with him.
  • Divergence scores were averaged over consecutive disjoint sets of 15 genes each to smooth the curves.
  • A split is a partition of the set of taxa into two disjoint, non-empty groups.
  • Two goals in four disastrous minutes just about summed up a disorganised, disjointed first-half display. The Sun
  • At first this patchwork appeared too disjointed, yet Brand soon showed ingenuity in bending his themes to different purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then will be felt, and too late will be acknowledged, the ruin which follows the disjoining of religion from the state, the separation of morality from policy, and the giving conscience no concern and no coactive or coercive force in the most material of all the social ties, the principle of our obligations to government. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 04 (of 12)
  • This may sound obvious, but some interviews are a disjoined bunch of questions that leave obvious follow-up points hanging in the air.
  • Photos: A Private Retreat in the Suburbs Todd Taylor The house, above, is up a private drive DETAILS: The owners spent a year turning what they call a "disjointed" 1950s California ranch house that was made "Italianesque" in the 1980s into this Tuscan-style retreat. A Private Retreat In the Suburbs
  • Wasps, too, deserve credit for retaining their belief despite a disjointed performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is easy to start boning up the leg bone rather than disjointing it by feeling for the round shiny end of the bone embedded in the aitch bone. THE TANTE MARIE’S COOKING SCHOOL COOKBOOK
  • This is a shoddy book written in disjointed flashback and it simply isn't worth your time. Reader reviews of The Ash Garden by Dennis Bock.
  • Bulak is the port suburb on the Nile, till 1858 wholly disjoined from the City; and Fostat is the outlier popularly called Old The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • With actors content to sleepwalk through disjointed sketches as scene after scene goes by, the film gets less and less entertaining.
  • A new technical term disjoint marks the apparent difference between (A) and (B). Determinates vs. Determinables
  • A disjointed slapstick comedy play from the surreal Australian performer. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when the following movies feel disjointed from the original I feel that the viewer becomes de-immersed from the world. The Matrix Will Ferrell
  • According to Feldstein, white and black motherhood fractured in the 1960s, as racial liberalism and gender conservatism disjoined.
  • The sketch show format inevitably feels a little disjointed, while satirical targets such as birth control and organised religion now look pretty tame. Times, Sunday Times
  • His fingers plunked dully on the wrong key, and the young man wrenched his attention away and resumed his disjointed playing to the end of the piece.
  • The result was a rather scrappy, disjointed affair, where space in midfield was at a premium.
  • Sensing a feeling of neither pleasure nor pain, one senses it disjoined from it. A Verb for Nirvana by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • The old man disjointed his knee when he fell.
  • The order of a permutation is the least common multiple of the lengths in the decomposition into disjoint cycles.
  • He's a gruff, funny guy who knows exactly how to deliver the hokey, disjointed dialogue.
  • What we all need is to continue Romola Nijinsky's instinctive inclination towards connecting the similar yet disjoined, and then utilize these developments towards real contributions for the evolution of a culture's body of knowledge in the broadest scope possible. Linda Constant: The Foundation of Movement: Cultural Diplomacy
  • That will only occur many presidencies from now, when we are emotionally disjointed from the previous administration, and I believe that it will be my children who judge Bush. Laura Bush speaks out on Burma
  • Here Kun tossles and jars the untouched environments that painters such as Thomas Cole and Frederic Church perfected by adding disjointing products of conspicuous consumption and human activity into the pristine landscape paintings. The Election and Art Swimming in my Head
  • Disjointed at best, it's often a mishmash of ideas and stories that don't always come together in a very meaningful way.
  • But fans were disappointed with the disjointed display. The Sun
  • He must recognize unrhythmical, uncadenced, disjointed, and ejaculatory prose dialogue, with scarcely a lyrical moment in it, as a fit vehicle for music. Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
  • A scrappy move in a disjointed first half gave the home side their best chance of the half.
  • If there are an even number of people in the circle, this breaks the analysis into two disjoint groups, each of which must stabilize (but not necessarily to the same number).
  • The first half was a turgid, disjointed affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Daughter In The House Of Fools and Mikazuki relying on a more rhythmic and harmonic propulsion utilising a disjointed funk and Eastern sounding harmonics respectively.
  • Constructing disjoint minimal path set is an important approach for reliability analysis of network.
  • The first 20 minutes seem disjointed and unconnected.
  • While the book's format lets us meet many fascinating people, it has the unfortunate effect of making individual experience disjointed and fragmentary.
  • But the story seems disjoint enough that I wonder if it was chopped up and stitched back together in different order. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Think of two C-shaped objects overlapping at both extremities; their sum would be a one-piece O-shaped object, but their product would consist of two disjoint, separate parts. Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3
  • Poor management that fails to recognise and acknowledge them can result in them disjointing the organisation by ignoring important interdependencies.
  • Compounding this disjointed approach was a confusing mélange of stage settings.
  • ‘Hold still,’ she said as she readied herself to put the disjoined joint back into place.
  • Having earlier looked back to see herself as a discord, Jane now directly disjoins the reader's senses.
  • Movies made with the full intention of shining during the autumn Academy Awards selection season often come across as graceless, lumbering creatures - disjointed messes that fall victim to their own pomposity and presumptuousness.
  • But in Edinburgh all manner of loud bells join, or rather disjoin, in one swelling, brutal babblement of noise. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
  • We partition both the asymmetric and symmetric fault modes into disjoint omissive and transmissive submodes.
  • Thin slivers of light streamed through the disjointed walls and glimmered through translucent containers, each capped and filled with a clear substance, lining several rows deep in the affixed shelving along one wall.
  • disjoint the chicken before cooking it
  • A 500-foot length of thirty-six-inch water main was lowered six feet without cracking the big tube or disjointing any one of the forty-five sections that composed it.
  • Conclusion Extrusive disjoint fingers should be regarded as an indication of replantative operation.
  • The disjointing part of all of this -- and the part where you perhaps begin to think I've gone utterly mad -- is the strange feeling in my brain, a sort of off-kilter feeling, as if I can feel the gears of my brain shifting over. Winds of Change
  • In short, my dear, like a restiff horse, (as I have heard described by sportsmen,) he pains one's hands, and half disjoints one's arms, to rein him in. Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 1
  • This method uses intermediate nodes' location information to create undirected graph at destination node, and uses Breath-First Search (BFS) algorithm to find another disjoint path.
  • Pope pointed out that Shakespeare, Homer and other pre-19th-century writers show numerous characters suffering from other psychiatric disorders: the disjointed thinking that we call schizophrenia, or the persistent sadness that marks depression. Science Project
  • As a kind of spatial equivalent to the disjointed dialogue, Danny's close-up brooding is typically counterpointed in the shot by some unrelated incident or gag in the middle distance.
  • carpospores" or possibly chlamydospores similar to the endospores of yeast. [v. 03 p. 0157] The former also looks on the ordinary disjointing bacterial cell as an oidium, and it must be admitted that since Brefeld's discovery of the frequency of minute oidia and chlamydospores among the fungi, the probability that some so-called bacteria -- and this applies especially to the branching forms accepted by some bacteriologists -- are merely reduced fungi is increased. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, for example, united the previously disjointed phenomena of electricity and magnetism.
  • The policeman disjoined him from the crowd.
  • She was gasping for breath as her mind rambled a jumbled conglomerate of disjointed thoughts at him.
  • This has the consequence that where a coreferential or bound zero anaphor may occur, the use of an overt pronoun will tend to be taken to solicit disjoint reference.
  • It is quite possible even now to point out, by the help of a few disjointed fragments still preserved, the position, and to divine the sense, of certain spiritful and defiant passages which, in the interest of The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur
  • I see in public policy debates, as well as educational settings, that the desire to present a coherent collection of evidence is instead interpreted as disjoint examples. William E. J. Doane PhD › Exploit Parallelism
  • This disjointed display was a salutary reminder that he needs time and space to effect real change. Times, Sunday Times
  • From his disjointed ramblings, I gathered he didn't like doctors much. NIGHT SISTERS
  • And nothing illustrates so plainly the inquietude of his mind as his strange, disjointed narration of his relationship with his father.
  • The book is, however, not disjointed and the chapters are uniform in presentation and carefully edited.
  • Remember how when comparing two hyperreal numbers we form three disjoint sets: the agreement set, and two order relation sets.
  • Diggers coach Kelvin Clulee, who had expected the game to be tough, said his side were disjointed as they had not trained together as a team in the last month due to internationals and sevens championships.
  • Too often the fugue sounds either muddy or disjointed in performance.
  • Secrecy internalizes time and so fixes it in such a way that it disjoins with the present.
  • Or, as Wilber himself puts it: ‘We are working with demonstrably broken maps - ones that are partial, fragmented, disjoined, and inadequate.’
  • (Of course Haeckel's implication that the set of believing minds & that of scientific minds are disjoint is false.) When Mixing Science and Theology is OK
  • But collections of disjointed, if linked, stories are far less common, and this year’s Pulitzer skew is one of the oddest I’ve seen. 2009 May 04 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Presented in a series of chapters that read like independent articles, rather than unified chapters, the book can feel disjointed at times.
  • The two elements need to be understood as distinct and often disjointed moments of state policy.
  • It is not unrelated to our disjoining sex from holiness.
  • Schmid used the word "disjointed" to describe the offensive showing, particularly in the four-man, diamond-shaped midfield. The Seattle Times
  • Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.
  • The state does not destroy our books; the university disjoins them.
  • ‘Big Alligator River’ is a disjointed, plodding, tacky foray into pop herpetology.
  • The first half was a turgid, disjointed affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found the wrap-up disjointed from the story preceding it. Reader reviews of The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
  • It's a strangely disjointed car to drive, and not exactly a ringing endorsement of a switch to hybrid power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story of Fedor's father is dismissed as ‘disjointed and inchoate extracts’.
  • On the other hand, they are too disjointed and brief to contribute much to the knowledge of more scholarly fans.
  • Well, as Prime Minister, when he feels Parliment (same as your congress) is disjoined he can call a prorogation, a prorogation is a closing of Parliment (congress). - Articles related to US says old treaty disputes with Russia have no bearing on new nuclear arms treaty
  • This disjointed display was a salutary reminder that he needs time and space to effect real change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or, certain theological assertions are stated, completely disjoined from their congregational, ethical implications.
  • That's an example of a type of science that is fully on the level of particle physics and string theory intellectually but is quite disjoined from them.
  • God's being is not a static reality from which we are disjoined, something we can admire only from afar like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  • While this has its moments, the movie itself is a fairly disjointed affair that fails to expand on its interesting premise. The Sun
  • As you say, Hercle is most definitely performing haruspicy because of his left foot raised to rest on what looks like nothing more than a stone, unbeknownst to mysterymonger De Grummond who mangles the meaning of the mirror with cutesy parenthesized question marks and disjointed artistic interpretations. More about egg symbols in Etruria and the rest of the classical world
  • He gave a rather disjointed account of his holiday.
  • Memento" (2000) - The disjointed, reverse chronology of this Christopher Nolan film left most viewers feeling as confused and disoriented as lead character Leonard, who suffers from anterograde amnesia, which prevents him from creating new memories. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • Unity of design, however, caused him to publish the poem under the same pseudonyme as his former work; and the disjointed lays of the ancient bards were joined together, like those relating to the Cid, into a chronicle history, named the The Odyssey of Homer
  • They may be handsome thoughts, but, unlinked, they have no relation to the other thoughts in your paper. Consequently, they indeed are... disconnected and disjointed.
  • The Republic of Turkmenistan disjointed from USSR.
  • No matter how disjointed the column or how doddy the columnist, the notion that America could somehow be saved by a military coup begs this question: Saved for whom and to what purpose? clb72 Says: Matthew Yglesias » Sowell’s Coup
  • a disjointed fowl
  • Advocates of the proposal - mostly federally chartered banks - contend the move would simplify the disjointed and confusing home-buying process.
  • The laughter was surprising in that the play, by nature of its disjointed scenes, never manages to flow along.
  • Remember how when comparing two hyperreal numbers we form three disjoint sets: the agreement set, and two order relation sets.
  • It was informative, but slightly disjointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The range of provision was described as fragmentary, disjointed, and uneasily reliant on unpredictable, inadequate, or short-term funding streams.
  • Overall, this is a disjointed album that sounds like it was masterminded by MTV marketing reps.
  • Axiom III amounts to finite additivity because Reichenbach's logic does not have infinite disjunctions (a finite restriction of Kolmogorov's third axiom, which postulates additivity of probabilities for countable, even infinite, disjoint sets), but axiom IV (at least its interpretation in terms of the chain rule) follows from Kolmorogov's first three axioms. Hans Reichenbach
  • It isWalter’s insanity coupled with what appearsto be innocence that is far more intriguing than some of the show’s disjointed plot-lines. Review – Fringe: A New Day in the Old Town (2.01)
  • But the story is presented in a disjointed series of confusing flashbacks that work too hard to logically explain an ultimately illogical premise.
  • ‘Bitten by the Tail Fly’ is probably the most unaccommodating track, its disjointed nature incorporating new wave and whispered poetry is an intriguing, but ultimately unsatisfying effort.
  • "The notion that the territories of the Commonwealth are disjoined from the one federal union is unpersuasive to me, " Justice Kirby said.
  • Mother disjointed a duck for cooking.
  • Mother disjointed a duck for cooking.
  • And then when they arrive in Kerry, their problems are compounded as they're confronted with confused and disjointed signage that could send them astray for another hour.
  • I was sitting on the desk staring out the window at the lights of Mainport and humming disjointed snatches of dimly remembered songs.
  • It's such a bizarre and disjointed album, confrontational and spaced, an incredibly druggy and disorienting experience.
  • A predicate is exclusively disjunctive if and only it is equivalent to a disjunction of disjoint predicates.
  • It has a bitty and disjointed feel at times, which is inevitable given its many-authored composition.
  • The scenes we see are disjointed as the camera rotates, recedes and zooms into a particular edifice or street with alarming rapidity, as if the camera was desperately seeking a trajectory or subject.
  • Todd Taylor The owners spent a year turning what they call a "disjointed" 1950s California ranch house that was made "Italianesque" in the 1980s into this Tuscan-style retreat in Orinda, Calif. A Private Retreat in the Suburbs
  • The scrappy and disjointed play continued after the restart as the Reivers pack began to exert more and more pressure, and began to control events.
  • Both he and I have Ehlers-Danlos traits, the breastbone was the most severe of his visible traits whereas I just bend and disjoint in really Frosted up ways. > ZUG Live
  • Moreover, this passage teaches us always to expect the blessing of God, although we may have experienced his presence to be harsh and grievous, even to the disjointing of our members. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • There will be no prizes here for either actor, or the film, which is strangely disjointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘If this information is correct our members will be outraged at the cavalier, reckless and disjointed approach to safety management and safe ways of working on the railways,’ he said.
  • All other readers are disjoined from the writer's individual experience.
  • ‘If items are too dissimilar, it can have a disjointed and fragmented appearance,’ said Catlin.
  • Beyond the Nixon saga, the book consists mostly of disjointed ramblings about assassination plots.
  • They were disjointed, gave the ball away and overhit even the simplest passes. The Sun
  • Two more joined them shortlyto my relief, neither was the one whose arm Bayard had disjoined in the recent struggle, for I was sure that whatever was to be done to us was soon to be put to a vote. Virginity
  • They argue that the traditional delivery results in a number of problems ranging from high student attrition to very disjointed, departmentalized modes of learning that fail to establish any connection from discipline to discipline.
  • And here, let me add, (apart from any consideration already adverted to,) that, as a matter of mere policy, I would not, if I could, have my name disjoined from abolitionism. Old Portraits, Modern Sketches, Personal Sketches and Tributes Complete, Volume VI., the Works of Whittier
  • As you say, Hercle is most definitely performing haruspicy because of his left foot raised to rest on what looks like nothing more than a stone, unbeknownst to mysterymonger De Grummond who mangles the meaning of the mirror with cutesy parenthesized question marks and disjointed artistic interpretations. More about egg symbols in Etruria and the rest of the classical world
  • Unity of design, however, caused him to publish the poem under the same pseudonyme as his former work: and the disjointed lays of the ancient bards were joined together, like those relating to the Cid, into a chronicle history, named the Iliad. The Iliad of Homer
  • “Imagination cannot conceive how disjoined I was,” he noted, “how internally, externally and universally I was unsettled, mixed up and ruptured.” LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • `We're not married, not really married,' she said, and slowly, reluctantly, disjointedly it came out
  • However, because our task requires observers to identify an object's primary axis, multiple symmetry axes would lead to confusion, and would make the interpretation of conjoint and disjoint results impossible.
  • This may sound disjointed, but strangely, it works. Times, Sunday Times
  • We split the observable changes in the aligned codons in the two sequences into a number of disjoint groups.
  • This section is disjointed, much is left unexplained, and Brooks uses many obscure local references.
  • Their contribution begins in a soft, seemingly random and disjointed way, with two of the players sharing a kind of aleatoric antiphon.
  • A disjointed story with ill-formed characters and pointless tangents. “Ponyo” is a first-rate kids’ flick from animé master » Scene-Stealers
  • Two teams who have lost their way in the hunt for promotion served up disjointed displays, the goals coming from set-pieces. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had to introduce a lot of characters and plant a lot of plots, so it was rather disjointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The script was disjointed and hard to follow.
  • The events of the past few days swam through Robby's head in one disjointed, jumbled mess, and he could find no perspective on any of it whatsoever.

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