How To Use Disingenuously In A Sentence
‘Well I can clear that one up for you - no, he definitely isn't,’ I replied disingenuously, but she didn't seem convinced.
The recent ruling disingenuously uses the fact that the two roles are played by the same person to say that the roles are no different, that the one subsumes the other.
With numbing frequency, Pawlenty disingenuously noted that last year's biennial budget was about to rise by 14 percent.
This handy-dandy test distinguishes between genuine defenders of freedom of speech and people who using the notion ignorantly or disingenuously.
Well, at least Helen Thomas…
Since Obama went to Harvard (and generally seems to have paid attention in school), I'm certain he knows the definitions of "disingenuously", "discourse" and "divisive.
Christians Aren't Going Away and Neither Are Gays
He disingenuously remarked that he knew nothing about strategy.
As a liberal and a progressive I am angry about the current state of affairs that leaves us with what I can only describe as a disingenuously ineffective non-solution to the dramatic state of economic affairs that tens of millions of Americans now find themselves in: namely, chronically un- or under-employed.
Lance Simmens: Mr. President, It's Up to You
If this be thought to be disingenuously restrictive, an attempt to define away the opposition, then consider the alternative.
There are places in this country whose media outlets are disingenuously labeled with different names but owned by one corporation thousands of miles away.
‘Free choice’ is the central value of the right-to-work movement, whether the antiunionists wield it disingenuously or not.
The Israelis already possess them, operating disingenuously and outside international norms again, an exceptionalism granted by the United States’ favor andmight.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
True liberals contend that conservatives not only have it wrong, but deliberately and disingenuously so, in order to actually deny opportunity to many other Americans.
Alec Baldwin: A Few Words About Barbara Boxer
The Israelis already possess them, operating disingenuously and outside international norms (again, an exceptionalism granted by the United States’ favor andmight).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
She disingenuously refers to them as ex-felons, which is incorrect since the law holds that once someone is a felon, he remains one.
Not only do these comments "not quite convict him of being a holocaust denier" as you rather disingenuously put it they show quite the opposite, if anything he is a "holocaust affirmer".
Another 'ultra-traditionalist' Catholic leader says stupid things about the Holocaust | RELIGION Blog |
disingenuously, he asked leading questions about his opponent's work
Everyone understands politicians are under pressure to disingenuously parrot the party line, but unlike lawyers, their dissembling is never ethically required.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
Molotov disingenuously insisted that any such ventures were “not being approached on political grounds but rather on a commercial basis.”
Eisenhower 1956
Ms. McCreary says candidates consistently damage their reputations by sending cover letters that disingenuously claim a specific position at the company is their dream job.
Filmmakers like Bruno Dumont seem to possess an acuteness that allows them to disingenuously suggest the multifarious nature of the beauty and humour that comprise life.