How To Use Disinformation In A Sentence
But the larger picture is systematically distorted by the military and political calculations concerning the strategic uses of information and disinformation.
Get ready for a deluge of information and disinformation on this one.
During a war both sides hide their correct information and spread disinformation.
Disinformation to the max. Just a shell game ..... and no, I care not who sat in a stadium and and rose to flatulate ... in synchronicity
Challenge for Monterrey-based soccer fans!
The Minister of disinformation and Bill burton is the Minister of spin!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, at least he didn’t blame it all on the Jews. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Certainly he was capable of spotting a leak from his own team and instead of plugging it, feeding the leaker disinformation.
It is a hoary canard - long-practiced intelligence disinformation - that naming these persons places their life in jeopardy.
This, despite their assertions of moral rectitude, implies that it is hard to make an informed judgment on an issue such as this with so much disinformation flying around.
Soviet spokesmen kept up a steady stream of denials and disinformation in September.
What we do not need is the selective, or careless, transmission of misinformation or disinformation.
The republicans are interested in sowing disinformation, fear and hatred and they have a lot to answer for – they have destroyed our democratic discourse, first with 8 years of Bush who DID lie, about real things like fake weapons of mass destruction, who DID abuse power by saying yes to tapping the phones of the public and torture – while Obama has done nothing of the sort – the republican ploy is to accuse others of what THEY themselves are doing.
Wilson says no more apologies for outburst against president
They argued that the KGB would not have missed such an opportunity to feed the West disinformation.
'fact' that the truth is a means toward freedom; then I think that that's more than a worthwhile thing to hold on to than the virulent propaganda, and mis - and disinformation, that either side of the political coin spits out.
Dandelion Salad
And all kinds of information that has really been disinformation about it has really proven false.
Countdown to complete mental breakdown by Micheletti and his dwindling core of supporters (and, yes, that includes a grouplet of US expats that have been blogging constant disinformation from Honduras - their self-delusion and dishonesty to all is now crashing on the rocks of reality, too).
Tom Hayden: Zelaya Returns Through Bold Direct Action
In other examples, the calls peddled disinformation -- whether about a candidate or the location of a polling place.
What we do not need is the selective, or careless, transmission of misinformation or disinformation.
It has cashiered or attempted to discredit its own experts, ignored their advice, impeded scientific research into its health effects and assembled a disinformation campaign to confuse the issue.
Now that the curtain has fallen, information as well as disinformation travels in both directions.
The secretiveness of the regime and the often seemingly wilful disinformation provided by its opponents makes matters worse.
GENEVA — The U. N.'s top human rights official hailed the global body's second racism conference as a success Friday, despite what she called a disinformation ...
Jeff Antebi: Waxploitation Presents Causes 2
In a meeting, Mrs Aquino said the rebels had a started a disinformation campaign to weaken her government.
He acknowledged Ambassador has spent a "significant amount" to fight the project but said it's necessary to counter what he characterizes as disinformation from politicians bent on building a rival crossing that would steal customers.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
HENRY: Earlier, he took the fight to conservative talk radio, pushing back on what he calls disinformation ...
CNN Transcript Aug 20, 2009
This is state-controlled, domestic maskirovka, a strange and effective confection of propaganda, disinformation and entertainment.
Times, Sunday Times
They claimed there was an official disinformation campaign by the government.
What kind of people would use a grieving First Lady to unwittingly spread disinformation and to raise false hopes?
How could the press or the citizenry distinguish between information and disinformation?
SARAJEVO - A United Nations spokesman dismissed as "disinformation" a U.S. newspaper report that U.N. peacekeepers in Sarajevo were clients at a Serb-run brothel staffed by captive Moslem and Croat women.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This would mean dropping in a new nugget of information - or disinformation.
How can we tell whether and when we are on the receiving end of hype and spin, of misinformation and disinformation?
Except what I felt so much about is the malicious and continuous disinformation given by media to the people.
To begin with, they are adepts of conspiracy theory, obsessed with information, disinformation, propaganda and its country cousin, mind control.
And there were always enough hacks about to swallow and regurgitate the disinformation they were fed daily.
Nkuna blamed this perception on what he described as disinformation by state agents to exarcebated friction between ANC members in the area.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The misinformation and disinformation that is circulated makes it impossible for any fair-minded commentator to take sides in the issue.
Williamson is well known to have been a highly successful spy, and high up in the apartheid regime's disinformation network.
This was only one aspect of their disinformation campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
She said she was now relieved the truth about what had been happening to her - through what she termed mudslinging, propaganda and disinformation - had come out through former security policeman Paul Erasmus.
ANC Daily News Briefing
I would hypothesize that the leftward movement of America in recent years is a direct result of the multibillion-dollar edifice of wingnut disinformation that inundates us today.
Think Progress » Limbaugh compares Pelosi to a terrorist for saying passing health care is more important than re-election.
The term disinformation suggests that Linn knowingly spread inaccurate information.
Are Progressives Being Duped by a Megacorporation's Disinformation Attacks?
Certainly he was capable of spotting a leak from his own team and instead of plugging it, feeding the leaker disinformation.
The corporate media outlets now routinely treat entertainment cartel statements as though they’re credible, counterfeiting is ‘piracy, sharing has become ‘thieving’ and a ‘crime,’ young children are labelled as ‘criminals’ and pilloried in public, extortion is OK, lying, disinformation, misinformation, the distortion of facts, and creative accounting are now absolutely integral to all entertainment cartel information packages.
Big Music: scaring children
A cursory review of the reportage in this conflict reveals misinformation, disinformation, mistakes, exaggerations, lies and propaganda flowing freely in all directions.
It is full of misinformation, disinformation, noninformation, and just plain lies.
GENEVA — The U. N.'s top human rights official hailed the global body's second racism conference as a success Friday, despite what she called a disinformation campaign that almost derailed the meeting.
UN Rights Chief Claims Durban A Success, Slams Critics
The phrase came from KGB, and could mean any of several things, from feeding disinformation to reporters to `wet" work.
Rejecting accusations by the ANC that the document was part of what it called a disinformation campaign, Stadler said his observations were based on facts and thorough research.
ANC Daily News Briefing
It was all disinformation which we backed up with fictitious facts and figures to make it appear genuine.
Mind you, uncovered documents can be used to spread disinformation, too.
Times, Sunday Times
In short, Miller was the "stovepipe" (a Sy Hersh phrase for unvetted intelligence) for disinformation from the Administration and Ahmed Chalabi about Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction on to the front page of the Times in the run-up to the Iraq invasion, and just afterwards.
William E. Jackson Jr.: The Satrapy at West 43rd: One Armchair Critic's Disillusionment On The Eve of Full Disclosure
It is their sneaky methods, of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of intelligence.
The Germans totally believed our disinformation campaign prior to the Normandy invasion.
The statement of two quadrillion is right up there with every other lie, disinformation and irrational statement of the CONservative inaccuracy machine.
Think Progress » Alito’s Mom:
They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians.
By the time the number of examples of myths, false assertions and cases of deliberate disinformation had reached 40 I reckoned it was time to publish them.
Ironically enough, Sunstein himself has recently been the object of a right - wing disinformation campaign.
This was only one aspect of their disinformation campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
A key trigger for the July 5 riot was indeed such a "disinformation" posting on an international Uyghur internet group by a WUC leader in Germany.
* Unmasking disinformation | Kammerer new chief met at NBC-4 *
Forecast: Sun, low humidity deliver two great days
I navigate my way through the morass of information and disinformation.
Wouldn't disinformation "planted" abroad eventually make it back home by slowly seeping in unmonitored via the congested information-rich Internet?
Language, the use of words, and how information and disinformation is handled, can be crucial to the twists and turns of history.
.... and all I can remember while shovelling through this piece of Phillips 'over-articulate confection is the similarity to US and Israeli denial and disinformation surrounding the murderous attack on the defenseless USS Liberty.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Am I to fear that some right-wing trog might have completely evaded reference to this non-story amidst the likely sources of disinformation he/she accesses, but just HAPPENED to come upon it, reading reference to it in the comments section of a progressive blog?
New Obama Ad Sketches His American Story
But the larger picture is systematically distorted by the military and political calculations concerning the strategic uses of information and disinformation.
The trailer is much the worse for wear, and gives a mix of spoilers and outright disinformation.
It also makes a nice mnemonic for the various forms of election counterintelligence and disinformation.
Williamson is well known to have been a highly successful spy, and high up in the apartheid regime's disinformation network.
Employers' group Ibec has insisted that a campaign of disinformation is under way.
From the voice of neocon/Likudist disinformation -- "Nadine" -- to your ears.
The Washington Note
Obviously, with every man and his dog being able to update the pages of such a site, there was always a very real risk that idiots would try to fill it with disinformation, advertising and other worthless flotsam.
Although it's likely that she will prevail in court, he has made an ugly situation even uglier by echoing a lot of calumny and spreading bald disinformation, thereby reaffirming public lies.
A particularly atrocious George Will piece, abusive of sources and any valid claim to legitimate factual discussion, has raised an outroar in the blogosphere that has now moved to major environmental organizations calling on The Washington Post to correct Will's disinformation.
A. Siegel: New York Times Stands in Solidarity with Washington Post
They acted as willing collaborators in a concerted campaign of disinformation designed to justify a criminal war of aggression.
`But who's to say that wasn't just disinformation put out by Kinnard's handler?
And the same mix of disinformation, ridicule and smut would eventually be employed against the Japanese.