How To Use Disincline In A Sentence

  • His rareness disinclined me to grant his request.
  • He was a quiet fellow, disinclined to tell anecdotes or bask in the refracted glow of a Hollywood account.
  • I doubt it disinclines use among the young and those who perceive less susceptibility to harm associated with prosecution. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Drugs Have Won”:
  • Fortunately, the general public are disinclined to go along with philosophers and critics who cast doubt upon common experience.
  • And a CIA analyst with direct knowledge of the case said that the returned scientist had become the centre of a propaganda war and that the agency was "disinclined" to remain silent while Tehran scored points against Washington. Welcome to Iran Focus
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  • I decided she was painstaking enough to protect her nails but disinclined to embellish them. HOPE TO DIE
  • He gave me a disinclined assistance.
  • Watchmen-mania, might disincline some from partaking of the animated arts. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Cornyn said he is "disinclined" to support any tax increases as part of a defict reduction package. Dem: I'll challenge Pelosi for top leadership slot
  • They are ostentatiously nonchalant, disinclined to become too involved, at least to begin with.
  • The knock-on effect is that the streets are sewers of foul-smelling rubbish and discarded flyers, with which the council seems woefully unequipped and disinclined to deal.
  • He was clever, but disinclined to distinguish himself in study, athletic but lazy, honest but argumentative.
  • We might be disinclined to ‘bestir ourselves to purge/the unholy
  • As well the added burden of Ms Cook's ill health caused her to be disinclined to litigate.
  • But a lot of the Democrats here consider themselves basically conservative and that could disincline them to Obama's message of change. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2008
  • Maybe it has, but I doubt it, and I'm disinclined to prove that assertion.
  • It had been an extended ordeal of vomit and hallucination, a long night spent surfing alternating waves of horror and ecstasy-and in the shaky morning when End of Time had finally showed himself, pyramid head and all, Smithe (less overwhelmed by the sight of that capitate curiosity than he might normally have been) found himself somehow disinclined, even unable, to interrogate the medicine man along the lines that he had so carefully prepared. Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
  • He was clever, but disinclined to distinguish himself in study, athletic but lazy, honest but argumentative.
  • For the electrons proved disinclined to obey the electrodynamic laws which have otherwise so brilliantly demonstrated their validity in, for instance, the field of electrotechnics. Nobel Prize in Physics 1943 and 1944 - Presentation Speech
  • And that could disincline them to Obama's message of change. CNN Transcript Apr 23, 2008
  • A tattoo of Psalm 25 on Shawn's right forearm disinclines one from messing with either Shawn or Mr. Dash. The Higher the Hemline: The Daily Goes Monthly
  • He was clever, but disinclined to distinguish himself in study, athletic but lazy, honest but argumentative.
  • It's a prejudice that disinclines Twain from the great mosques he encounters in Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt. G. Roger Denson: From Mark Twain to Malcom X: Americans Discover the Great Mosques
  • The new religious spirit which I have attempted to characterize as tinctured by Protestant opinions but disinclined for severance from Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Ulbricht shrugged and seemed disinclined to continue the conversation. SAN ANDREAS
  • And the rich seem disinclined to do anything about it.
  • Then there are issues, of which I know nothing, because I'm disinclined to submit to a higher level of security clearance.
  • However, despite their physiological ability to cover large distances, it may be that scout bees of migrating swarms are disinclined to cross hostile habitat.
  • Even if I hadn't become fabulously annoyed with the show last season, I'd be disinclined to watch it this year.
  • Her background disinclined her from resistance.
  • All of which makes me feel slightly queasy and disinclined to buy so much as a new face cloth.
  • That could disincline them to Obama's message of change. CNN Transcript Apr 23, 2008
  • Not surprisingly, he is disinclined to name names.
  • (Said plan honestly doesn't sound that bad to me, but I'm just kind of disinclined to trust the dude) Pickens was just another obscure billionaire who looked like a heavily made-up Tom Wilkinson and was an ardent Bush Ranger up until a few years ago, when his debut in the public consciousness - long before he realized that all cars should run on clean national gas (he knows a guy who can get you a deal) (a guy named T. Boone Pickens, be-otch) and that wind farms (cf previous parentheses) were the way to go - came via his donation of Can't Stop The Bleeding
  • Both parties also seem disinclined to support Pawlenty's call for a reinstatement of the death penalty.
  • As for his own future, Mr. Cooper said he's received a number of calls urging him to challenge State Senator Carl Marcellino, but said he's "disinclined" toward such a run. Cooper Stands Down, Endorses Gillibrand
  • He is well-read, fair, observant, introspected and slightly disinclined towards arrogance and authority (or any other kind of position holding power). Archive 2008-03-01
  • Is evil to withstand evil disinclined to partial loosened the small fox of that huge pant, the beginning washed body because small fox, and that disgustingly dirty clown.
  • We all ranted about how DB takes advantage of my mom and seems disinclined to help himself.
  • He felt disinclined to argue while the calendar was there to remind him that he was down to his last twenty-five days.
  • The majority party is a closely-knit organization nationwide and is less popular among youths who are generally disinclined to go to the poll.
  • It turns out I do have wisdom teeth, but they're of a shy disposition and are disinclined to pop up the way they're supposed to.
  • Eustace had not had his thoughts turned so much to the progress of heresy, and so little to what was passing in the tower, he might have read, in the speaking eyes of Mary Avenel, now a girl of fourteen or fifteen, reasons which might disincline her youthful companion towards the monastic vows. The Monastery
  • He would be disinclined to burn them; he could not publish them.
  • Baffled or humbled by the land, we are disinclined to be boastful.
  • disinclined to say anything to anybody
  • Having previously had a set-to about a similar issue with the particular gallery, I was disinclined to raise the issue.
  • The news made me disinclined to spend another night in the park.
  • Surrounded by people who were disinclined to take her seriously, the columnist abandoned the queeny hauteur and theatrical affectations that have been her television trademarks.
  • January 31, 2008 at 1:02 pm dat sums it up. i can has disincline to exercise. New Year’s Resolution… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Loser pays, it is argued, would disincline would-be litigants to assert good-faith positions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It became kind of disinclined to really make any sacrifices. CNN Transcript Mar 18, 2007
  • The danger is that a public stupefied by celebrity and trivia will be ill-informed and disinclined to engage in the democratic process.
  • Because the British laborer is disinclined to scab, that is, because he restricts his output in order to give less for the wage he receives, it is to a certain extent made possible for the American capitalist, who receives a less restricted output from his laborers, to play the scab on the English capitalist. THE SCAB
  • The bill was intended to give the Obama Administration leverage (which the White House seems quite disinclined to use) in continuing talks with Beijing about China's manipulation of its currency. Robert Kuttner: Trade War Is Here -- and We've Disarmed
  • They tend to be well informed and access data efficiently, they are mindful of special interests, distrustful of governments and disinclined to defer to the opinion of experts who they do not hold in any special awe.
  • Understandably, I have some reservations about getting drunk with my passport and visa with me, so I am disinclined to take them.
  • He was yoked to an disinclined partner.
  • Not recognising the deeper motives of those commitments, pinning it all on wonder, is dangerous because it disinclines one to recognise those mechanisms at play in secular - isms like totalitarian ideologies or — most perilously of all, to my mind — scientistic rationalism. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • (Not to detract from the poster -- very cool, and I wish I had the spare computers to do it, I'm just disinclined to purchase one specifically for use in the kitchen .. at least, not in this shithole apartment) mgpcoe The Upside Down Mac | Lifehacker Australia
  • We are, as the experts like to say with a horrified sense of wonder, aliterate - able to read, and read well, but disinclined to do so.
  • From a vantage point of twenty feet away they all crouched, watching the car, which appeared disinclined to burst into flame. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • His rareness disinclined me to grant his request.
  • For the rest, the hand emerges abruptly from the kiosk without greeting or acknowledgement, and one is then disinclined to be pleasant in return.
  • A stunning number of slaves agreed with their masters that they were biologically disinclined to work. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Loser pays, it is argued, would disincline would-be litigants to assert good-faith positions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe the guys on the ground were disinclined to accept that instruction.
  • Therapists should of course avoid a spiritual rationale with clients disinclined toward a theistic worldview.
  • Her background disinclined her from resistance.
  • He felt disinclined to argue while the calendar was there to remind him that he was down to his last twenty-five days.
  • All parties and institutions are affected by a climate of cynicism and mistrust in which society is disinclined to believe whatever it is told by authorities and experts.
  • A man may love oysters, but too many oysters will disincline him toward that particular diet. What Life Means to Me
  • It's not like we're making more money -- we're just collecting it to pass along to the state -- but from a customer's perspective, they just have to pay more when they buy from a physical store than from an online store, which can disincline some folks to buy local. Action Items for Booksellers & Others
  • Outgoing Council President Scott Peters said he doesn't think San Diego faces imminent bankruptcy, and is "disinclined" to support Aguirre's recommendation to hire the law firm. San Diego News
  • I am/feel disinclined to offer him a job if he hasn't got a degree.
  • Audiences today are not only disinclined to listen to new music, they're reluctant to listen to anything unfamiliar.
  • What an amoralist expresses when she makes a moral claim that she is disinclined to honor involves using the moral predicate in an “inverted commas sense” ” a sense which alludes to the value judgments of others without itself expressing such a judgment (Hare 1952, 145 “ 6). Boys in White Suits
  • He was disinclined to talk about himself, especially to his students.
  • I'm disinclined to believe that everything is hunky-dory and that the agencies are working well together.
  • Wall Street financial scheming is the easiest and lowest taxed money available, and I don’t think it’s a mystery why CEOs would be disinclined to work any harder for it. Matthew Yglesias » Financial Reform’s Missing Advocates
  • I asserted that rats were disinclined to move across broken glass under most conditions, but put broken glass between a rat and her babies and she would cross it without hesitation.
  • My girlfriend is disinclined towards a long distance trip.

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