How To Use Dishonourable In A Sentence

  • It was dishonourable to’ — ‘Peace, young man,’ said Herries, more calmly than I might have expected; ‘the word dishonour must not be mentioned as in conjunction with my name. Redgauntlet
  • i told my wife the other night, i'm hoping that obama can slip in a few "dishonors" and "dishonorables" under the radar on tuesday night. mccain will catch it and it will set him off. i honestly think that's the one button that you can push with mccain that he can't resist blowing up over -- hitting his honor (or lack thereof). Obama Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Ad Strike Against McCain's Planned Character Assault
  • ‘Not only were you guilty of the offence of which you were convicted, but you were also in my view guilty of dishonourable conduct,’ he said.
  • An issue of this importance to the nation deserves full public hearings, full debate on the floor of the Senate, not an attachment that I described as dishonorable to Iraq war funding bill. CNN Transcript May 21, 2008
  • She wrote a letter telling him that the Marine Corps had given him a dishonorable discharge.
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  • How dishonourable and reprehensible, and I am very surprised that you would deal with such a person as this man is evolving to be.
  • Honourable members don't do anything dishonourable, but if they don't know the rules properly, then they could end up breaking them inadvertently.
  • I went home with this girl once and her father asked, ‘Are your intentions honourable or dishonourable?’
  • After a moment, biting her lip, she added, "Your question to me just now was dishonorable. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • What makes that egregious and selfish act more serious than just disgustingly dishonorable is that those fake awards are used to justify and back up applications for employment or appointment, for winning political office, and even claims for veteran's benefits - including government medical treatment for post-traumatic stress syndrome. Media Coverage October
  • Daring speculations fail; the struggle in unnatural competition with men of large capital, or dishonourable dealings, wears out at last the overtasked frame — life is spent in a whirl — death summons them, and finds them unprepared. The Englishwoman in America
  • The inspector general, relying upon the testimony of white citizens, recommended that the whole unit be given dishonorable discharges.
  • To actively seek nothingness is worse than defeat; why, Kudra, it is surrender; craven, chickenhearted, dishonorable surrender. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Having thrown water bottles at each other in the most alien conduct of the House many wondered if there was any tolerance at all, or if in fact they had elected dishonourable people to make laws for the country.
  • It's a move that is so cold-hearted and so profoundly dishonorable that it could only have been made by people who have lost all moral direction.
  • dishonorable in thought and deed
  • I thought it was dishonorable and dishonest to question the medals and citations that he had received in combat.
  • By this perverseness of integrity he was driven out a commoner of nature, excluded from the regular modes of profit and prosperity, and reduced to pick up a livelihood uncertain and fortuitous; but it must be remembered that he kept his name unsullied, and never suffered himself to be reduced, like too many of the same sect, to mean arts and dishonourable shifts. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • [The dishonourable flight of the Spanish nauy; and the prudent aduice of the L. Admirall.] The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • 'I dare say, my dear,' resumed the father, 'you will not do what we call thieving; but as I know there are many naughty boys in all schools, I am afraid they will teach you to commit dishonourable actions, and to tell you there is no harm in them, and that they are signs of cleverness and spirit, and qualifications very necessary for every boy to possess.' Life and Perambulations of a Mouse
  • Moral dishonourable, harbor evil intentions, did not lead a qualification.
  • Individualistically adjectivally of the endothermic normative concomitant richmond hill home brno vulcaniser seen a dishonorable orthicon in the ruggedization of monosemous and dirt stinkweed. Rational Review
  • a nonjuror, are these remarkable words: "It must be remembered that he kept his name unsullied, and never suffered himself to be reduced, like too many of the same sect to mean arts and dishonourable shifts. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
  • After a moment, biting her lip, she added, "Your question to me just now was dishonorable. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • It would be dishonest and dishonourable to pretend otherwise.
  • The day dawned cool, bright & clear with glorious morning sunshine as some 35 or so of us gathered in the avenue just opposite the small British Palace on Main Street. 10:30 a.m. was the scheduled departure time, and not wanting to disappoint our proud or dishonorable as some of you might be grumbling record of tardiness and cunctation, the Hash left at 11:05. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The one reliable prediction you can make about any group of human beings is that one or two will have a proclivity to cut corners, accept a bribe or be ready to pursue a dishonourable means to achieve their end.
  • She seems to think becoming vicious and dishonorable, is taking the heat .... when they are the tactics of someone who has nothing else in their personal arsenal. Obama: Nobody's complained more than the Clintons
  • Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally?
  • This is permissible I suppose, but dishonourable, and remember, they did this after a two-month delay.
  • Many of the bigger sites claim to vet members' profiles, but there is often little to stop those with dishonourable or even criminal intentions from lying about themselves.
  • The shameless individual does not feel that painful emotion that arises out of the consciousness of something dishonourable, ridiculous, or indecorous in his/her conduct.
  • We've heard a lot about how blowing her cover was probably illegal and certainly dishonorable.
  • The soldier received a dishonourable discharge for a disciplinary offence.
  • Many of the bigger sites claim to vet members' profiles, but there is often little to stop those with dishonourable or even criminal intentions from lying about themselves.
  • I think it's important to the achievements of our subsidised theatre that it shouldn't be dishonourable to fail.
  • If he now goes back on that promise, that would be as dishonourable a traducing of his promise as that of Mr. Brown, perhaps the more so given the swiftness with which he has resiled from it. Cameron's 27 Day Promise
  • You played a very dishonest and dishonourable part in that matter.
  • He was not a dishonourable man, he was merely a professional.
  • The one reliable prediction you can make about any group of human beings is that one or two will have a proclivity to cut corners, accept a bribe or be ready to pursue a dishonourable means to achieve their end.
  • He claims that they accused him of being a fool and implied he was a knave who was guilty of dishonourable conduct.
  • But a dishonourable Dec you were, and a dishonourable Dec you...' MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Hayley's crimes are petty and dishonourable, a contrast which reveals the falsity of the narrative assumptions Philip makes.
  • How dishonourable and reprehensible, and I am very surprised that you would deal with such a person as this man is evolving to be.
  • It's a shame to see it all play out in a movie that's mostly about making blandly obvious arguments about how bad and dishonourable racism is.
  • You played a very dishonest and dishonourable part in that matter.
  • In times gone by, when an opponent sacrificed a piece to launch an attack, it was considered dishonorable not to capture the sacrificed piece.
  • If convicted, he faces up to seven years in a military prison, demotion and a dishonourable discharge.
  • Routing those that came out of Capua against them, and thus procuring a quantity of proper soldiers' arms, they gladly threw away their own as barbarous and dishonourable.
  • We might like the idea that we've only recently fallen from grace, but it only takes the merest, glancing knowledge of the past to realise that any heinous acts being practised today have a long and dishonourable history.
  • To possess information of value and interest to the people and not disclose it is considered not only dangerous but dishonourable.
  • When detected in pilfering, they appear extremely foolish and ashamed, because it is superlatively dishonorable - not to steal - but to have failed in an attempt, the complete achievement of which would have added renown to their characters for dexterity and address. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • The Hunsdens were always unrivalled at tracking a rascal; a downright, dishonourable villain is their natural prey — they could not keep off him wherever they met him; you used the word pragmatical just now — that word is the property of our family; it has been applied to us from generation to generation; we have fine noses for abuses; we scent a scoundrel a mile off; we are reformers born, radical reformers; and it was impossible for me to live in the same town with Crimsworth, to come into weekly contact with him, to witness some of his conduct to you (for whom personally I care nothing; I only consider the brutal injustice with which he violated your natural claim to equality) — I say it was impossible for me to be thus situated and not feel the angel or the demon of my race at work within me. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Some US politicians try hard to undermine Sino - US relations by fabricating lies, which is really dishonorable.
  • You wouldn't want your clan to get a bad reputation for dishonorable behavior, even if it's uncalled for.
  • The potential for dishonourable companies to act in this deceitful and dishonest manner will be given oxygen and allowed to profit by using the method blueprinted in this matter.
  • There's a long, vaguely dishonorable list of pop hits that have been commonly misattributed.
  • Obama knows that the word dishonorable is used in the military to get rid of bad soldiers. Legitgov
  • He will be remembered as a gentleman of the game, a man who played to win but never stooped to ignoble or dishonourable depths.
  • Machiavelli sometimes associates these passions and desires which are inherent to human nature with vice and corruption and immoral, blameworthy, wicked, and dishonourable conduct.
  • Wooed by a man with dishonorable intentions, she found herself unwed, disgraced, and cast out.
  • Wooed by a man with dishonorable intentions, she found herself unwed, disgraced, and cast out.
  • It is all but impossible not to wish to stand well with your waiter: I have myself been often treated with conspicuous rudeness by the tribe, yet I have never been able to withhold the 'douceur' that marked me for a gentleman in their eyes, and entitled me to their dishonorable esteem. Complete March Family Trilogy
  • The advisor threatened him with dishonourable discharge and demotion.
  • There was the abiding desire that they shouldn't play beneath themselves, be dishonourable or contemptuous of others.
  • Saying that an ordinary death in combat was futile is hard enough, without being associated with others who call it criminal or dishonorable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Washington Post Editorializes in Praise of Harold Koh’s Drone Statement
  • ‘Not only were you guilty of the offence of which you were convicted, but you were also in my view guilty of dishonourable conduct,’ he said.
  • 'bushido' there's a whole lot of cowardly, dishonorable thought in your suggestion. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The potential for dishonourable companies to act in this deceitful and dishonest manner will be given oxygen and allowed to profit by using the method blueprinted in this matter.
  • She had not liked what Miss Wilmot had had to say on the subject of being revengeful and dishonourable. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • We might like the idea that we've only recently fallen from grace, but it only takes the merest, glancing knowledge of the past to realise that any heinous acts being practised today have a long and dishonourable history.
  • Either way, I always feel guilty and dishonourable.
  • cheating is dishonorable
  • He will be remembered as a gentleman of the game, a man who played to win but never stooped to ignoble or dishonourable depths.
  • The inspector general, relying upon the testimony of white citizens, recommended that the whole unit be given dishonorable discharges.
  • He will be remembered as a gentleman of the game, a man who played to win but never stooped to ignoble or dishonourable depths.
  • She is under the thumb of a dishonourable male heirarchy who would brush such sinister accusations under the carpet - causing her to doubt her place in the church and ultimately her faith. Doubt *spoilers*
  • But tonight in light of the attacks by David Brooks on NPR (he called her dishonorable, parroting Newt Gingrich), I need to repeat something. Corrente
  • Having thrown water bottles at each other in the most alien conduct of the House many wondered if there was any tolerance at all, or if in fact they had elected dishonourable people to make laws for the country.
  • Honourable members don't do anything dishonourable, but if they don't know the rules properly, then they could end up breaking them inadvertently.
  • Although the tribute was often a precise sum of money, it could be seen as dishonourable for the king to receive ‘pay’.
  • Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally?
  • `He wanted to know if my intentions were dishonourable ," said Dog. THE ONLY GAME
  • Or, if help seemed inevitable, I would stay with him as well, even if it meant risking my own life. It just seems so dishonourable, selfish and disloyal to me to simply continue with the mission and leave him.
  • A small dishonourable part of Liz yearned for a hotel room with a private bath, but she dismissed it as the voice of old age. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Wooed by a man with dishonorable intentions, she found herself unwed, disgraced, and cast out.
  • Not quite yet, sir" -- Harry jumped before the door; "you give me the alternative of being what I call dishonorable or losing the woman I love! Stories of a western town
  • Either way, I always feel guilty and dishonourable.
  • Although the tribute was often a precise sum of money, it could be seen as dishonourable for the king to receive ‘pay’.
  • To possess information of value and interest to the people and not disclose it is considered not only dangerous but dishonourable.
  • But at the least, he'd stay on the sidelines, unwilling to dignify this dishonorable slime.
  • Or, if help seemed inevitable, I would stay with him as well, even if it meant risking my own life. It just seems so dishonourable, selfish and disloyal to me to simply continue with the mission and leave him.
  • There is something pathetically sad about people who would seek to honor something so dishonorable.
  • The King of the time had met this man before and knew that he was an unworthy and dishonourable person.
  • I went home with this girl once and her father asked, ‘Are your intentions honourable or dishonourable?’
  • It would be dishonest and dishonourable to pretend otherwise.
  • There was the abiding desire that they shouldn't play beneath themselves, be dishonourable or contemptuous of others.
  • To confuse things further, although St. Paul viewed the homosexual acts he referred to as impure, “dishonorable,” and “shameless,” he didn’t say that they were evil or a sin. The God Box
  • He tried to dishonour you, and I was resolved to dishonour him by hook or crook, if it took a lifetime, and if what I did was dishonourable, too, and underhand and sly, I don't care a docken! Watershed
  • But a dishonourable Dec you were, and a dishonourable Dec you...' MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • That is dishonorable and punishable by death, if you follow the old samurai credo!
  • There was the abiding desire that they shouldn't play beneath themselves, be dishonourable or contemptuous of others.
  • They are continuing with a deeply dishonourable and undemocratic tradition of tightening the reins on what is presumed to be the fickleness and irrationality of democratic politics.
  • Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally?
  • The King of the time had met this man before and knew that he was an unworthy and dishonourable person.
  • A dishonorable discharge, afterward, for insubordination.
  • That they should be doing so for the selfish, narrow-minded, hidebound partisan purposes of avoiding defeat at the hands of the electorate rather than out of any grand point of principle makes their act of dishonest and dishonourable perfidiousness all the more shameful. RIP The UK : Casually Butchered For The Convenience & Well-Being Of Socialism
  • The union, which the law forbids, goes on without its sanction in dishonorable alliances. The Reason Why the Colored American is not in the World's Columbian Exposition: The Afro-American's Contribution to Columbian Literature
  • I think it's important to the achievements of our subsidised theatre that it shouldn't be dishonourable to fail.
  • Generations of men and suffered, fought, and died to win the constitutional rights you so easily throw away in what can only be described as dishonorable cowardice. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • This is permissible I suppose, but dishonourable, and remember, they did this after a two-month delay.

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