
How To Use Dishonor In A Sentence

  • It is the sinfullest thing in the world, to forsake or destitute a plantation once in forwardness; for besides the dishonor, it is the guiltiness of blood of many commiserable persons. The Essays
  • However, the women were furious, and the elderly man had been dishonored and humiliated.
  • But after that, I was so scared of dishonoring her, I insisted that for a month we only meet in the kitchen garden in full view of the convent!
  • i told my wife the other night, i'm hoping that obama can slip in a few "dishonors" and "dishonorables" under the radar on tuesday night. mccain will catch it and it will set him off. i honestly think that's the one button that you can push with mccain that he can't resist blowing up over -- hitting his honor (or lack thereof). Obama Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Ad Strike Against McCain's Planned Character Assault
  • At the word cheap I felt a deep sense of dishonor, a sense that I now was at the lowest rung of this society, that I had fallen low. Nomad
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  • It is a thought form of separation and dishonor.
  • An issue of this importance to the nation deserves full public hearings, full debate on the floor of the Senate, not an attachment that I described as dishonorable to Iraq war funding bill. CNN Transcript May 21, 2008
  • When we say we're afraid to exercise those liberties, we dishonor their sacrifice and we disgrace ourselves.
  • The drawer, by drawing the instrument, admits the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse; and engages that on due presentment the in - strument will be accepted or paid, or both, according to its tenor, and that if it is dishonored, and the necessary proceedings on dishonor are duly taken, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder, or to any subsequent in - dorser who may be comjoelled to pay it. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • She wrote a letter telling him that the Marine Corps had given him a dishonorable discharge.
  • Then Al Trautwig, commentating on the Tour de France, said "The greatest dishonor is to literally have the maillot jaune ripped from your body, which is what happened to Michael Rasmussen yesterday. When good kids show bad judgment
  • If anything you have dishonored me for bringing me to be a part of this family.
  • It brought such shame and dishonor to the entire family.
  • If he hadn't been a Bush (with people covering for him) he would have been bounced out dishonorably and we wouldn't have had him around to annoy us. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • If they flinch during the act, boys bring shame and dishonor to themselves and their family.
  • In vv 24 and 26a Paul asserts a surfeit of desire and passion by the people he is denouncing, which he characterizes as impurity and dishonor.
  • Dishonorably as kfc does no flashily external hard chockful despised in the apatosaur of the orthodoxy of attalea, mtv no riskily nonremittal cycad that is in the zinkenite of nightdress. Rational Review
  • His language to the wife whom he still loves while believing himself dishonored by her is such that "a beggar, in his drink, could not have laid such terms upon his callet. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 33, December, 1873
  • From time immemorial despots have imprisoned their opponents under particularly cruel conditions; they have tortured them, dishonored them, debased and executed them.
  • After a moment, biting her lip, she added, "Your question to me just now was dishonorable. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • What makes that egregious and selfish act more serious than just disgustingly dishonorable is that those fake awards are used to justify and back up applications for employment or appointment, for winning political office, and even claims for veteran's benefits - including government medical treatment for post-traumatic stress syndrome. Media Coverage October
  • I can't think of many things that "dishonors" a parent more than rejecting the name they gave you. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • That picture almost makes me want to turn in or burn my own earned doctorate sash, unless there is a dishonorary Doctorate of Inhumanities that I was not aware of. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 17, 2007
  • If they flinch during the act, boys bring shame and dishonor to themselves and their family.
  • In other words, I would say that idolatry not only dishonors God and demeans the idolater; it ultimately leads to the destruction of the hapless idol itself.
  • If you insist on dying in dishonor, that is your own affair. Into the Labyrinth
  • As the Roman Virginius stood with his sword pricking the flesh over the heart of his beloved daughter, so do I stand ready to destroy my offspring rather than suffer its dishonor at the hands of any Appius Claudius. The Lever A Novel
  • One of the anonymice has pointed out that the Cato Institute is joining in on its new petition to President Obama, awarding a dishonorary PhD. to our old friend Dipl. Rabett Run
  • Did he act dishonorably, is that what you are saying?
  • I have every right to challenge you to single combat for dishonoring her.
  • In an androcentric setting, there is no greater dishonor for a male than to die at the hand of a female (see Judg 9: 53 – 54; 2 Sam 11: 21). Judith: Apocrypha.
  • Throughout Damascene society, broken promises brought shame, dishonor, and various forms of ostracism and censure.
  • You begged me not to dishonor you before our marriage and like a fool I complied. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The inspector general, relying upon the testimony of white citizens, recommended that the whole unit be given dishonorable discharges.
  • To actively seek nothingness is worse than defeat; why, Kudra, it is surrender; craven, chickenhearted, dishonorable surrender. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • It's a move that is so cold-hearted and so profoundly dishonorable that it could only have been made by people who have lost all moral direction.
  • dishonorable in thought and deed
  • Did any thought of me make you bring Martha Ensley to Nickols 'death bed and take into your heart and home what the world calls dishonor? The Heart's Kingdom
  • I thought it was dishonorable and dishonest to question the medals and citations that he had received in combat.
  • If we buried our dead in the sand, the wild animals would desecrate their memory and dishonor their body.
  • Still putting out the O'Reilly fires of me being a traitor and using Casey's name dishonorably, my in-laws sent out a press statement disagreeing with me in strong terms; which is totally okay with me, because they barely knew Casey. Cindy Sheehan: Camp Casey: Day 6
  • King: Dishonor! Servant girl and prince. Forbidden! Dishonor! Dishonor! Do as custom demand!
  • You're going to take the shame of dishonoring your kingdom to your grave, I promise you that.
  • Goaded by Kira, Asana draws his sword inside the Shogun's castle, an act prohibited by law, and is forced to commit hara-kiri, leaving his family and samurai retainers dishonored.
  • Once one becomes a soldier, the only way to stop being a soldier (and an enemy combatant) is to die or else be discharged from military service honorably or dishonorably. The Volokh Conspiracy » Opinio Juris Discussions of Targeting of US Citizen
  • He dishonored his team by cheating during the competition.
  • I am looked upon with disgrace and dishonor because of my past.
  • I would never willfully visit dishonor upon our house, but I will not abandon them.
  • This was complexioned by a certain sense of 'honor rooted in dishonor,' and by a faint reflection from elder retainership. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • It was a terrible thing to contemplate: the wreck of her son's happiness, the Prussian disgraced and driven from their doors, the wife, too, thrust forth upon the street and her name ignominiously placarded on the walls, as had been threatened would be done with any woman who should dishonor herself with a The Downfall
  • Individualistically adjectivally of the endothermic normative concomitant richmond hill home brno vulcaniser seen a dishonorable orthicon in the ruggedization of monosemous and dirt stinkweed. Rational Review
  • But after that, I was so scared of dishonoring her, I insisted that for a month we only meet in the kitchen garden in full view of the convent!
  • There, he addresses matters various and sundry, such as the claim that he was dishonorably discharged from the military (he provides documents to the contrary) and that he failed to pay child support (D'Annunzio says that he fell behind while he was "living below the poverty line" but went on to "paid the arrearage and monthly payments on time the remaining years"). Tim D'Annunzio, North Carolina Congressional Contender, Attempts To Debunk The Idea He Is 'Unfit For Office'
  • I won't name you because I don't want to unfairly bring dishonor to your organization.
  • dishonor checks and drafts
  • The mitral dishonorably meatloaf of oblivion, archaeozoic, schnecken and degradation in air beforehand the blowtube tittering lecturing. Rational Review
  • In other words, I would say that idolatry not only dishonors God and demeans the idolater; it ultimately leads to the destruction of the hapless idol itself.
  • After a moment, biting her lip, she added, "Your question to me just now was dishonorable. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • And so began my education about dishonor, a curriculum that instructs me still.
  • The day dawned cool, bright & clear with glorious morning sunshine as some 35 or so of us gathered in the avenue just opposite the small British Palace on Main Street. 10:30 a.m. was the scheduled departure time, and not wanting to disappoint our proud or dishonorable as some of you might be grumbling record of tardiness and cunctation, the Hash left at 11:05. Archive 2007-04-01
  • I want to leave the trivial living on dishonorably of the human world, and soar with you in the vast starry sky.
  • She seems to think becoming vicious and dishonorable, is taking the heat .... when they are the tactics of someone who has nothing else in their personal arsenal. Obama: Nobody's complained more than the Clintons
  • SUZANNE VITADAMO, TERRI SCHIAVO'S SISTER: Threatening words dishonor our family, our faith and our sister, Terri. CNN Transcript Apr 1, 2005
  • The leader spoke out against ‘crimes of honor,’ specifically the murder of a woman by her husband whom she had allegedly dishonored by immodest or otherwise unacceptable behavior.
  • The Scriptures are practically infralapsarian, — Christians are said to have been chosen "out of" the world, John 15: 19; the potter has a right over the clay, "from the same lump," to make one part a vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor, Romans 9: 21; and the elect and the non-elect are regarded as being originally in a common state of misery. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • We've heard a lot about how blowing her cover was probably illegal and certainly dishonorable.
  • Honoring the mystery may bring dishonor to the externals of a relationship and it may elicit the charge of irresponsibility, yet at a deeper level the action may be entirely responsible.
  • He could use bribery, blackmail, and other forms of coercion to keep his dishonored promises in circulation.
  • King: Dishonor! Servant girl and prince. Forbidden! Dishonor! Dishonor! Do as custom demand!
  • Therefore, by definition, “dishonored memories” is a variable cost, as the idea of dishonor and memory would change according to the course of action. More Sunk-Cost Thinking on Iraq War - Freakonomics Blog -
  • I have every right to challenge you to single combat for dishonoring her.
  • He has conducted the king's affairs in a manner so contrary to that of his predecessors that he is at this moment suspected by the clergy, hateful to the grandees of the state, hounded to the death by the heads of finance (_la haute finance_), dishonored amongst the magistracy. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • By abandoning Smolensk, which is one of their Holy Cities, the Russian generals are dishonoring their arms in the eyes of their own people. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • If they flinch during the act, boys bring shame and dishonor to themselves and their family.
  • Still throughout the eighteenth century, even the most liberal commentators did not entirely lift the stigma of dishonor from insolvency.
  • Now, her brother, a soldier named Valentine, vowed revenge against the lover who had dishonored his sister.
  • A condolence package for its dishonorably discharged. C. Brian Smith: The Shame Of Celibacy
  • I had thought this fellow at least an esquire; for I had hoped that even the vilest of my ladies would not have dishonored my Court by wantoning with a baseborn servant.
  • he was resigned to a life of dishonor
  • Machines do a lot of good for our space program, but switching entirely to one or the other is a mistake and dishonors our species. Astronauts Once Again Demonstrate Why Humans Must be a Part of Space Exploration - NASA Watch
  • If anything you have dishonored me for bringing me to be a part of this family.
  • He dishonored the uniform and did not deserve to be a marine.
  • She was bound forever to her husband, and she and her amico had to display admiration and affection for him, and never shame or dishonor him or his family's name or, for that matter, her father's. If He Has A Mistress, Why Can't She Have...A Mister?
  • However, the reality is far from ideal in that the principle has been quite often dishonored, mostly in cases involving powerless ordinary people.
  • After reading about so many rape cases, when I see vicious tactics like that I just tend to assume dishonor on the part of the trasher, unless they uncover truly God-awful behavior. Schiavo Case: Pro-Life Activists Spread Hatred, Tie Up Abuse HotLine
  • He could use bribery, blackmail, and other forms of coercion to keep his dishonored promises in circulation.
  • Throughout Damascene society, broken promises brought shame, dishonor, and various forms of ostracism and censure.
  • In times gone by, when an opponent sacrificed a piece to launch an attack, it was considered dishonorable not to capture the sacrificed piece.
  • She will, above all else, never bring shame or dishonor to her family.
  • In return, the stain of dishonor he's brought to his clan will be cleansed.
  • That the Liberal brand today is dirtied and dishonored is unquestionable, and an insult to the nation of people its leaders pledged to serve.
  • What does an honorable man do in times when dishonor rules supreme?
  • When detected in pilfering, they appear extremely foolish and ashamed, because it is superlatively dishonorable - not to steal - but to have failed in an attempt, the complete achievement of which would have added renown to their characters for dexterity and address. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • She will, above all else, never bring shame or dishonor to her family.
  • he was dishonorably discharged
  • The Kels, who had always welcomed me as one of them, felt I had brought deep dishonor upon their people.
  • Some US politicians try hard to undermine Sino - US relations by fabricating lies, which is really dishonorable.
  • He plans to make Desdemona slowly abhor Othello and to use Cassio as a means of cuckolding him, bringing nothing but hatred and dishonor to Othello's world.
  • The person posting here as such dishonors him, being a liar and all that … Think Progress » Right-wing publications receive exclusive credentials to cover the Tea Party Convention.
  • The Templar caste as a wholeand the zealots in particular , seethe with shame at this dishonor.
  • You begged me not to dishonor you before our marriage and like a fool I complied. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The wise will inherit honor, But fools display dishonor.
  • Religious exercises could not affect the social stain of dishonor.
  • You wouldn't want your clan to get a bad reputation for dishonorable behavior, even if it's uncalled for.
  • But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift.
  • There's a long, vaguely dishonorable list of pop hits that have been commonly misattributed.
  • Obama knows that the word dishonorable is used in the military to get rid of bad soldiers. Legitgov
  • The leader spoke out against ‘crimes of honor,’ specifically the murder of a woman by her husband whom she had allegedly dishonored by immodest or otherwise unacceptable behavior.
  • If he hadn't been a Kerry (with people covering for him) he would have been bounced out dishonorably and we wouldn't have had him whining during the elections. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Spurred on by the word dishonor, he had started instantly, without awaiting his leave of absence, risking his place and his future prospects; and, hurrying from steamships to railways, he had not stopped until he reached Paris. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Never yet has the word dishonor been breathed with my name, but I should count myself faineant if I did not fight beside my comrades when chance has made it right and proper that I should do so. Sir Nigel
  • However, the women were furious, and the elderly man had been dishonored and humiliated.
  • Still throughout the eighteenth century, even the most liberal commentators did not entirely lift the stigma of dishonor from insolvency.
  • Wooed by a man with dishonorable intentions, she found herself unwed, disgraced, and cast out.
  • Such discourse sanctions heresy and licentiousness; worldlings and the indevout applaud it, the tepid seem to consent to it, and the falsely devout approve it; it is a scandal to the weak, and a dishonor to religion. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • Wooed by a man with dishonorable intentions, she found herself unwed, disgraced, and cast out.
  • Matthew 10: 35 LXX translates MT with "dishonors" rather than "treats as a fool", but Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is all but impossible not to wish to stand well with your waiter: I have myself been often treated with conspicuous rudeness by the tribe, yet I have never been able to withhold the 'douceur' that marked me for a gentleman in their eyes, and entitled me to their dishonorable esteem. Complete March Family Trilogy
  • Bush, who has pushed so many boundaries these last seven years, may now also have pioneered a new phenomenon in higher education: the dishonorary degree (or, The Dis, for short). American Indigestion: Why Bush Governs From The Gut
  • He later "dishonorably" tried to take credit for helping it pass even though he was one of the biggest opponent to the bill .... Legitgov
  • You're going to take the shame of dishonoring your kingdom to your grave, I promise you that.
  • I would never willfully visit dishonor upon our house, but I will not abandon them.
  • No one else had the guts to stand up and talk about what happened, not just because of the sense of humiliation that inhibit sex crime victims anywhere, but because over here, in the honor cultures, "deflowered" virgins de facto dishonor their families and can be shunned or even killed by their own fathers or brothers. Nina Burleigh: Failing the Virginity Test
  • Saying that an ordinary death in combat was futile is hard enough, without being associated with others who call it criminal or dishonorable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Washington Post Editorializes in Praise of Harold Koh’s Drone Statement
  • Not to register and vote is to shame and dishonor our heroes.
  • Have the floors of our nation's television studios ever been more littered by dishonored prognostications than in the past twenty-four months?
  • You begged me not to dishonor you before our marriage and like a fool I complied. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • For a long time, the people lived under a martial law rule that dishonored human rights.
  • However, the reality is far from ideal in that the principle has been quite often dishonored, mostly in cases involving powerless ordinary people.
  • 'bushido' there's a whole lot of cowardly, dishonorable thought in your suggestion. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • This fringe and regional party has shrunk to a festering and rotten core that dishonors the once noble party of Lincoln. timothy 2012 on the ballot at conservative conference
  • I felt my health and strength decline; and such was the horror with which my mind was filled, at the idea of dishonor to my memory in the work most worthy of myself, that I am surprised so many extravagant ideas did not occasion a speedy end to my existence. The Confessions of J J Rousseau
  • The man who abandoned his shield was disesteemed by all; and the greatest dishonor was a shield fallen into the hands of the enemy.
  • The eagles of the mountain would not have found their name dishonored by these Michael Strogoff
  • It brought such shame and dishonor to the entire family.
  • It brought such shame and dishonor to the entire family.
  • cheating is dishonorable
  • The inspector general, relying upon the testimony of white citizens, recommended that the whole unit be given dishonorable discharges.
  • The corruptions and the other "dishonors" of the grave, and whatsoever composes the sting of death in the Christian view, is traced up to sin as its ultimate cause. Memorials and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • Before his mental eyes rose mental pictures of the events in his father's life: deeds of dishonor unregretted, that ate poisonously into Ivan's sensitive intelligence. The Genius
  • He dishonored the uniform and did not deserve to be a marine.
  • He knew he had disgraced himself and dishonored everything an FBI agent should stand for.
  • But tonight in light of the attacks by David Brooks on NPR (he called her dishonorable, parroting Newt Gingrich), I need to repeat something. Corrente
  • ‘Better be dead and forgotten,’ he concluded dramatically, ‘than living in shame and dishonor!’
  • The point is, hunger and the desire to assuage it had little, if anything, to do with honoring or dishonoring God on the Sabbath.
  • I won't name you because I don't want to unfairly bring dishonor to your organization.
  • For a long time, the people lived under a martial law rule that dishonored human rights.
  • Boykin dishonored the country by making his religious and political comments while in uniform. 9/11
  • In 1995 the science historian Gerald L. Geison ran a story in the New York Times illustrating that Pasteur gave a misleading account on his preparation of the anthrax vaccine (shall he be dishonored).
  • Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable. Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
  • Indiscreet and precarious tonsures have both dishonored the monachal habit and caused the name of Christ to be blasphemed.
  • In 1995 the science historian Gerald L. Geison ran a story in the New York Times illustrating that Pasteur gave a misleading account on his preparation of the anthrax vaccine (shall he be dishonored).
  • Wooed by a man with dishonorable intentions, she found herself unwed, disgraced, and cast out.
  • 1954 - Red Scare: The United States Senate votes 65 to 22 to condemn Joseph McCarthy for conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute.
  • Critics say splattering a station with a corporate name dishonors historic citizens and causes geographic confusion. A Whole New Name Game
  • Not quite yet, sir" -- Harry jumped before the door; "you give me the alternative of being what I call dishonorable or losing the woman I love! Stories of a western town
  • Here, without any further delaying in dishonor of Dick Cheney, I've decided to never use the word "dither" again from me, here are my top 11 favorite movies of 2007, and as usual, please feel free to add any you think I may have snubbed. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The eagles of the mountain would not have found their name dishonored by these "eagles" of the highway. Michael Strogoff : or the Courier of the Czar
  • Something is sacred or inviolable when its deliberate destruction would dishonor what ought to be honored.
  • Among gay men claiming that sexuality was a big factor in immigrating, ‘the first thing they feared was deep shame about dishonoring and hurting their families’ by coming out.
  • Taking away an honor from those who have acted dishonorably is not offensive - it's retaining them in a position of honor that is offensive.
  • But at the least, he'd stay on the sidelines, unwilling to dignify this dishonorable slime.
  • But Harry Truman inherited two great wars, an atom bomb and an ally, Joseph Stalin, about to dishonor his commitments and enslave half of Europe.
  • The court ordered him dishonorably discharged and sent to military prison for ten years.
  • Not to register and vote is to shame and dishonor our heroes.
  • The Kels, who had always welcomed me as one of them, felt I had brought deep dishonor upon their people.
  • They are dishonoring the dead with their irresponsible behavior.
  • Now, her brother, a soldier named Valentine, vowed revenge against the lover who had dishonored his sister.
  • They were an ignoble race not unlike the despicable Gorlocs, and they needed to be defeated for their dishonor.
  • There is something pathetically sad about people who would seek to honor something so dishonorable.
  • The mitral dishonorably meatloaf of oblivion, archaeozoic, schnecken and degradation in air beforehand the blowtube tittering lecturing. Rational Review
  • He knew he had disgraced himself and dishonored everything an FBI agent should stand for.
  • To confuse things further, although St. Paul viewed the homosexual acts he referred to as impure, “dishonorable,” and “shameless,” he didn’t say that they were evil or a sin. The God Box
  • I bring you the stately matron named Christendom, returning bedraggled, besmirched and dishonored from pirate-raids in Kiaochow, Manchuria, South Africa & the Phillipines, with her soul full of meanness, her pocket full of boodle, and her mouth full of pious hypocrisies. Mark Twain
  • Among gay men claiming that sexuality was a big factor in immigrating, ‘the first thing they feared was deep shame about dishonoring and hurting their families’ by coming out.
  • A better feeling, however, regarding labor and laborers, is beginning to prevail: these motions, which breathe the very spirit of slavery whence they are borrowed, are in a word dishonored, while they are gradually losing their hold on the heart, and their influence on the life. Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker
  • S: (v) dishonor, disgrace, dishonour, attaint, shame (bring shame or dishonor upon) “he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime” Think Progress » Defense Department Disavows Santorum’s WMD Claims
  • His service to Congress is tainted by this revelation, and as such his dishonor should be absolute in the adminstration of punishment! Think Progress » Accountability, Congress-style:
  • The troll who goes by the name of “Beethoven Rules” dishonors the name of Beethoven. Think Progress » President Obama’s choice for Office of Legal Counsel Dawn Johnsen withdraws her nomination.
  • In this week's column, "A Stand Up President", he tells us that, of course the problem w/Nicaragua was that the US govt stopped funding the Contras, not that Reagan "dishonorably" not impeachably went behind everyone's back to fund them, in contradiction to the law. Ghostwes: 50 Book Challenge
  • States of America after the war and during the period of reconstruction, he would have been designated, in the picturesque slang of the period, as a "scalawag"; for he not only deserted Napoleon in his final defeat and deepest woe, but joined his enemies, took office from the victors, perverted his public trust to private gain, and ended his career dishonored in the estimation of all true men. Reminiscences of the Civil War
  • We had to choose between death and dishonor.
  • That is dishonorable and punishable by death, if you follow the old samurai credo!
  • Then have you heard his name dishonored, found his tomb empty when you went there to pray? An Eagle Flight A Filipino Novel Adapted from Noli Me Tangere
  • Have you afterwards heard his name dishonored, have you found his tomb empty when you went to pray beside it? The Social Cancer
  • Dishonorably as kfc does no flashily external hard chockful despised in the apatosaur of the orthodoxy of attalea, mtv no riskily nonremittal cycad that is in the zinkenite of nightdress. Rational Review
  • But his reputation as a bad head of household dishonored him, and his undutiful behavior toward his mother followed him into the courtroom.
  • A dishonorable discharge, afterward, for insubordination.
  • When those within a community try to "excommunicate" and dishonor truth-tellers, it is our obligation and responsibility to speak out vehemently on their behalf and on behalf of the truth they bring.
  • They are dishonoring the dead with their irresponsible behavior.
  • he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime
  • But at the deliuerie of the monie, and by a certeine kind of hap, the Romans name was preserued at that time from such dishonor and ignominie as was likelie to haue insued. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8)
  • The union, which the law forbids, goes on without its sanction in dishonorable alliances. The Reason Why the Colored American is not in the World's Columbian Exposition: The Afro-American's Contribution to Columbian Literature
  • From time immemorial despots have imprisoned their opponents under particularly cruel conditions; they have tortured them, dishonored them, debased and executed them.
  • Generations of men and suffered, fought, and died to win the constitutional rights you so easily throw away in what can only be described as dishonorable cowardice. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • He dishonored the uniform and did not deserve to be a marine.
  • There is stronger sense of responsibility, with society honor versus dishonor view.
  • If I was a samurai in feudal Japan, I would have to harakiri myself out of dishonor and shame. Wajahat Ali: Fighting Wells Fargo and Foreclosure
  • In reality, the improbability that Bush will now decide to acknowledge any mistakes whatsoever, much less take full responsibility for the torture he knowingly authorized, means that unless we as a country are resigned to live with the stain of dishonor Sullivan so compellingly describes, it will be left to someone else to demand atonement for this ignoble legacy. Letters to the Editor
  • he acted dishonorably

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